Box Outte County I arm Management f . m. serfr n, Dememstrater Association Office In Court House PUone 283 1 f 1. 2 1 30ygE Ml3fli Gffi(XcO ss sn rn, k. mwimroiMiiwwmwMwiMwwwiwiiiiwii w wwwwuiiw iuihu-jbwju Starting rhursday 4ugust Mn. you can secure Laies. Kevet befort- atuld the aiUlina machine tou It is now possible only betaus or an immense factory ei tipped to economize through large production 4nd at that tve belierm the demand H fo many mown Wted the supply, tour telephone book or your banker will tell you the neatest tiurroutn Jfnm Let it Stop Your Figure-Mistake Losses Suppose you're a grocer and fill about IhO orders a day These orders average about live items a total ot 7.S0 items a day or 225,000 a veai You 01 yom clerks have to add all these items You are human and all men make mistakes Here aie 45,000 chances lor mistakes If it's a charge slip you iiari go over the addition alter hours - when you're too tired to add straight. But it it's a cash sale the customei has gone and taken the record with him You do find mistakes in charge slip addi tions, li you could know you would surely find the . " Most mistakes in cash sales Your wholesaler employs an expert in figures, uses a double entry system i. """TVrn 1 1 Writ to any Burroughs Office or to the factory at Detroit, Michigan. fp- I" n'rat) ' for full information land easy terms) and for the free Burroughs I j"Jt DT"I Wrff " V.i tfMrri book fot retailers Branch offices in 170 cities Your telephone I gt the jJSf II Vi . ' tr sji1;.! book or your banker uill tell you the nearest I .-5- iSL?--r, ' iff YOUNG MEN YOUNG ' BOYS AND GIRLS WANT ED , ..' to take the finest Business Course in STENOTYPY, SHORTHAND, HOOKKKKPING, HIGHER ACCOUNTING OH KWRKTAHIAt , - given in any Commercial School in the WEST. " We iuaraiitee hiiertor TrainiiiK Fiiiewt Ko,uiteI, Most l'i-U-Li.te Fu ilitiew and the Ibt Iiiglited S-bol Every Student goes through a Practical Department Writ for liooklet, "Money Making rower" CHEYENNE BUSINESS COLLEGE v l'NC.1 PHONE 550 CHEYENNE. WYO. J. BARRCTT. PRES. AND MGR. WRITE TODAY--NOW Mention this paper when answering this ad. PURE, FRESH MILK 'AND CREAM Direct from the TRABERJ" DAIRY Phone 363 Our Milk is from Inspected Cows, Guaranteed Pure. Prompt Delivery. Phone us for a Trial OruVr this new "regular" Burroughs Adding and Listing Machine front any of our office tn 11 needs of the smallest retailer be hlled bv a Burroturhs of such tennderful oaiu i . nrte and an adding machine to prevent mistakes. r Your clerks aie experts at making sales, not at adding up figures. They must rush to serve waiting customers, lhey are right out in the hustle and confusion of the store. " - Machine can't make mistakes Put a Burroughs on the counter where you wrap up the goods Ihe machine will print and add the figures quicker than your clerk can set them down by pencil. ' lhe total can be printed by a pull ol the handle, and that ' ::' Total is always correct Hand the pnnted siip to the cash cus tomer as a proof. It shows each amount and the correct sum It inspires con fidence. Xou and the customer both know it is right .. .. WOMEN The Alamo Electric Farm Lirfht Plant i Price in Canada $165- One mistake prevented each day will pay you a handsome return on your in vestment You die now making more .than one mistake a day. We stand ready to prove from your own records that you are now paying for a Uunoughs in mistakes that can easily be prevented. Whethei you're a giotei of Any other kind of retailer ' . "tr.wim "i v m a, - the same thing is true. Your brain and your tune are needed to make sales, serve customers, arrange stock and do many other things that make for profits. You can't afford not to leave the fig ure work to the machine You can't afford the mistakes the burroughs can and does prevent , Since you are now paying m mis takes the price of this Burroughs, you ought to own. it . V; Just Press the Button Light up the homey barn, hog house, chicken coop, garage and yard. "Just Press the Button. Get power for vour electric carpet sweeper, sewing machine, churn and fan; heat for .your electric iron and toaster. "Just Press the Button. The Alamo EUctric Farm Light Plant makes it possible for ev ery farmer to have electricity at a price he feels he can afford. The price of the standard plant is $253.00. This figure does not include the engine. v The cost of operation is very moderate. The plant is easily installed so simple you can install it your self. Ready for operation when it is taken out of the crate. The Best Illuminant Electricity is the most satisfactory illuminant. It furnishes a clear, dependable light alight that is free from smoke, smell and dirt; ready on the instant; free from fire risk. And remember, the Alamo makes it economical. The Alamo Electric Farm Light Plant not only furnishes you with this satisfactory light, but also with power and heat for light work. The Alamo is the result of eight years successful manufacture. It is the ideal farm plant; it is the simplest, 6afest and best, and it takes up but little space. Drop us a postal today and let you ail about the Alums and the coit of various sized plants, with and without the engine. VVe will tell you who the dealer U In your locality, so that you may see the plant before you buy. Dealer Agent wanted where we have no representatives. Alamo Engine & Supply jjompany Wept. 6 Omaha, Neb. HOYS' M IKKH, K.W.AM PM -;T j to bis school and to th county farm Th Stt Hoard of Aerlriiltut- r8' institute; also to furnlnh a state- rpnll.inK the gr-Mt fduratlonal value n,Pnt of tue Mn, for ,n homm a ,or such a school, and beinn anxlou r"r"- A CM ot tha report ia to be to nmk tt a permanent feature, are wlth tb cr)tary of the atato making a aanitary camp. The n-gu- boHrd r ARriculture. liir hoKpitnl rorc will look after thei 1501 Uutte county will be repie- neauii or the boy a. and a physical in- 10 ul,a encampiuent thla year Mructor will direct the loys In regu-. by "e by from tne country, and ono lar exerclpe. The governor, state loy fr"ni ,n lown 'liool. Watch bonrd of agriculture, Htid the coin- ,UH PP'rs for later announcements mlftnion feel that they can Bay wltli!ot "ww ,l,e DH'" to 1't'prenent tha confidence to parents and nchool of- rouu,y m b -lted. fleers that the comfort, the health' ,,w" I,l,m H" P't" f the county and happiness of the boys will be nrt " lown" t,f 'n rounly will b guarded In th moat aealous manner t'"n(ll"t, tor this appointment. . The aim of the school Is to offer a I F' M- SlilDlCLL, select body of young men the mean Coun,Jr Agricultural Agent, United for systematic observation and study, ' Su,te, department of Agriculture. under the direction of competent In- Ni, lijiTiuiiti v aiivii-v structors. of the animal, agricultur-1 ftKluiUMMtLl AI)llL t!,K.?leCa.Il,C"1. an!? """onal ex- Freely (ilven by an Alllam-e VUUen such" VmSSt 5 ZtTulwVlt Whn one h" 'uffered rture. EtlSeEjH S fbXhand-pa,r sens aa demonstrated br the flls- plays on exhibition. Two boya will be admitted fron each of the ninety-two counties, two extra from Lancaster county, and four Aitra frnm makinrl totllTf 1M On. m2m' ber ahfll bi ISeXL t rural schools, and one the city schools, and the age of the delegates must be over fifteen and under twen ty-one years. In each county there Is hereby constituted a committee consisting of the county superintendent of schools, the chairman of the county commis sioners or supervisors, the member of the state board of agriculture, the president of the county agricultural society, and the county farm demon strator. If all officials aforeaald men tioned do not exist within the coun ty, then those actually holding the oflicea as named shall be the commit tee clothed with full power tc Belect delegates. Kach boy will pay five dollars to rover board, tuition, and incidentals. which amount should be sent to W. H. Mellor, secretary, Lincoln, Nebr. two weeks before opening of ramp, and all railroad fare, up to a total of five dollars. Jtailroad fare In excess of five dollars will be refunded by i the board. If total railroad fare 'amounts to more than five dollars a (receipt from railroad agent must be presented for return of excess amount paid. Each boy must pro vide blankets, sheets, pillow, towels, soap and other toilet articles, and 'may be required to perform from (two to four hours duty each day dur ing the afternoon 6r evening. The school will be under the con trol of Prof. C. W. Pugsley as prin cipal, and Prof. II. E. Dradford as (assistant, both of the University .State Farm, who are charged with (complete responsibility and authori ty, for arranging the program of 'study, for assigning the boys to their I classes, for keeping a record of at tendance, study and deportment, and for arranging the hours and classes ,for the various Instructors. ' Every boy who attends the school la under jiui" iiiiiiieumie auiiioruy ana control or tne superintendent and principal. r-. rxigan toon a load or vegeia- j The forenoon of each day will be'blea to liyannis last Saturday and given over to observation, study and class work. Certain portions of each : afternoon will be free for general visitation and observation of the var ious exhibits on the State Fair 1 grounds. I The school will be formed into ; groups for the observation and study of the various classes of live stock, farm products, machinery, and other displays on exhibition. The lectur 'ers will be supplied mainly by the State University. Each boy will be required to keep a record of each day's observation and instruction. This record will jbe passed upon by principal and as sistant principal. Each member of the school will be expected to pre pare, from his week's observation and study, a report suitable to give A Nervous Ti.ius Relief From S."lctl:zg. i Women who sr.f.'cr i 'i-:i tMrcme nervousn )., often v .i-'e i.k-'c!i suffering before f, vy it lief. Mrs. Joseph fnyd'-. i T..T i. (... had kuch an, re r.Iliii; which she biy: "Vix rr.iin'in I fas l til fust vHh i.i-:". . pro- fa U.:i. I lull', i-l:.:;-t : -lls. '-old. Urn i.y rcfclin?. " i:d not Ftanil t h O ulljihtett ii( i.-f. At linn I would almost l!y to 'j1it; hum h very k. y.y hus- U:ul iriHihlwl on Tiny taking Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I 1 f-;;rui to Improve before 1 had finlshpil t timt bottl unlU I waa entirely rx ruT." mt;s. jo.:: !i SNYrt:a. ' HZ Iludao.i Si.. Ti.n. I'l.lo. Many remedies ar:.1 recommended' for diseases of the nervous system that fail to produce reMilts because they do not reach t!ie seat of the trouble. Dr. Miles Nervine ha proven its value in such cases so many times that it is unnecessary to make claims for "it. You can prove itt merits fr yourself by yetting a bottle of your druggist, who will return tl.e price if you receive no benefit. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. ut tell I 'llH:,' i frienda and neighbors. The follow ing neighborly advice coiues from an Alliance resident. Alra. J. K. W'haley. 4 22 K. Oreaon . T'L ""'"."J 'V'J "TPr . ?Tn C 1 I I I n n - . . . I . I , "'J muc uwnuif unuiy uiaor- d,red and the kldney "etlon. were P11"11"1- Whenever I stooped. am KU 111 T M 1 tl II V riHan ma nBHIT nislAr. sharp palna darted through my loins and it waa hard for me to straighten. I tried many remedies, but all failed to help me until I used Doan'a Kid ney Pilla. They brought relief in a short time and I continued using; them until 1 waa free from kidney complaint. I have had no reason to change my high opinion of Doan'a Kidney Pills since I recommended them some years ago." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the name that Mra. Wbaley had. Foster-MH-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N, Y. ASHBY Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson ot near Ellsworth came down Tuesday morning to visit with C. 11. Fields and be here for the show. Alius Lillian Smizer gave a party Saturday night for her many friends and all report a .good time. F. H. Darr went to Alliance Mon day on a business trip. ,, Miss Anna Crumroy ia working this week at the Ashby hotel. Mra. L. Lamm went to Alliance inursuay to spend a few days there. . Mrs. Elizabeth Caulking and Her-' bert Poole went to Alliance Sundayr to viBit with Mrs. Caulking' brother there. ( The Ashby Woman's Club held ait Ice cream supper in the school houHrt and netted quite a sum. Miss Ida Colson came down from Bingham Sunday to visit with Mrs. f'eari ssxipper. Jack SampHon and wife sp;nt a. lew unj uui uuiuv iuib nrra wnu - .a..... .nMA tki. 1. ... : . v. i uu.c iuim, "oia mem an out I C. A. Thm-aton. H V. RnriiMi Thomas Slanabie went to Whitman laat Saturday night to attend lodge. A. W. Walltck went to liyannis last Friday. Mrs. Mary Collins of near Martin dale went to Hayes Center for a few days visit. .' The Orton, Bros, circus showed in Ashby July 22 to a large crowd. Antloch,.Nebr., Aug. 2 M. O. P. Hlvner of Harrisburg. Penn., is now visiting his brother. Rev. J. S. C. U. Hlvner of Antioch. Mr. Hlvner was formerly employed by the Pennsyl vania Steel company as premium clerk. Mlaa Louise Wilson who was blt- ICIl UJ M UUft 0UUIIT UjlB fu iB I l proving rapidly. Last Friday evening a two home wagon load of Jolly folks spent the evening and part of the night at th home of Mrs. Hoffland. Supper and Ice c-reaiu was served. All had a jolly good time. , Many people front Antioch went to Alliance to attend ihe Chautauqua. Mrs. Smith and son and wife are vtKitlng with Mrs. Smith of Antioch. Anna lioffland waa in Denver 'lust week on a visit, W. Tompson bad a 1600 pound horae struck by lightning last Fri day. Slim Berry haa quit his job at Mr. Clough's. Mra. F. II. Keller who has pneu monia ia improving. Charles Haring began plowing fire guards this week but was stopped by the land owners because the railroad company had not settled with them for the use of the ground. Mrs. Berry went to Alliance and waa taken seriously sick .for a few days but is now better. W. G. Wilson is still bualing lum ber to rebuild what the cyclone de stroyed. ALLIANCE FOLKS ASTONISH DRUGGIST We sell many good medicines but we are told the mixture of buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-1-ka, is the best we ever sold. Alliance folks astonish us dally by telling how QUICKLY Adler-i-ka re lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom ach and constipation. Many report that A SINGLE DOSE relieves these troubles almost IMMEDIATELY. We are glad we are Alliance agents for Adler-i-ka. II. Thiele, drugglat-Adr ANTIOCH