The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1915, Image 4

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    Convention Proceedings
(Concluded from last work)
' k'rmiso and Mr. J. II. Bachelor made the following report of nomina
i tions for the officers and members of the Executive Committee for the
i ensuing year:
For President -Mr. Jiobert lira ham 01 Alliance.
For Vice, President Mr. C. II. Tully of Alliance.
For Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Chas. C. Jameson of Ellsworth.
. ... .-1 III tr 1.' 1 Mi.i-i.ra n llmslig T r Wnnlir.n I.iupn nf I ,f 1 trnt inli I
'n 4"00 Julv 20 11)14, which covers a cow ibkvu jhhm nn-r ujamim, .m. '. . . - ... ...., ..... ,
MM ..u t.v V S Coker This cow bore the brand of U. A. An- Myanma, Mr. K. r. .Meyers ol umana, ir. nuuen liisco 01 iougepoie,
a! ti,o k1V r.uested the Con.m hold the Mr. .1. II. Bachelor of Valentine, Mr. II. J. Krause of Lour Lake,
JSShI.. fi h m 'until one Sne sW r who was Executor of Louis Mr. .1. II. Monahan of Whitman, Mr. A. R. Modisett of Rushville,
proceed for T' :ir.T. The Executive Committee Mr. E. M. Ehlred of Orlando. Mr. .John H. Orr of Lewellon, Mr. Ed.
-iSlidnrlll that this was a matter that they had no reason to take T. Ross of Gordon, Mr. John Diemer of Ilyannis, Mr. A. 11. Metzger
?ion iTul that Mr. Anderson and parties interested must settle it of Merriman, Mr. J. II. Quigley of Valentine, Mr. Ed. M. Brass of
t ihn Aiivnf int ion. Grand Island. Mr. Daniel Adamson of Lake.
Renort No 8"' was a steer bearing the brand same as the report The President asked if there were any other nominations. There
Immediately Preceding this one which was shipped by E. M. Searle, being no further nominations, a motion was made that the rules be
August 5 1914 Mr Searle at the time of the shipment put in a suspended and that the names mentioned m the report be accepted
ufm fnfiftv dollar's for boarding men and for horse feed in the which motion was duly seconded and carried and the officers and
Kill TViia motlor una pnilSI(l(rel tO COIlie UnUlT Hie I memiiein Ol lliv J-jAftuiive iuimnii.ii-c on iiuiui.iai "vuouu m u
amine r ui xt. . . ;; 4l v t 41,- v. rwT5
t,.i ... iie rt.nnrt immediatelv Dreceding this one.
.Aleut n uiv . - . .. . . . a i
Report No. 5539 should also be settled by parties interested.
Report No. 7558, November 30, 1914, in a shipment made by J
n fmmi fnnr bulla hearing W C. Coble's brand. Mr. Tal
MM- Jfl 111 VS 1 r v V nv wv - - -
Prof. J. E. Condra asked to have allotted to him a short time
to present for the meeting some pictures of scenes mostly in north
s' tnil that ho wrote for the bill of sale on the 9th day of Febru- western Nebraska. This was granted to him and he proceeded to
arv 1915 but it had not been produced. Mr. Will Tagg of the Com- throw on the stage curtain a series of pictures taken m Scotts Bluff
mission Company to wnom me consignment w uiaue uuuuucu mi. vuumj iv vvn VJ i,..v - -
jalbot that ne knew jir. Minor bought these bulls from Coble and he were met with much approval and a resolution of thanks for his en
would stand behind the ownership. This matter was considered by tertainment was voted him.
"Isn't That Delicious"
That's what they all say when they arc served at Bren
nan's Sanitary Fountain. Only purest ingredients arc used in
making our ice cream, and tho REAL FRUIT flavoring is used.
This, together with the fact that everything is served as it
should be served, makes Brennan's a place where ladies and
gentlemen are always sure of the best.
the Executive Committee as one that should be settled by the parties
Mr. Talbot informed the Committee that in his opinion where
there are feed charges claimed against a stray the bill should be filed
and accompany the report and account sales and sent to the &ecre
There being no further business coming before the meeting a I
motion to adjourn was in order, which was made and duly seconded
and carried.
Immediately upon adjournment of the regular meeting of the
Sanitary Fountain
On Quality Corner
Ury and that the Secretary should correspond with the owner of the members of the Association the newly elected Executive Committee
animal and pay over the feed charges only with his consent, other- was called to order by the President. On roll call the lollowing mem-
wise hold all proceeds tor tne executive onimiuec to aujuni. me wis wisncitu m hh uaunn. muuru u.v, u. u. uamuui, . w.
Secretary informed the Executive Committee that this was the course Krause, A. It. Modisett, E. M. Eldred, John II. Orr, A. II. Merger,
ht li had nnrsupd in the Tast and it meets with his approval, so it Ed. M. Brass, Daniel Adamson.
was rWidod to leave the matter to work out between the Inspector On motion duly seconded, after deliberation, it was resolved that
and the Secretary. Mr. Talbot also requested that all members of the the next annual convention of this Association be held in the City of
Association when they wish the proceeds of any strays remitted di- Alliance during the month of June, the date to be selected by the
rect to them or deposited in some bank that they send to him writ- President, the Vice President, and the Secretary-Treasurer,
ten orders to that effect. He wishes the written orders so that he On motion the Secretary was instructed to enter into a contract
an place them on file in his office. In this connection Mr. Talbot for inspection with the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association and to
iiffirested that all members of the Association have the proceeds of use his best efforts with the officers of said Association to do the in
their strays go through their Secretary, as in that manner a com- spection at the old price, thirty-five hundred dollars per year, instead
rpnnrd in kont and tho liability of loss and delav is much lessen- of the four thousand which we have been paying for tho past two
Mr. Talbot also stated that shippers should renuest that the Com- years.
mission houses do not cut out from a consignment and turn over to Mr. Thomas appeared before the Committee inbehalf of the Alli
another Commission house any cattle until after tally has been made ance Herald which has been the official paper of the Association for
bv the Insnector. There have been a few cases whore this has been the past two years and asked that the agreement be continued foi-
done and the consequences have been that no, tally has been made on another year, proposing to tho Association that there will be no
those cut out, as it was unknown to the Inspector at the time. charge made direct to it but that he will look to the individual mem-
The President appointed the following Committees: bers for subscription. Ho offered to publish free any articles sub-
Auditine Committee Mr. Modisett. Mr. Adamson. Mr. Brass. mitted and will continue the special editions. That he will also pub-
Committee on Resolutions Mr. Brass, Mr. Tomilson, Mr. Dola- Huh brands of any member of the Association for just sufficient com-
pensauon to pay lor ino cost.
mT. rranK uroome ot the Alliance aows also ottered a proposi
tion to have his paper declared to be the official paper of the Associ
ation for the ensuing j'ear.
The President asked for remarks on these two propositions as
submitted, suggested that a vote be taken to accept one or neither of
Nominating Committee Mr. Lisco, Mr. Bachelor, Mr. Krause.
On motion the Executive Committee adjourned.
A meeting of the members in convention at the Imperial Theatre,
o'clock a. m., June 16, 1915.
Mr. Robert Graham, President, in the chair called the meeting the propositions. It was suggested that both the applicants with-
to order.
The invocation was made by the Reverend II. J. Young.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read by the Secre
tary and there being no corrections they stood approved as read.
The President called on Mr. li. M. Hampton with the request
draw and leave tho Executive Committee to discuss the subject, but
on further consideration a motion to adjourn and meet at 7:00 p. m..
this date, at the office in the rear of the First National Bank was
made, seconded and carried, and the meeting adjourned until 7:00
o clock p. m.
that he address the Association members and the ladies and gentle- ADJOURNED MEETINO OF THE NEWLY ELECTED EXECU-
Xnen present. ' TiVE COMMITTEE
Mr. Hampton's address was listened to with much interest and The adjourned meeting of the Executive Committee was called
met with a hearty applause. to order at 7:15 o'elock p. m., June 16, at tho office in tho rear of the
The next in order was the report of the auditing committee. Tins ! irst National Bank. There were present: Mr. Robert Graham,
committee consisting of Mr. Daniel Adamson, Mr, h. M. Hrass and President: Mr. (;. 11. Tully, Vice President; Mr. Chas. C. Jameson.
Mr. A. li. Modisett reported that they had audited the accounts of Secretary-Treasurer; and the members of the Executive Committee
the Treasurer and that he had on hand as shown by the books which who were present at the meeting in the forenoon.
he closed on the 15th of June, 1915, $2,766.78. On motion the report Tho matter of the official paper was again taken up and the pro
of the auditing committee was accepted and tho committee discharg- positions by both Mr. Thomas in behalf of the Herald Publishing
td. Company and Mr. Broome in behalf of the Allianee News were sub-
The President called for the Secretary s report. The Secretary mitted in writing and read to the Executive Committee by the Sec-
gnaae me ioiiowing report oi receipts ana uisDursemenis uuring tne retary, wnicn propositions are spread on these records.
After discussion pro and con and due consideration. Mr. Lisco
made the following motion which was seconded by Mr. Krause: That
the Association dispense with an official paper for the ensuing year
and that patronage and good will be extended to all of them. This
motion being put it was duly carried.
Mr. Z. T. Leftwich of the Nebraska Feeders' Association ad-
9,196.10 dressed the Executive Committee relative to a closer co-operation
i . . i . i I.. . . . . - ...
uetween tne stocn raisers ana tne leeders. Mr. Leftwich is the Pres
ident of the Feeders' Association and was appointed as a delegate to
meet with this Association for the purpose of organizing a' closer co
operation. Remarks were made by him on this subject and followed
by Mr. Hervey of the Twentieth Century Farmer who spoke on the
same subject and Mr. Tomilson also favored the meeting with a few
1 . . t .
i finai Ks on tnis suDject.
The meeting of the Feeders Association is to be held in Janu
ary, 1916, and it was requested that our Association be represented
b,vzy.6on the program. His remarks were listened to with much interest
acal year:
From Dues and Assessments $4,802.96
Stray Fund, suspense awaiting adjustment : 1,480.80
Amount on hand June 15, 1914, as shown by the
last report 2,912.34
Making a total of
General expense as per expense account includ
ing Secretary's salary' and office expense,
stationery, etc. $1,034.10
Paid to WTyoming Stock Growers' Association
for inspection for the fiscal year 4,000.00
Paid dues to the American National Live Stock
Association for the fiscal year : 300.00
Paid to owners from stray fund 1,095.22
Making a total of .
Leaving a balance deposited in Banks of 2,766.78 by the members of the Executive Committee.
The Secretary added that the delinquent dues and assessments The Secretary informed the Committee that last year he sent out
for the year just ended amounted to about seven hundred dollars, to all the Association Members a circular letter accompanied by a
and that of this amount he considers five hundred dollars of it will postal card requesting the members to list any feeders which they
be paid in within the next thirty or sixty days. The Association had for sale and that after receiving a response from probably fifty
has no debt and all that is needed is more members. During the or sixty of our members the postal cards were sent to the Secretary
year just closed we lost about forty members and gained about forty, of the Feeders' Association. This method of co-operation wai'ap
At the present time we have about three hundred sixty members. proved and on motion duly made and seconded the Secretary was in-
On motion the Secretary's report was accepted. structed to follow out the same program this year and that the Sec-
tnenexnn oraer was a report irom Mr. 'laihot, the chief brand retary notify all the members of the Executive Committee of the
inspector at South Omaha, which report was listened to with much date of this meeting in January and request their attendance.
interest and on motion was placed on file. On motion a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Leftwich for
. .J he next in order, the President called for the report of the Res- his attendance and company at this meeting.
nations Committee. The Resolutions Committee consisting of Mr. E. The next matter taken up for discussion was the Inspection Law
M. Brass, Mr. S. P. Delatour and Mr. T. W Tomilson reported reso- It seems that there are several of the counties in the Northwest
inuon ol condolence on the death of our V ice President, Mr. A. T. section of this state which have not yet made this law operative. The
Davis, and Association Members, Mr. Daniel E. Hill and Mr. Frank Secretary reported that he took the matter up with the Association
McFadden. . Members in the several counties, sending to three or four different
On motion duly seconded the Secretary was instructed to place nembers copies of the law and blank petitions remiesti tat thev
these resolutions on record and send a copy to the families of the obtain the necessary number of signatures and either file the petJ-
I A. 1 S . dm 1 . 1
deceased members
There being no further resolutions offered, on motion tho Com
mittee was discharged.
The President called on Mr. T. V. Tomilson, the Secretary of
the American National Live Stock Association, of Denver, Colorado,
to address the meeting.
Mr. Tomilson 's address was listened to with very much interest.
He spoke on general subjects of interest to the live stock industry
ana met wnn neany applause.
tion with the County Clerk of their county or return the petition to
him. A few petitions were returned to the Secretary and he immedi
ately forwarded them to the County Clerk of the county. He had
been informed that the Law was operative in Cherry county and in
Sioux county and in Grant county but as to this he had no positive
After the matter was duly discussed and the importance of hav
ing the law effective in every county was fully brought out the Sec
retary was requested to ascertain just what counties have the law
The Secretary then read the report of Mr. B. II. Graham, the . and which do not have it and use his best efforts to have it passed
inspector at Sioux City, Iowa, which report was on motion placed on in the counties in which it is not operative.
file and spread on the records of the meeting. Mr. Adamson brought up the subject of the Association offering
The President asked for any members present to mention any a reward of four or five hundred dollars for the arrest and convic
subject that they would like to have discussed or any new business tion of thieves or for evidence that would lead to the conviction of
to come before the convention. To this there was no response. 'any one stealing horses or cattle from an Association member. This
Mr. T?rtdie"s, ex-mayor of the City of Allianee, in behalf of tho mptt- " discussed at lensrth but no action was taken on it.
0"dcr of El'vs 'trn'N' to nil im!nr& of the Association and visit- Th-re being no furtl.r business 'pr- nt(d to tho m- ""ting a mo
ors th: of the Elks home during tho days of the Convention. .tion to adjourn was made, Keeonded and duly carried and the meeting
The President called for the report of the nominating committee, adjou ned, subject to tr r" of any thro? members of the Executive
Th? nominating committee consisting of Mr. Reuben Lisco, Mr. II. J. Committee or any two of the Officers.
This is to notify all con
cerned that 1 have this day sold and
do sell all my rights, title and inter
est in the prairie dog exterminating
business in the vicinity of Alliance,
Nebr., to Messrs. Otis Hughes and
Rolland C. Deacon. .
Yours Respectfully,
Alliance, Nebraska, July 1, 1915
Red Cedar Chest
Just the thing in which to store your furs and unseasona
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ters, and can be put in an out-of-the-way corner until you are
ready to use them. Strongly bound with brass strips, making
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usage. ' -v. jv.v,i - '
Compare it With a Season's
One season '8 storage will almost pay for a Red Cedar
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Three Sues and Three Prices $11.50, $15, $2Q
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