lOCAlIM lw mi Mrs. J. F. F.lllott wan down from Hemlnpford last Saturday shopping Frecli ft.-l Friday at . lUMlnetV Store. Mis K. Catherine Moore arrival Tur-sday from Lake Preston, 8. I)., to accept a position an bookkeeper and tenographer in the Herald office. A concrete door step was built Sunday at the front of Fred Ilehder's naloon. A. K. Grebe wai over from Scotts bluff the drat of this week vlsltlm? with his brother, M. K. Grebe, and family. nulk apple., HO rent per bushel. Johnatruin Apples, M mt barrel, at lUxlgera Htore. Mrs. J. T. Byrne departed Monday for her home at Greeley, Nebr., after a few days' visit here with Mrs, James Cobey. Elmer Kronwall and Clare Kerr returned Monday from a two weeks' islt at the San Franciuoo exposition and other western points. Chief Despatcher A. V, Gavin went to Omaha Monday to assist the Ilurlington in their preparations for bandling the Immense wheat crop or r the state. Puritan Flour, $l.7ft per sack, at ItodgerV Htore. Mrs. W. J. Hoot went to Hyannia last Wednesday to visit with friends and to attend the Home Day celebra tion. Mrs. Robert Monfort and Agnes Duncan went to Hyannis Friday to attend the Home Day celebration. They returned home Sunday. Miss Francis Nolan came over Friday from Chadron, where she is attending normal, to apend the week end with home folks. Mrs. B. T. Hedges went to Hyan- n's Friday to visit and attend the Home Day celebration. FRKHI1 MK ATS All kinds, mat ton, pork, beef, and chickens. Rodger' Grocery, Phone 84. 17-tf-5660 time his fine was raised to $25 and routs. instead of the usual $5. He will now have time to regain his so briety during his fifteen days' work on the streets. Mlis Mayhelle Tawrence, of Ango ra, and Miss Delia Watson, of Berea, were here Monday visiting and shop ping. " , Sheriff F. O. Aaron, of Srotts Bluff county, waa here Bunday and Monday with Will Jordan, whom he was taking from Lincoln to Scotts- bluff for trial in- the Layton case. Com pi on. Clair, and Merrill, and Privates Harvey, Kowalsh, and Ru dolph see Skinner's Macaroni Products, flade In Nebraska. Ask your groc- r. Adv. The Maryland Tribune said last week that the former publisher of that paper, Rev. C. II. Burlelrh, had moved an outfit to Hemlngford, and would soon begin the publication of a new paper at that place. e L. A. Klrkpatrick last week resign ed his position in the Times office Isaac Hockey was down from Hem-1 and went to Mitchell Monday to take Ingford Monday looking after bust- a position in the Mitchell Index of ness matters and visiting with I nee f,ian1a U'hll In Inwn Mr. Hockey I rn,l t the Herald office and ad- rain saiuraay ana aunaay put vanced his subscription another the roads In bad condition notch. FREKII M RATH All kinds, mut ton, pork, beef, and chickens. Rodger' Grocery, Phone 54. !7-tf-660 C. K. Furman, enroute from Cut- bank, Mont., to South Omaha, fed a bunch of Mexican stuff here last Fri day. There were twenty-seven 4 4- foot carloads. Mr. Furman is from Tabor, Alberta, Canada, and has had this st6ck on the reserve. Campbell Primrose, traveling rep- ror a short time. It was a steady rain soaking Into the ground as It came down, which allowed none of It to run off the sides of the roads. Mrs. A. M. Preston came up from York Saturday and remained until Monday visiting with her husband. who is at present traveling out of Al liance for tahe J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company. Mrs. Jerry Rowan, Mrs. W. E. Spencer and Mrs. W. W. Norton de parted Monday for Norfolk to attend the twentieth annual convention of the Nebraska Federation of Women's resentatlve, and O. A. Bass, assistant Clubs, which convenes at that city superintendent of the Denver Dlst- this week. The Alliance delegates rlct of the International Correspond- were joined here by Mrs. C. L. Sayre, ence Schools, of Scranton, Pa., were vice president of the sixth district, In the city Saturday, calling on stud- and Mrs. A. A, Kearney and Mrs. P. ents of the schools and closing up scholarship contracts. Mrs. H. A. Copsey went to Broken Bow Saturday for a few days' visit with relatives and friends STORAGE COAL at lowest prices. Forest Lumber Company. S6-tf-6041 Max Wilcox has been elected ec rtiary of the commercial club ut Bridgeport, which organization Mrs, W. Remender, of Morrill, and C. M. Matheny, of Scottsbluff, Some of the duck hunters report a plentiful supply of the birds these days. The recent cold spell has started the larger specimens of the feathery tribe southward. This gives some of the hunters a larger target (which in some cases is badly need ed), and they have more to show for their labor when they return home ija, Sunday morning waa ideal for duck vet been revived. Max is tnakl.13 1 . r , : " n" -.lttiA.lrtttj4v ml at v wou t nor a tin KUUU ill inn new imaiiuu, lumi, . . . . . . fc secretaryship Is oult- an honor to mu "r" u.u"1- tie young man. LaX week the W. R. Harper De- C. C. Smith came In last Thursday fartraf n,1 Sntorf h.aV?. f'L16 from Omaha, ,1... n.t ntno " . I m n r t m n liar no mnflul, in t na lihntV 0mm I luuuio u 1 iuv uiiuuiaiiuivia, a - 1 . Mrs. Kd. Hllliker and daunhter pictures were gooa ana gave tne wo Nell came in last Thursday from men folks an laea 01 correct lusnions Fremont for a short stay here with for the coming winter. Mr. Hilliker, who is connected with the French war horse Inspections. Conley Miller and family have 0 9 9 I luuvru 1 11 1 w iuo iuviiio un iuc dcvuiiu mi k Kthol White and Don Plehn floor of the Coors building, at the thousand recruits, and that only two hundred of these were able to attend the reunio..n. After leaving Des Moines Mr. and Mrs. Wiker visited a few days with friends at Muscatine, la. Mrs. Mary Dineen. of Mitchell, and niece, Miss May Schafer, of Scotts bluff, were here Tuesday visiting with relatives and friends enroute to their homes, after an extended visit at Columbus, Madison, and other points in that part of the state. Francis Schafer returned Friday from his vacation, which was spent at Chicago, Denver, Columbus, Mad- Ikoii and other points In Nebraska. He proceeded to Scottsbluff the same day for a short visit, returning to Al liance the first of the week to resume his duties in the master mechanic's oflice. All the superintendents and mas ter mechanics on the Burlington lines west of the river were in Oma ha last week attending an economy meeting. General Supt. E. E. Young, Division Supt. W. M. Weldenhamer, and Master Mechanic J. O. Dole were present from Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Feaglns de parted Monday for San Francisco, where they will attend the exposi tion. They will visit several other western points before returning. WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body, and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat it? cause by enriching your blood with the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a building-tonic, free from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it. Scott & Bo woe, Btoomfield, N. J. Spe were married at Scottsbluff Sunday. Both these young people are known by Alliance people, more especially the groom, and all Join In extending congratulations. TUAINMEN'S dally time books for corner of Second and Box Butte. C. P. Wakeman came up from his ranch near Antioch Saturday for a few days with Mrs. Wakeman, and friends. Mitchell, Hlliker, Simpson. Carley, sale at The Herald office for twenty ed Monday for Douglas, Wyo.. Ford rantaln LeClare and Maior Hue went! cents each. Ask to sea them. overland, for a short visit with rela to Chadron Sunday and will hold a . tlvea and friends. From Douglas mm. uany ouruun auu uhukuipi mey Will go lO taryrnae lor a suon STORAGE COAL at lowest prices. Forest Lumber Company. 36-tf-6941 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fisher depart- French war horse Inspection at that ! jplace this week. J. II. Harpham, of the Harpham "Bros. Harness Company Lincoln, was here Saturday looking after bus iness matters and visiting with the local agents for the firm, the Rheln Rousey Company. ' Mrs. F. L. Potmesll. Mrs. C. W. Graham, Miss Rosie Carroll, and Mrs. Lena Britton were .down from IlemLngford Saturday visiting with friends,' and shopping. ' Mrs. Doris Young went to Omaha Monday to visit with friends and to be present at the Ak-Sar-Ben festivi ties, in which she is maid of honor to the queen, representing Box Butte county. The carnival opened yes terday and will continue until the first of next week. When Robs Watson was released from the city Jail, where he had been serving a sentence, Friday morning, it was supposed he would reform for at least a few days and let firewater alone. But Ross was tioi so disposed, and Friday evening he wiis again picked up by the officer on a charge of drunkenesa, and this i Margaret returned Tuesday from visit and will then go to Denver, I Scottsbluff where they had spent a where Mr. Fisher will have charge of few days with Mr. Buehner, who is I working there. i ... Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wheeler were here Tuesday from Bingham visiting with friends and looking after busi ness matters. Dan Barrlnger was over from Scottsbluff the first of this week look ing after business matters and visit ing with friends. McKlnley Westervelt and Jesse lllnea autoed over from Scottsbluff Monday, returning Tuesday. HOTEL ROME OMAHA C. E. Klrkgessner, the horse buy er, was here from South Omaha last Thursday. He returned to South Omaha that evening. FKESH MEATS All kinds, mut ton, pork, beef, and chickens. Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 54. I7-tf-5660 Mrs. J. A. Wltowack. with her lit tle daughter Eva, went to Heming ford Tuesday for a short vialt with her mother, Mrs. D. A. Campbell. They will return home Friday. What Brand of Matches Do Yen Use? Who : :u!;c3 vhera? Are llicy poisonous or non-pcisonouj i Are the sticks long and strong or short and weak ? Do the heads fly oil or do they stay on ? Do they burn evenly or explosively? If people knew as much about matches as they should, they would use Safe Home Matches made by the Diamond Match Company. 5c. All grocers. Ask far them by name. The Diamond Match Company the Box Butte county exhibit at the Dry Farming congress. They expect to be away about two weeks. The members of the Knight Tem plars of Alliance marched to the Drake hotel In uniform at 6:30 Tues day evening and partook of a ban quet in honor of Grand Commander George Wllletts, Jr., of McCook, who paid the lodge an official visit on that evening. Lloyd Smith, who is traveling for the O. W. Todd Company, departed Monday for Crawford and other points after a short stay in Alliance visiting with home folks and attend ing to business matters. Grand Lecturer Robert E. French, of the Masonic order, was here the latter part of last week holding a school of instruction for local Mas ons. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wiker returned last week from Des Moines where he attended the eighteenth annual reun ion of Crocker's brigade. Mr. Wiker said that there were now only four hundred survivors from the six Room Without Bath $1.00 or $1.25 Room With Bath $1.50 Up Cafe Prices Moderate ROME MILLER Proprietor Mellow-Sweet like the toothsome taste of a ripe fig is the rich juicy flavor you get in a chew of Spear Head. No other plug tobacco is so mellow, so luscious and so satisfying as ar Head PLUG TOBACCO The choice leaf for SPEAR HEAD is selected with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, is pressed into Spear Head plugs so slowly that not a drop of the rich natural juice escapes. Chew the rich and mellow tobacco that has been the favorite for a third of a century that's SPEAR HEAD. TMC AMERICAS) TOBACCO CO. Always the Best Work PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING Estimates gladly furnished Work guaranteed to pieaac PHONE BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES ALLIANCE NEBR. MOM "POISON Qti;! IP Mr. and Mrs. Y. N. Matthews and Mrs. 11. O. Miniiuk wer here from Kllsworth Tuesday shopping and vis iting with friends. Mrs. F. Seidell, who hud been here for the past two weeks visiting her son K. M. Seidell and family, de parted Tuesday for Omaha where she will visit a Bhort time with rela- tles and friends. From Omaha she : will no to Iowa to vialt with a son who is attending a veterinary col lege. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey, who went to Lincoln a short time ago to take the state chiropractic examination, received word Tuesday that they had passed the test satisfactorily, their general averaged being 92 Vi and 90, respectively. The passing grade is 75, so they both came through with honors. Orville Davenport has resigned his position in Fleming's cigar store, and has taken a position In the yard of fice, assuming his new duties the first I of this week. t ! Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Wilson were up from Antioch the ttrst of this week visiting with relatives and friends. ! I S. P. risel, accompanied by his ' wife and daughter, passed through I Alliance enroute to their home at Kllsworth Tuesday from Rushville, f where he had gone to assist In ad justing the school trouble In his dis trict. The Fort Hobinson Military Band i passed through Alliance Saturday on I their return from Hyannis, where they furnished the music for the Home Day celebration. Those who composed the band were Chief Mu slclan Edward J. Ileinrlch. Principal Musician Henry, Chief Trumpeter Walsh. Sargents McGlnnls. Olbler and Smith, Corporals Estrelado Business Man Praises Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Successful Merchant After Investigation Found a Remedy That Re stored Hit Health. "This In Thaiiksajivnitf day In the ata.t of Pennsylvania, and 1 want to tltvott a part of It in writing a leltt r t you. On tlitt 2 .Hi day of KuvintMr. 10, I .i Btrii ken with heart trouble. My family pliyi'la cnll.'d it Anajiru lwtirla. i from one to Ave attack in 24 tiouvs. Id the Uttiir part of . 1 -vnitr, UlO. I mf ti the for information con cerning my ra. and In reply 1 received a very kind and instructive letter, which I handed lu my family doctor, and he told me to use your Remedies In connection with the medicine he cave me. so I did. I ued rtve bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and seven bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine. I was confined to the house for about four mouths. Yhe si-iton of my heart Is now, and has be. n normal for the last six months. I c.in Mily ntcoinmend Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart K-medy to do what th.'y ure intended for. If Used according to directions. I thank you kindly for your lu. In answer to my monthly reports 1 am now sixty seven years of age. have been In the mercantile business for tlilriy-flve years and lived retired for the last th' risen yearn." A. V. HOUJNCKR. lincoln, Peunn. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy la sola ana guaranteed by all druggists. a MILES MEDICAL CO., Elknart, laV 1 Miles Medical Co.. I f t t y y v t Y ? Y ? t Y ? ? ? Y Y Y Y. V Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Farri Purinton &7Vlaroy LIVE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA 110-112 Exchange Building Telephone So-34 We are working for your interests and appreciate your business. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y X