1 A' nMiiiMitiiiiiMiHrtntnnttmmnHnmintnMMsnMnmt' I BUY GRAIN See me before you sell your grain. Highest prices paid for all kinds of grain. Can handle any amount at all times. OSCAR O'BANNON Phone 519 or 9. AUCTION SALE HORSES AND CATTLE An auction sale of Horses and Cattle will be held at my ranch, 20 miles south of Alliance and 12 miles east of Angora' on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th Among others, there will be 20 head of dairy milk cows and some good weaned calve". Watch for future announcement or write GEORGE D. WORKMAN LYNN, NEBRASKA You Visit the Exposition this Autumn or Winter ThouKands are troinyr to California to see that marvelous exposi tion before the gates are closed December 31st. Many will make an autumn tour at these cheap rates, returning before winter, while many will leave before cold weather for the winter in Southern Cal ifornia, going via San Francisco. The final return limit of Exposi tion tickets is December 31, 1915; those spending the winter in Calif ornia should travel either on one way ticket, or there is available the first-class nine-months excursion ticket. Consult me if you expect to go this autumn. Let me make your through reservations early. Burlington through service Coast routes comprise a "See Anur- ica" tour that includes the scenic, the highly developed regions, the attractive cities of half a continent. Safe Rats don't at Safe Horns Matches. They can't be made to eat them. That's been proved. Safe Home Matches are made of ingredients which, although, non-poisonous, are obnoxious ffC, uirwn - Thirt)-Six for S3 Ceut Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied In well-corked glass bottles, containing 36 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of water before retiring is an average mm Alliance, Nebraska. J. KUIDELBAKill, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKKI.KY, General Passenger Agent. 1004 Farnain Street, Omaha, Nebraska Rats Don't Eat Home Matches to rodents. Safe Home Matches light easily, but not too easily. They are safe afe and sure. Sticksareextralong estrastrong. They cost oo more than other brands of matches. dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Ef fective and positive in results. Cheap and economical to use. Get a bot tle today, take a dose tonight your Constipation will be relieved In the morning. 86 for 25c, at all druggists. Adr No I Our Space Worth While I By MOSS. Newspaper advertis ing is a tangible com modity. ' Take this paper, for instance. We sell our space to the merchants. They use it to attract the attention of our readers in order to in duce them to buy. The readers in turn compare the ads. and go where they can get the best for the lowest price. If this valuable com modity were done away with the merchant' and the reader would have a hard time getting to gether. Wed be way back n the days of stage coaches and muzzle load ing guns. f'KOt'lUl It. 10 IUKK HANOI Men Wlm liril ('mil,. That on IVIsew Hi St. tioM-tili Show I-:. A. HAIX lUMlrlti ...mll lM I IH VX K XK K-Kl 1 1 1 : M I 1 1 1 At 6 o'clock Wednesday juorniliK occurr-d tht marriage of Mis Delia B-ei::ier tin. I Mr. Frank FrlemuMi, at tin Holy UoKury church, by the Keveivni l'"ter Donnelly. The lrHe Is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ilrvlilifi-, wild ill groom is the son ot Mr. and Mra. W. Frieiuuth. The yountt cii;Sr will leave for Denver and other western points. XOTI K In order, to demonstrate the possi bilities of a cla.ss in Physical Culture and Folk Dance, we will give free of charge a lesson to all youog ladies of the city on next Saturday evening at 7:15 o'clock, at Woods Hall. ALLIANCE SCHOOL OF Ml'SIC. Miss Mattie V. Giftor I Physical Director. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2720 ac res, 20 miles south of Alliance, 12 miles east of Angora, and 6 miles from Lynn. 11-room frame house and other good ranch Improvements. Cuts 600 tons of hay. Price tl2.'rt per acre, 10 yearH' time on $25,000 or more. School on land. Geo. I). Workman, Lynn, Nebraska. 42-tf-6025 A Uood Household Salve Ordinary ailments and injuries are not of themselves serious, but infec tion or low vitality may make them dangerous. Don't neglect a cut, sore. bruise or hurt because it's small Blood Poison has resulted from a pin-prick or scratch. For all such ailments Bucklen's Arnica Salve Is excellent'. It protects and heals the hurt: is antiseptic, kills infection and prevents dangerous complications Good for all Skin Blemishes, Pimp les, Salt Rheum, Ecsema. Get an or lginai 2 -ounce 25c box from your druggist. Adv No 2 TRAINMEN'S daily time books for ale at The Herald office for twenty cents each. Ask to see them. , . (k , . , ' ;f mm6 w . f - .... HOW MANY OFFICES CAN ONE MAN HOLD (Question Huh Iteeu lUiiM-d an to Whether lleireentaUve llroome Can Ik' Judge at Same Time In the absence of County Judge L. A. Berry, Y. M. Uroonie, state repre sentative for this district, has been appointed to serve an district Judge. Inasmuch as .Mr. Itroome already holds one elective oUlce, the question has been raised as to whether or not he can also hold the ofllee of county judge at the same time. The fact that Mr. Broome is also the administrator of several estates under this court as a probate court, has also been brought up. Far ties Interested have written the state au thorities for their legal opinion in the matter, in order that the question may be settled. ATTENDED ENCAMPMENT IahiU l'owell and David I'urinton IU port a Very I,lAant Trip to State Fair Jriicampment Louis Powell and Dlvld Purinton, w ho represented Box Butte county D the Boys' School Encampment at Lincoln, report a very profitable and enjoyable trip. . The school was In charge of the Nebraska College and State Board of Agriculture. Ths headquarters and camp were on the fair grounds. The forenoon of each day was devoted to the school work, consisting of four 45-mlnute periods. The afternoons and even ings were spent In ushering at the grand stand, the auditorium, and the coliseum, or looking at the different machinery, crop and live stock dis play, eta ine boys also enjoyed the elabor ate entertainment furnished by the Flying Kays, Thompson the aviator in loop the loop features and racing with Barney Oldfleld, the famous au to racer, the auto racing of Endlcott, Disbrow, and Kaliney, "Desert Joe", the racing ostrich, horse races. Pains lireworks display, and Joe Stecher, the champion wrestler. The follow! n gls the program of the school camp this year: Monday, Sept. 6, 1913 ' Assembly. Horse Judging Prof. H. J. Gram lich. How to Feed Farm Animals Prof. C. B. Lee. How All Can Have Fruit Prof. K. H. Hoppert. Tuesday, Sept. 7 Planning the Farm Prof. H. C. Filley. Prevention of Hog Cholera Dr. J. 11. Gain. The Saw and the Hammer Prof. A. A. Baer. How to Grow Grapes Prof. J. R. Cooper. Wednesday, Sept. 8 Story of a Boy (Illustrated) Prof H. K. Bradford. .The Development of Farm Macbin ery Prof. I. D. Wood. ) How to Make Our Soils Produ Prof. P. B. Barker. Factors That ' Determine Farm Protits Prof. H. C. Filley. Thtui-Hday, Sept. 9 A Year with a Junior Corn Grow er L. T. Skinner. Insects In Relation to Man Prof. L. Bruner. How to Choose the Best Dairy Cow Prof. J. H. Fransden. Better Corn Crops for Nebraska F. D. Keim. Friday, Sept. lO Agricultural Education at Home C. W. Pugsley. In sect a and Farm Animals Prof, L. Bruner. The Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow Prof. J. H. Fransden. Knots, Ties and Splices in Ropes Dr. J. H. Gain. WHAT A1JOIT IT? 800,000 bushels of grain is the es- i ma ted crop of Box Butte county. What if it should burn? Do you want to work all summer in the hot sun, and then be cheated out of your year's income in a very few minutes? It never iiays to take a cluuice. A trine over two cents a day will pay for a policy for one year, covering 11.000 on grain of all kinds, thresh ed or unthreshed, while in barns, granaries, cribs, dwellings, or Macks or rickt or shocks, on cultivated lands or in process of threshing. Protect yourself get It Insured. Sev SiMNldy it Mollring they will ex plain. 39-3t-5017 ,. PREPARATIONS CONTINUE Committee ANlnted to Iook After Market Week liaising runds and Laying Plans If the present plans of the com' tnittee appointed by L. H. Highland president of the Retail Merchant Federation, go through, as they un doubtedly will, the week of October 2T-30 will be the biggest event ever held in Alliance. Alliance Market Week is to be a full week of amuse ment and bargain giving. Each member of the committee will have a day to care for, insuring a variety of entertainment for all Monday and Saturday will be ban died by Sallows and Thomas, Tues day by Darling, Wednesday by Cogs well, Thursday by Rowan, and Fri day by Moore. The committee met Wednesday evening at the Comnier cial Club office and reported on the progress made in raising funds. Lv eryone is lending financial encour agement and it is believed that the necessary expense money, amounting to approximately $4 50, will be rsls ed by the last of the week. Charley Tully, the well known ranchman, has agreed to donate steer for the barbecue, and an expert, barbecue man will be employed to null off this event. The Alliance fire department will assist in the entertainment and will give thrilling exhibitions on the down town streets. The swimming pool will also come in for purl of the nterrainment. Among other forms of entertainment planned for are a anre, baby show, horse and colt how, chicken show, etc. An Ka.i)-, rieant laxative One or two Dr. King's New Life Pills with a tumbW of water at night. No bad, nauseating taste; no belching gas. Oo right to bed. Wake p In the morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement, and feel fine all day. Dr. King's New Life Tills are sold by all druggists, 36 In an orig inal package, for 26c. Get a bottle today enjoy this easy, pleasant lax ative. Adv No 2 ARE At 1A INST PAYIXO Senator Karl Mallery Not In Favor of rating Alley 1 lot ween Ilox Ilutte and Iranile Avenue At the last meeting of the city council a petition was presented by the Commercial Club asking that the lley between Third and Fourth streets and Box Butte and Laramie avenues be paved, the expense being assessed against the adjoining prop erties. This petition was signed by A. Newberry, the First National Bank, and W. W. Norton. The coun cil seemed In fsvor of the proposition and an ordinance was ordered drawn up to be taken up at the next meet ing. It now appears that there Is some sentiment in the block affected gainst the paving. Senator Earl Mallery. when asked by a Herald re porter this morning regarding the rumor that a petition was out pro testing against the paring, stated that the petition was not yatovt, but that It was contemplated. He gave as a la reason for opposing the paving that the streets should be paved be fore the alleys. The cost of the paving has been estimated at two dollars per foot for the adjoining property. It is not known whether or not the protest will be filed with the council and Get This Can of Paint and Shingle All the talk In the world would never sell a can of paint to a man who knows good paint when he sees it. He buys paint on its merits, not on its claims. We want everyone who has a barn to paint tq come In and get a sample can of Standby Burn Paint. We want you to see for your self what a good paint it Is. v Be sure and get the shingle painted one and two coats take It home, paint a shingle of your own, and put ours and yours side by side and compare them. You will find you can duplicate the result with if I 1 11 f5SVI n other word lint h you would Standby l-slnt. VL 1 IU Read the Formula Vou will im it contnlin the hluliFKt prni-nlm:? f fill of iin' bnrn pmnt x the market. The liquid Hmtlyxl kliown 4:1.7 I'urv l.insiwl li. VI - ilrnvr Japan. Nearly half Ihm liquid oil. We Uon't liuve tu tull ) uu miuli wiu.-a you that. We irive yoa sample to hnw Ita color nd finish - li uv knioothh- i: w orks under the brush and how it cover. We coil your attention to the lilirh percentage of oil. We (aaranfee ft wmarinf mualitim for fivm year whmn property mopliod. Stop In our store (or your sample. Try it on your burn dour. Match the) painted suinKkt. DIERK LUMBER find COAL CO. ..HELP KENT GROW.. CUTS " C ATI V I v n c Bramblett Engraving Company ACID-BLAST ETCHING 1311 Howard Street whether or not this will have any mt feet on the present plans, If it Is filed. I.F.AVIM; OCT ADYKKTISIWO Prac tical lse Made of 0ort unity t Show Appreciation of Alli ance I to si liens Melt As n concession to "home" adver tisers, The Herald Is purposely leav ing out this week outside advertising sufficient to make w hat would be con sldered a good business for some lo cal newspapers. We do not call this a donation, it Is simply a matter ot business, conducted on fair and square business principles. Most of the merchants of Alllanc treat The Herald splendidly. W ap preciate the treatment accorded the paper by the business men of our home jiy and are glad to make prac tical 'e of an opportunity to show our appreciation, even tho it iaaf cost us something to do It. NOTICE I will be at the city hall between 2:30 and 3:30 p. m. dally for th next few weeks, to receive special taxes as per ordinance No. 215. ARCHIE OREOORT, 38-2t-4971 City Treasurer. OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH t now To Get Relief When Bead and Nose arc stuffed Up. Count fifty I Your cold In head r eaUrrh dinappears. Your clogged MS trils will open, the air passages of yousr head will clear and yon can brvatW freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache) no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cress Balm from your druggist and apply s little of this fragrant antiseptic creUB In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, sooth ina and healing the swollen or inflanieil mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yii'hl like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up sod. miserable. Relief is sura, Free Barn Paint thin l not "Rhnw-Shlnte." It In painted pslnt it. and howrf tli wi-tuut tiiu.ti of Omaha, Nebraska V X. V W WWW V I