Over 90 per cent of Business Men Fail Men fail in business because they do not know the game. They lack system and a thorough knowledge of their business. The reason why so many would-be farmers fail is because they know little or nothing of the science of farming. They think anybody can farm and then are surprised to find that their crops will not grow. The farmer who is always behind, who always has bad luck with his crops, is the man who farms by guess and trusts to luck. If he were in the. mercantile business he would be in the hands of a receiver within a year. He is a failure but he hangs on because the poorest farmer can get a living out of the land if he only plows and sows the seed. An Agricultural Education Tho first thing a young man who intends td go into busi ness Rhould do is to take a course in a business college. Here he can become familiar with the first principles of business, without which he will fail. The first thing a man who expects to farm should do is to take a course in an agricultural college, if he can, but if he has not the time or the money to spend in a two-year course, he can get the same instruction at home by taking a course in the Campbell Correspondence School of Soil Culture. Everything is furnished books and all1 at a very slight cost, and the best thing about it, he does not have to leave the farm or his work. He can choose from the following courses: Cereal Culture Course . Pry Farming Course Farm Engineering Course Soil Ullage Court - Summer is the time to study agriculture, and the farm and garden is the laboratory in which to work out the problems. Don't wait for fall or winter to begin, but get bsuy now. iYou will learn more in one summer applying your instruction in the fields than in a dozen winters sitting by the fire. Send for our catalog Number 3. It will not cont you a cent. Gampbell Gorrespondence School Soil Improvement Course Horticultural Course Small Farming Course LINCOLN NEBRASKA The Wardrobe The only odorless cleaning in the City. We have the only power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none of that odor found in hand cleaning. , The price is no' higher. Try us and be convinced. 315 Box Butte Aye. Phone 682 MONARCH NO. 1 DIP Hie BEST For CATTLE, SHEKP, HOUSES, POULTRY And HOOS Sure death to Lice and Ticks cures Scab, Mange, Chicken Cuol era, Roupe and Gapes, Collar Bolls and Barb-wire cuts. Chases Flies, Kills Disease Genua and Prevents Hog Cholera. 1 Gallon Makes 21 Gallons Fly Chaser. 1 Gallon Makes 41 Gallons Mite and Lice killer. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Hog Dip. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Sheep and Cattle Dip. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Germicide for Hog Cholera. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Germicide and Disinfectant for all diseases. . Sold by F, E. HOLSTEN. Alliance, Nebr. Guaranteed by Roc Chemical Co., Lincoln, Nebraska MR GRAND HOTEL 16th and Howard St., Omaha, Nebr. A Really Comfortable Hotel for You to Stop at It Is Popular with Many Live Stock Shippers. Why not You Try It Once? RATES ARE LOW P. W. MIKESELL, Prop. We use a bone tipped cob pipe as an advertisement It is an emblem of comfort. We will mall you a half doz en upon receipt of a written request for them ; or fill In your name and address be low, cut out this advertise ment and mail to Her Grand Hotel. Omaha. Nebr.. and you will receive the half doz en pipes by return mall; Name Address I Hoc-'0 Column The Niiperflunu Man I am quite law-abiding as you will aaree; Regard murder as no nice profession, Nor has violence any attraction for me. Yet I must make this candid confes sion; , There's a man I detest, whom 1 sim ply abhor The superfluous man, let us call him. His very existence to me Is a bore No fate cruel enough ran befall him. He's the man who, when you make your way every morn To the bathroom, gets there Just be fore you. , And the greater your wrath, your vexation and acorn. The more he appears to adore you: You will find him again on the crowded street car. Where If there's one seat that's not taken He just beats you to it; he knows who you are All your criminal Instincts awaken. At the box office window, alas you will note He has managed once more to fore stall you; At the bank, at the depot, when casting your vote, ; And be does It Just simply to gall you. . . . So why not pass a law it would be very fine (You can always find someone to do It) To make It illegal to be ft ret In line Or ever beat anyone to' it. . Work! Did y' ever go terbed at night, clean tuckered out, 'n'dead, without i not her ounce o' strength, 'n Jlst 'ALL Inter bed, 'n throb 'n ache in every limb, 'n sigh ex you turn o'er then you git up in th' mornln' -'N you . ' Work ' ' some. enn If or. Did y' ever wlsu jvu was at rest beneath th' wilier tree, 'n never had ter work no more, through all eter nltee; 'n tell yerself ye're list al In 'n that ye're plum done for then you git up in th' mornln' , ' 'N you ' Work ' ' Some ... More. A Modern Fable The beasts and birds once held a great assembly and passed many laws governing the conduct of the barnyard. .'. After much wise leglsla tlon had been passed, the goat, who, up to this time, had remained silent, proposed a law making it compulsory for geese and other fowl to clip their wings. At this such an outcry arose from the feathered denizens of the barnyard that the goat, much abash ed, sought to amend the, measure by providing that all' dogs and foxes be muzzled. Hereupon the dogs and foxes1 decried him. accusing him of being a false friend and a traitor. "Well," he replted.VI proposed the law only to oblige you, as I thought you were my friends. I was too dense to see your purpose, but I un derstand it now. Hereafter 1 will introduce measures for nobody." MORAL: Many a man, though the best of intentions, is often made a goat. Dray Phona 54 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line 4f Household goods f? ihvM.iSV moved promptly it iit. ' - -m t I. , 3-' u naiisicr worn - -".-v'9 cr1i-!t-rl Residence phone 636 and Bine 574 Breathes there a man with soul so dend who never to himself has said: "That editor has quite a head. I'm glad I take his paper. He's got a lot of grit and sand, be prints the news to beat the band, and that s the proper caper. He soaks the grafters in the neck, he saves the ship of state from wreck, he's Johnnie on the spot. by heck, when things are in a Jum ble. He writes the ads that bring the dough, he chases all our gloom and woe, he tells us all we want to know and yet he Is quite humble. He never gets a bit stuck , up, he's worked since Hector was a pup, to earn his daily bit and sup. and have a little over. I know we owe him many plunks, so let us shame the other skunks and furnish him with kale in chunks, wherewith to live in clover," rEx. An old railroad employee wa con verted at a meeting and was -ked o lead In prayer. He hesitated a mo ment, and then wim u ireuituiiig uu, clear, resounding voice, he said rev erently: "Oh, Lord, now. that I have I1itrl thee, lift up my feet from the rough road of life and plant them safely on the deck of a train of sal vation. Let me use the safety lamp known as prudence and make all the couplings in the train with the strong link of love. Let my hand lamp be the Bible. And, Heavenly Father, keep all the switches closed that lead off into sidings, especially those with a blind end. O Lord, if it be thy pleasure have every semaphore block along the line show the white light of hope that 1 may make the run of life without stopping, and Lord give me the Ten Commandments for the schedule. And when I have finished the run on schedule time and pulled Into the dark station of death, may the Superintendent of the Universe say: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, come and sign the pay roll and receive your check for eternal happiness. Gillette News. Mtyst (liildren Hare Worm And neither Parent or Child know It, yet it explains why your child Is nervous, pale, feverish, backward. Often children have, thousands of Worms. Think of hew dangerous this Is to your child. Don't take any risk. Get an original 2fc box of Kick a poo Worm Killer, a candy loz enge. Klckapoo Worm -Killer will positively kill and remove the worms Relieves Constipation, regulates Stomach and Bowels. Your child will grow and learn so much better. Get a box today, i ' Don't kick if you go to a dollar a day hotel and find mice - in your room. You can't get large animals for a dollar a day. i i ri nL ill.-... Vvyi;-1 ne men uiew U You want your chew f to have the luscious v ' richness of ripe fruit. ,1xiti Spear Head has it. You want to taste that fruity flavor long as the chew lasts. Spear Head holds it. FEAR HEAD) PLUG TOBACCO is made of the most richly- favored red Burley. In only a very small part of the annual Burley crop have thek natural juices reached that perfect rich ness required for SPEAR Head. liSW Try SPEAR HEAD the wArf 1 -nei rP oil ' chewing tobaccos. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. J ..' ' - ' Automobile Tents -.v .:,.;;r.;c... v, ...' '"vV I This tent meets a demand for a satisfactory camping outfit pro- . ., vldlng for, the car and a convenient shelter for the tourists; No i4 poles are required,, though the tent is more convenient If used with two seven-foot poles as shown. Packs In a small bundle weighing about 25 pounds In ordering give make and model of car and ' state whether tent is wanted with or without front poles. Prices $13.50 and up. ' , We also make' the. very., highest grade of all kinds of tents, 'awnings, stack machine and wagon covers," sleeping bags, stockmen's ' bed sheets, etc. ' , r , Tell us what you need in canvas goods WE MAKE IT Western-Tent and Awning Co. . 148 No. 14th 3t., Lincoln, Nebraska , FARE $322 DAILY BETWEEN Th Great Ship Th Urgrcft and most toatly swamar oa any inland wiltf of Um world. uona tur laiu pajuMmtrer. "CITY OF ERIE" 3 M.niflc.nt Slom.r. ,CITV OF BUFFALO" Sloping i BETWEEN 1 S CLEVELAND DaUy. May 1st to Dec 1st BUFFALO Lmv CIvUn4 S:(WP. M. - Utva buffalo - lP. M. y i.M A.. U. JiA.t. Arriv:WTlnd CmuMctlwu at Buffalo far Niagara Kalli and ail fcaateni anl Canadian pobita. Railnwd tirk u reaotiitf butwavn Clevvlaad and BmiTmIo ar. goad (or tauupurtauo. ob ur ataaaMra. Aak your tiekt-t atjent fcr ti--kta via C a B. Lira. B'taUlif nt'jr cvlorei Mrt tonal ihmsIo cWuru in both iiurmr aiul muaror hm Graat for oar 4-pam (MrtoHl nd CFSriitiT hook If t fry. r THE CLEVELAND it. BUFFALO TRANSIT COw CLi.lmmi, Okim 1ZJ O RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHV j HSom of these mil orJet Jrsftcrs niafte Jesse Jawes loah like a Jentlewm WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For Auto Supplies and Oil and Oa ollne Free Air on the Curb Alliance Auto Supply Co. Phone 25 THE Real Estate Exchange Is the best advertising medium for the real estate dealer. Cir culation covers - the . United States, and directly to interest ed people. Results are certain. Write us today for special re duced rate advertising proposi tion. . Subecription $1.00 per Year including a one time 50 word ad, and set seven commercial maps of Illinois, Missouri, Io wa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkan sas, and Texas. Maps alone worth double the subscription cost. If you are not on our list, send your' subscription to , .day while 'this special offer is open. 1 v? :-' REAL ISTATE EXCHANGE ' Belle, Mo. HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room Without Bath $1.00 or $1.25 Room With Bath $1.50 Up Cafe Prices Moderate ROME MILLER Proprietor ; AMOVI COLLINS SADDLES Nebraska Tent & Awning Co. TENTS r.' and m- Stack Covers i. at living prices . If your dcalor doos not handle them write direct to ua. AWNINGS for Stores or Residences ."t All goods guaranteed as represented or money refunded 709 So. 16th St., Omaha, Nebr. Kend for Price List No. JO. BeM Saddle made. Have ht wd the tet for SO year. Write for Free Catalogue ALFRED (OltMSH & (o. SucceoiMors to t'ollins & Morrison 12IO Faruara 8t Omaha, Neb. . WRITE FOR CATALOG a1 4 a AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan