Denver as a Feeder Market ' mnimwipinJ''"''"i1 ..:---".' ' 1 . '; - V tv- - V v '-i J" n'.S Vrs-V :- T.'"" rest Market for Western Nebraska I .ive Stock TIIK UF.CKNT llAPID GltOWTlt OF TIIK FKK.DF.K IIIKINKS8 AT the df.nvf.k mvk stock marklit ih c alsino uanc'iimkn op tiik middlf. wkst to -sit i i and takk notice." tiifjik auk rka. hons, and thky include tiik cxmpaitativk kahk with which FKF.DKK SfrXLF.lLS AND FF.KDFlt lllYFUS CAN UK ACCOMMODATED HKKK. . WITH ITS F.XTNN8IVK PACKING IIOl'HK FACIMTIIuH, DK.VVKK WOULD UK ONE OF TIIK IMPOKTANT MVK STOCK MARKETS OF TIIK COUNTRY, BIT ADD TO THIS TIIK FKKDEIlMAItKKT, WITH ITS INC11KAKING VOMJMK OF III S1NK8S, AND IT IS EASY lO 8KK THAT TIIK IMPORT ANCK OF DKNVFJl AS A MVK STOCK MARKET WILL CONTINI'K TO GROW. ' ' Aestern Stockmen 0 buy your feeder cattle and sheep and the best the west id Improved Service (y. Increasing business means improved train service 1 is Better" b, 511 miles; Sioux City, 500 miles; Omaha, 419 miles; r miles. ) DENVER i up the Rocky Mountain mar- r. Fulton began newspaper work, r completing hla college course, ?n yea ta- go as a reproter, after is beeolping managing editor of Denver Live Stock Record. It is making the statement too strong ny thifthe paper under his edit lip and management is one of the t interesting and helpful of all the stock market publications in this itry. r. Fulton has seen the business le Denver Union Stock Yards and f, i'vA.' Sf M . Art A-'vV J - n ' c j ' ' to Karl) Morning' Scene In Ienver Union Stock Yard Ready ltuylng and Selling , ' Begin '1 U N. FULTON rket grow from a small beginning ts present large proportion. The Iness in the last eleven years has re than quadrupled. While he is y modest about claiming any (lit for the succesu that is being. -JL attained In the Denver live slock market, we do not hesitate to ascribe to him the commendation that is due for the excellent work that he has done. It ought to be appreciated by the men who are interested in the market and we believe that it is. LOCAL IIHUtMJIST MAKES " MANY FRIENDS H. Thlele, druggist, reports they are making many friends through the QUICK benefit which Alliance people receive from the simple mix ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Ad-ler-l-ka. This remedy became famous by curing ap pendicitis and it is the most thor ough bowel cleanser known, acting on" BOTH the lower and upper bow el. JUST ONE DOSE of Adler-i-ka relieves constipation and gas on the stomach almost IMMEDIATELY, -f v ;; V) 1 f BIG HORSE AND MULE MEN Enterprising Denver lealeni Trail - act Heavy ltulne. In Hontfit . During lat Ten Years When we speak of Hollis & Piatt, whose advertisement appears on the double page devoted to the live stork business at Denver, as the big horse and mule men, we do not re fer to the size of the men, nor alto gether to the size of the' animals which they handle, as they differ In size, but to the volume of business transacted. These gentlemen have beerr-in (he horse and mule commission business at Denver for ten years, and during that time have handled more than six million dollars' worth of horses, an average of more than 1600,000 per year. They have had a good market this year for range horses. Hollis & Piatt are fortunate in the matter of equipment for their business. They have barn room and other facilities for handling 2,000 horses at one time. Horse men visiting Denver should make it a point to call at the horse market. The stock yards cars stop at the end of their run in front of Hollis & Piatt's main barn and office. An Easy, Pleasant laxative One or two Dr. King's New Life Pills with a tumbler of water at night. No bad, nauseating taste; no belching gas. Go right to bed. Wake up In the morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement, and feel fine all day. Dr. King's New Life Pills are sold by all druggists, 36 In an orig inal package, for 25c. Get a bottle today enjoy this easy, pleasant lax- AT YOUR SERVICE The Sigel- Campion Live Stock Commission Co. A. J. Campion, Pres. and Mgr. Office ' ,F. E. Patterson A. B. Stephen I Cattle Salewraea A. J. Campion R. W. Johnston Hob; and Sheep Salesmen A. J. Campion R. L. Zimmerman Yardman Johnnie Gallagher The firm whose sale of cattle, hogs and sheep are at top market prices, and net best results to you. . We also buy cattle, hogs and sheep on orders. Send us your entries on cattle, hogs and sheep for the Fat Stock and Feeder Show. We are al ways glad to furnish entry blanks, attend to entering stock for Show and locating same, and see that all details are taken care of. Market reports furnished by wire or letter. Write us for the Weekly News,' which contains our weekly market letter, every week. Mark II. Reetham, Fin F. Talbott, AValter K. Heeler, , r V'. II. Wyatt, ' C'attle ltaartiiient For Best Results Con sign Your Hogs in d , Cattle to Vim. A. Nigh, C. A. Rodgera, , Hog Salesmen S. F. Houston, Sheep Salewnaa A. II. Krimmel, Ofllce Great Western Commission Co. t , ... Denver, Colorado Feeder and Stocker Buying on Order a Specialty Market Reports Sent on Request We handle your shipments to your best advantage always Try Us and Let Us Prove It Cox- Jones-Van Alstine Co South Omaha and Denver SOUTH OMAHA W. II. Jones, Cattle' Haletman W. T. Cox, Cattle 8aleniaa C. II. Vau Alstine, Bheep and Hog Saleeman Oeo. llrockebtby, Sheep Salesman C. Frank Dennis, Hog Haleeman . DENVFJt J. C. Mann, General Salesman S. IL Cox, Cattle Saleianan W, G. Boyd, Feeder Buyer M, M. Mann, Hog Salesman Consignments Solicited and Stockers and Feeders Bought on Orders Market Reports Furnished by Wire or Letter Write or Wire us for Information Before Shipping . UNION STOCK YARDS Telephone Main 4217 Denver, Colorado S? DENVER UNION SIXM'K YARDS i