BEST FOR THE WEST DONAHUE-RANDALL & CO. Live Salesmen of Live Stock WE SORT THEM RIGHT WE FILL THEM RIGHT WE SELL THEM RIGHT WE WEIGH THEM RIGHT WE TREAT OUR PATRONS RIGHT YOU'LL SAY WE'RE RIGHT IF YOU CONSIGN YOUR NEXT SHIPMENT OF EITHER CATTLE, SHEEP OR HOGS TO US. WRITE OR WIRE US FOR RELIABLE MARKET INFORMATION IT'S FREE FOR THE ASKING. SOUTH OMAHA Rooms 100-102 Exchange Huilding .. .. . . . . ' - WE SOLD THE HIGHEST PRICED RANGE EVER SOLD ON THIS MARKET ARNOLD BROS., SOUTH DAKO TA, AT $10.00; ALSO SOLD HIGHEST PRICED LOAD FEEDERS EVER SOLD ON OPEN MARKET JOHN 0 MAHNKIN, MONT., $8.85. T. J. DONOHUE, Steer Salesman ATiliHN J. KANDALL, Cow Salesman WM. FRAZIKR, Pres. and Steer Salesman BILLIE LYNAM, Sec.-Treas., Cow Salesman Feeder Buying of Cattle and Sheep A Specialty pRAZIER-jOHMSOM LIVE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA REFERENCE Any Bank in Omaha or South Omaha n OFFICE Northwest Corner First Floor New Exchange Bldg. PHONE South 1193 CATTLE PENS Blocks No. 38 and 39 Our Salesmen Are Members of the Firm Write us for Our Free Booklet It Will interest You Represented at Chicago by Alexander, Ward and Conover n SHIP YOUR STOCK TO verijf Brother Live Stock Commission Merchants Particular Attention Given to the Selling of Ranch Cattle, Stackers and Feeders We Sell 'Em High and Fill 'Em Full UNION STOCK YARDS SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA r us TEN YEARS AGO raid of September 21, 10O3 1 y A deal has been consummated whereby the plant, nubRcrlptton list and good will of the Pioneer Grip Publishing company of the city pass es Into the ownership of H. J. Ellis, of the Times, and T. J. O'Keefe, of the Herald, the last issue being Fri day of this week. F. M. Droome has been connected with the Grip In the rapacity of editor for eighteen years, it being the oldest paper In the county, having been established at Nonpareil twenty years ago. The Democratic and Peoples' par ties nominated their candidates at the county convention held iu the court house last Saturday afternoon. The ticket was composed of I). K. Spacht for clerk, C. W. Brennan for treasurer, W. 8. Uidgell for Judge, H. E. MacCray for sheriff. Dr. O. W. Mitchell for coroner, oJhn 1. Haz ard for surveyor, and J. W. Christy for county commissioner. A marriage license was issued to day to Charles E. Heath and Miss Lena Bauer, young people who live northeast of Alliance. . F. A. Hlvely has taken the position. in the general superintendent s office vacated by B. C. Johnson, F. A. Fierson of the trainmaster's office taking lilvely's place in the superin tendent's office. Stanley Civish shipped two cars of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday, L. H. Neeland also shipping two cars. Win. O'Mara was down from his ranch in Sheridan county Tuesday. Will has had another affliction in the C-nth of his youngest child, a bright littl girl of two years. He surely has bad his share of sorrow during the present year. mnnttitMiiiiiinnmmnmmmtninmimnntntiHiiiimttn BECOME AN EXPERT AUTOMOBILIST BY ATTENDING THE AMERICAN Automobile College 2059 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA You can soon become export under the instruction of our able teachers. It will pay you well, whether you wish to be come a professional chauffeur or handle only your own car. No dealer is properly equipped for his business without this instruction. We do auto repairing and rebuilding, self starter repair ing, etc., giving students practical knowledge under the in struction of experts who know how to teach others. AVrite at once for further information, which will be glad ly given free upon request. Harry Kelley, cashier at the freight house, resigned Saturday and has taken a position with the Inter national Harvester company as trav eling salesman with headquarters at Alliance. r E 1 u' HiKty's Dnhhlino-c u Of all the Involuntary perform ances, most persons get the moat sat isfaction out of a sneeze. An Alliance man says he is satis fied with bis home and his surround ings. The trouble is that bis sur roundings part of the time anyway are so far from bis home. ' Harry Thaw declares that he is not ! the father of Evelyn's boy, Hussell, and that be will prove It In court. All of wmch would indicate that the Pittsburg ladies are going to muss up -each other considerably to get front Beats at that trial. Daughter is always afraid Mother will listen when her sweetheart is making love to her. Mother, being v.oe, beiuom wates her time that way. She knows Bhe wouia oniy near the same old line of "bull" that Father carried when he was court ing. GRAN GRAN Bad luck gets the blame for a lot of shiftle88ness and 'incompetency that needs an alibi. Beautiful thought for the day: "Never put off creditors to put on style." The ordinary human being is so suspicious that if you do him a favor he gets so busy wondering what you are trying to work him for that ho forgets to thank you. A German scientist has recently discovered that girl infants talk be fore the male species. We always knew who got the last word, but not until now did we know that they gat the first word, too. Worth Their Weight In Gold I have used Chamberlain' Tab let and found them to be Just as represented, a- Quick relief for head aches, ditiy speUa and other symp tom denoting a torpid liver and a disordered condition of the digestive organs. They are worth their weight In gold," writes Mis Clara A. Driggs, Elba, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Buy your receipt book, legal blank, blank note, all kind of blank at The Herald office. Price reasonable. A big assortment. An exchange tells of a case where a. hnraa iravtt a man a "hateful" kick. This statement is highly educational, as most people were of the opinion that a horse or a mule just gave soft "love pats . "France InsDires Kipling." say a headline. However, this doesn't mean much, as Kipling once received an inspiration from a bull ngnt. Another headline say that the Dutch have an Important part In the war. Making sauer kraut? A Kansas City Judge recently freed a prisoner who came back after his parole with bis hand horny and calloused. Get the moral! ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. WE PERSONALLY HANDLE AND SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS. ASK FOR OUR MARKET CARD. IT CARRIES OUR ELEVATOR BID, CASH SALES, ETC. SEND IN SAMPLES FOR GRADE AND PRICE. Blanchard - Nisvonger Grain Company OMAHA NEBRASKA i ATLAS REDWOOD I iJ22.KvAND TANKS i W W fast Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other material, and cost less money. These tank will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred UoUten, Manager, 1 102 W. O. W. Wdg., Omaha, Neb. KUtcknien, Attention! . For good services and high sales consign your shipments to the Mis souri Live Stock Commission Co., South St. Joseph, Mo. Write us for market reports or other information. Adv-tf Herald want ads bring results. Try them. Phone 349.