Exchange Gossip prosperous to uk time to commit suicide or to try to put a fellow clt ten out of business with a knife. Driiiceport News-Blada. ' Mrs. C. H. Ilawley and children rp tnrned Thursday from a stay with Mr. lUwley In Alliance. Mra. Peter Hooker arrlred from Allianre Tuesday for a visit with her sons, Felli and John. Miss Mary Becker left for her home at Alliance Tuesday, following a visit with her brothers here. , Mr. and Mra. J. J. Myera came4 from Alliance, Mra. Myera has been for the past three we-ka recovering from an operation. A six-pound baby boy arrived Wednesday to blen the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thur ston. Mrs. Thurston Is at the home f relatives at Alliance. W. D. Nlckeraon and little daughter were la Alliance Tuesday, whore Mr. Nlc keraon went to enpujse a plumber to do the work In his new house. Ward Ash boarded No. 43 Sunday for Alliance In search of repairs for his auto, which he hopes to soon Ret Into shape to drive to his home In Wyoming. Oliver Conine and family leave this week for their new home at Alliance. Mrs. Conine will be greatly missed In Sunday school Ws wish them good luck In their new home. Mrs. J. J. Myers' many friends were glad to welcome her home from St. Joseph hospital at Alliance. The music at Sunday achool had the old time ring with her at the organ. Ashby Argus. lf.pHidency Due to Indigestion "About three months ago when I was suffering from Indigestion which caused headache and dizzy spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Chamberlain's Tab lets," writes Mrs. Geo. Hon, Mace don, N. Y. "this medicine proved to be the very thing I needed, as one day's treatment relieved me greatly. I used two bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and they rid me of this trou ble." Obtainable everywhere. sins will find you out," but it Is safer to bet your last buckskin dollar that your neighbor will beat your sins to It. Mrs. J. O. Bennett and Miss Jean ette Poole were pajssengers to Alli ance yesterday. W. W. Norton ef Alliance wan tarrying In Marsland awhile Friday afternoon. He sure la having bay fever something fierce. Marsland Tribune. C.'H. Tully autoed over from Alli ance1 Monday, Clarence Mann coming VP with him. Charles Nines spent a. few days at Alliance last week on business and ' visiting his two little daughters who are In acnool at that place. J. II. Jones went over to Alliance last Fri day to see the fine three months old girl that Tom Tully and wife . are giving their best attention to. v George Brooks and wife went from here to Alliance by automobile last Friday and took the train for Den ver where they were to meet Logan Muaser and wife and return with them in - Logan's new automobile. They expected to spend a few days there before returning on their Jour ney home. Rushvllle Standard. Mrs. J. M. Miller and little' daugh ter came up from Alliance Friday and spent several days at the Carl Lux home in this city. -Crawford Tribune. DUSTY'S DABBLINGS refflffittttatattUttKKtmwtimtmnffittu The high cost of living and the high cost of loving have both, been given plenty of publicity In Btflry and scng, but a Denver man who was re cently ened for breach of promise M now thinking of the high cost of NOT loving. Idle rumors are Idle In name only. As you say, Horatio, few of us arn financiers. It wss the late lamented George Fitch who thus diagrammed a financier: "A financier's one who ran make a f 2 bill grow for himself where but one grew for somebody 'else before. If he had a dollar bill 'and needed two, he would use the dollar as first payment on a $10 bill and would then bond the bill for a 20 gold piece and would charge $5 for doing it. Then .he would sell an option on the $20 gold piece at $1V for $1 to 45 other people and then dispose of a half Interest in the en tire transaction for $150 $2 down and the balance in short time notes drawing Interest." man dresses, but today I stood on a street corner when a dapper young man passed wearing one of those wide shirt collars that so gracefully drape around his shoulders; trousers with a five Inch cuff on them and Im maculate kid gloves on his hands. I confess, that as I saw him move across the street I felt a curiosity to know If his underwear was held in place by pink or blue baby ribbon. The1 race Is'not always to the swift est for the reason that they are apt to get a puncture or slip a tire. The best patronized summer fic tion these days Is the thermometer. My Idea of tough luck that fel low who married a 30-ralllion-dollar heiress and now finds he can't get control of a single penny'ot it. All the children regard father as the jitney bank. I have decided that the only living neutral right now is the child that has an English father, a German mother, and is born on a French ship manned by a mixed Turkish and Ital ian crew, flying the Austrian flag in Russian waters and bound for a port In Iloumanla. If a driver of an automobile is n chauffeur, then the driver of a "Jit ney" must be a "Jltneur". I confess there are times when 1 can't repress my curiosity, In which respect I am not unlike a woman. I have no objection to the way any "If you love your wife,' tell her about it," advises a woman writer. But she doesn't say anything about your neighbor's wife. It Is better to give than to receive that's true but It depends to a great extent on whether it Is money or advice. At the recent national convention of chltopractors, that august body declared that we would be healthier beings If we walked on "all fours". That may be sound advice, but just think what an Inconvenience It would be to Dud Detzold, Hill King. Cl Cox, George Burke and Cy Laing men who have not seen their toes for years. iffliiMiiras Mrs. C. L. Finch arrived from Al liance Saturday and Is visiting Mrs. Kewburg and numerous friends In dgemont. -Kdgemont Enterprise. J. II. Hagerty was under the doc tor's care the first part of the week, but Improved enough to go up to Al liance Wednesday evening to visit his son. Miss Nellie Piersen of Alliance spent Sunday with Mrs. San quest, and daughters. Editor John W. Thomas of The Alliance Herald called upon us, Monday., Mr. Thomas was enroute to Denver. The Herald has gained quite a prestige among the stock raisers of the west. Bridgeport Herald. - H. C. Gibbs of Scottsbluff was In our city yesterday visiting with his slaters. Miss Myrtle Gibbs and Mrs. 1 F. Jackson, between trains on bis way. to Alliance. The Misses Eva Duncan and Mabel Ormsby, and Wni. LaMon of Alliance passed through Bridgeport Wednesday on their way to Scottsbluff where they t attended the district Ep worth League convention. T. J. O'-, Keefe, register of the United States land office at Alliance passed through here last Saturday on his way to the Pacific coast where he will attend the exposition. Alliance had a revival of crime last week. One man bad his throat cut by a couple of companions and was left for dead, while a stranger committed suicide by shooting himself through the head with a thirty-eight calibre revolver. It la nice to live In a city like Bridge port where everyone la too busy and An Alliance business man who re turned from a visit In the east only a short time ago tells this one on him self, with the restriction that his name la not to be divulged under any ! circumstances: Coming down from Chicago to St. Louts he sought to! make himself gentlemanly and agreeable to the exceptionally nice looking womnn, the mother of a bright-laced baby boy of two years, who occupied the seat next to his. He bad learned that the mother waa a native of Illinois and that she waa on her way to Hemlngford to visit her brother. (Another very potent rea son why he didn't want his name mentioned.) Toying with the baby. I he remarked to the mother, "I sup-' pose he is a real sucker, too," mean ling of course, a native of Illinois. The mother turned rather red and aald, j "No. we had to raise him on the bot tle." The said Alliance man says he will be carerul hereafter In bragging on a strange baby. It may be safe to "Be sure your fj AUTOMOBILE, iWdjjQRSE DACES k Always the Best Work PAINTING. PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING Estimates gladly furnished ' Work guaranteed to please PHONE BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES ALLIANCE. NEBR A New Roof Cist be put oo the house or baru this spring. The old shingles raii Aot withstand the sun and atorm an ' other beaaon. If this Job ia Dot to be done, over again for at leaat ten years you bt ter oe Ot'K Shingles " They are good for that length of time, anyway, and perhaps longer. At a lower price we can aeU you bingles not quite so good. Lumber, too, for repairs about tbe place, Dierks Lumber Co. WAR HORSES WANTED We have a new order for a big lot of French war - horses and will hold our next inspection at ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 'A . ' - ' Saturday, Aug. 21 to Wednesday, Aug. 25 The following prices will be paid for horses: Cavalry - - $115.00 ' Light Gunners 135.00 Heavy Arttillery 157.50 V i . 1 . .' . - Watch this paper for later inspection dates. Write or wire at our expense for any information wanted. j Mitchell, Hilllker & Simpson Alliance, Nebraska TV -i-r. , aA U IV ' vSf T J r -i Sweet Refreshment there you have a chew of , Spear Head in two words. That wonderful flavor of Spear Head is as de lightfully refreshing as it is deliciously good the richest, mellowest,- tastiest chew . in the whole world. Spear Head) PLUG TOBACCO is the choicest of all red Burley, hand-stemmed and made into mellow-sweet plugs in otie of the clean est, most sanitary plug factories in existence. Chew Spear Head and you'll be chewing the purest and most satis fying tobacco that it's possible to make. THK AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. YOU Bo - '. '- - 'sBMBBWMBBnanannaaaaMWBBBBBsasBaa' ' iW7f? . M 50? ) Of Have yoa ever thought what will become of you when your earning capacity is waning? At 50 will you still be working for a low wage or enjoying a good income? That depends upon what you are doing NOW to secure the train ing that will steadily advance you in position and salary during the coming years. Only training will put you in the income class. To learn how you can receive this training without giving up your present occupation, let the International Correspondence Schools advise you. All you have to do is to mark the coupon as directed and mail it today. There is no charge for this advice. No matter who you are or what your present occupation is, the I. C. S. has a way of helping you. It is an institution of experts experts in helping poorly paid men succeed. Only your spare time in your own home is required. You do not lose an hour of work or a dollar of pay.1 This coupon is the greatest opportunity in tbe world for vou to secure a happy, prosperous, International Correspondence Schools; and successful life, for it is an nu npui., ukoM tunbe, .biir.n0. H ... . . !. l eii quality lo, lb. poiliion, lew. r I opportunity offered by an institu- tie uk i h. mik.d , tion backed with a capital of six million dollars, whose sole busi- ness for 22 years has been to pro- vide ambitious men and women. with salary raising training. J Don't neglect practical opportuni ties for promotion. Mark and mail JWom. the coupon ROW. AsricyttMr. ' " " AutoMobil. Running Poultry Farming aookkMpar Slauocrapawr A4v.rti.inf Man Show-card Writing Window Trimming Commercial llhirlrat. C hernial Banking Civil rric. oalnaraanalilp " Electrical Knkinavr Mach antral Uralw. MKhiDiol Eiikinear Talphona E&part ""OBT Enginnnr Civ II Lnnln.ri Bulldlnc Contractor Architectural Draba. Architect Concrete Conatrucfn Plumt.inp Str.m t ttf g , St. N: C(y .Sunt, ' TTTTi MONARCH NO. 1 DIP The BEST, For CATTLE, SHEEP, HORSES, POULTIIT And noOS Sure death to Lice and Ticks, cores Scab, Mange, Chicken Chol era, Koupe and Gapea, Collar Bolla and Barb-wire cuta. Chase Files, Kills Disease Germs and Prevents Hog Cholera. 1 Gallon Makes 21 Gallons Fly Chaser. 1 Gallon Makes 41 Gallons Mite and Lies killer 1 Gallon Makes 7 Gallons Hog Dip. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Sheep and Cattle Din . 1 Gallon Makes 7 Gallons Germicide for Hog Cholera disease1100 U GaUn' ermlcld- WrtSSS tor aH Sold by F. E. UOLSTEN. Alliance, Nehr. Guaranteed by Roc Chemical Co., Lincoln, Kebraska