V V ? ? Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y f y y y y y y y f y y 15) IP E c 1 To be held on the H. A. Allison place located 19 miles east and 3 miles north of Hemingford, 22 miles south and 1 mile east of Hay Springs, 28 miles northeast of Alliance, on Tuesday, August llth Commencing at 12 O'clock 34 rui in OF ffATTn 35 Cows and Calves 50 Two-year-old Heifers 25 Yearling Steers 4 Milk Cows 20 Yearling Heifers 1 Two-seated Carriage with Top 1 Two-seated Spring Wagon .with Top Free Lunch at 11:30 a.m. TERMS: 12 months' time on approved paper bearing 10 per cent interest 2 per cent dis count for cash. ? B.E.J mm t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y I y y y PURCHASED HOTEL . A. ALLISON ! OWNERS COURSEY & GRIMES, Auctioneers K. L. PIERCE, Clerk 1 y y iff f THIS PROSPEROUS BUSINESS MAN WAS, A "PRUDENT" YOUNG MAN. ME BANKED HIS MONEY. ARE YOU BANKING YOUffS? Prosperity conies only to liini who MAKKS it for hinslf. It is easy to jjain if you will only 1n vvliat common sense tells you to do work, save, DKPOSIT your money ami let it stay in the bank. Do not dabble in Ket-rich-iuiek SPECULATION; this is the sure road to RUIN. Play SAFE; this is the sure road to SUCCESS. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. First State Bank ALIJANCE, NEBRASKA i$vs " y 4 ONLY OXE PAIR or eyes to a life time you are asked to remember this. In case of eye strata or (ailing vision, tbe scientific world holds that a rem edy lies in optbaimlc lenses, prop erly ground and placed In a mounting that has been adjusted to your needs with Great Care and Skill. If you want the work done properly, come here. DRAKE & DRAKE ItfifUtertH OptomHrMfti 81 S Ifeix Butte Ave. Over lt'loh, Varirty Store RED PEPS PHILOSOPHY A". "TRere isnt much syrnpa- for the wormttKat tnct the early bird!' WE AHE HEADQUARTER , For Auto Supplies and Oil and Ga ollne Free Air on the Curb Alliance Auto Supply Co. Itione 25 Proprietor of A II Inure rf l'uniiM cm FUtiiren and IIhmIim'ns of Alliance Hotel J. M. Miller, proprietor rf The Al llanre Cafe, has purchased I lie fix tures and businenK of the Alliance Holel- from Mrs. Peter Rubendall and will take possession about the 20th of the month. Mr. Miller is an experienced hotel man and will operate the cafe and hotel together on the European plan. Exchange Gossip Miss Florence Parks returned Wednesday evening from Alliance where she underwent an operation two weeks ago for appendicitis. She was extremely tired and weak but is rallying finely since getting among the home folks.' Sidney Telegraph. W. T. Brown went to Alliance Thurs day on a business trip. Frank Barr was a caller at Alliance Monday making' a combined business and pleasure trip. Miss Clara Bec ker of Alliance is visiting with her brothers John and Felix Becker, hav ing arrived Tuesday. Mrs. R. H. Lamb of Wymore, Nebr., left Thursday for Alliance following a visit of several weeka at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Over man, south of Ashby. Mrs. P. B. Donahoe and children and ber sis ter, Miss Maude Thayer, of Alliance, came Saturday and visited until Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn. They are now the guests of their brother, Llge Thayer, and family in the Spade district. Ashby Argus. T. J. O'Keefe, register of the U. S. Land office at Alliance, was in the ci ty Sunday, and was accompanied by his brother and family. They came by way v of Chadron from-Rush ville by auto where they had been to at tend the funeral of the late W. W. Wood, who up until a few months ago was register of the land office at Alliance. Chadron Chronicle. Mrs. Mark Spanogle returned home last Saturday from Alliance where she has been visiting with friends for the past week. Thomas Spencer and Pete Schott, traveling men .who make their head quarters in Alliance, were here last Monday looking after business Inter ests for respective firms. Miss! Mayme Hagerty went to Alliance Wednesday night upon receiving a1 telegram from her sister, Mrs. Jack Riordan, stating that their week-old baby had died. Mr. Al Snedl ker, an expert Linotype operator, came on a telegraphic call from Deadwood last Monday morning to take a position on the News-Blade force and be ready to set up the new machine on its arrival. He Is also a good Job printer and has gone to work to help get our Job department, which has been much over crowded of late, brought up to date. ' Marking of the Black Hills branch of the Lincoln Highway from Alli ance to Bridgeport by the people of Alliance under the direction of the commercial club will be done Satur day. Today, everyone who cp.i get out from Alliance is helping o fix the roads from Angora to Alliance and the road will be heavily traveled by cars for this branch will be a reg ular automobile road. Next week the branch will be marked from Dal ton to Bridgeport by the Bridgeport people and this will complete the marking of the Black Hills road from Alliance to Sidney. The marking will be done In red and white colors and will indicate tbe road to be a branch of tbe Lincoln Highway. Bridgeport News-Blade. Marriel In a I lurry Miss Collie M. Vorce, of Hot Springs. S. D., and D. W. Beach, of Alliance, were married by the coun ty Judge at Gering last week. Miss Vorce was visiting with friends In Alliance, and at the time of taklu,g the trip this couple had no arrlous intentions.' Upon arriving In Ger ing some Alliance young people who were there spied them and Just for a Joke started throwing rice. At that the young lady remarked that they ought to "give them something to throw rice for." Mr. Beach approv ed the suggestion, and In a very few minutes they were man and wife. The young people di not realise until after it was over hew, serious their Joke was, and now they are wonder ing "why". The groom will attend college this year, and the bride will return to her home at Hot Springs and finish school. She is 17 and he is 19. wrong. The way it came about wan this: The hired man In the party, who was the guide and who had charge of the horses, stopped to catch a saddle horse, and stampeded the horses back to town. After see ing what he had done he disappear ed, leaving the other two to brin? the bunch in. and after being out all night they brought them in. The j third man, the guide, came back to 'Alliance and told tbe story to clear ('mself. No horses are being held for damage, but the statement got us In bad. It looks as though we did not try to do our duty. Hoping you will print, this In the good faith It is written, I am yours, W. FARWELL. A Correction To The Herald: Last week a statement waa made regarding some horses that were stampeded and lost, saying that con siderable amage was done, also that two hired men quit and did not stay with the horses. I, the undersigned, wish to state that this statement wss Neuralgia Pains Stopped You don't' need to suffer those ag onising nerve pains in the face, head, arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment lie quietly a few minutes. You will get such relief and comfort. Life and the world will look bright er. Get a bottle today. 3 ounces for 25c, at all druggists. Penetrates without rubbing. Adv No 1 HERALD WANT ADS PAY. iimmimmiinmMniiiiiHHmmtmimi Beware of Ointments for fitarrli Thai Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, as tbe damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken in ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. ' Adv August NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by tbe undersigned for approximately 500 tons of Lignite coal for Alliance School District for the winter of 1915-16, said bids to be filed by August 20. coal to be what is known as "Nut and Egg" prepared by pass ing through a 4 inch bar or 6 inch round screen and over a 1 inch round screen, or. what is known as "No. 2 Nut" prepared by passing through a 2 inch round screen and over a inch round screen, bids to be f. o. b. track Alliance, mine weights to govern;, or delivered in bins, wagon scale weights to govern. F. W. HARRIS, Secretary. 35-U-5964 For Sprained Ankle If you will get a bottle of Cham berlain's Liniment and observe the directions given therewith faithfully, you will recover in much less time than is usually required. Obtainable everywhere. Adv August Trip to Western Coaat Bernard Holsten left early this morning for Seattle, Washington, where he will meet Lloyd Tully. The two young men will then Journey -to San Francisco by boat and will spend some time visiting the exposition. They will probably return to Alliance in about six weeks after visiting the west. Tli I rt) -SI it for 23 Cents Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well-corked glass bottles, containing 36 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of water before retiring is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Ef fective and positive In results. Cheap and economical to use. Get a bot-; tie today, take a dose tonight your Constipation will be relieved In the morning. 36 for 25c, at all druggists. Adv No 1 Fx tended Western Trip F. E. Reddish, tbe Alliance cap italist and real estate dealer, left this morning for Portland, Oregon, and other western points. He will prob ably be gone for a month. Mr. Red dish has property Interests In Ore gon which he will look after on his trip. YVE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Glass, Paint, Oil, Coal, Lime, Cement, Builders' Hardware, and all kinds of Building: Haterial ........ WOVEN WIRE AND BARBED WIRE FEtfCE GEO. A. HEILMAN, Mgr. PHONE 73 itnniiniiunHinmtwnmtrmTtiiMininniMMiiiinniHmtT7n SO TNI PEOPLI WILL KNOW , - THE SECOND ANNUAL TBI -STATE FAIR AND RACE MEET Will be Pulled Off Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 9, 10 and 11, 1915 CRAWFORD, NEBRASKA MARVELOUS ATTRACTIONS PHENOMENAL STOCK EXHIBITS UNSURPASSED RACEPR06RAM GORGEOUS DISPLAYS Three Days of Interesting, Amusing, Educational Entertainment COME AND SEE EVERYBODY AT CRAWFORD. NEBRASKA FOR PROGRAM WRITE DR. B. F. RICHARDS, President or W. C. RUNDIN, Secretary Nebraska Military Academy (Incorporated) YOUR BOY must be educated and developed. If he la not doing well in school. Is discouraged, wants to do more and better work, the NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY la a SCHOOL close at home where you can send him and be sure that he gets, what you want him to have. This SCHOOL understands BOYS and deals with them in dividually. Prepares for college and business. For information, talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or write for catalog. Addrews tX)L. II. D. IlAYWAItl), President LINCOLN. KKUHA&KA ILER GRAND HOTEL 10th and Howard St., Omaha, Nebr. A Iteally Comfortable Hotel for You to Stop at It Is Popular with Many Live Stock Shipper. Why not You Try It Once? RATES ARE LOW P. W. MIKESELL, Prop. We use a bone tipped cob pipe as an advertisement. It Is an emblem of comfort. We will mall you a half doz en upon receipt of a written request for tLem; or fill In your name and address be low, cut out tbls advertise ment and mail to Her Grand Hotel, Omaha, Nebr., and you will receive the half dos en pipes by return mall: Name Address Always the Best Work PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATINQ Estimates gladly furnished Work guaranteed to please PHONC BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES ALLIANCE, NCSR