The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 26, 1915, Special Edition, Image 18

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    T I
should prove popular with
people, and Mr. Cramer gives the as
surance that the same pictures aad
same service as have been given for
15 cents will prevail at the lowered .
price. A O
How Federal Official Inwpert Aid
mals Before They Are Slaughter
ed IlcUUoii to fthlpfter
iNsrfxmoN of thk oahca.hnks
All farmera and others who raise
or handle cattle, sheep, hogs, or
coats which are marketed for food
purposes ahould know something of
Che general rulea under which the
department conducta the inspection
of animals to be slaughtered.
When auch animals are forwarded
to public stock yards or to establish
nents where federal meat Inspection
la maintained they are insepcted
lire. This Inspection is known aa
the ante mortem Inspection and la
done In the stock yards or in the
pena of the establishment. When con
ducted In the public stock yards the
ante mortem Inspection Is usually
made at the scales when the animals
are weighed. The chief requirements
for the disposal of animals upon this
Inspection are aa follows: Those ani
mals which do not plainly show, but
re suspected of being affected With,
ny disease or condition which may
cause condemnation In whole or id
part at the time of slaughter, are
marked with a aerially-numbered
. metal tag which bears the legend,
"U. 8. Suspect." All animals which
are tbua marked aa auspecta are held
apart and slaughtered separately
from other animals, the only excep
tion to this rule being those held for
advanced pregnancy or on acoount of
bating recently giren birth to young,
and which hare not been exposed to
any Infectious or contagious disease.
Such animals, together with their
young, may be released for breeding
or dairy purposes, and when so re
leased they must be promptly remov
ed from the stock yarda or premises
of the establishment where inspect
ed. Some animala are condemned out
fright upon the ante-mortem Ins pet
ition. iKor instance, all hogs which
:plainly show that they are affected
with either Tiog cholera or awine
iplagde are marked "U. S. Condemn
ed." Further, If a hog Is one of a
lot In which there are symptoms of
hog cholera or swine plague and the
animal has a temperature of 10 F.
or higher, It Ua condemned. All ani
mals thus marked are destroyed.
They can nol be taken Into the estab
lishment to e slaughtered or dress
ed, but must 'be disposed of in tanks
o aa to prevent their use for food
(purposes. In case of doubt aa to the
cause of the high temperature the'
animal may be held under tbe in
spector's supervision for farther ex
amination and taking ot tempera
ture. Immature animate offered for
ante-mortem inspection) at any of the
fles specified la the- regulation are
required to be condemaed outright;
likewise all animals showing symp
toms of rabies, tetanus, milk fever,
or railroad sickness.
Besides this ante-mortem inspec
tion, the carcasses are thoroughly in
tipecti-a at the time of and after
laughter, aad the meat and producta
are also Inspected In the various
Mages and processes of preparation.
The losses caused through the con
tmtintlon of animals which are aa-
fflt for food affects directly or indlr-
wetlv the price which the producer
receives for his live stoca. ine pur-,
chasers of animals for slaughter not
Infrequently trace diseased ahlp
rrnents back to their origin where dis
ease is harbored, and thereafter de
cline to take animala from infected
farms and localities except under an
arrangement which will insure mem
agalnut loss. It therefore behooves
thdlproducer to use every practicable
means to keep his herds and flocks
free from disease and to refrain from
forwarding diseased or suspicious an
imals to market
1 ' .
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,- . tI -.''.';. "-'.' L ''"!' I"'" H - " ' vy..
ed m being bodf or a race of peo
ple, living in a certain country, and
since oar Lord bere makes no excep
tions it is clear tbat all people of a
natloa, ulta a4 children, infants
are luciuoea m im term "an na
tions." Or would anybody dare to
say that children, litfawts, arw not a
part of a tvatlon. do not belong; to Its
people? Is there any people Jo any
country, any nation',- anywhere, with
out children? When' therefore1 oar
Lord commands fa baptlM- alf na
tions, be certainly includes rtt child
ren. Infants, and tNoretorv we bap
tize them.
But does jiot JeiMs plafaly say.
Oo ye and TEACH aS nntloira, bap-
tiling town?" And does nts this
word "teaen" limit baptism tb-wd'utts
bo alow can be tauht? Lt its
see, a I on -note in our tngnsra ui
Me tells a that this wcrd "tetarhf
means "to saake dlscliiies.'' "tO'mlte
Christians," "to Chlatlane. And'
tlkat tit the sorrect transaatfaa of ItiH
word, as rradref from the ortglml
Greek text. Henra our .Lord's com-1
maadl readkrn Go ye and' make
Christians- of all nations, baptlitln,?
them and teaa&lng tbem to observe
all ttUngw evro aa I have coraraand-
erf j oat" He wants us to make
Christians by baptUlBK ad toaoli
Ing AocorsxUgly we must ga and
baptise and teach. t& stations; bap
tize all, inf;iata inrltixied, and . baptize-
and: teach Insroael, those who
can receive Rnutructaar adults
thl la Chrkst'th ooaainand.
NeceNMlty of fiiliuU IfaiptlNm
But we ewptize- ntr Infants, ifi
because it is neceeaary ' to baptise
thrm. Our Land Juh being a cnoe
sinful, carnal mindVd. He has
lost the perfect holiness and righte
ousness In which he was oice creat
ed by G6 and is now totaffy deprav
ed in sin (Gen. 8. 21), f emnlty
against od (Rom. 8,7). Is Mbject
to God'S ratb (Sphes. 2,8), aiv4 that
which la far of flesh, the child, the
Infant, is s4be of flesh, sinful, carwel
minded, and) most be born again i
water and fSw spirit, before it cars)
enter the kingdom of beaven. There
fore, it is neeessary to baptize in'
But CAN lnftat be baptized? We
know from the Script ares that the
Messings of bafttaos, forgiveness of
sins, life and aa)vtia are received
aad enjoyed only By faitn. Can then
Infants believe amtl reeetta tbe bless
faigs of baptism? (tertalafy tbey can.
Already Christ's (Arnastd to bap
tisev given in our txt, fvwvea that
our Lord assumed fhem eaipable of
bettsvla. otherwise? he' weuCd bare
exc(ptel them frona baptisau. Again,
John ,5 teaches ue ttiat taey mast
be-bams again of watrand! ta- spirit
in order to enter OA klnrgdoca of
beavew, and Titus 35k- beraOsax Is
called! u water of repcneratMni aad
nenewta of the Holy fUioBt.. Wewn
tobe regewe rated, boratatmitc. meaaa
t Be tUDed: with the Harfc Gttowi. And
to be lKHedl with the Holy Gftswt
means Stat the frattt of CUrlat'a
atonement, forglvenesaiofi slaan. life
and Balrattoa are imparted! sn. re-
ffir olwed' aarf enjoyed bT.hlm miitr is
barn' attain. And that ! faith. Suab
fultlii a person receive onlf 69 the
power' of Ih0 Holy Ghossray meamwof
tb gospel aad the BMnrament fl
Cor: ia..T. Hence, if aaoordlati: Co
aad! gracUMa. anj aiwiae aad alnilphtj the- 'rlptrea anyone cxmbe brwmkt
uea, never aaj-a er eoinnands Mny
thlng in n)) Hiir word and c sin -
aiand la Mtays gsveo for a certaiii
purpose namely fcc tbe salvation of
to CiltiH, aadl re generated U tiler pow
er 0t the- Doty Ghost, wb, not alao
infanraT And moreover Jesus citer-
II ' tolls us ha hia word tbat Ubtfe
mankind, tt tie tirtore commaadt jahiburenv taianu. can. believe, eaid
delivered by Iter. Titiw ljuvg. I'aMor
Imiiianuers Liithenui Oliurch,
Sunday, Auguht 1
By request of members of the con
fjregatlon, we .publish the following
aermon on "Why Do We Daptlze In
fanta?" delivered by Rev. Titus
Lane, nastor Iromanuel'a Lutheran
"Infant baptism is only another
Instance of reading into the Bible
what the Bible does not teach." This
statement appeared In a certain little
tract which happened to fall into my
iiands some time ago. This state
ment accuses every Christian who
teaches, practices and believes in In
fant baptism of believing and doing
aomething that Is not taught in the
Bible. Now as the matter stands, nj
one can show us one passage in the
Bible where infant baptism is for
ttdden. Hence it it were not taught
nor Is forbidden in the Bible to bap
tlze Infanta, we could, all other
things being equal, baptise our In
fants without any scruple of con
science, if we were so minded, be
cause then this matter would be eft
to our discretion. But on examln
lng the Scriptures and especially the
words of our text. Mt Z8:l-zo. we
will find that It is not left to us
whether we want to baptize our in
fants or not, but that we are in duty
bound to do so. because our Lord le
aus Christ has commanded it.
Oirutt's Command
The Lord says in our text:
etc." These words are an expres
Blon of a divine command Issued by
Jesus, the Son of God. to bis disci
tiles, to all Christians at all times un
to the end of the world. In this
command be tells as to "go and
teach ALL NATIONS, baptizing
them. aDDlring water to them in the
name of the Father and of the Son
And of the Holr Ghost." But who
are the nations? A nation is defln
us to bUatbso all Buttons. Infants in
eluded, t It-is eonaoiaud In itself all
ready p-ro-vee the neeeesity of lntant
baptism. Bttt beeidea. be also clea
ly tella cs In another passage of &19
word that it la nectwary to bRirtta
infanta, namely.. In John 3:3-5. Here
he Buys to Nteodemus: Except a man
(or better, except anyone certainly
not only any man or any woman, bur
also any cbtld. any Infant) be born
again, he cannot enter the kingdom
of God. Thus according to Chrtas's
word everyone. Including every ctuix.
every infant, as born by nature. 1
outside of the kingdom or God and
must be born again In order te see
the kingdom of God. And in acder
to explain of what kind of a aew
birth he la here speaking, he adds,
verse 5. "Verily, verily I say anto
you, except a man (anyone) be born
of water and the spirit, he caanot en
ter the kingdom of heaven. But
water and the spirit" what Is
that? That can only be water con
nected with the spirit. But the spir
it cornea only by meana of Christ s
word" (John 6:63). Hence, water
and the spirit Is water conected with
the word and that la baptism. For
baptism la the application of water
in the name of the triune God ac
cording to ChrUt'a command. Hence,
according to Christ's word it Is nec
essary for everyone wno would en
ter the kingdom of heaven to be
born again of water and the spirit or
to be baptized.
And why is this necessary? Jesus
explalus In the next verse, saying.
Tbat which is born of flesh is flesu,
and that which Is born of the spirit
la spirit. Tbe word "flesh" means
here aa everywhere in the Scripture
In contrast to "spirit," the living hu
man being, composed of body and
soul. And as such every human be
ing is, since the fall ot Adam and
taiBKian- teretve the blessings a" Hap-1
Usmi.. Mt It.: "Whose allall! attend
one oft taeee little ones; that bftileve
on, m.. e-te." And here lie had tit
tle ttfltllf before him. TSiereCene we
shoaitf amffer the little ohildxem to
ooaue unto biiu. even ba nieauns of
baptJam. and forbid tfcm notu, for
off saMia la tbe kingdom at tteavn.
Onto Hundred Dollar JtaiUA Ummg up
aa Prize for lljuunJtf- IbMee
Day Buck 1ns; Coasts
One of the finest prLzea ever offer
ed in a bucking cquiteat la tbat of a
magnificent one bjuodred dollar sad
dle made especially for that purpose
and offered as a prize by Harpuard
Bros. Co. of Llnftola. This house Is
noted for the excellence of the sad
dlea turned ou&. and this particular
saddle la the very acme of their cele
brated good. It was manufactured
solely for tbe purpose above men
There are other prizes amountlag
to a considerable sum offered for tae
sports, program of Hyannls lUwe
day, on Friday. September 24tb. but
there la no other prize that wctu cre
ate quite as much Interest as. the sad
dle given by Harpham Broa Co The
bronco buster who gets It will bare
an article that will not fttkly be use
ful to him but one o( which he will
always be proud.
For Sprained Ankle
If you will get a bottle of Cham
berlaln's Liniment and observe the
directions given therewith faithfully,
you will recover In much less time
than is usually required. Obtainable
Adv August
" IHIr " f
; t i v.
Information XhaC Means Dollars le
Ranchmen ReadWs of This Pa
per Who Make Use of It
Leading ranchmen have learned
tf&e value of feeding ffreir cattle en
ravte to market. Thorn who have
tested the matter find ttit tbey gain
from dollar to two dbflars, and
some times as much as thttse dollars,
per liead by doing so.
TSe- Lincoln Union StocA Tarda,
located) on tbe Burlington railwny.
give Kehraska ranchmen a apfendid
opportuniry to feed under tkr meet
favoraifle cSHtBtlons. The otfirt of
this article la to give some iicfttrma
tion rsaurdlsgr tbese up to1 date
yards. They bevve a capacity svl l5
cars of oattie wltb 120 pens a K? pav
ed witir ooncretst Tbe yards 3ave
Just reeMtitiy bean eleaaed and ai in
eacelleot' aondllibn for the recepflntt
ot NebtOTk caVDe daring the slip
ping aeaueni.
, The Lihcolm Cuumi Stock Yainils
uadoubtediy- hwcw tbe most iiiobtm
feeding ;ord iai the Inited Suite.
In fact we' have not teamed of a.ry
other feeding yarHa' aa weil equippi&
Following are seme' af tbe features
There are forty pwved rfrates. Eah:
pen la asp pi led wifchi pare water from
a well 1 Kfbett dbe.pi Tbe yards are
kept in sanitary oonoitlca, bavlng a
complete- wwerapv aysteaa. They ai
supplied with: flhedinic bunks fev
those wliw wjsQi tn rea grain eavi
Right Here we- wiab to mention
that no naihs or 3xpeoae are spared.
in provMtag- the very best hay ott
talnable. At ptwsent bay is being:
shipped &orai KaBa in order to gee
first-ciias artMb.
There t: no vilarge- to these yarda
except Tax, tile foedt thaa la used. TLw
awitchlcM aervhtw from tbe rallrowl
yards ta-itlle feed' yarfa is all tbat
could Ca- deiwd' aunt Is free of
charge, aa is abui the ae of the yards
to thoi.wlio anlOttd. Sfaeh has been
done tlis, year tu perfect tbe swittov-i
ing armrtgenarats so tbat all trait
are being- baadled eery promptly.
In viBiLinR che- various stock yarda
of the, middle west, the editor of tfcia
papre.- did' net evertook tbe Llraotn
Unieiit Stock Yards. We found it, a
pleasure- to form tbe acqualntaiwe-of
the manager, Mr. H. L. Carpenter,
wue understands the business tboro
ly. It la not surprising that he does
UBtierstaad it. as he began wrk In
stock yards at the age of 15; years
and haa been connected with bhe cat-tJja-
business in some way ever- since,
either as ranchman, cattle $aeder or
1b stock yards work.
Mr. Carpenter Is really enthusias
tic over the benefits that shippers de
rive from unloading and Deeding in
the yards over which he has charge.
His many years of experience nave
proven that there to a substantial
benefit to be derived by cattle men ef
the ranch country la feeding on tbe
way to market. He sincerely believes
that he can and does make every
load of cattle average fifteen to for
ty pounds heavier at the market.
Some of the advantages derivea ay
Nebraska ranchmen in feeding in
Lincoln are that the cattle are rested
here; become accustomed to drink
ing from troughs and feeding in the
yarda. so that it is much easier to se
cure a "fill" when they are unloaded
In the market; and that they can ar
rive at the market Just when the
shipper wishes them to be there. The
reloading at Lincoln and shipping
out from there can be so regulated
aa to have the cattle reach the mar
ket at the very best time. Experi
enced shippers well know that when
cattle, shipped from a long dlsUnce,
arrive at the market and are unload
ed at night, lay down and get chilled,
will not take on a fill. They will
not drink and will not eat well, as
they do when arriving in good condi
tion at the best time, and conse
quently will not weigh out as they do
when they go on to the scales before
lying down snd getting chilled out.
Mr. Carpenter declares that he can
make any sand hill ca tie unloaded
and fed in the Lincoln Union Stock
Yarda weigh from 15 to 40 pounds
more than tbe same cattle would
weigh If run directly thru without
stopping for feed, besides being in
very much better condition to sell
when they reach the market. And
be can easily prove bis contention by
prominent ranchmen who have made
a tboro test of the matter.
As manager of these yards he is
ably assisted by a competent working
force. Mr, Kanee, day foreman, and
Mr. Richardson, night foreman, bare
been engaged since reaching man
hood In the cattle btrslnVBS. They
were both engaged in s'.ock yards
work at Omaha before assuming
their present positions. Other com
petent men assist in handling cattle
entrusted to them carefully.
It should not be forgone tbat
tbvre is no charge at the Lincoln
Unfon Stock Yards for yardage, un
loading, loading, switching, or any
thin else, except tie feed. A4Y.
Judge Crite Dead
Judg A. W. Crite died at his
home at Cbadron Monday shortly af--
ternoon - Tbe funeral services were
conducted at that place Wednesday
afternoon; conducted by the Masonic
order in hicb Judge Crltee had hetd
several prominent omcea. Deing
past gra no! master at the time of his
death. Grand Master Robert Cain
and GraiKfc Custodian Robert K
French paaeed through Alliance
Tuesday on tbeir way to ghadron to
conduct the ftfneral services
Now Ifce -tJeni" Theatre
The New Theatre is now Known as
the Gem theatre, this name having
peea deciders? vpon aa appropriate
wnen me impress location was
changed from Third street to Box
Bntte avenue the theatre was -known
as simply the- New theatre, it' being
derided then- to make a change in
tbe name as well aa the location. The
ram "New" was used arrttl this
week when ItK Cramer made the
change. Witdt the change fm name
eame a change in prices, and' the ad
mission Is now, 10 cents to-all every
sight except when there are features
ear.- vaudeville.. Tne chantte lta dtiCd
Damage by
Fire Was
About Fifty
A bolt of lightning struck the
home of Joe Blcknell, at 421 w.
Third, Sunday night at about 11:SS
o'clock, resulting In a damage esti
mated at $60.
Tbe bolt struck a "lean-to" on the
kitchen. The family had retired for
the night, but the report of the belt
awoke them instantly. Gilbert At
well, who lives only a short distance
from the Blcknell home, had Jast
started to work when the bolt struck,
and he felt a tingling sensation. A
number of the fire boys responded te
the alarm, and the blaze was soea
Atwell said the report when tbe
bolt struck sounded as though a .44
calibre revolver had been fired at
close range. x
Office blanks and blank loose-leaf
books for sale at The Herald office.
Phone 340 and a representative wMl
Get Abreast
Of the
No excuse nowaday
(or the man who puts
meal in one saddleoag
and rocks in the other to
balance it.
No excuse nowadays,
either, for the merchant
who b satisfied with 5
or 1 0 per cent profit from
his advertising when with
1 per cent of extra effort
he could obtain 20 or
30 per cent profit.
Poor advertising pays.
Good advertising pays
infinitely better.
Intelligent readers of
this newspaper will ob
serve that our merchants
are idling their selling
stories m an up to date,
snappy,, effective manner.
Our business men are
alive. This paper is alive.
Be an Auto Expert
lYaotion Vfcarse eitpp We want bright yeong menu mechanically in
rir P" cllned, to prepare in. our scfcool-AT ONCB te
1 llkB nil moneymaklne positions in tbe automo
bile industry. Experience, unnecessary. We txaub- yea. tbe busineaa
thoroughly. Course iu tractioneerin&free- to alii who reply immediately.
LIKCOItX Al'TO SOIOOIi, Sat O St.. Lincoln, Neb.
Insure Your Live Stock
Tbe Hartford Live Stock Insurance pol
icy protects you against all loss in transit
and pays in cash immediately. Let us ex-,
plain our plan. Write or wire
PEIRCE & CALDWELL, I ocal Managers
Office:: Third Floor Exchange Building; Sioux City Stock Yarda
There's Nothing Better
On a Hot Summer Day
Than a heaped-up, foaming, sizzling, freezing, tasty ICE
CREAM SODA. It's a nice stroll to the fountain, and sodas
are more nourishing and refreshing than any other kind of
iced drinks you can get, because ice cream is rich food made so
appetizing with the pure fruit flavors at the soda fountain that
many people have one as a light lunch to keep up their energy
on a sizzling hot day.
A refreshing specialty is a CHOCOLATE GOUP concen
trated food and drink. Ten cents for a genuine treat.
We Serve the Purest and Best
Ice Cream Made
Orders Delivered to Any Part of the City. Just Use the Phone.
F. J. Brennan
The "Penalar" Store
Phone 84
- J