Children's and Misses' Goats New, chick styles in Corduroy and Silk Plush, with fur collars and fur trimmed, some plain with wide belts; in black, navy, brown and tan; sizes 4 to 14. These are positively the best values we have ever seen. At The L. JGJG eOeOeeOeeJe I Stoves That Give t T Pt" t Y t ? V t Y ? Y Y Miller jMjeeJeeJeeJeeJeeJeeJe NOTICE Bids will be received until 8 o' clock p. m. Oct. 12. 1915, for the dig ging and laying of 1150 ft., more or less, of 4 In. Water Main on Platte avenue, between West 3rd and West 6th streets, also three Fire Hydrants, the City to furnish the pipe. Work to be done according to Plate and Specifications of the City of Alliance. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CARTER C ALDER, (SEAL) City Clerk. 43-2t-6034 NOTICE FOR IHDH Bids will be received until 8 o'clock p. m. Oct. 12, 1915, for 640 ft., more or less, of cement sidewalk, walks to be laid at the following premises, to wit: South side of lots 68. 69 and 70. 72, County Addition to Alliance, Ne braska; North side of lot 86, 87, 88, 99. County Addition to Alliance, Ne $4.9 and up $7.9 Horace It When you buy that stove this fall, consider well its mer its. First, you want a stove that is net exepnsive; second, you want a Btove that will give you the most heat from the leant amount of coal; third, you want a stove that will wear well under all conditions; fourth, you want a stove that will be an ornament to any room in which you place it a stove that will give off even heat and still be economical with coal. There are mighty few stoves that will give this sort of service and satisfaction, but the BUCK'S STOVES will do It. They are very steady, even heat when you coal bill. And wear? The without the replacement of any parts. That's a factor that should receive your most serious consideration in the pur chase of a stove of any kind. The Buck line also possess that beauty of style and finish that are so seldom found. The heat ers have beautiful nickeled trimmings, as have the cook stoves and ranges. A feature of a Buck stove is that it consumes all the gas right along with the coal a feurpi ising saving in coal. When better stoves are built. Buck will build them, as they have always held the lead in the stove procession and always will. Come in Now and See Our lleautiful Uiie A Wide Variety of Styles, Siie and Prices to Oioom From In Both Mange and Heat era Bros., Housefurnishers braska; East side of lot 91, County Addition to Alliance, Nebraska. Said sidewalks shall be construct ed in accordance with the specifica tions in ordinances Nob. Ill and 126 of the City of Alliance, Nebraska. CARTER CALDER, (SEAL) City Clerk. 43-2t-6036 NOTICE FOR IHDS Bids will be received until 8 o'clock p. m. Oct. 12. 1915, for the removal tt 1000 yds., more or less, of dirt, dirt to be removed from in front of the following premises, tow it: South side of lots 68. 69 and 70, 72, County Addition to Alliance, Ne braska; North. side of Lota 86, 87, 88, 89, County Addition to Alliance, Nebraska; East side of lot 91, Coun ty Addition to Alliance, Nebraska. Dirt to be removed at once under the directions of th Street Commis sioner. The Council reserves thj in to 30 $5.95 Bogue Store 3G Service I ? f t f f ? Y ? ? V t ? I economical in price; they give a want It, without running up your Buck wears for years and years t Y t y y y y y y y y y V f V ? y y y right to reject any or all bids. CARTER CALDER, (SEAL) City Clerk 43-2t-6035 jfolll K UK IIKAHIMi IN THE Col'NTV COCKT OK I50X IWTTK 4'Ol'NTV. NEIiltASKA. IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK SARAH A. SMITH. DECEASED. Notice U hereby given that on the !3rd day of October, A. I)., 1915. at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., fit aaid day, the follow, ing matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wlt? the petition of Emma E. Harrta, for the probate of a certain written Instrument now on file in aaid court, and purporting" to be the laat will and teatament of Sarah A. Smith, decerned, for the Hrant of letters text mentarv thereon, to H. K. Oilman. Paled September 14th, 115. L. A. BKHHY, (MEAL) County Judge. 4J4t-C47-04J NOTICE Or HEARING JS THE COUNTT COURT 4 OF ,,BOX 1EI 1 Bt'TTR COUNTY, NRFIRASKA. IN TUB MATTER OK TUB KSTATK OK i'KTHK U. HI,RACKI.,KN, DK CHASED. Notice la hereby given that on the 23rd day of October. A. D., 1915. at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, aald county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M of Maid day, the follow In matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wlt: the petition of Clement L. iSpracklen, for the probate of a certain written instrument now on tile in said court, and purporting to be the luxt will and testament of Peter I. Sprack len, deceased, for the grant of letters testamentary thereon, to Calvin J. Wll dy. Dated September 14th, 191R. I A. IlEKltY, (SEAL.) County Judge. 43-4t-648-6044 KOTICK OK IIKAHIXU IN THE COl'NTY COURT OK IIOX BUTTE COl'NTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK HKXltY C. SI'AULDINU. DE CEASED. Notice la hereby given that on the 23rd day of October. A. D., ISIS, at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, aald county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of aaid day. the follow Ins: matter will be heard and counter ed, to-wit: the petition of Chailea A. foavar, for the probate of a certain written Instrument now on file in aaid court, and purporting; to he an authen ticated copy of the laat will and teata nient of Henry C. SpauldinK. deceaaed, for the grant of letter of adminiatra tion with the will annexed thereon to Keith U. Pierce. Dated September 14th. 1915. U A. ItKllUV. ISK.V1.) County Ju1k". 4:i-4l-4-604.'! NOTM E OK II K A It IK' IN THE COl'NTY Col'HT OK I MIX Itl'TTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTTE OK FERDINAND BAST1N1. DE CEASED. Notice la hereby Kiven that on the 23j t day of October, A. D.. 1915. at the county com I room in the city of Alli ance, aald county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. of aaid day, the follow ing matter will be heard and conalder ed, to-wit: the petition of Samuel B. otto, for the probate of a certain writ ten inatrument now on file in aaid court, ami purporting to be an authen ticated copy of the laat ill and tea la ment of Ferdinand liaxtinK. deceaaed, for the . Kiant of letter tealunu-ntary thereon to Sitmuel II. otto. Dated September 14th. 1 f 1 r. . U A. BERRY. (SEAL.) County Judice. 43-4t-650-tifM2 MOTH K OK IlKAIilKU IN THE COUNTY COURT OK BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK CHARGES A CLARK, DECEAS ED. Notice la hereby given that on the 23rd day of October. A. D., 1915. at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, aaid county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. of aaid day. the follow ing: matter will be heard and conalder ed, to-wit: the petition of Annie Kaper, for the probate of a certain written In ati'umeiil now on tile in aaid court, and purporlinK to he an authenticated copy of the laat will and teatament of Charles A. Clark, deceaaed. for the Kiant of letter of admiiiiati ation with the will annexed, thereon to Calvin J. Wildy. Dated September 14th. 1915. U. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County JudRe. 43-4l-tiSl-041 t'Uaa in l'hyhical Culture The Alliance School of Music have organized a young ladies' class in Physical Culture and Folk Dance, with an attendance of ten very inter ested young ladies. We urge all others who expect to take up the work soon to meet with this class from 7 to 7:45 o'clock on Tuesday and Friday evenings of each week, at Woods Hall. Our rates are very reasonable, so that all young la dies may avail themselves of this opportunity. MATTIE C. GIFFORD. Physical Director. ROUND ABOUT TOWN The Young Men's Bible Club will meet this evening at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. F. Donovan, at the corner of 5th and Uig Horn. It was first announced that the meeting would be held in the Rapt 1st church. The boys' club of the Baptist church will meet In the basement of the church this evening. A number of athletic contests will be staged In the tine gymnasium, and later re freshments will be served. Miss Hazel Bowman, who is teach ing in the Hay Springs district, came over Saturday and remained until Sunday evening visiting with home folks. e Oliver Castle, of Yorktown, Iowa, who has been here for the past two weeks vlrltlng with relatives and friends, will leave this evening for Union, Nebr., accompanied by W. H. Swan, where they will visit for a few days. .' A son was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mr..s. W. A. Fields, who are staying at the Zehrung home. e Mrs. Matilda Hood and Miss Ella Thompson went to Antioch today for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. This week S. A. Senk makes his last trip on the road (or Grainger Bros., wholesale grocers, at Lincoln. Next week Mr. and Mrs. Senk will go to Mullen where he will take over the management of J. L. Rose berry's general store, which to on of the largest In Mullen. Mrs, Senk will attend to the bookkeeping. Lester Kincald returned to his home at Bingham today after being confined In the hospital for some time. Mrs. Kincald came up and re turned home with him. L. E. McElhaney, who has been visiting with relatives and friends' at Edgemont for the past several weeks, returned to Alliance the first of this week. e Miss Golda Browne returned to her home at Denver today after a few weeks' visit here with her sister, Mrs. V. G. Rusroiu. e e i Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schlll returned home today from an extended trip, on which they visited In Florida. Philadelphia, New York, Washington D. C, and in Canada. They have been away about six weeks. e Mrs. Howard Timmel and daugh ter, and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Koehne, departed today on an east era trip for a visit with relatives and friends. They expect to visit at Washington, D. C, Philadelphia, and other points before returning home. ' Drs. Beck of Denver and Ramsey of Pueblo, federal veterinarians, have located In Alliance to assist In the work of Inspection for rabies In cattle. . Clyde Shipler of Mounts Barber Shop, returned Friday morning from a vacation of ten days, spent In Col orado. When Bruce McGrowell, Clyde's "side partner", heard that he was coming back, he laid off for a day cleaning up his automatic shot gun, preparing for another fall hunt. C. A. Don, of the Newberry Hard ware Company, went to Hyannls last week on the booster train, to put the local light plant, there In oprHtion for the picture show. He returned that night. The Woman's Club will meet Trl- day afternoon with Mrs. B. F. Pon- ath. The program will include a roll cull of 'he doings of proi"lnMt women; a review of summer magaz ines with Mrs. Nellie Wilson as the leader; an instrumental solo by .Mrs. Ward Norton. Mrs. Schenck, of Scottttbluff , M'.- ter-in-law of W. C. Schenck, Hurlinu ton engineer, died Wednesday of last week in an Omaha hospital where she was taken for an opera tion, which did not prove Miicregaful. Interment whs made at Kcottablufl'- e e Lowry & Henry received a carload of Sttideba Iter aiiiiiK iiieauuv. iitts have been sold to Dick Strong end Lee Sturgeon of Alliance. Joe Sin- ford of Mitchell ami Mr. Swiii leiiinn of Gering. Herbert Robinson is the purchaser of a new Dodge car. Clare Kerr, cashier at the Burlinp ton freight house, returned Monday morning from a vacation of seven teen days which included an extend ed western trip. He went to Seattle, San Francisco, where he attended the fair, Los Angeles, and back via Salt Lake City and Denver. Serial No. 017164. Not ire for Publication . Iwolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S Land Ofllce at Alliance, Nebraska August 14, 1915. NOTICE la hereby given that, at directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under auovisioni of Sec. 24 55, R. 8., pursuant to the application of James E. Rice, Serial No. 017164. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than 12.50 per acre, at 10 o clock A. M., on the 12th day of Oc tober, next, at this office, the follow ing tract of land: The V(4 NE'4 Sec. 33. T. 23 N.. R. 47 W., 6th P M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. T. J. O'KEEFE. Register. J. C. MORROW, Receiver, aug 19-8t-597t SAGE IE PUIS LIFE AMD COLOR IN IB Don't stay gray! Sage Tea and fUd phur darkens hair so natural! that nobody can telL Yen can turn btt, f;wlH hair be-. t-1 fully dark and lustrous almost rer tiin'.t If you'll Rt a ftO cent bott! of "Worth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" at nnr drug store. Million of bottles of this old, f anion Snge 'lea Recipe are soldi anniuillT. sity a well-known drunriet here, herniine it darkens the hair m nutiirnl'.y nnd evrnlv that no one as tdi ii, has lHn applied. T!ioe wlme hiir i turning gray, be c.T..ji;f fded. dry, teraggly and this) Vh' a surprise awaiting them, bncjuse after one or two npplicution the gray hilr vnnUliee nnd vour locks become luxuriantly d.trk sn.l beautiful -all dn- drutT goes, scalp itching and falling l.ilr Stop. This is the age of youth. GrsV'hir4. unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Pnh phur to-night and you'll- be delig1ite with your dark, handsome hntr and your youthful appearance within a few asya, CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RATES k The eharare for beta iaj lar and epeouU editions la le Br wit0 per inseruen, sis woraa to ute snev Advertiser so deal rl ds may have ass ewers to their edvertlaeaaeot eaaee" e4 to a box number, ear ef Tae Bar aio. Advertisement charged to aalMetaf having; aeeounts are measured by Km line, not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot fee reanes' slble for more than one wrong Inssr tlon due to trpogranhleal error. We e Intra for error can be allowed efMS the 10th of the following; month. Aw advertisement Inserted to ran forbidden must be stopped by willless order. FOR SALE Brick house, con' pletely modern. Good barn. Oroinda fully Improved. Also several reaV dence lots. L. H. HIGHLAND. Jl-tf-5830 FOR SALE: Bargain In five roots cottage at 116 Missouri avensav Large rooms. Renting for 1S per month. In good repair. Price $10M DR. OEOROG J. HAND, 29-tf-6690 FOB RE JIT ROOMS FOR'RENf 2"setsof' fi?hYWuS5r keeping rooms. Modern, and nicely" furnished. Phone 529, or call at 21t Yellowstone. 41-tf-6018 FOR RKWTBPglWEM PROPEBTT FOR RENT Brick building, dosm town location. Suitable for garaga or blacksmith shop. See, phone or write B. C. Anderson, Alliance. Phone 6 or 358. S9-tf-5016 FOR SALE MiaCElXAlVEOira FOR SALE REASONABLE JW- ond-hand Ford touring car in good running condition. GEO. F. SNYDER. 40-tfi5023 FOR SALE Good auto-player pe- ano. "Ninety records go with It. til- quire Robert Campbell, Alliance, N- orasxa. 4i-4t-e9 FOR SALE LANDS FOR SALE OR TRADE 2720 .-.--12 ilee ue res, 20 miles south of Alliance, miles east of Angora, and 6 m from Lynn. 11 -room frame he and other good ranch improveme Cuts 600 tons of hay. Price $11 per acre, 10 years' time on 125,' ..) 00 or more. School on luud. Geo. Workman, Lynn. Nebn -k.. 4 2-tf-602r, l.OMI HIST A kit of aulo t..-U ).-tv ft the Catholic church an I t'i" CYine r . Finder return to ll. ialil o;tV,. ttnl celve reward. 41-lt-fi(m LOST At Fair 'Iiounis on Li K..f" Day, a bl.'ck uiubiclhi. square i-uf handl Notlfj Mtu. Harvry !lar; -r. , Phiin.' 417. 40-tf-.j(2 4 MI41 Kl.L.t-tKOIja Money to loan on real estate. tf K. E. KE-DDldBV RKCURD FOR THAI SMEW Railroad men can secure a very ua- ful book at The Merald office. It la of dally time book for trainmen and - . finemen. The price Is reasonable -tf-r728 MONEY TO LOAN on your landV Write the First Mortgage Loan A. $- curity Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 27-tf-4933 MOVE FCKXITl'KK SAF3LV We have equipped our dray wag' ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all moving job. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15. 37-tf-5950 Buy your receipt books, legal blanks, blank notes, all kinds of blanks at The Herald office. Price reasonable. A big assortment. Office blanks and blank loose-leaf books for sale at The Herald office. Phone 340 and a representative will call. TENANT WANTED for two tions of land, Improved, eight mile from Alliance. Write J. F. Dioeea. Columbus, Nebr. 41-tf-016 STRAWBERRY PLANTS ahonU be set out during September. Bar them from J. P. Barger, Phone 9. . J8-7t-4l THOROBRED Jersey milk cow fee sale. KrAafc. Four years old. Tsnae and gentle. Phone Spruce 1041. Vie CovaJt. Alliance. Nebr. 4J-4t-030 n