THE ALLIANCEHERALD MjOYI) C. THOMAS, Iluine Manager JOHN V. THOMAS, Kdltor IIAItVKY K. IIIIODKM, City Editor t Published erery Thursday by THli HliRALD PUHLISMINO COMPANY Incorporated fJoyd C. Thoniaa, President 3. Carl Thomas, Vice Pre. John W. Tliom, Secretary Entered at the p"t office at Alliance. Nebraska, for transmission through the mails as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.60 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE STREET SHOWS AND CIRCUSES For quite a while The IlVrald has wished to make home huhkc tiotiH as to the relative merits of street Rhows and circuses, but has deferred doinir no until a time that such Rueeestions miirht not ap pear to have reference to any arrangement that had been made for, public entertainment m Alliance . .ow that the streel show lor this year ir a thinp of the pKt and no arranpetnents for another have been made, we wixh to make our MiipgeNtiou. Between the ordinary street show and a firnt-class circus there is really no comparison, the. latter being incomparably better than the former, for several reasons. The street show in Alliance during stockmen's convention week this year was considered the best ever seen here, and is probably one of the b'st on the road, but how does it compare with the Bsrnum & Bailey, the Sells-Floto, or the Hagen-bcck-Wallacc circuses, all of which are showing in Nebraska this sea son ? In the first place, viewed from the point of the city 'a own inter ests: The street show takes much more money out of the city, and consequently out of the ordinary channels of trade, than the circus; and it draws to the city scarcely a dime 'where a circus would pull dollars. Tt costs more, to go the rounds of the street show than it does to see the circus, including side show, and yoi see less less of i pageantry, less of menagerie, less of athletic and gymnastic perform ances. In the second place, a first-class modem circus does not have the objectionable features that so often attend the street show. Some of . the street hows art a monumental graft, and, to say the least, reflect . acriously upon the reputation of the cities where they. are put on; while the best circuses now give a show practically devoid of objec tionable features. . Under some circumstances, the largest and best circuses show in towns no larger than Alliance.. Barnum &, Bailey's, one of the big gesl on the road, makes the following Nebraska cities this year: Oma ha, Lincoln, Fremont, Grand Island, . Kearney, Hastings, Fairbury, Norfolk, Columbus, York, Broken Bow. Alliance is in a class with some of these citie; as-to population, and better situated than some .to draw a crowd from outside. We suggest that whatever steps may be necessary to induce a first-class circus to, visit this city be taken before the schedules for next year have been made up. " POST CARD PHILOSOPHY s f In these days of wonderful printing facilities, gems of thot in neatly printed form as wall mottoes or on post cards may be purchas ed for a trifle, but are worth their weight in gold. Here are a few that may be had for a penny apiece, but arc worth dollars to one who will profit by the sage advice contained or imptied in them: Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others, without getting a few drops on yourself. ' ' ' ." '"V J ' ' ' .' 4 Cheer up 1 - .When you're knocked it k for a reason, and they never knock a Dead One. - .If your competitor has a good bu.siness, j 'Tin better to leave him alone; Don't waste your time in knocking, 3 When you ought to bo tending your own. " The Bee that gets the honey 1 .Doesn't hang around the Hive. Lives of hustlers all remind us i. That success comes not thru chance. Those who win do not have rearward. V iShiny places on their pants. ' MURDER WILL OUT ' -X We believe it was Daniel Webster who started the familiar ex t pression; "Murder will out," altho some take it as a quotation from J .L. t : 1. 1 T ......... . . I ...1 . .. I. ...... ..... .... ... ...I tutJ uiuic, ism iimuvr much ur wneie nits iuuvc nmu iunii atai iru, .-some things have; recently come to light over in Iowa that seem to -.prove its', accuracy. Four old men, Samuel Scrivner, Bates Hunts man, and John ami Henry Damewood, are on trial at Bedford, Iowa, on the charge of having participated in the murder of a live stock buyer at Siam, Iowa, forty-seven years ago. The principal witness against them is Mrs. Maria Porter, residing now at Quitman, Mo., who was a girl when the crime was committed and is said to have seen the body of the murdered man thrown into a well. She claims that she was threatened with death if she ever gave information regarding the matter. ISN'T THIS REFRESHING? k' United States Senator (I. M. Hitchcock will be a candidate for Te-election next year, at least he will be a candidate for the demo cratic nomination, and if he receives that will be a candidate against the republican nominee for election. Ex-Congressman John L. Ken nedy of Omaha is a candidate for the republican nomination for the same office, and it seems with fair prospects of securing it. Under the circumstances it is refreshing to notice the spirit of fairness shown in the following editorial which appeared in Mr. Hitchcock's paper, the orld-Herald, recently: Mlt, KKNNDDY IX TI1K LIST . Announcement that John L. Kennedy of Omaha will enter 'the republican primaries as a candidate for United States senator la the first important move preliminary to next year's campaign in Nebraska. -, The announcement brings Into the field one of Nebras ka's best-known and most successful citizens, and the sort of a man to whose political claims Nebraska people are always ready to give serious consideration. Mr. Kennedy Is an able lawyer, an enterprising business mair, an has long taken a keen Interest In public affairs. He la a man of matured mind and strong convictions which, combined with Ir reproachable character, marked talent aa a public speaker and a pleasant and affable personality, make him a foeman worthy any opponent's steel, whether in the primaries or in the general elec- tlon. Should he be named by his party to contest for election to ! the senate it would Insure a campaign based on the Issues Involv ed and not a campaign of personalities and cheap demagogy such as has occasionally disgraced political contests in this state. 'f3 J OT WAPiE Jj f! If Look FOR t Ask almost any man what he had for breakfast, and he'll say, "Oh, the usual thing toast, coffee and breakfast food." v But give him KRUMBLES then see what he says! KRUMBLES is the first Wheat breakfast food with a natural, satisfying flavor. Serve it with cream or milk. If the folks ask for sugar, tell them to taste KRUMBLES first Today is the time to see your grocer about KRUMBLES.. ' 4 . '-' Look for this Signature- ' ' 1 f cents, in the Kellogg: 1 VP WAXTITE package, which keeps the fresh; good flavor in and all other flavors out . ' Burlington Bubbles "Long Distance " Saves a Tiresome Trip When you think you ought to make a trip, why not talk instead? American brains. American initiative, and American scientific and technical skill, have created an efficient and reasonable priced telephone service for your use. 44 The World's Most Efficient Telephone Service." NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPART One on IUhmIi Conductor Beach of the Burling ton railroad wn Id Whitman one day laat week and at the aame time a band of gypsies hit the burg. The station a Kent noticed that Bearh was nearby and asked that the woman fortune teller of the bunch tell Bench that she would tell his fortune for a nickel, at the same time giving hev i some inside Information. Beach, ac cording to a witness, snapped at the chance to get his fortune told for a nickel. Among other things the wo man told him that be had three par ticularly bad e.iemles one of them was a railroad man named O'Con nors, another was a man who bossed the trains named Marvin, and anoth er was the chief guy who bossed the fellows who bossed the trains, named Gavin. The boys stated that Beach's f:tce was a study snd that he Is still wondering: who put the fortune tell er 'wise". The Burlington has re-opened Its Omaha-Kansas City line which had been closed for several days by high water around Amazonia. Mo. The trains, which are running several hours late, detour by Cameron Junc tion between St. Joseph and Kutifua Geo, J.Hand,n.D. .Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Kar, Sum and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day or night. City, the high water having moved to the south of the former city. lust Press the Button Light up the home, barn, hog house, chicken coop, garage and yard. "Just Press the Button" Get power for v our electric carpet sweeper, sewing machine churn and fan; heat for, your electric iron and toaster. "Just Press the Button. The Alamt Electric Farm Light Plant makes k possible for ev ery farmer to have electricity at a price he feels he can affotd. The price of the standard plant is $253.00. This figure does not include the engine. The cost of operation is very moderate. The plant is easily installed so simple you can install it your self. Ready for operation when it is taken out of the crate. The Best Illuminant Electricity is the most satisfactory illuminant. If furnishes a clear, dependable light a light that is free from smoke, smell and dirt; ready on the instant; free from fire risk. Apd remember, the Alamo makes it economical. The Alamt Electric Farm Light Plant not only furnishes you with this satisfactory light, but also with power and heat for light work. The Alamt is the result of eight years' successful manufacture. It is the ideal faira plant; it is the simplest, safest and best, and it takes up but little space. Drop ut a postal today snd let us tell you all about the Alamt and th cost qf various sized plants, with and without the engine. We will tell you who the dealer is In your locality, so that you nisy see the plant before you buy. Dealer Agenu wanted where w have no representatives. Alamo Engine & Supply liompany I. 0,a.. Nek. The Alamo Electric Farm Light Plant Always the Best Work PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING Estimates gladly furnished Work guaranteed to please PHONE BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES LLIANCC. NCR "A 1