Uncle Sam's JULY 4th 1915 Birthday . . . CELEBRATE AT Prospect Park ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Mond Afternoon and Evening ay, July 5,1915 tttMK?iKi Am Real Celebrati 0! Big Wild West Program . "" Boating and Dancin wnnmtttnntin:tta "Why suffer the fatigue incident to a trip to other towns -when you can have such a good time in Alliance. There will be sports of all kinds, plenty to cat and drink and plenty of sports for the kids bring the whole family and en joy the day at home. The best chance you ever had to enjoy the Fourth here :inmttnuu!man!nt:!H Dancing on the Water On the power boat "Bedelia" lllllllllll'l"lIIIIIIIIIIHIIM1 iiiiimiiiiimiii iniiiiiimmmr !)iiii;ii:i:iii!i!iiiiiii!iiniiimiiiiiiii)iiiinma i Plenty of Row Boats For All ltMimim'HrnttrtTfffiTffflTflllfmt imiimirni mm' n imimi mn mMMimtttttw Enjoy the Big PaVillibn It Was Buiit for You -rtttt H f I : J II llll IMI 1 1 II 1 1 1 FTTT iiiiittftMiiiiiiiiiiilMilllilltlltltllllirilillinilliliiiiiTllliiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii PROGRAM Speech by Mayor Romig of Alliance. Frank Palmer's Wild West Show of pitching horses and cattle, including Bosco, the pitching bull. Potato Race on horseback. Fancy roping and riding. Hat Races on horseback. Prizes will be given for the best rider and the hardest pitching horse. Purses for all races. Bring on your horses. All kinds of foot races tub races for the boys. Match boat race between Cy Laing and Cal Cox, 200 yards and turn stakes. Admission 25c Children under 12 Free TELEPHONE IMPROVEMENTS Nebraska Telephone Co. Will Spend $10,000 In Improving the A II In lire Kirltange This morning the Nebraska Tele phone Company started work on Im provements In the Alliance exchange that will cost at least 110,000, the principal part of which wlil be spent In stringing a new cable. There will be ten thousand feet of new cable, It being of 200-palr ca pacity from the office to the alley. From the alley one hundred pairs will go north and one hundred pairs south, and from these will be run branches to all parti of town. These Improvements are necessit ated on account of the ever Increas ing business. There are now 1100 subscribers to this exchange, and more are being added as fast as phones can be Installed. In fact the demand is so great that new phones can hardly be secured In large enough quantities to meet the de mand. Now that these Improve ments are being added, this delay will be for the most part eliminated. The Nebraska Telephone Company surely has faith In the future of Al liance, else they would not spend this large sum of money in one lump. From a little one-operator exchange, the Alliance office has grown until it is the best In the state ouside of the large cities. By the first of next year, according to Manager Gleason, it Is estimated that there will be 1300 phones in operation. People as a rule do not stop and consider the greatness of the tele phone, nor the amount a telephone company has Invested. At a small cost each month they are enabled to talk over a system that represents thousands of dollars. The exension work here will be rusbed to completion. Miss Lillian Cole Married The marriage of Miss Lillian May Cole to J. W. Murphy was solemniz ed at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Cole, at Kansas City, Monday evening, June 28, Itev. Frank G. Smith of the First Congregational church of Kansas City otllclatlng. The Coles lived In Alliance several years ago, at which time Miss Lillian was a small girl. nd she is remembered by many peo ple here as a beautiful, talented oung lady. Mr. Murphy Is not nown by Alliance people, but he is said to be one of Kansas City's sub stantial young men. They will make their home for the present in Kansas City. lie Isn't Dead Yet A rumor was circulated the fore part of this week to the effect that Charles Pryor, who worked in the Alliance Cafe up to the time of the stockmen's convention, bad dropped ead from heart failure at his home In Montana, to which place he went from here two weeks ago. The rur- or was entirely unfounded, according to Mr. Pryor himself, who was able to write to Alliance friends this week and the letters do not bear any re semblance to a dead man's. No one seems to know where the news started. NOT1CF All d gs must be provided with 1915 license within the next thlrtj days and they .. ust be becurely in tened to the collar and worn at ai times to afford protection. Other wise, the dogs will be taken up and if Dot claimed within twenty-four hours they will be killed. PENROSE E. ROMIG, Starvation. What Is It? What occurs? What part of the bimun mechanism falls first or Inst, when a person is deprived of food for a certain erlod of time? This Is what takes place: During star vation the liody loses weight, the va rious function iwnlltliut. ulttlng up, eti become weaker, the body tempera ture first risen, then fulls, and death supervenes nrtor the los of about 40 per cent of the body weight. The loss U not equally distributed among the various tissues, as the muscles and fm lose the most then the bones, skin and liver, and (least of alb the heart, bruin and spinal curd. Some pct-wous sturve without actually Itelng denied food Certain coiiNtttutloual illeareM bring on condition which cause lews of weight ami great weakness of every portion of the orgutilxni: the food eaten does not feed the dleune ridden tls Hues and a stHte of starvation follows. Thus a perxon may starve even In the midst of plenty Marked loss of weight, bile In seeming good health, la a post tlve Indication f Home serious system ic disorder, which if treated In time will prevent further lon of weight and avert starvation and death. Printing a Coin en Linen. The print of a silver coin or medal may be made on Milk or linen by dip ping the fabric In a solution of nitrate of stiver and stretching It over the face of the coin until the Image Is Im printed The llneu Is sensitized by dip ping It into a solutlou of nitrate of silver, made by dholvlng sixty or eighty grains of nltmte of silver Id one ounce of water Wet the portion of the cloth which Is to receive the Impression in the xolutlon. and when nearly dry draw It over the face of the coin and tie It at the buck. Expose to a weak light, mid In a few minutes the raised design of the coin will appear on the linen As soon as the print Is dark enough remove uud wusb in clear water When nearly dry iron It smooth with a wurm Iron, placing a piece of tissue paper over the print In print ing from the coin or medal It is advis able to paste m plec of paper on the reverse side, so that the silver will not come in contact with the sensitized fabric I An Irrevsrent Goat. The Welsh fuslleers were presented by Queen Victoria with a goat which, after several years of exemplary con duct fell Into bad ways. I in culminat ing act of limubordlnutlon occurred wueu the regiment wum quartered at Wrexham, nod one flue summer even ing after mens the officers were stroll Ing a boii t smoking and enjoying (be fresh air. The colonel sioo.ed ilovrtl to piixli lu the cud of Ids trousers strap, find the ponr which happened to be close by. found t tie temptntlou irreslst tble lie charged fiercely and butted his commaiKlliiK officer against an ad Jncent wall with such force that both his eyes wire blacked and Ills face was otherwise damaged. By this es capnde the gout earned the title ot the Rebel." and only the good record of his early years of service saved him from being drummed ouL Loudon Ex press. No matter how Insignificant a man may be, he Is finally convinced that his superiority will some day be rec ognized. Chadron Will Celebrate On Saturday, the 3rd, Chadron will hold their Fourth of July cele bration, and It promises to be an event worth whole. The feature of the day will be Hankinson'a auto po lo team, the same hat played here during he stockmen's convention, and there will be numerous other events for the entertainment of the public. Chadron came to the stockmen s convention eighteen -- auto. loads strong, and there will probably be that many go to Chadron from here as their date does not conflict with most of the other celebrations In this part of the country. Kebokah Picnic The Alliance lodges of Rebekahs and Odd Fellows will hold a picnic at the Purlnton grove, 5 miles north of Alliance next Sunday, the Fourth Ice cream and pop will be served on the grounds at cost, and a general good time will be enjoyed. All Odd Fellows and families are invited to come with well-filled baskets, as the feature of the day will be an old fashioned basket dinner at noon. said county, in said state, hereby no tify all persons having claims and! demands against the estae of the said Peter Rubendall, deceasd, th.it I have set and appointed the follow ing days for the reception, examina tion, and adjustment of said claims and demands, as provided by law, at the County Court room In Alliance,. Box Flutte County, Nebraska, to wit: August 2, 1915. And all persons so Interested in said estate will appear at said time and place, and duty pre sent their claims and demands In teh manner required by law, or show cause for not so doing; and In case any of said claims shall not be pre sented by February 3rd, 1916. the same shall be forever barred. Given under my hand and the seal of the county court this 28th day or June, 1915. L. A. BERRY, County Judge.. Burton and Reddish, Attys. (SEAL) 80-6t-622-6700 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RATKSt The charge for both res Ur and special editions Is le per word par Insertion, six words to the Una. Advertisers so desiring mar have -wars to their advertisement addrses ad to a boa number, ear of The Her ald. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by stoe. line, not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot be respond Bible for more than one wrong Inaer tlon due - to typographies.) error. No. claim for error can oe allowed altes the 10th of the following month. Aayv -advertleement Inserted to run wntUi forbidden must be stopped by writtaavi order. MONEY TO LOAN on your land. Write the First Mortgage Loan & Se curity Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 27-tf-4933 Elderly woman wants light house work or chamber work. No washing.. Small wages. Inquire No. 504 East Second street. 27-2t-5644 HELP WANTED FEMALE! WANTED Washin"gTGirlriiTdo. washing by the hour or take washing; home. Phone Black 456. lt-28-5669$ LADY COOK and helper wanted at: hotel, n. L. Shull, Hemlngford. Nebr 23-tf-664 FORjaEBPy--HotpaEi FOR SALE OR RENT One new eight-room house, partially modern,. large barn, hen house, milk bouse. and one acre of ground with apple., cherry and small fruits. A large windmill suppl.es water for the house, barn and milk house; corner of 10th and Missouri. Phone 495 or call Mrs. Amy I. Brown. 28-tf-5677 HOUSE FOR Inquire of C. C. 25-tf-B588 RENT OR Rodgers. SALE. LEGAL ADVERTISING roll BALE LAND LAND FOR SALE 640 acres. 32 miles from Alliance, two miles from Canton. Call at Herald office or ad dress Box 6020, care Alliance Her ald. 26-tf-5629 New t'oantry, Jmut Opened New railroads, new towns, soil deep black loam with yellow clay subaoli. prairie landa with poplar (frovee. crop failures unknown, no stones, no. stumps, cheap landa. eaay terma, the poor man's chanre to ptet a home, andt the rich man's opportunity for Inveat- ment. Maps and printed matter tree. We alao have few farms to es chamr for other dealrable property. Thief River Yallrr Lad C Thief Hirer Falls. Minn. 14-221-8701 NOTICE OF HEARING State of Nebraska, Box Butte County. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. To all Persons Interested In the Estate of W'lliam Haper. deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of June, 1916, Mrs. Minnie Evana filed her petition In the County Court of said county for the appointment ot F. E. Reddish as Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam Haper, late of said County, de ceased, and that the same will be beard at the County Court room In the City of Alliance In said County, on the 16th day of July, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. It is further ordered that Notice of said hearing be given all parties Interested In said Estate by the pub lication of this Notice for three sue cessive weeks In the Alliance Herald. a newspaper printed, published and circulated In said County. Dated this 24th day of June, 1915. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge Burton and Reddish, Atty's. 29-4t-5689-618 LAND TO TRADB) FOR SALE OR TRADE Nlne lots and three residences. W. B- Young, phone 75. 30-2t-5697 WANTED TO TRADB Irrigate farm In eaatcrn Wyoming-. Water r Iras, Field for In government canal. Walk . mproved. Address Bos 4781, care Al liance Herald. Htf-47l FOR EXCHANGE for western Nebr aska land. 120 acre Improved farm tat Nance county, Nebraska, five mile from Palmer and seventeen mile from Fullerton. Address Box 7(4. care Alliance Herald, with full des cription of land which you wish to e chanre and price of same. Announcement Services at Iraamnuel's Lutheran church Sunday, July 4. English Sunday school and Bible class at 9:30 a. m. English services with sermon at 11 a. ra. Subject of sermon: "Our du ties toward our Country." It being July 4, our national in dependence day, our service will be of a patriotic nature, and everybody is especially Invited to attend. TITUS LANO, Pastor. FOR aALE--MICgXLA;jCOPa FOR SALE OR TRADE One al most new piano. Write B. C. Rapp. Alliance, Nebr. 30-4t-5696 RELINQUISHMENT on homestead for sale. 1 offer for sale a homestead relinquishment of 11 acres In ifood lo cation. Price reaaoiwbte fer quick sale. Inquire at T Herald office o addrets Bos ilii, care Alliance Herald. 10-tf-tm AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan ""J NOTICE To Moses McD. Bullock: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did on the 3rd day of November A. D., 1913, purchase at Alliance tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the fol lowing described land-lot situated in Box Butte county, towlt: Lot 1, biock 3, riltcncoca, Hills and Sned eker's Addition to Alliance, Nebr., for the taxes of the years 1912, and that I have since, and after the same became delinquent, paid as subse quent tax, the taxes for the year 1913-1914. that said land-lot was taxed for each of said years in the name of Moses McD. Bullock, and is now assessed and taxed in the name of Moses McD. Bullock. And you are further notified that after the ex piration of .three months from date of the service of this notice, I will apply to said treasurer for a tax deed of said land-lot. You will govern yourself accordingly. Dated this 29th day of June, A. D. 1915. JOHN SNODDY. Purchaser. Assigned to Snoddy & Mollring. ' 3-4t-621-5695 NOTICE TO ( KKDITORH ! State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the hatter of the estate of Peter idall, deceased. L. A. Berry, county judge, of MiaCKLLAJfEOCa JAMES M. KENNEDY, DENTIST First National Bank Building-, Alli ance, Nebr. Phones: Office, 21; Resi dence. Black 10. Money to loan on real estate. tf F. E. KKDDIflHL RECORD VOm. TRAUTME" Railroad men can secure a very use ful book at The Herald office. It Is dally time book fer trainmen and en- finemen. The price Is reasonable. -tf-6728 LAND FOR REST Thirty acres of land adjoining fair grounds 'or rent. to any crop. 23-tf-554 the Can be planted Phone Red 3(3. WANTED Horses to pasture. Write C. V. Kennedy, Marsland. Neb raska, or phone 340. 19-tf-5408 STRAYED Two black sows. No tify R. W. Wood. Ellsworth. Nebr. FOR SALE Bargain in five room cottage at 116 Missouri avenue. Large rooms. Renting for 212 per month. In good repair. Price 11000. DR. GEORGE J. HAND. 29-tf-5690 WANTED Ambitious men and hustlers that wish to earn 8100 per month and more. Write P. O. Box 635, Grand Island, Nebraska. 29-2t-5687