t Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r: i - G Wi 3 i f & fit J lP . . f - . 4.. . X '--.-4 pioins For Welterweight Championship of the West milimHMHTlllllllllHimmnillllllHM't '" iMiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutmnmttmmiiiiitrfiiiinmiiiiiKtii!trintmmr GEO. McLEOD, of Alliance tl VS. ROSS ROBINSON, of Lincoln GEO. McLEOD, Alliance 135 lbs. iday N o it, July 9 At 8:30 O'clock helan Opera House, Alliance Both men are confident of victory and have placed a $250 side bet this insures a fast match from start to finish GOOD, FAST PRELIMINARIES V:. r r f y ROSS ROBINSON, Lincoln 145 lbs. A Gl Y Y Y Y y Y y Y Y y f Y Y Y Y y Y r y Y Y f Y Y Y Y t Ringside Seats $1.00 -mtertainmeuito Ladies Invited I Y Balcony 50c THEY RAISE WEIR HATS PRUDENT MAN IE 7MB1 "PRUDENT MAN" PUTS HIS MONEY INTO OUR BANKSOME DAY HE WILL NAVE GOOD USE FOR, IT. The man with money in the bank is looked up to, because he can DO things. - . .' u And there is just one sure way of having money in the bank PUT it there. And when you put it there, let it stay there and ADD TO IT every time you can. And when you get it there don't let some smooth schemer TRICK you out of your hard earned money by leading you in- to some bad investment. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. First State Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA FOURTH AT PROSPECT PARK THERE IS DANGER In wearing glasses not fitted with nniiH-r lenses. There U a differ enre In selling spectacle as a bus. Iness and fitting spectacles as i.mfeMxUm. Many opticians use i - simple test9 for determining what classes the eyes can wear and call tiinmkolvps nrofesslonals. Our methods are strictly professional we use scientific tests that ai urva fliwl the cause of the trouble We prescribe w hat will correct the eril ana overcome uie cuw. DRAKE & DRAKE Registered Optometrist BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED reat Program Has Been Arranged Palmer's Wild West Shows Dancing and Boating The final touch has been given to the arrangements, and the program s now complete for the 4th of July celebration that will be held at Pros- ect Park on Monday, July 5. The th falls on Sunday, bo It was decid ed to make the date the 5th, which Is designated by the government as the legal holiday. Congratulations are due Miller & Powler, proprietors of this popular resort, for their ef forts and foresight in providing Alli ance people with a pleasant place to spend the holiday. Since the park was first opened, these men have worked ceaselessly toward making it place of amusement where every one could enjoy himself, and their efforts have surely succeeded. The floor of the pavilion has been given several treatments, and it is no as good as any dance floor In this part of the country. Special music has been provided for dancing the 5th. The pavilion is set where the summer breezes are always to be found, which gives dancing an extra touch of attractiveness. The power boat. "Bedella", has been .fitted wi1' the motor, and those who wish may literally "dance on the water", as the deck of "Bedella" Is specious enough to hold several couples. Also, par ties may reserve the big boat for s cruise around the lake. There are numerous row boats and these will no doubt be very popular with the younger folks. A nominal price is charged for rental, and there Is plenty of room to row, row, row. While there ar enumerous towns around Alliance that will observe the nation's birthday, it Is not thought that many people will go from here on account of the splendid program at "Prospect". On the program will be found Frank Palmer's wild west show of pitching horses and cattle, including "Bosco", the pitching bull; fancy riding and roping; potato race on horseback; hat races on horseback; all kinds of foot races, and tub races for the boys, and last but not least a boat race between those mighty welterweights, Cy Lalng and Cal Cox. This race has been deferred from time to time, until relations between these two champions are strained, and when they clash next Monday, spectators are assured a great con test of speed and endurance. The race will be 200 yards, and turn stakes. To defray the expenses of the event, there will be an admission fee of 25 cents for adults. Children un der 12 will be admitted free. of the week on a honeymoon trip through the Colorado parks, in auto tours. They returned to Alliance Monday morning. Mr. McCormick is a popular Alli ance business man and has made bis home here for a number of years. Mrs. McCormick has made her home here for several years and Is a beau tiful and accomplished young lady. On the return from Denver they vis ited her parents in Fort Morgan, Col orado. Mr. and Mrs. McCormick will take charge of the Coyle cafe, one of our popular restaurants. Mr. McCormick is chaplain of the Alliance Volunteer Fire Department and was greeted by his fellow members with the glad hand on his return. call. Ladles and gentlemen are both welcome and will find things planned for their convenience and comfort. The pool is located just back of the ity hall. "Drop In" at any time. WEKNER-NORBECK George J Werner, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Miss Sadie Norbeck of North Platte, were married at Holy Rosary church in Alliance Wednesday morn ing. Father Peter Donnelly officiat ing. The couple left at noon for a honeymoon trip which will take them as far as New York City, where they will visit with his people. Mrs. Werner is a sister of Mrs. R. E. Drlscoll of Alliance and has been employed here for one year by the Nebraska Telephone Company. She Is an efficient operator and an accom plished young lady. Mr. Werner is an employee of the Burlington rail road. They will return to Alliance and make their home here after the honeymoon trip. Are You Rheumatic? try Sloan's If you want quick and real relief from Rheumatism, do what so many thousand other people are doing whenever an attack comes on, batbe the sore muscle or joint with Sloan's Liniment. No need to rub It In ust apply the Liniment to the sur face. It Is wonderfully penetrating. It goes right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost immedi ately. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment for 25c of any druggist and have it In the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints. Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Youf money back if not satisfied, but It does give almost instant relief. No. 1 Adv 5265 NEW THEATRE VAUDEVILLE Good Company Will Play Here July 2 and ft New Scenery for Theatre Interior The Gallagher Players will appear at the New theatre Friday and Sat urday, July 2 and 3, in some of the latest song hits, novelties and eccen tric comedy. The Gallaghers have been playing big time during the past season, and the proprietors of the New theatre were fortunate In book Ing them for this week. Their act Is given in addition to the regular pictures. Mr. Willis has just installed a new outfit of scenery, which includes front acting curtain that Is a beauty and which shows his artistic skill to good advantage. New scenery is be Ing added from time to time. The new scenery gives the Gallagher players every opportunity to work to good advantage. McCORMICK-NOGJLE Frank D. McCormick and Miss Verlene Noggle, both of Alliance, were married in Denver Wednesday, June 23. Following their marriage, the young people spent the balance Is Popular Place The new swimming pool "erected by the Alliance Volunteer Fire De partment, Is becoming one of the most popular places in town, during the warm weather. On Sunday the pool was well filled with bathers practically all day and the week days are just as popular. The pool is op en to all and those who have not yet taken time to visit it should make a "LITTLE HISS BROWN" Will Be Shown at the New Theatre Tonight All-Star Cast Head ed by Vivian Martin The World Film Corporation has just released the five-part Wm. A. Brady comedy "Little Miss Brown," based upon the stage play of the same name, and It will be shown at the New theatre Thursday night July 1. This is the second of the World POST M, T. P. A. NOTES Interesting Notes About l4H-al Or Kitnlzatlmi of Traveling Men 102 Member In Post M Members Strong and Ludington, of Post M, returned from the national convention at Omaha with nothing but words of praise for the good en tertainment provided. The Wolf said that he changed his collar every morning, took off his Stetson at meal time end felt "mor fitten than ever." Lud said the Font?relle wal "blggern Box Butte county's new court house and lots nicer", and he wished the annual conventions would come every month. Post M now haa 102 me-nbera. Guess 'that's going oa' tor tha youngest post In NcbraiXa. Every a ember of the pot is v booster and a man who dropa out aiu either j leave the country - re-instate. ' Watch us grow. Th bountiful crop.) now In sUht for till) fall la western Nebraska, coup' I with ta high price of beer, mako prosperous conditions a certainty. Much credit shoull be given to the post for the way they handled the dance at the Opera House during the annual stockmen's convention, held June 15-18. In spite of the fact that rainy evenings Interfered and that there was competition, a nice sonfr was realized for the treasury and the people of Alliance who enjoy Vivian Martin's much admired aancing were lurnisnea vuu w i.nm.Hv irlft. r eiven vrv rhno I best The HlUSlc Was delightful, th of showing themselves In this pro duction. She plays the part of Bet floor was In fine shape, the punclx was delicious and the boys were ty Brown who has two lovers, one of. entertainers whom she so indiscreetly flirts with. that she finds herself alone in a Hartford hotel, where she Is mistak en for the wife of a young man who has come to the hotel to meet his wife, and his uncle and aunt, and be presented with some money. Betty Brown has some extraordinary amus ing adventures and misfortunes be fore the entanglement la straighten ed out, and she sends the unwelcome lover to the right-about and declares for the right one. One of the most remarkable casts ever seen In a motion picture la seen In this comedy. Besides Vivian Mar tin, there is Chester Barnett, John Htnes, W. J. Ferguson, Crauford Kent, Julia Stuart, Albert Gallatin, all clever comedy artists. James Young directed the picture, which has some pretty and effective settings and many animated scenes of hotel and domestic life. Excellent photography adds charm to a plquantly pleasing and exhilar ating picture. There will be no advance in price of admission 10c and 15c Post M Is distinguished In havtffg as an honorary member Governor John H. Morehead of Nebraska. TS governor knows many of the mem bers and is always glad to see them when they stop over in Lincoln. Rev. O. S. Baker, pastor of tl Methodist church at Alliance, chap lain of the post, will preach a sermott for the members of the post In tb near future. Likes The Herald John T. Burch, of Des Moines, la.. sends In a payment on subscription and says: "You have a very good pa per and are deserving of patronage." A number of the members of Po- M have autos, and several nave Fords. The good roads in western Nebraska are a great inducement for traveling by auto, as trains are a scarce article. Si Thompson, th good roads man, recently came walk ing into town, footsore and dusty, "Why, SI." said one of the boys, "where's your Ford?" "Oh, about four miles out in the country, op In a tree." "Up in a tree," chorucd the bunch. "How did it get up there?" "Well." said SI. "It flew out of my hand when I was cranking it." Preparations are already started fcr the annual state convention to b held In Alliance In 1916. We woa't do any boasting, but the delegate who attend in 19 H will not regret It Plan to come and bring the wife.