KENNISON BACK AT PEN fScoM Muff oiint MnrlTr turned t IVn Aflor hojoiini nt NoMifTM Homo There was n prat nmoinil of com ment several weekii rpo ly ihe SottB ltlitfl rounly papem and other papers over the Hate hb H1 when Krnest Kennlson. nerving; a twenty-two your nentehee In t li MhIp penitentiary for the murder or Sam Vox near Scotts bluff, whs gfipinitiKly paroled and nent to this part of the (dale by the board of control. The hoard nave no explanation of their artion In the matter, and this canned even more conjecture as to the leave Riven the prisoner. It now developa that Ken nlson was aent to (Jiand Inland to do some work in the soldiers' home, hut was last week returned t the penl tentlary when trouble developed be tween him and the cook at the home. The board of control simply slated that Kennison had flniBhetd the work he had been sent to perform, and save no further explanation. The following la clipped from the Lincoln Daily Star In regard to the matter: Ernest Kennlson. serving a term of twenty-two years for the murder of Sam Cox In Scotts Bluff county, has been returned to the state penitenti ary from the soldiers' home at Grand Island, where he was sent to do some work during the summer, by the board of control's order. Kenni son was brought back after Borne trouble had developed between him and the cook at the Institution. According to Chief Clerk O'Con nell at the prison. Kennlaon came back after "finishing up the work he was sent to perform." The difficulty between Kennison and the cook, said O'Connell, was not serious. From another source, the impression was received that the commandant at Grand Island asked to hav Kennlson removed. Kennison Is now holding, down his old Job a a trusty at the penitentiary gate. He virtually has the freedom of the buildings and grounds, and is allowed to go outside. Prison ollic iuls say he gives them IHtJe or no trouble. It was not known that Kennison had been released from the peniten tiary and sent to the Uraud Island home until some time afterward, wheu he got permission from Ward en Fenton to visit his wife in Scotts niuff county, who was III. His re appearance In the vicinity of his crime surprised the people there, and some criticisms have Bince been pub lished on account of his being let out of the penitentiary. the price of lots in FAIUVIKW Addi tion becomes, because. It I tbe moM deoirable and "choicy" location It) the entire city, besides having th advantage of being so closely adja cent I" the business section Any Hanker in the city; any business man who is worthy of the name, will tell you. we ate sure, that a lot In FAIU VIKW Addition is as good an invest ment as you can possiMy nno just itsk them and see. IT 3E 3E 1 F.lmer Weir had the misfortune to badly break his engine while carry ing the mall Monday, lie drove to Alliance Tuesday Tor repairs, return ing that evening. True Miller and lv T. Knyeart accompanied him to Alliance. Marsland Tribune. ness. Kay Smith and A. T. Crawford recently marked the-road from here to llarrlsburg la good shape, and so that automobiles should have no more trouble In the future in keeping on the right road. A sign board painted in black and white with a big hiatoon "8" in the center, will indicate that travelers are on the right track. Theue sign boards were placed at every turn, in fact, wherever there could be a pos sible chance for anyone to take the wrong turn. From Harrlshurg to Fine Ulufls. Wyo., black and white signs have also been erected, com pleting the marking of the best road from Alliance to where it Joins the Lincoln Highway at Fine llluffs. Scotlsbluff Star-Herald. Guy Allen and wife of Alliance have been the guests of Mr. Allen's parents for two weeks. Miss Opal liUHsell, or Alliance, county sup erintendent of Ilox Unite county, was the guest of Miss Delia Strong, yesrterdaj. Ilridgeport Herald. Among the good people up from Alliance to the Trl-State Fair Friday were Kditors Thomas or the Herald and liroome of the News, but who were too busy to find the latch-key of the Courier oflice. Crawford Courier. Frank Hall who lives near North port is reported as getting along nice ly in the hospital at Alliance where he has been confined owing to the In fection of a gland in bis neck. Mrs. J. M. Lynch departed Wednes day for Alliance to accompany her husband home. Mr. Lynch has been In the hospital at Alliance recovering from nn operation for apendicitis. C. II. Glbbs or Alliance was in this city Wednesday on his way rrom ScottsblufT where he had been visit ing relatives. Mrs. H. M. An derson and daughter of Alliance was in this city the first of the week visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. O. G. 1'utman. John Wiker of Alli unce was hepre last Tuesday on his way to Sidney where he attended to business matters. On his return he stopped over here Wednesday to at tend the fair. Bridgeport News-Made. Fred Harsh man and Ted McElwee met with quite a serious accident last Sunday evening when they were camping, near the Itayard headgate, In quest of ducks. The boys had Just returned to their tent after the evening shooting was over and were cooking their supper over a gasoline torch. Ted was pumping the gas and Fred was listening to hear whether or not the air was going in to the tank, when it exploded, throw ing gasoline all over the tent and its contents. Both the boys were seri ously burned about the hands and face, and escaped with only what clothes they had on, which was not very many, and their shotguns. After getting the fire put out the boys trudged back to town barefooted in search of "home and mother" and medical attention. They will both be absent from Bchool for several days and may have a few scars to carry- thru life to remember their escapade Mlnatare Reporter. An investment in a lot in FAIR VIEW Addition beats government bonds all to pieces; It beats railroad stock; is better than bank stock, for. no matter what happens, you can't keep Alliance down. Alliance will always be THE City of Western Ne braska. Its growth ia steady, yet fast; its enterprise is unchallenged the more it broadens out, the higher Mr. and Mrs. Emil Crumroy were passengers to Alliance Monday for a short stay, returning the following (day. Geo. Hughes was in from I Martindale Thursday and was a pas senger to Alliance for a short viBlt I with his family. J. L. Over j man returned last week from Alli ance, having been relieved from his I duties us foreman in the Burlington .yards at that point. Ashby Argus. Max Wilcox or Bridgeport was a I Sunday visitor In this city. J. I C. Morrow, or Alliance, spent a day or so In this city recently on busl- No favorites, no pets the labor ing man the capitalist the farm er, the bloated bond holder all meet on a level plane on Wednesday, Oc tober 20, 1915, in Fulrview Addition on which day that very desirable Plat of forty-two lots will be thrown open to entry no private sales everything open and above board each lot put up separately and the highest bidder gets the lot only $10 down and $5 a month thereafter. Can you conjure up anything in which you could put your money and be absolutely safe, that would bring you more returns than un Investment in one or more lots in FAIIIVIEW Addition. This addition has been in demand for years, but only now has the association shaped its affairs to that point that would warrant them in throwing it open to the public. As soon as houses commence to go up in this addition, prices or lots will soar at leaps and bounds. The Associa tlon could far better afford to Bell at private sale and ho'd the bulk of the lots for higher prices but, to work absolute fairness and Justice to all, have thrown the entire tract or 4 2 lots upon the market and they will all be sold on Wednesday, October 20th. 1915. to the highest bidder. Someone Is going to get some big bargains and make some mighty easy money on Increase in valuation. y y y y T y y T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y z z Z z z I z z z z z z t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A NEW PLAN To Save Money on Your Livestock By Insuring Your Live Stock in Transit Against All Hazards of Transportation Up-to-date shippers of live stock are taking advantage of the new op portunity offered by the "Hartford" Complete Live Stock Transit Policy. It is a great benefit to a shipper to know the cost of a consignment of stock de livered at any market Without Guessing1 liive stock commission men have endorsed the plan. Progressive buy ers are calling for the broad protection of Complete Live Stock Transit Poli cies. Individuals are saved from ruin, ami the "funeral train" that daily hauls the dead animals away from all big stock yards need not worry you. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Established 1810 Hartford, Conn. Is the only company offering to producers, buyers, and shippers of live stock a broad policy, easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute pro tection against, loss from all hazards of transportation, including suffocation, freezing, trampling, fire, collision, train-wreck, and every form of killing or in jury while the animals are in the custody of a common carrier. The rates arc low; THK POLICY GIVES THK SHIPPER A CHANCE TO PLAY SAKE in building up a business by insuring his live stock on the way to the market. BE SURE and insure today. The next shipment you make may be a total loss. The "Hartford" rays promptly, whether the railroad company is liable or not. Losses set tled aud paid on the basis of cash market value. For particulars address, W. B. CHEEK Local Manager U. S. YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA Room 315 Exchange Bldg. f y y y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Farris, Purinton &7Vlarcy LIVE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA 110-112 Exchange Building Telephone So-34 We are working for your interests and appreciate your , business. 5 Tagg Your Shipmnts Are Respectfully Solicited by Bros. & Moorhead Live Stock Commission Agents SAFE SOUND PROGRESSIVE ACCOMMODATING We point with pride to our splendid record of 20 years good service and honest dealings with the western stockmen. Our Salesmen Know Your Cattle and How to Handle Them Try Us and be Convinced LOCATED AT UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 1Z