FARMERS' CLUB MEETING Ir1tMhle and Enjoyable Day 8eiit lit the Home of L. J. Hchlll The Farmers Club met Tuesday at the L. J. Schlll ranch, where a v-ry profitable and enjoyable day was pent by both old and young.- It la a pleasure to anyone Interested In farm irork to visit Mr. SchlU's place, where ran be found the new modern equipped barn, with silo, milking ma chine and all other convenience that f;ive forth an air of up-to-dateness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Sc hill proved themselves host and hostess of unusual ability. Seventy-three were present to pnrtake of a dinner that could not be criticised, as noth ing that Is good to eat was missing from the table, and everything was served In the proper style so that no one went away hungry. A business meeting was held In the Afternoon, and the program was car ried out. Mrs. Lalns was given a hearty encore after her reading and .It was necessary for her to return. Sirs. Ileal recited some poetry of her own composition; Jack Miller ren dered a vocal solo. Mr. Workman gave a talk that was only too short, entitled, "Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Self". Mr. Seidell talked . on the ftood roads question, and last but not least E. (J. Lalng treated the crowd to watermelon. It was decided that next month's meeting will be held at the home of IVm. Rust, Jr., on August 17. Traveling Man's Experience ' "la the summer of 1888 I had a very severe attack of cholera mor bus. Two physicians worked over tne from 4 a. m. to 6 p. m. without giving any relief and then told sue they did not expect me to live; that I had best telegraph for my fam ily. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel porter fifty cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy, and take no substitute. I took double dose according to the di rections and went to sleep after the eeond dose. At 5 o'clock the next morning I was called by my order and took a train for my next stop ping point, a well man but feeling rather shaky from the severity of the attack," writes II. V. Ireland, of Louisville, Ky. Obtainable every MOTORCYCLE RAGES mill lie Held at the Fair Grounds Neit Munday, the 2JWi Good Program Is, Assured The fair grounds next Sunday, the 25th, will be the scene of. some of the best motorcycle races ever held In this section of the, country. There Are seven entrants already, and It Is probable that there will be two . or three more before the races start. : Among those who will ride are everal that entered the races at the stockmen's convention. The en trants thus far are Chas. Schafer, of sllllance, G. D. Langston, L. D. Bow man, Ralph Dull, and P. H. Palmer, f Grand Island, J. A. Emery of Deottsbluff. and Geo. Perkins, of Mit chell, all of whom-are In the semi professional class. The track Is now in good shape, and the boys are going to make some peed Sunday afternoon. Among sXhers, there will be a 30-raile and a 29-mlle race. FARM RECORD WORK County Agent Seidell Is Ahead of Other Agents County Agent Seidell 'this week re ceived a copy of the semi-annual re port of the farm management survey work of the U. S. Department of Ag riculture, University of - Nebraska, and It is shown that Mr. Seidell leads ta the survey work. His record since May 81, 1116, when the work Simple Logic "Proves It. . By MOSS. A wants to sell some thing. B wants to buy it. X is the advertise ment that brings them together. X costs money. It's the bring together price. A makes more money by selling to many B's and can therefore pay for X. A benefits. B benefits. That's advertising in a nutshell. It has been tried out in every conceivable way, and it works. It works especially well in this home news paper, as many of oui merchants and all of our readers know. was started here, is 2.6 farms a week, or 13 farms There Is a total of 2b, but part of these were taken through other sources thsn the coun ty agent. The closest to Mr. Seidell. in the counties that have demonstra tion agents. Is about 1.6, giving him a nice lead. lie hat lately received a sample of a farm record book that la meeting with- the approval of all the farmers. The book is neatly ruled, compact, and contains pages for all kinds of records. These can be obtained for 10 rents each while the supply lasts. Neuralgia Pains MrKd Yriu don't need to suffer those ag onizing nerve pains In the face, head, arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment; He quietly a few minutes. You will get such relief and comfort! Life and the world will look bright er. Get a bottle today. 3 ounces for 26c, at all ruggists. Penetrates without rubbing, adv No 1 LOCAL AUG PERSONAL Attorney Burton was In Scotts bluff the first of this week on legal business. Walter Jones, of Grand Island, district traffic chief for the Nebraska Telephone Company, Is In the city. Mrs. Ida M. Ross left Wednesday night for a visit with relatives In Washington. She expects to be gone about two months. Pepe Sights, who recently visited Hot Springs, where he stopped at the Evans hotel, Is In the city. William King, the old time refer ee, Is scheduled to referee the boxing contest to be pulled off at Drldgeport on Tuesday, July 27, between Jess Verbeck of Bridgeport and Fred Parks of Sidney. These boxers weigh the same and are matched for fifteen rounds with eight ounce gloves. A number of the local fans are planning to attend. Miss Laura MorrtBon, daughter of Engineer and Mrs. E. R. Morrison, of Crawford, was married on July 4 to Jack Potts of Hot Springs, the marriage taking place In Hot Springs. The Morrison's formerly lived Jo Alliance, where the bride is well known. They will make their home at Hot Springs, ' where Mr. Potts has a good position. .Thirty-Mix for SM Cents ; Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well-corked glass bottles, containing 36 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill wtth a glass of water before retiring is an aver age dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Effective and positive in re sults. Cheap and economical to use. Get a bottle today, take a dose to night your Constipation will be re lieved in the morning. 36 for 25c, at all druggists, adv No 1 ' HKL1KVE8 IN 81 LOS Alliance Lumberman a Strong Iktoxt- er for Farmer's "Hank Account" Among the silo bosters lu Box Butte county Is Geo. A,. Heilman, manager of the Forest Lumber Com pany. Not because he Is Interested in silos because he sells them, but because he knows what they will do for the farmer. Mr. Heilman has made a careful study of silos and en silage, and can readily answer al most any question in that regard that Is asked of him. . A Herald reporter recently visited the Forest office to Investigate the plans of the "Common Sense" silo, which they handle. The plan Is a rather unique one, the walls being constructed of two-by fours laid flat with interlocking ends, making the silo octagonal shape. . One of the claims made for the Common Sense Is that It cannot possibly blow down In anything less than a disastrous tornado, and it needs no anchoring, and this claim has been borne out on several occasions. The great feature of this type silo is that the height is not fixed it can be extended from year to year as is needed. A small model on display in the office shows the construction. This silo can be lined with roofing, and will last a natural life time. While Manager Heilman believes the "Common Sense" to be the best silo plan, at the same time he is not radical on the subject. He wants to see silos in Box Butte county and lots of them whether they are "Common Sense" or not. . ' Too Horrible to Contemplate. ."No. Mr.-UmV Phyllis said, with a sljjo. "1 cuuuot marry you. 1 -oufea I have much more than a friendly feeling for you, but upom we were to uniiiy utiil you should die aud leave m iu straitened cirvu instance aud 1 should take in boarders and they should make a pun of my name as landlady, calling me Phyllia L'ppT" Louriou Stray Stories. Trying Fee the Chssrful. A Boston doctor says that oue should alwsys be cheerful at the breakfast table. But what 1 a chap going to do when some selfish, self centered mem ber of the family hustles down early to cop the morning newspaper and then hangs onto It like grim death through out the count of the tnealT Phlladii pbla Inquirer. A Freak of th &. Like the ribs of a long dead giant so stand the rusty ribs of the U. S. K Wateroe, two wiles Inland, at the foo; of tha Andes, where the ship was de posited in 1808 by a monster tidal wave. The ship, with practically Its anrirt crew aboard, was swept from its anchorage off Irlca and carried In land, whar it was left on aa even keel. almoMt uninjured. OUR LIFE. Our life is like the life of a tree again and agsin stripped of every sign of life thai it hat put forth and yet which still hai gathered all those apparent failurei inlo the success of one long, conlinuoui growth. Phillips Drooks. His Left. "Did he waive hi right?" "No. He shook his left fist In my face." New York Press. . FOK HALE Two automobiles, cheap. Hee W. 1. Ilumer. 33-tf-R876 FOR KALE Two automobiles, cheap. Hee W. D. Dinner. 33-tf-f876 STATIC TEACHERS' EXAMINATION , The state teachers' and reading circle examination will be held at the Box Butte county court house Thursday and Friday, July 29 and 30. OPAL RUSSELL, County Superintendent. 33-H-5875 PUBLIC NOTICE To the Property Owners In Improve ment District One, Two, Three and Six of Alliance, Nebraska; You and each of you are hereby notified that the City Council will sit as a Board of Equalization on the 6th day of August, 1915, at 8 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of hearing of complaints and equalizing special as sessments for the payment of con struction of curbing in said Districts, by virtue of a Resolution adopted by the said City Council and set out as follows: "Be it resolved that the Mayor and City Council of Alliance, Nebraska, meet as a Board of Equalization on August 6, '1915, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of levying special as sessments upon the real estate in Im provement districts one, two, three, and six of Alllani braska, for the purpose of paying for the con struction of curbing in said districts, and that notice of such meeting be given to all owners of real estate to be assessed, by publication of this resolution v for ten successive days prior to August 6th, 1915, in the Al liance Herald, a newspaper of gen eral circulation and published In Al liance, Nebraska." (SEAL) PENROSE E. ROM1G. Mayor, CARTER CALDER, City Clerk. 33-3t-631-5870 REFEREE'S NOTICE OF SALE District .Court, Hox Untie County, Nebraska Albert 'Stoll. et al. Plaintiffs, -v- Katherlne Roberts, et al., Defendants. Notice is hereby given that the referee, Eugene Burton, appointed by this court, will sell at public auc tion to the highest and best bidder for cash, on September I, 1915. at two o'clock p. m.. Mountain time, at the west front door of- the county court house in the city of Alliance, Nebraska, the following described property upon the terms hereinafter named: 1. Lots 13 and 14 in block 15. In the original town of Alliance. 2. Lots 13 and 14 in block 16. in the original town of Alliance. . 3. Lot 7 in block number 25of the Original Town of Alliance, Ne braska. 4. Lot 10 in block 26 of the Origin al Town of Alliance, Nebraska. 5. Lots 10, 11 and 12 In block num ber 20, first addition to Alliance, Nebraska. 6. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 7, 8 and 9 of Frank Wiltson's sub-division of block 16 In the second county ad dition to Alliance, Nebraska. ' 7. The East twenty-three and one third feet (E 23 1-3) of lot 9 in block number 26 in Alliance, Ne braska. 8. The West twenty-three and one third feet (W 23 1-3) of the east forty-six and two-thirds feet (E 46 2-3) of lot number 9 in block number 26 in Alliance. Nebraska, except the north 10 feet thereof dedicated as an alley. Bids will , be received for all the land described in 3, as a whole and also for each Individual lot separate ly, and such bids will be subject to the approval of the couYt. The terms of sale will be as fol lows (a) . For lots 13 and 14, block 15. above described, one-third cash, and the balance In a tax-free mortgage to said Eugene Burton, or hia assigns; to mature not to exceed 3 years from the date of sale, with Interest paya ble annually at 7 per cent per an num, at the First National Bank, of Alliance. Nebraska, in form approv ed by the referee and the court. . (b) . For lots 13 and 14 In block 16, one-third In cash, and the bal ance In a tax-free mortgage to said Eugene Burton, or his assigns to ma ture not to exceed three years from the date of sale, with Interest paya ble annually at the rate of seven per cent per annum, at the First Nation al Bank of Alliance, Nebraska, in form approved by the referee and the court. (c) . All the rest of the property must be paid for in cash upon the confirmation of said sale by the court, with Interest from the date of sale at seven per cent per year. Teu per cent of any bid must be paid In cash at the time of the aale. EUGENE BURTON. Referee. S. L. GEISTHARDT, Attorney for Plaintiffs. , Ordtnanre No. 211 An ordinance appropriating funds to'defray the expenses of the city of Alliance. Nebraska, for the fiscal year rndins ou the second Monday in .August. 1916, and levying the tax iur ma payniem or me general ana incidental expenses of said city a tax for the support and maintenance of the public library of said elty; a tax for the maintenance and repair of the sewer system of said city; a tax for the maintenance of the city park of said city and taxes to psy the In terest and principal upon the water bonds, water extension bond, light bonds, City Hall bonds, sewer bonds and City Park bonds of said city, and for the maintenance and repair of street lighting, stationery and print ing, fire and water, street and alley and officers' salary. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAY OR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That there la hereby appropriated out of the money to be raised by tax or otherwise by the City of Alliance, Nebraska, the sum of $31850.00, for the purpose of pay ing the general and incidental ex penses of said City, for the support ing and maintenance of .the public library of said city, for maintaining and repairing the sewer system of said city, for paying the annual in terest and creating a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of the water bonds, water extension bonds, sewer bonds, light bonds, city hall bonds and city park bonds of the said city of Alliance and for the maintenance of city park of said city, and for maintaining street lighting, stationery and printing, fire and wat er, officers' salary and the improve ment of streets and alleys, in funds as follows: " City park maintenance S2000 Interest city park bonds .... . 250 City hall bond 1000 Sewer maintenance 1500 Lighting bond ............. 1000 Sewer bond : . 1600 Water extension bond 1000 Water bond ..... 3000 Street and alley lighting ..... 4000, Stationery and printing 500 Fire and water 4000 Street, and alley 5000 Officers' salary . . :' 5000 City library 2000 Total $31850 Section II. That there Is hereby levied a tax of 10 mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valua- tlon of the city of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the payment of the general and incidental expenses of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Section III. That there is hereby levied a tax of 3 mills on each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of supporting and main taining a public library In the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Section IV. That there is hereby levied a tax of 3 mills on each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the maintenance and repair, of the sewer system of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. s - Section V. That there Is hereby levied a tax of 6 mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the water bonds of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Section VI. That there is hereby levied a tax of 2 mills on each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the Interest and principal on the water extension bonds of the city of Alliance, Nebr aska. Section VII. That there Is hereby levied a tax of 3 mills on each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the sewer bonds of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Section VIII. That there is here by levied a tax of 2 mills on each dol lar of the assessed property valua tion of the city of Alliance, Nebras ka, for the purpose of paying the principal end Interest on the lighting bonds of the city of Alliance, Nebras ka. Section IX. That there is hereby levied a tax of 1 mill on each dollar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the principal and interest .on the city hall bonds bf the city of Alliance, Nebraska. . Section X. That there is hereby levied a tax of one mill on each dol lar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the 'principal and interest on the city park bonds of tha city of Alliance, Nebraska. Section XI. That there is hereby levied a tax of 2-. mills on each. dollar of the assessed property valuation of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of supporting- and main taining a public park in the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Section XII. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its passage, approval and pub lication, according to law. FirBt reading July 19. 1915. Second reading July 19, 1915. Third reading July 19. 1915. . Passed and approved this 19th day of July, 1915. PENROSE E. ROMIG. (SEAL) Mayor. Attest: Carter E. Calder, City Clerk. 33-2t-633-6873 aa ORDINANCE NO. 212 An Ordinance Creating Street Im provement District Number 7, Within the City of Alliance, Ne braska. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA: Section 1. That the following street improvement district be and the same is hereby created within tha City of Alliance, Nebraska. Street Improvement District No. T All ofSUlock "D". Sheridan Addi tion to the City of Alliance, Nebras ka. All of Block "8". Box Butte Ad dition to the City of Allianee, Nebr aska. Section 11. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after Its pass age, approval and publication accord ing to law. Passed and approved this 19th day of July. 1915. - First reading July 19. 1915. Second reading July 19, 1915. Third reading July 19. 1915. PENROSE E. ROMIG, Mayor. Attest: Carter E. Calder, (Seal) City Clerk. 33-2t-32-5874 Beautiful Brass Bedsteads iniiiniiiiiiiiuiumiuuwiMiiiiiiinitinniiiiiiiiiii'mt Reasonably Priced . ttttwwMmnnmnmnwm8m' You spend more than one-third of your life in bed, so why not live that time in comfort! We have a line of brass bed steads that are models of elegance, yet they cost you no more than, the common kind. Quality radiates from every pillar and filler, and when you buy one of them you are assured that you are getting the very best. One of these bedsteads would be as beautiful ornament as you could put into any room, and they are all new models and exclusive patterns. Light weight, and the quality is high for the price. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. We have them with the two and three inch round or square pillars, and with five and seven one-inch fillers in the head and foot. Brass bedsteads are increasing in value all the time, and if you are figuring on buying one in the near future, it will pay you to look at our line. Of course brass bedsteads cost more than the other kind, but they will last a lifetime. Miller Brothers WESTERN NEBRASKA'S HOUSEFURNISHERS Shirts Long Service Good Looks OUR SHIRTS ARE MA OK FOR MEN WHO WANT TO GFT THEIR MONEY'S WORTH. WE TAKE PRIDE IN RECOMMENDING THEM TO YOU AND OUR STORE GUARANTEE IS BEHIND EVERY ONE VVF SELL. MADE IN ALL THE POPULAR MATERIALS. Prices 50c to S3. 50 308 Box Butte Ave. 0 Clothes .for Men Motorcy cle Races Fair Grounds ALLIANCE Sunday, July 25 i .... KEVEN EXPERT RlDEItH from Grand Island, Broken Row, Mitchell, Scottsbluff and Alliance - WATCH FOR THE U RAN U FREE-FOR-ALL , NOBODY BARRED FROM ANY RACE The Track is in Good Slm, said TIiwmj Will e the Be lUwea Ever Held in This Nation Admission 35 Cents