rttrnrri n niM:iifiiiiniunnminmiuiinLii am 1 1 utm 1 1 n ittti i if 1 1 innrrrtititTt mt 11 n it n i itn m iiimi mm iiiiirn-niiinni mmn mi n , . i"i"imimiiiiii)iMfnmmmMiimtMifMMrr SCHOOL OF MUSIC 15 cordially our , - c?a 1 1 J ciU F,SK gf HATS ..I LEAD I I ' A' - J on'c Opera House all Block SReg "Fisk Millinery" In all the Latest and Most Be coming Models." IE 3G H The Teachers Attending the teachers institute this week are especially invited to call and view our splendid display In "Fisk" Hats are combined quality style and hprnminonpss' II II li II II H II J FISK HATS LEAD r 4 ori'c Opera House all 5 Block Reg tH...m;nmiiiimm..mm.nmmt..nnmm..mm jji;iiuiiu:iii;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirniiiiiiiiiiiiiiirTmmnm They Like the Wheatland Country Among those who have recently returned from a visit to the Wheatland, Wyoming, irrigated country are Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ilobbs and son Myers. Like the others who have visited this garden spot, they are more than enthusiastic regarding the present and future possibilities, and believe that country is the coming irrigated farming country of the west. Ask anyone who has made the trip to Wheatland with me what they think of the country. Ask Mr. Hobbs he will give you his honest convictions and will tell you exactly what the country is like. Then, after you have seen and talked to Mr. Hobbs, come to me and let me arrange to take you there so you can see for yourself. The Wheatland country is so good that it doesn't need any misrepresentations, and I'll lot you be the judge. i J. L. Williams Call, Phone or Write Alliance, Nebraska ttttfiiiiiiiii!tinimt:;;m:it;;Ktt!iiiinniiiiiiiiiig Union Men Take Notice! UNION ESS LABEL Every garment purchased from us bears the union label, and every garment that leaves the shop, whether it is cleaned or pressed, or if it is a newly -made garment, is guaranteed to be as near perfect as it is possible to make it. - A' new line of fall and winter samples has been received, and we now have them on display. All the latest weaves and textures, from the cheapest that's good to the best on earth. Beautiful new serges and the popular new wide plaids, also all of the new "Exposition" novelties, which will be all the rage this fall and winter. Let us take your measure now, so you will have the suit when you want it. Bring us your cleaning, pressing and repairing work we'll attend to it promptly; or bettor still, let us call for and deliver it. ROY B. BURNS Alliance National Bank Building Phone 133 Kirby Coal We sell the genuine Kirby Coal nut size for cook stoves and the lump for furnaces. Kirby coal gives evener heat and more heat and sells for less than most other medium priced grades. We are also agents for from the Sheridan district. Carney coal is unexcelled for do mestic use. No soot, no clinkers, less than three per cent ash, free from all impurities. No coal of its same character com pares as a heat producer. Make An Estimate of Your Next Winter's Supply and Let U Make You a Price on It Now. Prices Will Advance Sept. 1st. ALLIANCE CREAMERY CO. W. E. SPENCER, Manager CHILDREN'S EYES If the little girl complains of headaches, is backward in her studies, or does not like to study', it is probable that she has some eye defects. Better be on the safe side and have US examine her eyes. A correc tion of the error will save her lots of trouble, and you from worry and regret. DRAKE & DRAKE ItegUtered Optometrists 313 llox Uutte. Ave. Over Lot smit h's Variety Store MITCHELL-HOBBS MImm Muurice Mitchell and !cn J. IIoI(h Married Near I.yiuu Yesterday Morning Miss Maurice Vinna Mitchell and Myers J. Hobbs .were united in mar riage Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at the home of the bride's brother. J. It. Mitchell, near Lynn. Rev. H. J. Young, of the Alliance Christian church, officiating. Only the Immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present, and after the ceremony all sat down to a table loaded with good things to eat. Shortly afterward the newlyweds came to Alliance by auto mobile, and Wednesday night took the train for Denver and other points for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. of both. Mrs. Hobbs is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Mitchell, who lire in Missouri, but she taught school near Moffltt last year and had remained to spend the summer with her brother. at whose home they were marrirrf. She Is a beautiful and accomplish id young lady who has countless frien Is over the county. Mr. Hobbs is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hobbs. of Alliance, and in one of Dox Butte county's substan tial, upright young men. He receiv ed most of his education in the Alli ance public schools, and lust year taught school near Angora. On their return from the honey moon they will vlnlt a short time in Alliance, after which they will take up housekeeping near Moffltt. The Herald Joins with the many other friends of the couple in extending congratulations. Dr. W. J. Mahaffy DENTIST N Gas Administered Lady Assistant Over lht Ottlce Alliance : Nebraska I FOR SALE A house and six lots iu Alliance. Close in. Will sell very cheap if taken at once. Write box 324, Hall Hotel, Denver, Colorado. 38-4t-496S YOUNO CHICKS and sweet corn for sale. Mrs. E, J. Reeves. 38-11-4969 STRAWBERRY PLANTS should be set out during September. Buy them from J. 1 Barger. I'hone 9. 38-71-4961 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale. Va cant rooms for rent. At 519 Big Horn avenue. Alliacne, Nebr. 3s-2t-4960f Herald want ads bring results. Try them. I'hone 340. M. K. CONKKKKNCK ' To lie Held at tiortlon, September t o & - llishop Ouayle to Ireld The twenty-third annual session of the Northwest Nebraska confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal church will be held at Gordon, Ne braska, September 1 to 5. Bishop wm, A. Quayle, D.D., LL.D., of St Paul, Minnesota, will preside. Rev. O. S. Baker, pastor at Alli ance, and Rev. Halslup, district sup erintendent, will attend from here. 1010-16 Terra Open Monday, ftep , tember fl Only One Chan go In Fatuity This Year Miss Eunice Burnett and Mr. Ed ith Swan-Zedlker returned to Alli ance Sunday from "Camp Mullam" where they have been enjoying -turn for the past month, and are aow msklnic the necessary preparation for the. opening of the AUIjum School of Music, which opening will' be on Monday, September . KalpBt Untacke, Instructor In the violin U partment, la now on the road to Al liance, coming horseback from Mal- len to Angora, and proceeding froar there to Alliance on the train. Mr, Uniacke went by the aame root, making the trip from Angora to M al ien on a horse. There was aom speculation among hla friends a tot how be and the horse would sta&tf- the long trip, and It la now thougttt that the only reaaon he la riding tft horse back la that he knows of w other way to get the animal back tt tta owner. Miss Burnett and Mrs. Zedlker car they never before enjoyed auch lightful time aa they have Just apest. and their appearance beara out Ulo claim, for they appear to have boos expoaed to the elements moat of tfear time, which have given them com plexions like a harvest hand'a. How ever, they ahould not let this worry them, aa a few months' strenuous la bor In the school room will efface all marks of old Sol'a antica. The sam ia true of Mr. Uniacke. There will be but one change tm the faculty of the school this year. Miss Teresa Pearl Hlghfs place ba been filled by' Miss Mattle Clare Ox ford, who cornea to Alliance and to the school most highly recommend ed. She ia a graduate from the No oraska Wesleyan School . of Exprsav sion and Oratory under Prof. Knox, and since her graduation baa wow for herself a notable distinction. She comes to Alliance from Thuratoav where she haa taught for some tlmo. Regarding her work. Chancellor Fulmer of the university anya: "t have heard Mina Glfford a number of times. She never fails to delight aft. audience. Her manner la very pleao- lng, her voice la good, and she to very artistic in whatever she re n ders." The faculty of the School of Music feel themselves very fortunate in securing such a competent instrqe tor for the coming ' year, She will have charge of elocution, physical culture and dramatic art. . Buy your receipt books, legal blanks, blank notes, all kinds of blanks at The Herald office. Price reasonable. A big assortment. ADDITIONAL ANGORA ITEMS , Mrs. Mary Bowers returned from Beatrice where she haa been spend ing the summer with her sister. Dr. Jones of Bridgeport was here Tuesday. He has several patients In and around town and intends to make a trip here once a week here after. His office will probably be at A. O. Stoner'a residence. Change in Postal Regulation order No. 9099, of the postmaster general, effective September 1, read as follows: "Fourth-class mail shall not bo registered, but may be, Insured against loss In an, amount equivalent to Its actual Value, but not to exceed. $5 In any one case, on payment of ft. fee of three cents; not to exceed S2S on payment of a fee of five cent; not to exceed ISO on payment of a fee of ten centa, or not to exceed 1100 on payment of a fee of twenty'"' five centa, in addition to the postage, both to be prepaid by stamps affixed; but Indemnity will not be allowed la cases of loss of auch mail address to the Philippine Islands, unless the loss occurred in the postal service of the United States." Order No. 8977 amends the postal" laws and regulations as follows: "Sec. 458 Vs. On and after See-" tember 1, the postmaster at the mail ing office may, on payment of one cent, give the sender of an ordinary parcel of fourth-class mall a receipt therefor. A postage stomp to cover the charge for the receipt shall be af fixed thereto. The name and ad dress of the addressee of the parcel shall be written in the receipt by the sender." NOTICE f u.ill 1. . . , . 1 ft- . ft 1 ft. . i v ill uvr ni iu I'lijr mill rciwpn 2:30 and 3:30 p. m. dally for the next few weeks, to receive speclaE taxes as per ordinance No. 215. ARCHIE U It EGO If Y. 38-2M971 . ; City Trrasurer- Offlce blanks and blank loose-leaf books for sale at The Herald office PhnrtA 1 1 A nnf a aAr Aa am I w ...ill : v uvi m icirvcuinitTO Will 'call. Our Space fVorth While! By MOSS. Newspaper advertis ing is a tangible com modity. Take this paper, for instance. We sell our space to the merchants. They use it to attract the attention of our readers in order to in duce them to buy. The readers in turn compare the ads. and go where they can get the best for the lowest price. If this valuable com modity were done away with the merchant and the reader would have a hard time getting to gether. Wed be way back in the days of stage coaches and muzzle load ing guns.