The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 09, 1915, Image 9

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Did You Sec Our
On Living Models
't the SI) If Slum? If not,
foil mlet ometliliig.
Now for That
Fall Suit
Don't you think It pretty
near time you t-pent a few mo
menta with us?
We have a new fall line we'd
like to Iiave you nee.
They're JiiHt about the smart
est clothe we've fthown 4ind
every garment hat the label of
That' not only sufficient to
guarantee absolute perfection
of style, dewlgn and tailoring,
but it ineaiiH that you're going
to have the bet wearing
clothe on earth and at rejiM
onable price.
Suits $20.00
Overcoats $25.00
AU the New Style are now in
Boys' Blouses 48c
Hoys' Overall 50c
Boys' Shoe 91. OH
Boys' Cap 4Hc
Boy's Suits
Two Pain Pant. AU lined
throughout ail the newent
nobby ttuiu. Juxt the School
Suit you are looking for.
Department Store
Alliance, Nebr.
Mrs. 8. Wills came In Monday from
Ansley for a few days' visit with her.
!son, C. R. Wills.
may ior rvannau wnnr c is ui-
Mlss Mollle Voltf, of York, stopped tending a veterinary college, to finish
on here Monday enroute to San his course In that work.
Francisco, for a few days' visit with)
Mies Anna Senner and Mtb P. W. Skinner's Macaroni Products.
Frr.ker. A nartv was held in honor ade in Nebraska. Ask your groc-
of the visitor at Prospect Park Tues-j
day evening.
James Cnrr, Kd King and O. W.
Rosa were each assessed $5 and
coats In police court Tuesday morn
ing, the charge being "drunk and
disorderly". They were picked up
Saturday night.
Attorney Wm. Mitchell went to
Mullen Tuesday to attend to legal
matters. He also made a business
visit to Hyannls while away.
FRESH MEATS -All kinds tnut
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
Itodgers' (Jrocery, Phone 8.
Miss Hazel Minor came up from
Hyannls Monday to re-enter St. Ag
nes academy for the coming term.
She was accompanied by her sister,
Mrs. A. J. Abbott, who returned to
Hyannls Tuesday.
Mrs. I. D. Lotspeich and son War
ren departed Tuesday for Grand Is
land, where the young man will enter
the Grand Island Business College
for the fall term. From Grand Is
land Mrs. Lotspeich will proceed to
Omaha, where she will buy goods for
her live and ten cent store, returning
home the latter part of this week or
the first of next week.
It. C. Nelson returned home Tues
day from Morrill where be had been
doing some work on the new electric
light plant.
STORAGE COAL at lowest prices.
Forest Lumber Company.
Miss Marie Nolan, accompanied by
her cousin. Miss Winifred Meeks, of
Great Falls, Mont., returned Tuesday
from a three weeks' visit with rela
tives and friends in Iowa, Wisconsin
and Illinois. Miss Meeks stopped off
here for a short time before proceed
ing to her home at Great Falls.
A marriage license was Issued
Tuesday by Judge Berry to Alvin G
Adair, 21, and Miss Etta M. Wright,
17, both of Hemingford, the bride
bringing the consent of her parents
Mr. Adair is a farmer near Heming
ford, as Is the bride's father, and
they will make their home on the
Mia. W. W. Woods and daughter
Wilma returned Tuesday morning
from a several weeks' stay at MiBS
Wilma's homestead in Montana.
FRESH MEATS All kinds, mut.
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
Itodgers' Grocery, Phone f4,
Xlajor Hugh, Captain LeClare, and
Mitchell and Hilllker of the Mitchell,
Hilllker & Simpson firm, came in the
first of this week from Pierre and
Rapid City, S. D., where they have
been conducting war horse inspec
tions, to be present at the Inspection
here this week.
W. E. RouBey returned Wednesday
of last week fro mEdgar, where he
had been called by the serious ill
ness of his mother. When he left,
she was greatly improved, and a re
cent letter stated that the improve
ment was becoming more marked
each day.
LeRoy Pulver came in Tuesday
from Boone. Iowa, for a few days'
visit with his cousin, Archie Gregory.
FRESH MEATS All kinds, mut
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
I lodgers' Grocery, Phone 54.
Nearly all the Burlington trains
coming Into Alliance have been from
five minutes to two hours late during
the past week. They are now get
ting back on their original schedules
land will soon be running on time
! again.
W. R. Harper returned Wednesday
morning from Denver where he had
I been to secure the services of a man
for his clothing department. Mr.
!Shaw, the new man, will be here in
a short time, to take charge.
Mrs. A. T. Rock was up from Hy
annls Tuesday and Wednesday vUit-
mg with menus.
STORAGE COAL at lowest prices.
Forest Lumber Company.
a a
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Burroughs de
parted Wednesday for their home at
Griswell, Iowa, after an extended vis
it here with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lee.
Mrs. Burroughs and Mrs. Lee
Mrs. C. H. Baxter came over from
Chadron Tuesday for a few davs' via-
it wim ner siBter. Mrs. P E. Ronlg.
uu lauiu jr.
J. L. Williams has received a let
ter from the Mason Realty Comnanv.
of Wheatland. Wyo.. for whom he in
an authorized agent, saying that they
j disposed of $80,000 worth of Irrigat
ed land in the Wehatland country
during the month of October. They
I said further that much of this land
had been sold to residents of Long
mont, Windsor. Berhoud and vi
Collins, right in the Irrigated district
of Colorado, and that the purchasers
considered it a phenomenal buy at a
few dollars an acre, when land in
.their sections had been selling for
$ 1 f,0 to 1250 nn acre. Mr. Williams
makes a trip Dearly every week to
Wheatland with prospective custom
em. and most of them are purchase
latter they nee the land.
C. A. Dow went to Hyannls Wed
nesday to Inspect the new electric
flighting plant which la being Install
ed on the Davis ranch near that
town by the Newberry Hardware
I H- C'antwell departed Wedns-
t. Adv.
A. S. Mote, "Dad" Hoppls, and
Will Glass went to Hyannis Wednes
day to finish the work on the new
electric light plant which is being in
stalled on the Davis ranch near
Mrs. Frank Westover returned
Wednesday to her home near Lake
side after an extended visit here.
Mrs. Frank O'Connor brought her
children up from Ellsworth the first
of this week to place them in the Al
liance schools for the coming term.
L. E. Johnson returned Tuesday
from Denver where he had been at
tending business matters.
Miss Jessie Hacker was here last
Thursday from Minekota on her way
to Jiereu where she will teach tins
Miss Ruby Cox, who had been vis
King with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Ba
ker, and friends, returned to her
home at Antioch last Thursday.
a .
Mrs. E. Saylor relumed to her
home at Thelma last Thursday after
a few days' visit with friends here.
Mrs. L. Z. Holloway and daughter,
Vivian, returned home Tuesday
morning from Hot Springs, where
they went for a short visit last Sun
day. County Agricultural Agent F. M.
Seidell went to Lincoln Tuesday to
attend the state fair and assist in ov
erseeing the boys' school encamp
ment which is in progress there dur
ing the fair, and which David l'urin-
ton and Louts row ell are attending
irom uox uuue county.
Kf.a A mmm T Tlitutd tri-un.l lantll.
wiD. Aiiuc iovio, gianu icviui-
ess of the Order of Eastern Star, in-j
ttituted a lodge at OBhkosh Monday,
vugust ju. A ngm nanquei was
served to the visitors after the lodge,
had been duly organized. Charles Spacht departed Wednes-
'day night for Peru where he will at
Calvln Cllne went to Denver Frl-'tend the state normal school for the
day for a few days' visit with rela- ensuing term.
lives and friends. I a a a
I At almost every departing train
Mrs. Amy I. Brown (to-parted last now there are Beveral Alliance young
Friday for Ceres. Calif., where she'inen and women down to the station
will make her future home with her to Did adieu to one of their number
sister, who lives at that place. The who Is departing for school. The list
move was prompted principally on Df 8Chools is varied, and the names of
account of Mrs. Brown's health, ,he pupils and the schools they will
which has been failing lately, and It attend can be found in another part
was thought by her that the change '0f the Herald,
to sunny California would work ai .
change. She has disposed of her Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith departed
holdings here, and has enough of this 'this morning for Omaha. Chicago
world's goods to make the remainder j and other points, for a two weeks'
pf her days pleasurable ones. visit with relatives and friends.
f I
t'-o.,i, rw..!., v,.,o I-.,' Mrs. H. J. Kuhn will entertain at
nrt nf it wk fro mhis home at
Sherldan, Wisconsin, visiting with,81"011
friends, en route to Denver where he
111 I - I . HL .W
will visit with relatives for the next
few weeks. About eight years ago
Mr. Dewing was an employee of the
Nebraska Telephone Company here,
this being his first visit to Alliance
since that time. He was astonished
at the changes that have taken place
in those few years, and said when he
nrst alighted trom tne train ne
thought he had gotten off at the which appears to be about the great
wrong station. lest boon to farmers that we have
Mrs. R. Johnson, who had been,
visiting with relatives and friends in I
different points in Indiana for the
past several weeks, passed through
Alliance Saturday on her return
her home at Hemingford.
Mrs. J. D. Hagerty came up from
Bridgeport last Saturday for a few
days' visit with her sister, Mrs. J. F.
McAlpin, and friends. t
Mrs. W. B. Barnett returned home
the first of this week from an extend
ed visit in the East, most of which
was spent with her parents, at Fair
mont, Ind. She accompanied Mr.
Barnett to New York on his fall buy
ing trip, stopping at Fairmont on the'
return, and had been visiting there
since that time. ,
a a a
C. E. Sward, mother and grandfa
ther, and J. F. McAlpin, went to Ells-'
worth Saturday for a short stay. '
While there Messrs. Sward and Mc
Alpin put In most of their time hunt
ing ducks and prairie chickens,
a a a
C. L. Hewitt was here from Ells
worth Saturday attending to business
matters and visiting with friends.
Ralph Buehner came over from
Stottsbluff Saturday for a few days
stay with home folks, and to attend
to business matters.
- Jake Schwindeman and wife were
here from Bridgeport Sunday visit
ing with friends.
Wm, Omara, the sheepgrower, de
parted Monday for Chicago, where
he will meet his wife and where they
will visit for a short time. From
Chicago they will go to Lafayette,
Ind., for a visit with relatives and
friends, and will return by way of St.
Louis, Kansas City and St. Joe, at
each of which cities they will spend
a few days. Mr. Omara Bald this is
the first trip to the East he has taken
for thirty years, and that he intends
to "take in all the sights" in the win
dy city and the other cities they visit.
Recently he disposed of his wool
crop of 16,000 pounds at 2 5 Vi cents,
and has 1,500 ewes that he intends
to sell at 14.50, which will make a
total of about 110.000. This has
been one great year for the sheep
men. Mr. Omara declares, and U
have reaped large ' rewards for their
work. They expect to return from
their trip In about three weeks.
a a
Mrs..C. W. Jefters ana two daugh
ters returned Sunday from a two
weeks' visit with relatives and
friends at Angora and other towns
Stacy Boyer came in Mondav from
Gordon on his way to the University I
at Lincoln, and visited until the mid-'
die of the week with his sister, Mrs.
Jack Boyer.
Mrs. Clara Jennings came In Mon
day from Rapid iCty, S. D., for a
short visit with the Philip Putman
M. E. Dorey and family returned
to their home at Lincoln Monday af
ter a two weeks' visit with F. G.
Rowley and family, thirty-one miles
east of Alliance.
Frank ,Fancher and family depart
ed Monday for Sterling,' Colo,, where
he has a position and where they
will make their future home.
. a
Miss Martha La r sen came in from
Hecia the latter part of last week to
attend St. Agnes academy for the
coming year. She was accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. C. J. St. Onge, who
returned to Hecla Monday.
Carl Hopkins returned Monday
from Casper, Wyo., where he had
been visiting with relatives and
a a
A. T. Lunn returned Sunday from
Gordon where he had attended the
Northwest Nebraska conference of
the Methodist church, as a delegate
from Alliance. Rev. Baker return
dd Monday.
Miss Mattle Clare Gilford, who
succeeds Miss Hight as teacher of
Expression in the Alliance School of
Music, arrived Monday from Inman
Xebr. Invitations have been' issued
to a reception on Friday evening, at
the home of W. H. Swan, 424 Lara
mie avenue. The public Is given this
opportunity to meet MIbs Gifford. She
will open the course of entertain
ments given by the School of Music,
with a varied program on Friday ev-
lening, September 17, at the Phelan
Opera House.
Mrs. H. E. MacCary on Wednesday
purchased a new Reo Four from Eat
a a a
E w. Ray went to Henry. Nebr..
yesterday in answer to word that his
sister was ill. He will return today.
her home this atfernoon with a ken-
a a a
Miss Cora
of Shubert,
Nebr., departed for her home today
after a visit with Mrs. A. H. Robbins.
Miss Higgins stopped off here on her
way home from the San Francisco
The Rhein-Rousey Company have
recently added to their stock the
"Carbo" steel spring fencing system,
Been in the nature of fencing. The
posts for this fencing are not "set"
Spring Fence Supporting Systems
"The Only Angle
Spring Steel Post
Protect Your Live Stock Against
Death by Lightning
lOO Per Cent Efficiency in Wire
Come in and ak ua about
itrate this wonderful fencing to
Rhein-Rousey Company
hiiiiiii linn
Into the ground where a hole has
been dug they are Just plain driven
in, like a stake, and their construc
tion Is such that they go Into the
ground In a hurry, but positively re
fuse to get loose or come out unless,
they are dug out. Another feature
is that they are perfect lightning de
tractors and allow It to "ground" be
fore It passes even one stake.
Carl Wltham, Burlington engineer.
has on exhibition In the Commercial
Club window a cucumber that makes
one's mouth water. The vegetable
measures eleven and one-quarter
inches in circumferance by eleven
Inches in length. It was raised with
out irrigation.
At a regular business meeting of
the Christian Endeavor Society of
the First Presbyterian church, held
at the home of Rev. Mclntyre, the
pastor. Monday evening, the follow
ing were elected officers: F. O. Rowe,
president; Vera Spencer, vice presl-
. t -.. rnMnn ....
James, treasurer.
Ed Austin, a former Alliance
young man, who has been taking a
course at Havelock, learning the ma
chinist's profession, for the past two
years, has returned to Alliance and
is now employed at the Burlington
railroad shops.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
ithe First Presbyterian church will
give a reception Friday evening at
8 o'clock at the church parlors, In
honor of the new teachers and pupils
of the Alliance city schools. All are
Invited. Come and have a pleasant
E. E. Hagan. of the Newberry
Hardware Company, returned this
noon from a trip to Minatare, look
Ing after furnaces there.
Charley Orr, a prominent ranch
man living forty miles northeast of
Alliance, was seriously Injured Wed
nesday morning near his ranch when
an auto In which he was riding turn
ed over, crushirg him about the hips
Dr. Copsey was called from Alliance
to attend the Injured man. It Is be
lieved that he will recover but there
Is danger of him being permanently
District Court Sept. 21
District Judge Westover will be
vere Tuesday, September 21. to dls
pose of the equity cases that have ac
cumulated since July, when the last
session was held. Several important
matters will be settled at this pes
slon. The regular Jury term will
start November 22. v
Ah 1 what relief. No more tired feet',
no more burning feet, swollen, bad smell
ing, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns
callouses or bunions. No matter what
ails your feet
or what under
the sun you're
triad without
getting relief,
just nw TIZ
"TIZ" draws
out all the poi
sonous exuda
tions which puff
up the fat;
"TIZ" is mag
fctftl; "TIZ" ?
l-tud; "TIZ
nll cure your
;Y'.t troubles so
;iV never limp or draw up your face
in pain. Your snoes won't seem tigni
and your feet will never, never hurt or
get eore, swollen or tired.
Get a 25 cent box at any drug or
department store, and get relief.
"Carbo" we'll be glad to demon.
mill ii1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinll
Style Center
We want to fhow you the new
Stlih Coafa for Fall
Full Ixtose Smartly Belted
Style of African Brown Cordu
roy, lined Serge to match. Col
lar i the convertible muffler
type, which can be worn open
or buttoned close to the neck.
Made in African Brown
A Comfortable l4oe Full l'l
ter of Fancy Tan Plaid Mix
ture made with deep cuff, wide
belt and a Johnny Shawl Collar,
which may be worn three dif
ferent way. JiiHt the coat for
motoring or general utility
wear. Self yoke lining.
$5.00 Millinery
MU tJertrude (Jreeue in
charge of the Millinery Bepart
ment WRJlarper
Department Store
Alliance, Nebr.
-l ; M-n