1 i I 1 J! Y t f Y y Y ? ? t t t Y Y Y Y $ $ t Y f Y Y t Y Y ? Y Y f Y - Y V WM. FRAZIER, Pres. and Steer Salesman WILLI E LYNAM, Sec.-Treas., Cow Salesman Feeder Buying of Cattle and Sheep A Specialty pram OB LIVE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA REFERENCE Any Bank in Omaha or South Omaha OFFICE Northwest Corner First Floor New Exchange' Bldg." PHONE South 1193 CATTLE FENS Blocks No. 38 and 39 Our Salesmen Are Members of the Firm Write us for Our Free Booklet It Will Interest You Represented at Chicago by Alexander, Ward and Conover WASHINGTON NEWS 4. A-fc .AA Aa. aa. a. ja. -a.. a. Ja. .afcfc a. A NEW PLAN To Save Money on Your Livestock , By Insuring Your Live Stock in Transit Against All Hazards of Transportation Up-to-date shippers of live stock are taking advantage of the new op portunity offered by the "Hartford Complete Live Stock Transit Policy. It is a great benefit to a shipper to know the cost of a consignment of stock de livered at any market Without Guessing Live stock commission men have endorsed the plan. Progressive buy ers are calling for the broad protection of Complete Live Stock Transit Poli cies. Individuals are saved from ruin, and the "funeral train" that daily hauls the dead animals away from all big stock yards need not worry you. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Established 1810 Hartford. Conn. Is the only company offering to producers, buyers, and shippers of live stock a broad policy, easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute pro tection against loss from all hazards of transportation, including suffocation, freezing, trampling, fire, collision, train-wreck, and every form of killing or in-y, jury while the animals are in the custody of a common carrier. The rates are low ; THE POLICY GIVES THE SHIPPER A CHANCE TO PLAY SAFE in building up a business by insuring his live stock on the way to the market. BE SURE and insure today. The next shipment you make may be a total loss. The "Hartford" pays promptly, whether the railroad company is liable or not. Losses set tled and paid on the basis of cash market value. For particulars address, W. B. CHEEK ' Local Manager U. S. YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA Room 315 Exchange Bldg. ? Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y ? Y Y Y f X Y ? Y I X I X X V Y I X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Secretary Lanes Department of the Interior, lletfore Land to En try Under Homestead Art Washington. August ' S5 Secreta ry Lane haa just Issued a statement announcing that during the month of July, Just closed, there wera re stored to entry 120 acres ot land in Montana and North Dakota previous ly withdrawn because believed to be underlain by coa deposits. About 470 acres In Wyoming, withdrawn because of their possible oil content, hare also been restored to entry. In Oregon 840 acres of land were restor ed to entry bocause examination proved these lands to be not valua ble for power purposes. In Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Utah 3.70 acres of land were with drawn from all forms of entry be cause of prospective value for power-bite purposes, the largest areas being 1,800 acres along Blacksmith Fort River, Utah, and 1,600 acres along Ounnlson Illver, Colorado. There were classified as nonlrrlga- ble under the provisions of the en larged homestead act 2.552,582 ac res of land in Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Washing ton, bringing the total area entera ble under this act up to 238,148,762 acres. The president, upon recommenda tion of Secretary Lane, has Just sign ed an order creating the Big Lake Reserve, Arkansas, for the protec tion of native birds. The tract em braced within this bird resenre con tains of low marsh land, overflowed for a considerable period each year, about 3,800 acres, and a larger tract covered with water from two to six or eight feet in depth, which is about nine miles long and of a width vary ing between 100 yards and a mile and a Quarter approximately. Big Lake is in the so-called "sunk land" country, famous for its vast number of waterfowl and plume birds and notorious for many years as a paradise for market hunters and plume colectors. The land with- in the reserve are valueless for ag riculture, are all the property of the United States, and form the most Im portant unreserved natural bird res ervation in the Mississippi valley and probably within the United States. say they are warranted to haul sev enteen loaded passenger cars up the steepest of Burlington grades In this state at a rate of thirty-five miles an hour, and this Indicates the great amount of power. They are very much like the standard main line passenger engine In use for several years on this road. Discussing these engines a local englneman says: "No one knows how fast one of these engines will run. What is known Is that they are built to draw the heaviest trains at the highest time card speed under the tnost ad verse conditions. With that power It la possible to keep tralna on time." Here are some facts from the rec ords concerning these new engines: Cylinders. 27 by 28 Inches; driving wheels, diameter, 74 Inches; steam pressure, 180 pounds; grate area, 58.7 square feet; water heating sur face, 3.364 square feet; superheat ing surface, 751 square feet; weight on driving wheels, 160,700 pounds; weight total engine, 266,400 pounds. NEW HOMESTEADS (ut'i'iixev Cutoff Nearlng Completion The tunnels on the cut-off, which constitutes more than half of the construction work on the nine miles of grade between Guernsey and Orln Junction, Will be completed within the next two months, The first tun nel is now completed with the excep tion of hauling in gravel for the road bed. This piece of work, the largest ot the three tunnels being 3,300 feet long, required a large force of men with the most modern machinery more than a year and a half to com plete. The second and smallest tun nel will soon be completed. The heading haa been taken out and 1200 feet of the bunch is finished. They are now taking out 28 feet per day and only 400 feet remains to be fin ished. Gibbons Bros. are . well along with the work on the third tunnel, but have struck springs In several places and the water came In to such an extent that pumps were required. This has caused considerable trouble and expense and has delayed the work, but they expect to be finished by September 15. Guernsey Ga tette. BURLINGTON BUBBLES New Burlington Engine The Burlington is now placing In service a new passenger engine, h Pacific type known by the Burling ton symbol as S3. A few of these engines will reach the lines west and one of them haa already been in ser vice from Lincoln east. Enginemen Beware of Ointment for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be oure you get the genuine. It Is taken In ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family nils for con stipation. Adr August (internment Opening New IaimIa tdP F.ntry I'nder the U. 8. llomete4 law Washington, Aug. 25 Secretary; Lane of the Interior Department bast Just announced the signing of an or der which will open to entry under the enlarged homestead act over IV 000.000 acres of dry farming land situated In the Letumon land district, Harding, Perkins and Corson cooa ties, South Dakota, The secretary has taken this ac tion in response to numerous re quests that lands be classified for 320-acre entry In accordance with the terms of the act of Congress an- , proved March 4, 1915. This order will become effective September 10, mis. Requests 'for information relative to specific areas so designated an applications to enter any of thew lands should be addressed to the register and receiver of the land of fice at Lemiuon, South Dakota. Just recently the president, oav. recommendation of Secretaries Lano and Houston, by proclamations dis continued the Paulina National For est in Oregon by excluding 127,21 acres, and changed the boundaries of the Crater, Fremont, and Descbute National Forests to Include the re mainder. I 0R. 1S2.1S0 and eJT 146 acres of the Paulina National Forest, respectively; also 80,120 ac res were eliminated from the Fre mont National Forest, and a tract ot 80 acres in California from the Crat er National Forest, the latter exclus ion being for townslte purposes, and is described as the NW4 of the NB and the NE of the NW14 of Sec. 21, Township 48 North. Rang 11 West, Mount Diablo M;:ldlan. The excluded areas are in Klam ath and Lake counties, south-central Oregon, and In the Lakeview Lan District. It is estimated that 11- 000 acres of the exclusion from th Paulina National Forest and 27,80 acres-of that from the Fremont Nat ional Forest are subject to entry un der the homestead laws, the remain der of the exclusion, 11,038 acres, being embraced in patented entriea. The proclamations making the ex clusions from the Paulina and Fre mont National Forests, Oregon, pro vide for the disposition to settlement of the restored lands only under th homestead laws from 9 o'clock a. m. September 20 until and including' October 17, 1915. and thereafter t entry and disposition under the laws applicable thereto. More detailed information relative thereto may bo obtained from the register and re ceiver of the local land office at Lake view, Oregon. Office blanks and blank loose-leaf books for sale at The Herald office). Phone 340 and a representative will call. - t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y- Y ? Y t Y Y Y Y t' Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y . Y Y Y Y Y Farri Purinton LIVE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA 110412 Exchange Building J Telephone So-34 ' We are working for your interests and appreciate your business. tVi. a. aa. atiiaAaaAAaA AsVAst Aa AAavsaA AsAAAsVAsAsAaVAsVAwAsWssVAaA f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ooXo 7 w -w