The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 26, 1915, Special Edition, Image 20

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September 16 and I?, 1915
$3,000.00 in Premiums
The St. Joseph Stonker and Feeder Show is held under the
auspices of the St. Joseph Stock Yards Co. and the St. Jooeph
Live Stock Exchange. . The purpose f this show h to demon -fclfatc
to the producers, .handlers and feeders of cattle, that ifre
St. Joseph Stock Yards in one of the hM market renters to- buy
and Hell this class of cattle and to promote the cattle industry'
generally by bringing in contact Itoth producer and fattens n.l
affording ftti avenue of exchange of stock from the west, north.
vest and Kouthwest to the great feed lot territory extending' cast
of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.
St, Joseph is a city of 90,000; is locate! on the MmmouH riv
er, 65 miles north of Kansas City, Mo., 1 1( biuY south f Omaha,
Teb., 225 miles duo west of the Mississippi river from Hannibal,
lo., and is served by the following railroad ; A. T. & S. P. (Santa
e System) ; C. B. & Q. R. 11. (Burlington System) ; C. Rv I. & P.
lock Island System); Chicago (Ireat Western ; Missouri Pacific;
J. & O. 1. (Union Pacific System) direct connection is nfford
. by these lines with all principal railroads, both in the east and
, so that patrons and live stock are not inconvenienced i
travels to or from St. Joseph. Ample and up to date hotel
-T -m9LMm - JOf
Exchange Building
South St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Joseph Stock Yard are modern in facilities for the best
accommodation' of live stock,' covering 200 acres, brick pared,
covered hog and sheep division, pure city water; short drives;
good scale facilities. Splendid office building. Best care for man
and beast. Annual receipts: 500,000 cattle; 1,800,000 hogs; 800,
000 sheep.
Come and look us over.
Entries will close on Wednesday, September 15, 1915. En
tries may be made tlirect to the Secretary or may be made
through any Commission Firm by giving following information:
Number of head; age; breed; name of owner? commission firm to
whom consigned. St. Joseph speculators and yard traders can
not compete.
The cattle will be judged on Thursday, September 16, and
offered at public auction to the highest bidder on Friday, Sep
tember 17th.
The services of P. M. (Jrnss, as auctioneer, have beer secured.
The exhibitor is required to pay the freight, feed',- yardage
and coin mission charges, the same as would accrue-on any ship
ment to the market for sale.
Feeder cattle are hereby defined to be cattle known upovi the
market commercially as feeder cattle, and they may be pfit in
market condition in any manner exhibitor desires
Twenty (20) head will constitute a carload.-
f r e m i urns-
Carload, 20 head or more, feeding steers,
spayed or martin heifer, two years old and
over :
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
Carload, 20 head or more, feeding steers,
spayed or martin heifers, one year old and un
der two:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
Carload, 20 head or more, feeding steers,
spayed or martin heifers, under one year:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$K0.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
(Irand Champion ear load if won bv Here
fords, $250.00.
The first premium in each of the above
clpsses, also the (Irand Champion premium, is
ofiVrcd by the American Hereford Cattle
Breeders Association. Cattle competing must
be all steers or heifers, not mixed and may be
pure bred or grades, but must show a prepond
erance of Hereford Blood.
Carlord, 20 head or mov, feeding st'rs,
spayed or martin heifers, vo years old and
over :
1st 2nd :?rd
AUMM'O $75.(H $.'0.( M)
Carload, 20 heail or mnr. ,
spayvd or martin heilYrs, on--der
t wo :
I si 2ml
I oo.oo $75.00 $.-o.0(
' ?,-lond. 2' head or more,
spayed or martin heifers, under one year
1st 2nd :trd 4th 5th
splOO.tH) $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
(ir.rid Champion carload, if won by Short
horn, $100.00.
The first premium in each of the above
classes, also the Oraud Champion premium, is
iTrr'd v the American Shorthorn Cattle
Breeders Association. Cattle competing musl
in all slcus or heifers, not mixed, and may be
pure bred or grades, but must show a prepond
erance of Shorthorn Blood.
4th 5th
$25.00 $10.00
feeding steers,
year old and uu-
41 h 51 h
$25.00 $10.00
feeding steers.
Carload, 20 head or more, feeding steers,
spayed or martin- heitVrs, two years old and
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$!0O.00 75.00- $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
Carload, 20 head or more, feeding steers,
spayed or martin heifers, oik year old and un
der two:
1st 2nd Siil 4th 5th
$100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $23.00 $10.00
( 'a i load, 20 heed or more, feeding steers,
spaved or martin heifers, under one year:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00
Grand Champion carload, if won by Aberdeen-Angus,
The first premium in each of the above
classes, also the (Irand Champion premium, is
offered by the American Aberdeen-Angus
Breeders Association. Cattle competing must
be all steers or heifers, not mixed, and may be
pure bred or grades, but must show a prepond
erance of Aberdeen-Angus Blood.
The following premiums are offered- on
feeding sheep, 150 head or more to constitute a
carload :
' 1st 2nd' 3rd
Best car feeding lambs $75.00 $40.00 $20.00
Best car feeding year-.
lings $50.00 $30.00 $20.00
Best ear feeding ewes $35.00 $20.00 $10.00
Contributors of cattle will be assured of s
ready sale.
Buyers will be assured a large quantity f
good feeding animals to select from.
To the purchaser of two or more carloads of
stock, railroad fare paid by the purchaser to
St. Joseph, Mo., will be refunded on presenta
tion of railroad receipt showing amount of fare
paid. When buying your ticket to St. Joseph,
Mo., ask the agent for receipt.
Sec'y Stocker and Feeder Show,
South St. Joseph, Mo.
Date-September 16 and 17, 1915
Place-Stock Yards, So. St. Joseph, Mo.
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Great Event for Cattle Ramcluiien