V- 70- The New FALL AND WINTER Suit and Overcoat SAMPLES ON DISPLAY A Wide Range of Selection Impossible in tho Ready made Lines MADE TO YOUR IN DIVIDUAL. MEASURE and REQUIREMENTS $16 FOR MADE-TO-MEAS-URE SUIT8 AND OVERCOATS Why Pay More and Get Less You'll wonder how we are able to give snch Tallies In all-wool fabrics at the price. Come in and let lut show you LADIES' MADK-TO-ORDKR SUITS, 916 UP Alliance Cleaning Works L. E. JOHNSON, Prop. Plumbing Shop MOVED! I have moved my plumbing tthop from the Syndicate Block to the building formerly" occupied by the Alliance Electrical Works, at 407 Box Butte Avenue You will find here a good assortment of . plumbing supplies at reasonable prices and workmen who are prompt and careful. r i i i? E. A. JEFFERS 4or box Burn-: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WE CAN CLEAN IT! We have recently added a French Dry and Steam Cleaning de partment, and can now clean the most delicate fabrics without fear of injuring them. This includes fine silks, laces, accordeon and box pleated goods, which are made to look like new. ' MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING CLEANED. " PRESSED AND REPAIRED IIY EXPERT WORKMEN Roy B. Burns Phone ISA Alliance Nat l Rank llldg. Work Called for and Delivered SEIDELL'S SEMI- ' ANNUAL REPORT Excellent IU'jort for I Ant Six Months Made by Farm Demonstrator and Farm Association PLENTY OF FINDS FOR YEAR The following is the semi-annual report of F. M. Seidell, county agri cultural agent. U. S. Department of Agriculture, and of W. F. Patterson, treasurer of lie Box Butte County Farmers' Association, from March 1 to. September 1, 1915. This report was prepared for the regular semi- lip A New Roof must be put on the house or barn this spring. The old shingles can not withstand the tun and storm an other season. If this Job ut not to be done over again for at least ten years you bet ter use OUR Shingles They are good for that length of time, anyway, and perhaps longer. At a lower price we can sell you shingles not quite so good. Lumber, too, for repairs about the place. Dierks Lumber Co. Groceries and Feed GROCERIES AND FEED We carry a clean line of We invite you to call at the HOTEL ASIIBY when in town for a good meal or clean, fresh bed. fresh groceries, flour and feed. All kinds of overalls, shirts and shoes, etc If your goods come from this store you are assured that they are good, fresh, pure and clean. HUBBARDS MERCAN TILE COMPANY ASHBY, NEBRASKA annual meeting of the directors of the Box Butte County Farmers' Asso ciation, and is published for the in formation of the members of the as sociation, to the Interest of the busi ness men who are supporting this work, and to the others who may not know regarding the objects and pro gress of this work. The following is a list of the coop- erators in the crop demonstration work secured to date, and other lines of work already started: Potato disease demonstrate plots, 11 Potatoes, northern vs home grown 21 Corn, Imported vs home grown . . 9 Oat Smut demonstration Gelds ..16 Feterlta cooperators 33 Alfalfa, inoculated vs uninoculat- ed ' 11 Sweet clover demonstration fields 7 Silo cooperators of Box Butte county 19 Sudan grass cooperators 6 Boys' and girls' club contestants. 39 Farm records taken 27 Farmers started In keeping farm books 4 Business done thru Farmers' Ex change $656 Newspaper articles prepared .... 30 Extension specialists cooperated with Phone inquiries 103 Office visitors 634 Farms visited 366 Letters written 1726 Circular letters written ...... 2843 Meetings held or addressed 35 Attendance at meetings ....... 749 Miles traveled by auto 3560 Miles traveled by rail 40 A campaign against the potato dis eases of Box Butte county, and a campaign for more silos was made. Boys' and girls' club work was estab lished for the first time, this year. The Farm Record Survey work has been started and when complete will present something that will be exact and of great Interest and material benefit to the successful farmer - of Box Butte county. A county wide oat smut survey has been made, the results of which will be given from NOTICE of Executor's Sale of Ileal Ewtate IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BUT LER COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Application of Edwin S. Wunderlich, as Bole executor of the Estate of Jacob C. Wunderlich deceased, for li cense to sell real estate. NOTICE is hereby given that us- der a license granted to me by the District Court of Butler County, Ne braska, on the 16th day of February, 1915, same being one of the days of the regular February, 1916, term of said court, I will, pursuant to said order, on the 9th day of October, 1916. at the West Front door of the Court House in Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, sell at public sale, subject to existing encumbrances, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described Real Estate owned by said estate, to-wit:- The South East Quarter C4) of Section Twenty One (21) Township Twenty Eight (28) North of Range Forty Seven (47) West of the 6th P. M. in Box Butte County, Nebraska; The North East Quarter (K) of Section Twenty Eight (28) in Town ship Twenty Eight (28) North of Range Forty Seven (47) West of the 6th P. M. In Box Butte County, N4br aska. The North West Quarter ( Vi ) of Section Three (3), Township Twen ty Seven (27) North of Range Forty Seven (47). West of the 6th P. M. In Box Butte County, Nebraska. ' Notice is also given that said sale will he held open one hour, that Is to say, from two o'clock In the after noon to three o'clock in the after noon of said day. EDWIN S. WUNDERLICH, Executor of the Estate of Jacob C. Wunderlich; deceased. 41-4t-644-6011 m t r m r i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 ii i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r t t m r r 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 t r t r : r r r t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 r i : : tttct PURE. FRESH MILK AND CREAM Direct from the TRABE RT DA I R Y Phone Red 363 Our Milk is from Inspected Cows, Guaranteed Pure. Prompt Delivery. Phone us for a Trial Order HARNESS Hand made from best material. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand, Alliance THE ROOMING HOUSE OF ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE 47-ATLAS ROOMS-47 F. L. SMITH. Proprietor KATES: Per Day, ftOc and Up. Per Week, S2.00, $20 and S&oO Buy Fencing That "Stays Put" Our Lines of ItarlKMl Why, Woven Wire. Feme Posts and HiilldciV Hard w a re are ttie kind that give satisfaction always. Elwood Woven Wire Fencing is the very best that money can buy, and will last for years and years, and all the cost is the first cost it doesn't require all your time riding fences to see that they are in good shape. We have a complete line of III ILDERS' HARDWARE ; Phone 73 iimtmniiinniiiiiiiiinnmamt: Geo. A. Heilman, Mgr. Urn to time. A Junior agricultural f observation tour was made for the boys or the county. A farmers' ex change has been established by the association. The association has giv en support to different things, tend ing to make Box Butte county a bet ter place to live, and wishes to ac knowledge the support and coopera tion it has received from farmer co operators and business men who have shown an Interest In the work. A week of farmers' Institutes Is to be held thruout the county, the week of October 25 to 30. A live stock and forage campaign Is also planned for the fall. The results of demonstra tions are to be secured and distribut ed to the farmers along with many other things of interest and value. Crop demonstration requires the greater part or the time in this year's work. Especial emphasis has been placed' In potato demonstrations. In this work a comparison la being made of dry rot infected, and clean seed, treated and untreated potatoes, whole and cut, and northern and home grown Beed potatoes on the bushel per acre basis. A high yield ing northern variety of corn is being compared to the native corn on the basis of forage and yield of grain per acre. The success of Feterlta and Sudan as producers of forage in other places has caused a great deal of interest among Box Butte farmers, and warranted a trial of the same under our conditions. One important part or forage crop demonstrations are the comparison or Inoculated and uninoculated alfalfa, and the deter mination of the adaptability and val ue of sweet clover as a pasture and hay crop. Most silo owners are co operating in determining the value of the silo under our conditions. In oat smut demonstrations a part was treated for smut and a part left un treated to compare as to yield . per acre and percentage of smut. Mem bers have been secured in the boys' and girls' club work In the potato. pig, garden, ' sewing and cooking clubs. W. F. aPtterson'a semi-annual re port made to August 27. 1915. shows that up to that date 394 7 had been collected from the subscribers, with a cash expenditure of 1885.16. This left a balance of cash on hand amounting to $61.84. Total subscriptions $1,860 Expenses to Extension workers, salaries, typewriter, telephone, and other office equipment, automobile, etc., to Sept. 1. 1915 $922.11 Funds to cover the work for the remainder of the year, including the Ford company's refund. Is . $977.89 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RATES Th chars for both r lar and special editions Is lo per wcrtl per Insertion, six words to tho Ilaa, Advertisers so desiring; may have saa ewers to their advertisement aaerin d to a box number, ear of The Her' aid. Advertisements charred to satr n naving accounts are measure ay line, not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot ha Ma slblo for more than one wrong Inseei tlon due to typographical error. at claim for error can be allowed situs' me ivib or tne following moat. HTtnimimni inaertea to rua no forbidden must be stopped by writ iraer. FOR SALE Brick house, eess pletely modern. Oood barn. Ground fully improved. Also several dence lots. L. II. HIGHLAND. Sl-tr-58S0 JH ISCKLXANBOUS JAMES M. KENNEDY. DRNTMOP Ftrat National Bank Building. AUB ance, Nebr. I'hoaea: Offloa, II; ft S dence, Ulack 10. Money to loan on real estate, tf r. B. RBXJOl RBOORD POR TRAIKBTK1V Railroad men can secure a very us ful book at The Herald office. 1 1 to dally time book for trainmen and - flnemen. The prlo Is reasonable. -tf-1711 FOR 8ALE Bargain In five roes cottage at 116 Missouri avsavav Large rooms. Renting for $13 par month. In good repair. Price $10f)4. DR. QEOROB J. HAND. 29-tf-5690 MONEY TO LOAN on your InasL Write the First Mortgage Loan A S curlty Co.. Council Bluffs, Iowa. 27-tf-4933 BARN FOR Phone 263. 7-St-6972$ RENT Close lav An Investment In a lot In FAIR- VIEW Addition beats government bonds all to pieces; it beats railroad stock; is better than bank stock, for, no matter what happens, you can't keep Alliance down. Alliance will always be THE City of Western Ne braska. Its growth is steady, yet fast; Its enterprise is unchallenged the more it broadens out, the higher the price of Jots In FAIRVIBW Addi tion becomes, because, it Is the most desirable and "cholcy" location In the entire city, besides having the advantage of being so closely adja cent to the business section Any Banker in the city; any business man who is worthy of the name, will tell you, we are sure, that a lot in FAIR- VIEW Addition is as good an invest ment as you can possibly find just ask them and see. "SEED CORN WEEK." Always the Best Work PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING Estimate gladly furnished Work guaranteed to please PHONE BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES ALLIANCE NEBR, The Lsst Weak In September or the First Week In October Should Bs Set Aside as Sssd Corn Week in the Corn Belt. We have "Arbor Day. Would It not also be well to have a "Seed Com Day?" A day when everyone should begin the harvesting and storing of his seed for the following spring.. We laugh at our grandfathers for planting their potatoes and sowing their grain "in the moon," that is, In certain phases of the moon. The value of this practice lay, not In the fact as supposed by many that the moon ex ercised any influence on the crop, hut In the having of a definite time and plan for the doing or various things on the farm. If the harvesting of seed corn, tike the feeding of slock, came every day. it would be attended to ou time, but it Is nothing more nor less than bu man that the work which conies only occasionally or once a year, as in the case of the harvesting of Beed corn should be put off or neglected alto gether, unless there Is a definite time and plan for the work. FOR RENT Brick building, dowm town location. Suitable for garag or blacksmith shop. See, phone ear write B. C. Anderson. AUisasev Fhone 6 or 851. 39-tf-5016 FOR RENT I rooms foe Mgf housekeeping at 110 Yellowstone, ft children. Mr a. U J. Bleco. aug ll-tf-670- AUTO FOR 8ALH Four-cylenA uaaiana. in gooa condition, i Timp Be j. 14. nncnoiai, ueo uarage, am lfi-tf-6935 'AGENCY for BALM OF FIQ Mrs. C. Fox, 306 West 3rd St. 36-3t-5943$ MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving fumltor wlthout marring or scratching sw damage. Up-to-date wagon pads) will be used by us on all moving Jota. JOHN It SNYDER, Phone 1. 37-tf-5950 - Buy your receipt books, legal blanks, blank notes, all kinds ef blanks at The Herald office. Pi-k? reasonable. A big assortment. GIRL WANTED For general housework. Mrs. W. R. Harper. 39-tf-6010 LOST At Fair Grounds on Labor Day, a black umbrella, square cot handle. Notify Mrs. Harvey Hacker, Phone Black 417. 40-tr-5024 i FOR SALE REASONABLE fieo-ond-hand Ford touring car in goo4 running condition. GEO. F. SNYDER. 40-tr-5023 1915 A BAD YEAR. Indications point to trouble In the corn belt this year. 1915 is an abnormal year. Excessive moisture and cool weather has retarded the growth of corn, es pecially In ths northern states. Corn will be lata in maturing and there will ba a tendency to gather seed corn late. Watch this. Don't wait too long. Don't wait till frost beats you to it. Frost bitten corn will not grow. Gather your seed corn before frost comes. Store It where it will dry out and not freeze or mold. Don't forget that next year's corn crop will depend on the seed you gather this fall. FOR SALE A bouse and six lot in Alliance. , Close in. Will sell very cheap if taken at once. Write bos 324. Hall -Hotel. Denver, Colorado. 38-4t-4963 FURNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP All of our household furniture: Sanitary couches, dressers, buffet, pi ano, chairs, ' tables, sninds, cbi (in ters, commode, roll top desk, tiling cabinet, matress, feather bed, iigs. etc. Also, bicycle, wheelbai ow, Kurdeu tools, tubs, rain-barrel, tlow f r pots, fruit J.-irn and oher things .too numerous to mention. T'-ms, rash or bankable note. Call anl see . or nhone 90 S. Baker. r,s Box Butte avenue. Alliance. 30-3t-5033 Foil SALE -Good HUto-pluy. . pi ,ano. Ninety records no with it. nl quire Kobert Campbell, Alliance-. N'e- braak a . 41-tt 00t Office Mnnks and blank look --leaf books for nale at The Herald Wee. I'hone 340 and a representative will call FOR RENT 2 Bets of light house keeping rooms. Modern, and nicely furnished. I'hone 529. or rail at 211 Yellowstone. 41-tf-6018 ' Pick Your Seed Corn Early. A sack with the mouth held open by a keg boop and strung over the shoul ders by a rope or strap Is very con venient in gathering seed in the fall. The corn may be piled on the ground at the end of the rows or In the mid dle ot the field and gathered up In a wagon or sled mads for that purpose. Corn should not be left on the ground overnight or plied up in bins or cribs, la this condition it may mold of treese. TENANT WANTED for two sec tions of land, improved, eight miles from Alliance. Write J. F. Dineea, Columbus. Nebr. 41-tf-6016 ALLIANCE DRUGGIST IIA8 A VALUABLE AGENCY II. Thiele, druggist, has the Alli ance agency for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.. known as Adler-i-ka, the remedy which became famous by curing ap pendicitis. This simple remedy has ' powerful action and drains such sur prising amounta or old matter from the body that JUST ONE DOSE re lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom ach and constipation almost IMME DIATELY. The QUICK action of Adler-i-ka Is astonishing. Adv. nov 19-4089 Worth Their Weight In Gold "I have used Chamberlain's Tab lets and found them to be just aa represented, a quick relief tor head aches, dizzy 'spells and other symp toms denoting a torpid liver and a disordered condition of the dlgestlr organs. They are worth their weight In gold." writes Miss Clara A. Driggfl. Elba, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere vr-