The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 29, 1915, Special Edition, Image 3

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Dusty's Dabblings
Buick 1 9
A spider can live ten months with-1
oui loud, but who wants to be a spi-!
der? !
Over at Bayard they have a man;
named Slxberry. In other words,
just about a box full. I
One of the easiest jobs we know
of is to detect flattery when it Is ap
plied to your enemy.
After they have tried all the other
pallcles, some men have decided that
honesty it the best one.
Many, many good, honest men have worked hard and
piled up a little fortune, and then all at once LOST all they had
by just ONE foolish investment.
The following appeared in the papers recently aliut a
prominent man who died:
Despite his marvelous career in and around Chicago
which caused him at one time to be rated as a millionaire, he
died a BANKRUPT. , Most of hi great fortune melted in dis
astrous speculations.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
First State Bank
Of course experience costa money,
but now and then you find a man
who profits on the Investment.
Some girls seem to think that they
can attract attention on the street by
exceeding the speed limit in chewing
If philanthropists were rated by
the amount of advice they give, this
old world would be running over
with them.
Generally the men who are always
talking about working themselves to
death are not the ones who keep the
undertaker' busiest." "
Since . the disaster overtook the
Eastland in the Chicago river, I am
more than ever contented to tide on
"Bedella" at Broncho Lake.
The cause of so many family rows
In some homes is that father is not
certain who Is boss and wants to
fight every twenty-four hours to re
tain the belt.
Biff Closing Out Sale
-Begins V
Thursday, August 5th
Store Room for Lease
Rooming House for Lease
Positively quitting business. Must
take a rest.
1 An Oklahoma man has been made
'the defendant in a damage suit be
cause he wanted to know if a certain
lady wore silk stockings, and because
he took a very forcible manner of as
certaining. Here in Alliance he can
classify the stockings clear across the
street, and there will be no danger
minium nun Hill llllllllllllllllirillHIIIIlirr--rTTm HIT " damage suit, either.
The Anger print system of identi-
HHmillHlimmiimrmmtmmrt ncation has been in use for some
years, but now it appears mat it win
Watson & Watson
' Grocers
TvDewrlter manufacturers over
the United States have now gone in
to the ammunition game, and it is
reported that a number of hens are
about to enter the shell game.
You think you are smart, but can
1 you tell without looking up the date,
, the date of President McKlnley's as
sassination? This question caused
quite an argument on the streets the
other day.
An Alliance man got off a bit of
wisdom the other day when be said
that it took horse sense to run an
automobile, but I am of the opinion
that some drivers-in Alliance do not
even possess this requisite.
The sire limit of parcel post pack
ages has now been Increased from
seventy-two to eighty-four inches. It
will be Just a short time until you
can ship washing machines, automo
biles, and other smaller articles by
A man in New Jersey got a seven
years' prison sentence- for stealing
fl2Q from his girHtosle's stocking.
And, strange to say, Rosie was in the
stocking when he got it. Now Ros
ie's singing, "If the wind had only
blown the other way."
uSi3 Evely
Just TT Jl. 44TV A CM AOC F. O. B.
Received IVlUUei l-bD ; adl $703,' FLINT
One-Ton Truck on Exhibition
No other motor car at any price
insures its owners as great value
dollar for dollar as the Buick
valve-in-head "six" for 1916.
In these models Buick design reaches its highest develop
ment and Buick construction and motor principle their
most complete expression. See them now.
Roadsters $950, $1450
Touring Cars $985, $1485
Completely Equipped f.o.b. Flint
Opposite Drake Hotel , Alliance, Nebraska
It is, of course, pleasant reading to
be informed that Thomas A. Edison,
Henry Ford and Orvllle Wright have
been named as the naval advisory
board, but at the same time. Alliance
people would feel safer If they knew
that W. J. Hamilton," I. U. Hager, Cy
Eaing. Cal Cox, BUiie King and I. E.
,Tash were on this board. ,
tHIMMTf iiiiiiiiiiiiniu
Paint. Oil, Coal,
Cement, Builders'
Hardware, and all kinds
of Building Material ........
uuiililiiliiiiiiliiilillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiililiiiiiiliillinii ill
be replaced by the "toe print" sys
tem. Recently a woman thief was
caught by this method. The only ob
jection I have to this new system is
that It will bring Into general use in
America thoso safety devices that are
being worn' by the European soldiers
over their noses to keep the gas
fumes out of their systems.
Serial No. 012573. "! - '
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
JUNoSii to hereby given that Katie
' f Alliance. Nebraska, who,
on October 24. 1910. made Home
Lif Fntrv Serial No. 01257S. for
St?- swi i K nw: NWK NW
uSec. 33. and I the 8W14 SW f
a TnwnshiD 22 North of
Range 46 West of the Sixth Prlnci
Rn!f h.i filed notice of in-
'r f,tZ to make Final Three Year
f tentlon to . tm tQ thl) ,and
The latest "automobile accessory"
is what Is known as a refrigerator.
The uses of this very Important ac
cessory are numerous, but It Is de
signed principally to carry twelve
pint bottles" (we don t know
whether It means ketchup or vine
gar) and can be attached In a very
few minutes. While it is not exactly
designed for use on Fords, the man
ufacturers are urging Ford owners
to use their rebates to buy one. One
compartment in the refrigerator is
for knives and forks and these can
be used as tools on Fords, which may
make it very popular.
It might have been staged at the
theatre, btu it actually happened on
Box Butte avenue early last evening
six o'clock, if you must know. She
was standing on the corner of Third
and Box Butte, but wanted to cross
the street. She paused, looked up
and down Box Butte, and started
across. She was attired in a white
transparent dress, a white hat and
white shoes, and her general appear
ance was what most men1 would call
"nifty". In the middle of the street
she paused up the street stood a
group of men who were watching
her. She didn't know whether to
continue on across the street or re
trace her steps. She decided to con
anctt, Nebraska, on the zsrd day ofltinue her journey, ana waixea witn
August. 11)16. la stride that was almost a trot. On
Claimant names as witnesses: I reaching the opposite side of the
Thomas Squibb, of Moffltt, Nebras-1 street she paused, looked at the
ka. Ed Young, of Alliance, Nebraska, group of men standing a few feet In
Perce Beagle, of Alliance, Nebraska, I front of her and muttered to her
B. F. Moffltt. of Moffltt. Nebraska. I self. The expression on her face
T. J. O'KEEFE. Register. I clearly Indicated she was almost an
32-6t-627-6855 Igry, but perhaps she wasn't. "God
pity the blind," one of the men in
the trout) remarked. She continued
A. F. Anderson, of Victor, Colora- her lournev down the street on the
do, woo was on nis way to &neriaan,i.ha(jy side.
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
In the matter of the estate of Peter
Rubendall, deceased.
I, L. A. Berry, county Judge, of
said county, in said state, hereby no
tify all persons having claims and
demands against the estate of the
said Peter Rubendall, deceased, that
I have set and appointed the follow
ing daya for the reception, examina
tion, and adjustment of said claims
and demands, as provided by law, at
the County Court room in Alliance,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, to tit:
August 2. 1915. And all persons so
Interested In said estate will appear
at said time and place, and duly pre
sent their said claims and demands In
the manner required by law, or show
cause for not so doing; and In case
any of said claims shall not be pre
sented by February 3rd, 1916, the
same shall be forever barred.
Given under my hand and the seal
of the county court this 28th day of
June, 1915.
L. A. BERRY. County Judge.
Burton and Reddish. Attys.
(SEAL) 30-5t-622-5700
Wyoming, to assist in the electric
wiring of the new sugar factory
there, stopped over in Alliance last
. -.tabTlah claim to the land there, stopped over In Alliance last
- lkt,tcTm Register and Tnursaay ror a snori visu who mt.
above j Land Office, at Alii-Curtis of the Curtis Home Bakery.
E. B. Grler, assistant general man
ager of the Burlington, was in the
city Tuesday in his private car. He
left for the east.
Serial No. 014798.
Notice for Publication ,
Department of th Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
June 5, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that Ches
ter W. Rooker, of Lakeside. Nebrna-
ka, who. on May 25. 1912.' male
Homestead Entry. Serial No. 014798.
for the E SE4 Sec. 11; H SW'4
Sec. 12; W NW4; SE4 NW4;
8V4 NE4 Section 13, and the EH
NEK of Section 14. TownBnip si
North of Range 45 West of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Thr
Year Proof, to establish claim to in
land above described, before Regis
ter and Receiver, United States Land
Office; at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
27th day of July. 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: r
Herlan. of Antlocb, Nebraska; Frank
Cody, of Lakeside, Nebraska; W. O
Wilson, of Ant loch. jseDrasxa: Mrs
N. B. Berry, of Antloch, Nebraska,.
T. J. O'KEEFE. Register.
'to take the finest Business Course In'
given in any Commercial School In the WEST.
We Guarantee Superior Training:
Finest EquiMNI. Mmt Up-to-date Factlltlea and the Beat
Lighted School
Every Student goes through a Practical Department
Write for Booklet, "Money Making Power"
Mention this paper when answering this ad.
said County Court, this 23rd day of
June, 1915.
L. A. dGKKI,
(SEAL) County Judge.
The State of Nebraska,
Box Dutte County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Peter D. Snracklen. Deceased.
To the Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I
will sit at tha County Court room in
Alliance. In said County, on the 24th
day of January, 1916. to receive and
examine all claims against said Es
tate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited
for the presentation of claims
against said Estate is six months
from the 24tb day of July. A. D.
1915, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts Is One Year from said
4th dav of Julv. 1915.
Witness- m hand and the seal of
Serial No. 014351.
Notice for Publication
Department of the interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance,, Nebraska,
June 26. 1915.
Notice is hereby given that Elisa
beth 8aylor, of Antloch, Nebraska,
who. on March 16,. 1912. made
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 014351,
for SW Sec. 3; Eft NEK: NW
NE4 Sec. 9; NW14 NE4; NW4 of
Section 10. Township 22 North of
Range 4 5 West of the Sixth Princi
pal Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 9th day of
August. 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ar
thur C. Peterson, of Antloch. Nebras
ka; Henry Jones, of Orlando. Ne
braska; Howard Beck, of Lakeside.
Nebraska; Anton Ronsborg, of Pw
let. Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 26. 1915.
Notice is hereby given that Julius
G. Blrkel, of Alliance, Nebraska,
who, on March 30. 1911, made
Homestead Entry. Serial No. 013282.
for Lot 6. Sec. 19; Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5,
6; SE NW; SW14 NE; NEVi
SW; NU SE4 of Sec. 30. T. 23,
N., R. 47; SH SE4 Sec 24; NEVi
of Section 25, Township 23 North.
Range 48 West of the Sixth Princi
pal Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make Final Three Year
Proofr to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance. Nebraska, on the 10th day of
August. 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses: Lee
McLaughlin, of Alliance, Nebraska;
Lewis L. Unger. of Alliance, Nebras
ka; Henry Sagemnller, of Alliance,
Nebraska; George Workman, of Al
liance, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE. Register.
Serial No. 013282.
Notice for Publication
Der,tnj,'t of the Interior, U.
Johnny Bayers, son of Mike Bay
ers, returned Tuesday from Sioux
City, Iowa, where he went recently.
He has been employed In the print
ing business there and has been
granted his card. He has now pur
chased a one-half Interest In the pool
hall wtth his father in Alliance and
will remain here.