The Rocky Mountain Market DENVER IS TIIK CillEAT IJVK STOCK MAItKET OF THE IIOCKY MOUNTAIN ItHilON, WHICH INCLUDES WESTERN NEBRASKA AJiD WESTERN KANSAS. IN RM'ENT YEARS IT HAS CiROWN BY LKAIH AND BOUNDS; AND YET ITS UROWTII IS NOT A SPASMODIC CREASE. IT IS HOUND TO BE PERMANENT AND CONTINUE TO IN. CREASE, BECAITNE OP THE DEVEIOI'MENT OF THE TRIBUTARY TERRITORY. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE DENVER IJVK STOCK MARKET AND WATCH IT GUOW. NEW BUSINESS IS CONSTANTLY COMINC1 TO IT AND OLD UU8INMSS INCREASING r- "Ll ' i t J SW- . I ;. ..v- Mi.,. Birdseve Vit-w of Denver Union Stock Yards- Neare J. P. Adams, Pnwt. A Mgr. M. W. Jones, Hoc' A Tre. J. P. Alams, A. F. Htrayer, II. R. Merman, Salesmen. The Western Live Stock Commission Gompany Union Stock Yards, Denver, Colo. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED MARKET RETORTS FURNISHED STOCKERS AND FEEDERS BOUGHT ON ORDERS We Fill 'Em and Sell 'Em " About the only business that Tuns itself is the one that's running down hill.'1 . THE SALES WE MAKE ARE NOT HAD MEDICINE TO TAKE . The Prey Bros. & Cooper Live Stock Commission-Go. DENVER, COLORADO Our Motto: "Don't Make Promises Make Good." Hollis & Piatt Horse Co. HORSE AUCTION 1000 Horses and Mares from four to nine years old will be sold at auction September 6 and 7 Union Stock Yards, Denver, Colo. Phone Hrfin 7398 miMMtmmHMMt!nttHMHP'ittr?'""'''''''"""""''"'''"'"""'"'""atti A Western Market fori Nearest Market to Western Nebraska. The best place to hog market of jtl Increasing Business aifi Business at the Denver Union Stock Yards is growing rapidly, "The Short Had i Distance from Alliance to Kansas City, 573 miles; St. Josep i, Denver, 237 SHIP 'EM TO 1 - U II It !s 7 f-Tt' .4 S3 Weighing Them Up at the Denver Union Stock Yards. We.Urn Raraii ('Httle t'roHHliig the Kralett Eu ltoute to the Packers' Killing leii.t DENVER AS A FEEDER MARKET Feeder Cattle and Sheep Douxlit on TtiiM Market Oo to Many States I of the Middle West '. ' I Denver Is the natural market rent ier for that section of the country where are grown the largest number' of high-grade feeder cattle and sheep in the world, Colorado, and ber in-j ter-niountatn neighbors. This state-1 ment Is confirmed in the awards at ' the Important stock shows held In , various parts of the country; at Chi cago, Kensus City and Denver. At the last International Show held at Chicago, Colorado and Wyoming cat tie carried off practically all the hon ors In the feeder classes, while the feed lots of the Central West are supplied with sheep from the range territory , surrounding the Denver market. There has been a steady j Increase in the number of feeder sheep bought on the Denver market,. and during the past year by far more , feeder cattle were received and sold at Denver than in any previous year! in the history of the market. The feeder grades of cattle and sheep re-. celved at Denver are the best in the world, and successful feeders of live stock have learned from experience to prefer these well-bred, hardy ani mals to those of any other section of the country. . As a feeder market Denver pos sesses advantages over any other market and is the best place in the United States to buy feeder ' cattle and sheep. The past year feeder cattle and sheep were bought on the Denver market to go to Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Illinois, Misnourlf Iowa and Ohio. Buyers at Denver have not only the udvantage of broader selec tion and better quality in offering,' but feeders in a large part of Colo rado, Nebraska and Kansas get ad vantage of through rates on cattle and sheep from point of origin and feeding in transit privileges. Cattle or sheep bought on the Den ver market are received there sound and fresh from the range and will gain from the start, 'khey have not been worked over and "filled" two or three times at feed- yards and oth er markets and are therefore more desirable from the standpoint of tW man .who wishes to make a pritit from his feeding. Cattle and sheep bought at Denver not only look bet-j ter, but are better and will provj their superiority in the feed-lot. Though one of the younger mar kets, Denver has shown the greatest growth recently of any of the west ern markets and is rapidly gaining prestige as a packing center. Among its. packing concerns are represented two of the greatest companies in the world, namely. Swift & Company and Armour & Company, and those in terested in the growth and success of the Denver live stock market are to be congratulated on having identified with the market firms of such stand ing. The Denver Record-Stockman. STRONG FACTOR III DEVELOPMENT Editor to Whom Much Credit I Due for Helping Build the Den ver Market Publicity is a necessary part of the development and upbuilding of all modern business. Sometimes it stands as the principal element Mt, success, and is always an imnortavr factor. We believe that great credit is due the managing editor of the Denver Live Stock Record. Mr. W. N. Fulton, for the splendid work which he has done In helping to build u ket. Mr. F after ct eleven j wards t the pen not mat to say t orstjip s most in live sto( country, Mr. I of tile E market to Its p buslneei more tt very r credjt 1 4 4,': SC :XE IX CATTLE ff'KKDEK DIVISIONS. Dl