The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1915, Image 5

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And now it's KRUMBLES the new
Kellogg breakfast food the first Wheat
breakfast food with a real wake - up - and-hustle-down-to-breakfast
The whole of the Wheat cooked, "krumblecT and
delicately toasted. All the body-building food value of
the wheat, the protein, the phosphates and mineral salts
so necessary for growing children plus a flavor that is
always new.
For thousands of years, wheat has been hiding this
KRUMBLES flavor.
Look for this Signature
I f cents, in the Kellogg
IvWAXTITE package,
which keeps the fresh, good
flavor in and all other flavors
At 50?
f Slit
. i-'Vs I
i'Xv, .
zL' 1 '- J. -ts-
Have you ever thought what
will become of you when your
earning capacity is waning?
At 50 will you stiU be working
for a low wage or enjoying a ijood
That depends upon what you
are doing NOV to secure the train
ing that will steadily advance you
in position and salary during tha
comi-ug years. Only training will
put you in the income class.
To learn how you can receive
this training without giving up
your present occupation, let tha
International Correspondence
Schools advise you. All you have
to do is to rns-rl: the coupon as
directed and mail it today. There
is no charge for this u-Jvit-e. No matter who you are or what your
present occupation is, the I. C. S. has a way of helping you. It is aa
institution of experts ev erts in helping poorly paid men succeed.
Only your spare time in your own home is required. Ycu do not lose
an hour of work or a dollar of pay. This ccupva is the greatest
in the wcrld fc;r VOU
1 ' . International Correspondence Sihotl
to secure a. uyyj, Bex -rf.-antcri. P-i,
ev.d r'2:cs?ul ! fe, for it :s aa;:t)' t-tcted by an :c:.t:tu
tijn backed with a capitul of six
rr.;'!:."U dollars, whose sole busi
ness f r22 years has teea to pro-,
vide r.r.:t : .iou3 rr.ea and wor.'.ea
with ra'-.ry raising training.
Don't neglect practical opportuni
ties for promotion. ilarU and mail
ou,!ca SOW.
(f.r y. - " - -t v '-t.-1 , t-w ' rS
3ust Press the Button g
and hae lifht for your ho houe, bam, parage, hcuce and yard; power
for your wa-.hin rnachi:v; a"d electric fan; heat for your electric iron.
Enjoy on the f-rm all the .-on-jforts of c.ty life.
The Alamo Electric Form Uliht riant
makes it possible for every farmer to hve : !: rrrl-;v. T'e -? if the HanJar.t
plant it only fm.00. The ci t of operation is very modciatc, as many Ne
braoi.a U3crj in r rning.
The Alamo improved result of eight years' ucceisful manufacture
it the ideal fr.rm plant, simplest, tutest and bett. Takes up but little space.
Easily installed; ready for operation when taken out of the crte.
Write today for literature telling all about the Alamo and the cost cf
various sued plants, with and without the engine. We will r 1 1 you who the
dealer is in your locality, to that you may see the plant before you buy.
ALAMO ENGINE & SIPFLY CO., Dept. 6 Omaha, Nebraska
Interest lug VneXn for AdvrrtUeM nml
I Tlivlr CiiMoiiH'r from n lxwl
I Ins Trade Journal
The Omaha Trade Kxhiblt Is one
of the loading wpRtern trade Jour
nals. Kach week It contains many
ithltiRs of Interest not only to the re
. tail merchants but to the general
I public. The Issue of June 19 con
itained Heveral articles that art of In
jterest to retail advertisers and to
i purthnflers. Some of these articles
are quoted below:
l-'nvor Full l'liblldiy
There has been an epidemic of ty
phoid fever at Centray ICty, and the
comemrclal club conies out with a
public announcement favoring the
full and complete publicity of all
cases, or the sources, causes and ex
tent of the disease.
Trade Kxhiblt wants to Rive hear
ty approval to that idea. We believe
It to be the right and sensible course.
There always have been and al
ways will be business men of evtry
town, often among them the most
loyal and enthusiastic boosters, too,
who will advocate the theory lhat the
less said the better, and who believe
that the business and standing of a
city will be hurt by letting the Im
pression pet abroad that there Is an
epidemic of disease.
Ammunition 1'rlce Advance
Those who hunt In western Nebr
aska will be Interested In knowing
that ammunition has advanced in
price, according to the following ar
ticle: An advance in the price of all
sorts of ammunition has been an
nounced. Omaha dealers say that It
will amount to between 10 and 15
cents retail In Omaha.
Shot pun shells, which formerly
cost 13 ac ase, will now cost $14.
Ammunition for use on the traps is
5 cents more a box.
The dealers say this is due to an
increase In the cost of manufacture,
aggravated by the European war.
The cost of copper, brass, paper and
other things which enter Into the
manufacture of shells has Increased
Iiinterliuly, they say.
Regarding Durum Wheat
One day this week the World-Her
ald published an editorial on Durum
wheat, showing that It Is only about
hlrty years in this country and tell-
ng of its many merits, especially for
this section. It was also shown that
the use of macaroni has greatly in
creased with Americans, and where
as nearly all of this used to be Im
ported from Italy, most of it used
here is now made In America. Dur
um wheat is used In making macar
oni and similar goods, but It has fur
ther uses, which are no wbeing ex
plotted. Some people do not know
that the largest factory in America
making macaroni is located in Oma
ha. There is food for thought in the
development of this industry, along
the lines of co-operation between ag
ricultural, manufacturing and other
busintss interests.
Two Side to a Vuestlon
Last week Trade Exhibit publish
ed an advertisement for the United
Profit Sharing Coupons, but that
does not mean that Trade Exhibit
has changed its opinion of the ulti
mate value of those coupons, or oth
er similar schemes for the retailer.
We are merely allowing the other
fellow to state his side of the case.
Mall Order Advertisements
One of our correspondents has
suggested that it is possible for every
local retailer to cash in on the de
mand for certain goods created by
the mail order houses and other nat
ional advertisers. By reading ad
vertisements people come to want
things that they would never know
about n any other way, and it is
easier to supply such a demand than
to build a demand for unknown
Mallery Grocery Advertise
There 1b a uiall order Loiue in
Oroaba selling groceries, according
to an advertisement for the Mallery
Grocery Co. of Alliance.
In this advertismeni is the follow
ing wording:
We have been handed a catalog
put out by an Omaha n-.uil concern
purportlrg to contain extraordinary
bargains in groceries.
"There Is not an offer listed there
in which we will not duplicate in
price and quality. In son.e caees
their Omaha prices are above our
Alliance prices
"Bring your catalog i,n and cou
pare prices with us.
"Mallery Grocery Co."
That i th" way to o if.?;
mail order competitor, li i
and legitl.nat and it i.i also
There is always a subtle inference
on the part of such a catalog that the
prices charged by the local retailers
are too hiph. that it la because li.
Tika Ublespoonfal of Salts if Back
harts or Bladder bothers DrinJt
lota of water.
We sre a rmtlon of meat eaters and
our Mood is filled with urio acid, says a
well-known authority, who warns us to
be constantly on guard against kidney
The kidneys do their utmost to frea
the blood of this Irritating arid, but
lecome '.oak from the overwork they
get sluggish; the elimlnative tissues rilog
otid thus the waste is retained in the
blood to poison the entire system. ,
When vonr kidneys ache and feci like
lumps of lead, and you have stinging
pains in the back r the urine is cloudy,
lull of sediment, or the bladder is irrl
tihle, obliging you to seek relief during
the night; when you have severe head- .
aches, nervous anil diwy spoils, sleepless
ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad
weather, gnt from your pharmacist about,
four miners of Jad Salts! take a
tablwTKHnful in a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and in a few
days your kidneys will act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
orapes and lemon juice, combined with,
litbia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys,,
to neutralise the acids in urine so it is.
no longer a source of irritation, tbuai
ending urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot;
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, and nobody can make
a mistake by taking a little occasionally
to keep the kidneys clean and active.
reader has not had an opportunity
before to get the right prices that he-
or sue ever thinks of trading with,
the home merchant.
Therefore, it is good business to-
come out with such an open defy of
the catalog as is done in this instance.
Supporting; Your Taper
One of the exchanges that comes
to this office Is an eight-page, all
home print newspaper published in
a good sized Iowa town. That pa
per Is full of local news. It is bet
ter than the average newspaper that ,
comes to Trade Exhibit. Yet " that
paper carried not one ad for a retail
merchant of Its home town, if we
except a small ad for a hardware
man and a lumber yard.
In the paper were many ads. Some
were for the banks, for the moving;
picture theatres, for automobiles, for
patent medicines, for railroads, etc.,
and there were some good ads for
retail merchants, too, but they were
merchants located In a nearby larger
That is not a good condition. It
shows there Is something wrong. No
matter who is right, whether it is
the newspaper or the local merchants
we are sure that the local merchants
are being hurt worse than the owner
of the paper. The paper is getting
enough outside ads to pay, and no
matter how unpopular u paper is the
advertising it carries is bound to
have some weight.
There is nn instance to prove to
any local retailer that he Is not giv
ing charity to his locul editor when
he carries a good ad In the paper. A
mercbunt may feel that he can do
other kinds of advertising and that
he can get along Just as well without
using his local papre; but he can't.
It Is always unfortunate for a town
to have such a situation, and the
sooner It is remedied the better it
will be for all Interests.
'Veib etpUit.
p" t: , L V ! t aft
afc u Jur if o:
I. r t'.ir (
on nir
l a.tUI
Automobile ki.r.oiaj
Poultry I-arming
AtiVarUaiuir Mat
5tiow-i.iti V ritjnff
H inic Trif iii
Ccitimi u4 Ul uu..4
C hernia t
i .vii rvlc
Ciectrical Enirinvtrr
Mectoantrsl liralts.
Meohaaicat (r feint-at
lLhpilOat fcXINWt
Stv.onry FngiBcvf
Civil iLng ntaf
Btr'd.nii Conurnr
i, .'i.vtiitiidfiUi'rii.ta.
It Art nitre
I for rru C-rr(:.t,:
ft rMurnpm (t-ii hit t
Si -Vo-
transfer Lin
Dray Phone 54
Household goods
moved promptly
a d transfer wort
Residence phone 636 and Blue 574
"TIZ" makp aore. burninir. tired feel
i fairly dance with delight. Away go the
acbes and pains, the corns, callouses,
blisters and bunions.
"TIZ" draws
out the acids and
poisons that puff
up your feet. No
matter how hard
you work, how
long you danoe,
how far you
walk, or how long
you remain on
your feet, "TIZ"
brings restful
foot comfort
"TIZ" is won
derful for tired.
aching, swollen, smarting fet-t. Your fuet
just tingle for joy; shoes never hurt or
seem tight.
Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ now from
any druggist or department store. End
Evidence That Alliance Header VI1
Doan's Kidney Pills have don
splendid work in this locality.
Have merited the unstinted prala
they have received.
Here's evidence of their value that
none can doubt.
It's testimony from this locality
twice-told and well confirmed.
Such endorsements are unique in
the annals of medicine.
Should convince the most skeptic
al Alliance reader.
George Busick, Gordon, Nebr ,
says: "I had a great deal of trouble
from Irregular passages of the kid
ney secretions and I also suffered
from attacks of lumbago. Often the
pain and lameness in my back was
so acute that I was unable to stoop
or do any ktnd of work. 1-uin'e
Kidney Pills cured me In a nhort
time and the cure Las lasted. I am
glad to confirm the endorse. rem one
of my family gave Dean's Kidney
Pills in my behalf some time ago."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Busick had. Foster-Mil-burn
Co, Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Kennedy was the scene of a quiet
wedding Wednesday, June 23, when
their youngest daughter, Annie Lu
cille, became the bride of Edwin J
Whitaker. Hev. Olin S. Baker per
forming the ceremony.
The bride has for a' number of
years been one of the county's most
efficient school teachers, and her
friends are numbered by her ac
quaintances. She has a lovable dis
position, Is accomplished and will be
an efficient life partner for Mr. Whit
aker. The groom is a stranger to Alli
ance people, but he bears an envia-
, ble reputation as a steady, substan
tial business nan In his home town.
Sterling. Colo., near where he owns
several hundred acres of good land.
The couple departed on the noon
train Wednesday for Sterling and
.will make their future home on one
of the groom's ranches.
' Very Heavy I tain
A hot morning Wednesday, when
the thermometer ran up to 88 de
grees in the shade, was followed
Wednesday afternoon and evening
with heavy showers which were gen-
i rial uvrr iuip ran vi i ucr Biaie. uo
foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, totai precipitation in Alliance waa
keep your feet t twee rn! tappy. ! 1.35 inches.