The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 02, 1915, Image 8

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    The Diamond
From the Sky
Copyright. 1915, by Roy L McCardell
TERS. A fpud haa exMivl between Colonel At
thur Stanley end hi cotmln, Judgo Lamnr
Punier, over an heirloom, the diamond
from the ikjr, found In fallen meteor by
an anrertor. Alfto, the eticoeaiilon to the
Stanley earldom In England may come to
an Amrrlenn. When a daughter la bom
to tiia colonel and the mother (Ilea, the
colonel buya a crypay bof and
him. Three years later the gypsy mother,
having had no part In thla bargain, ateala
the air I, being roared In aerret, and leavea
her aon undetected aa the heir. The gyp
ay tins obtained possession of the diamond
from the aky, and a document with the
Stanley secret. When Esther la grown
beautiful young girl, Hagar, now gypay
queen, returna to Virginia with her. Dr.
Lee, the late Colonel Stanley' friend,
adopt Either, but demand that Hagar
turn over to him the diamond from the
aky. Arthur Stanley, son of Hagar, fall
In love with Esther and ao doe hi com
panion and coualn, Blair Stanley, rightful
male heir of Stanley. In stealing the dia
mond Blair cauae the death of the doc
tor. Outside la Arthur serenading Eather.
Blair, escaping. Infer that he ha left
Either' room. Arthur force him to
fight a duel, In which Blair la only
tunned. He tries, with the aid of til
mother, to place the blame for the murder
of Dr. Lee upon Arthur, who now haa' the
diamond. The sheriff , attempt to take
Arthur, but he elude hi pursuer and
Join Hagar, who reveal hla Identity and
upbraid him for hi wild life, i Needing
money, he pawns the diamond In Rich
mond. Blair la In Richmond, And he, too,
la forced to the pawnshop." The two
agree to stand by each other. At a ball,
at which a supposed New York belle Is
the guest of honor, they are stunned to
And the diamond on the visitor. She la
an adventures who haa borrowed It.
While Hagar Is telling the "belle's" for
tune Luke Lovell. U agar a gypay guard,
teal the diamond and to avoid detection
drops It Into a mall box. A sheriff tries
to arrest Arthur on the murder charge.
He eacapea from Richmond on a freight
train. The diamond passe into a mall
bag. which Is lost from a wagon and Is
picked up by Quabba. an organ grinder.
Quabba' monkey steals the diamond and
leave It in a neat. In a tree. Arthur la
robbed by hoboes, who leave hint In tat
ters. He seeks work at a farm. Hagar
take Esther to live at Stanley hall. An
old time tournament la held. Arthur at
tends In disguise, proves himself the best
knight, defeating Blair, hut Is betrayed
by the latter to the sheriff. Quabba. In
Jeat, handcuff the sheriff and Blair. By
daring horsemanship Arthur escape. Lat
er ne leaves me tarm. loin uiaae, a ae
t active hired by Hagar, produces finger
prints proving Blair guilty of the death
of Dr. Lee. Blair and hla mother quarrel
about Vivian. Hagar propose alienee to
Mrs. Stanley as the price of Hagar and
Rather' being received In Fairfax aoclety. j
Blair atrlkea down Hagar and ateala the
fingerprint and money from hi mother
The diamond I found by a negro boy. '
' Summoning The servants, Esther bad
Ilagar carried to her chamber. The
, "Give me my childl
blow Blair Stanley had dealt Hagar
witn the nenvy poker bad made no cut
or external wound. She was soon In
fevered sleep, and Esther waa forced
.to leave her bedside at urgent eura
ojona from Ik'Iow.
There she found Luke Lovell. head
man for Ilasar here aa woll as at the
gypsy camp.' hidden In the mountains
twenty miles away.
Suspiclonlng that Ilagar was 111 both
er mind and body. Lovell had already
usurped authority. Even uow he was
ordering the wandering hunchback or
gan grimier rroin the place.
But If Quabba was frail he whs cour
ageous. He waa lUHbilliig he would
not leave the place until he had said
farewell to the strange, grand lady
who had sjtokeu Romany to him and
also farewell to her fair faced dauch
ter. who bad also bidden tilru to stay
and be refreshed.
There was something ao loyal and
true in the hunchback a respectful gate
that, stranger as be was, U made Es
tber take bis -hand, after sternly dls
missing the scowling Lovell, and tei
thai hutuVe hunchback to star.
"Do not leave us," she. whispered.
Something tells me you will be
friend, and we have uo friends qm
save perhaps our gyjwy people' .Vu
'If' "-V 'I i
tu-ene) In the grand stand at the tourna
ment and how this hunchback wander
er hod warned Arthur that he bad
been betrayed.
At this Juncture a carriage drove tip
to Stanley bnlt. From thin a strange
tk'tire alighted, the Qgnre of a tall,
lank, serious, aide whlflkcred English
man wearing a plaid suit with a heavy
mourning bond on '"the arm and a
glistening white tropic helmet This
strange individual had a rifle in the
At the sight of Quabba 'a chattering
monkey the lank Englishman grew
wildly excited. "Some of their native
wild bensts:" he exclaimed and rushed
hack to the carriage for bis rifle.
It took some effort on the part of
both Eather and Qnnbba to reassure
7 L;
1 - I
Marmaduk Smyth, Lawyer, Gets Hi
the excited visitor that Clarence, the
monkey, was not at all a wild beast of
the Virginia Jungle, but simply an itin
erant organ grinder's friend, compan-!
lon and collector of external revenue.
Then the stranger made known his
name and errand.
"I am Marmaduke Smythe, barrister,
of London, England, solicitor and agent
of the estate of the earls of Stanley of
Stanley castle, Warwickshire," he said.
"Lord Stanley died there a month ago
from the Infirmities of old age, leaving
no heir in England, the succession fall
ing to the eldest son of the elder
branch of Stanleys of this place, Stan
ley hall. -
"I remember It well, for I was here
to verify the American heir nearly
twenty years ago. And a beastly ex-1
perience I had. my dear young lady.
I was ambushed by croaking savages '
and fell off a horse and was thrown
not off the borse. but figuratively
thrown into the midst of a terrific and
bloodthirsty feud between Colonel
Stanley and Jurisre Stun lev itnth rln
snorting, bally fire eaters, as you Yan- i
kees way down cast in Virginia say. I
"'So tnv errand, vouiiir ladv. In thea '
wild parts of the American border Is
to notify young Arthur Stanley, both
Colonel Stanley and the judge being
dead, that he Is the Earl of Stanley,
and the title und estates await him In t
Warwickshire." j
And theu It was Esther's painful task j
to tell the strange caller of the accuse- j
tiona against the young man he sought,
of tus wild (light and disappearance.
"My word!" exclaimed the embar
rassed London lawyer. "What a dread
ful way you wild Yankees have of
tomahawking each other, don't you
know! If the American earl is a crim
inal In hiding I must notify the next
of kin, the late judge's son. whom I
distinctly remember as a vicious little
beggar who bit me severely.
In case his lordship, as I must call
him, the fugitive, is captured by your
white cap chaps he will undoubtedly
be lynched, as Is your Invariable cus
tom on the American frontiers here, 1
believe. Hence the son of the late
lllllcn will hn rh Karl nt Rtnnlov
"That is, provided, of course," the
Loudon lawyer added, "that this non.
Blair Stanley, as he would ie called
with us, has not outgrown his vicious
propensities as a child. For I assume
If he bites your prominent border ruf
lans he will be tomahawked or lynch
ed or put tin end to in some unpleasant
manner. So you must excuse my tak
ing leave, as I must notify the next of
And he raised hla tropic helmet po
litely and walked in a wide circle
around the chattering monkey, Clar
ence, as though he rather doubted the
alleged harmlessness of the animal he
deemed a denizen of the local Jungle.
At the gloomy threshold of Mrs. La
mnr Stanley's bouse the Loudon law
yer received further confirmation of
his personal belief that Blair Stanley,
whose vicious proiensltles he remem
lerel. would never outgrow the- san
Kulnary propensities of his childhood.
In the bitter wood that now obsessed
her Blair's mother informed the star
tled lawyer that her son. now next In
line for the proud Stanley earldom, had
led. no one knew whither, and she
honed to never see his lace again. '
All she- would aay in reply to the
barrister's nervous pleadings for he
dreaded a long search for the heirs of
Stauley in barbarous Amclcawas
that Blair might be found at the home
of Mrs. Burton Randolph, bis cousin.
In Richmond. And for that place the
lawyer took the first train from Fair
An Idol Adorned and Despoiled.
UOTED by the hope that renew
ed assoeUtlou with her gypsy
- tribe might teud to restore
Uugar to reason, Esther de-
parted TDal Ligm vvnu Hunaf 1 h'oui
Stanley ball.
Sbe'wns iu-iUim tiled by Quabba,
now her falUifal attendant, aid the
sullenly Insistent Hike Lovell. It was
a sad return of their strl ken qui en to
the grieving Kuuiany people. recognized the gypsies as gyp
sies, but she called on the names of
those long deported, Including the name
of Iter (lend husband. Matt Harding,
whom she evidently deemed was alive
and threatening her. For when she
spoke Ms name It was in grim revolt
and with bitter maledictions.
That night Quabba slept wlti) his
monkey beside him nt the threshold of
1 In gar's vsn: Inside Est her had sunk
in exhausted slumber on her cot beside
the fever dream afflicted Hagar. Quan
ta's light slumber was broken by the
crunching of a pebble beneath a heavy
foot Quabba roused and drew his
knife, and the menacing figure of Luke
Lovell slunk back from the accusative
moonlight into the shadows and was
seen no more. s
That night at this same hour Arthur
Stanley, a fugitive and a wanderer, a
stranger in a strange land, by his
smoldering campfire in a far western
desert,' dreamed .. a wild dream that
roused him with a shriek. lie saw the
fear struck face of Esther and near
her the sinister Luke Lovell, with
his great gnarled , hands stretched aa
though to clutch and crush her.
One who is In society In Richmond
may forget unpleasant things In a
ceaseless round of new frivolities.
Mrs, Burton Randolph returned from
her stay in Fairfax to find her friends
In an attitude of delighted commisera
tion toward her. She confided to her
dearest friends that her life seemed
fated to be one of turmoil and tragedy.
But instead of finding herself pitied
' In society in Richmond Mrs. RandolDh
found herself envied as a social hero
ine in these delightfully dreadful af
fairs." So as the beautiful wistaria was em
purpling her house and grounds Mrs.
Burton Randolph announced a wista
rta fetc anJ n Richmond society was
nervously expectant or more delight
fully dreadful occurrences.
But, although the wistaria fete was
a wondrously brilliant affair, accord
ing to the society colnmns of the Rich
mond papers, no untoward event oc
curred to mar the pleasure of the day,
somewhat to the disappointment of so
ciety. Blair Stanley, with plenty of money,
but keeping sedulously away from Mr.
Abe Bloom's temple of chHiice, turned
up in Richmond in pursuit of Vivian
Marston. with whom be was still In
fatuated. He knew the risk be took,
for it was evident some one in Rich
mond had Mecured from Abe Bloom the
check that, liesldes lieing worthless,
had the fatal print of his thumb upon
It, For the photograph of this check
and thumb print, together with photo
graphs of his thumb prints taken from
Dr. Lee's study, had been in the pos-
i(tn ' nagnr Harding when he had
9trn her
Bu "" his fierce passion for
the luxurious and beautiful Vivian
Marston that Blair walked in the shad
ow of death for her sake.
He Intimated as much to her when
he hud led her aside beneath the bow-
" have gone to the foot of the gallows
for you, Vivianl"
er of the purple blossoms at hla cous
in's wistaria fete. "I have gone to the
foot of the gallows for you. Vivianl"
he whispered to her.
For be realised that this beautiful,
langorous woman was one to whom an
unscrupulous and desjarate deed would
appeal. He felt that she. too, bad a
past and that In wickedness they were
well matched, and for that the desper
ate Blair loved her all the more.
For herself. Vivian Marston had lin
gered In Richmond, leading an exist
ence that was puritanical and galling
to her In the vapid restraints, as she
deemed them, of conventional southern
ocUI restrictions. Her one strong, ea
ger, ccropelllag desire, a desire that
held her in provincial Richmond, was
her desire for a star her deal re for the
dtmoud from the sky.
Ouoe lit a)'. It blazing magniflceuce
it had shone uiou her breast. ' Vivian
If L . - -.-,.,,n ftai., -nil I ' ... . W
STarsloii ToTigeXTagaluTkoTa ahfl pos
sess the diamond. Her thoughts were
upon it by' day, and at night her
dreams were bright like gold and red
like blood.
She had heard its story and knew
that, after Arthur, Blab was next In
clalm for Its possession..
(Continued next week)
Will Again Bo at. the
Monday , September 13, 1015.
Hours, 10 A. M. to 8 1. M.
Remarkable Success of These Talent
ed Physicians In the Treatment of
Chronic IMseases. '
Offer their Services Free of Charge
The United poctora, licensed by
the state of Nebraska for the treat
ment of deformities and all nervous
and chronic diseases of men, women
and children, offer to all who call en
this trip, consultation, examination,
advice free, making no charge what
ever, except the actual cost of treat
ment. All that is .asked in return
for these valuable services Is that ev
ery person treated will state the re
sult obtained to their friends and
thus prove to the sick and afflicted
In every city and locality, that at last
treatments have been discovered that
are reasonably sure and certain in
their effect. ' -
These doctors are among Ameri
ca's leading stomach and nerve spec
ialists and are experts in the treat
ment of chronic diseases and so great
and wonderful have been their re
sults that in many cases it is hard to
find the dividing line between skill
and miracle.
Diseases of the stomach, intest
ines, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheuma
tism, sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting,
tape worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs
and those afflicted with long-standing,
deep seated, chronic diseases,
that have baffled the skill of the fam
ily physicians, should -not fail to call.
Deafness often has been cured In six
ty days.
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, gall
stones, tumors, goiter, piles, etc., as
these diseases are treated without
operation or hypodermic injection.
They were among the first in Am
erica to earn the name of "Bloodless
Surgeons," by doing away with the
knife and blood and with all pain In
the successful treatment of these
dangerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder
troubles bring a two ounce bottle of
your urine for chemical analysis and
microscopic examination. '
No matter what your ailment may
be, no matter what experience you
may have had with other physicians,
it will be to your advantage to see
them at once. Have it forever set
tled in your mind. If your case is
incurable they will give you such ad
vice as may relieve and stay the dis
ease. . Do not put off this duty you
owe yourself or frtends or relatives
who are suffering because of your
sickness, as a 'visit at this time may
help you.
Worn-out and run-down men or
women, no matter wnat your ail
ment, consult them. It costs you
Remember, this last free offer is
for this visit only.
Married ladies come with their
husbands and minors with their par
-nts. Advertisement.
SORE. TlilEb i EE I
Good bye aore feet, burning feet, awe
len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tir-'
Good-bye oorna, callouses, bunions a:. 1
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fortable your feet feeL Get a 25 cent
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department store. Don't suffer. Have
good feet glad feet foci that never
swell, never hurt never get tired. A
year's foot comfort guaranteed or
oney refunded.
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Ukuej t BfavUlty af iruH s ami. -
mi us asuw ri im BxwM "ifnfl
prml 4 But aasl Last Ur baft
The Prompt Printer
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fcaiwsF haMM 1Vae 1 f
rw Marat fcaavja I I
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Regrets won't bring back the money you have extravagantly
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bhip StEANUBKL'' cat on ncaipt of fivo mil to cover poatain and maUinii. AMo uk onr t)-pir tirtoril nrt dfMrptlT
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Nebraska Military Academy
YOUR BOV must be educated and developed. If he Is not doing
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lUYWAJtD, President