V 4 iHiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiMHntnnm:mmK.' WE'RE MOVING By Friday of this week we will be comfortably located in our new home on Box Butte Avenue, at McCluer's Old Stand next door to Ilolsten's drug store. The new location has been thoroughly cleaned and painted ; is light ; conveniently located, and we want old and new customers to call and see us. We want to again remind you that we haven't a stale article of food in the store we comply ABSOLUTELY with the pure food laws. . We have all the leading advertised lines of bottled and canned goods, including that famous Heinz line and others. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DELIVERY ORDERS Duncan's Grocery LEAVES TOWN BY REQUEST McCluer's Old Stand mn;tmm;n;miim;itm;nmmmmmnm Phone 32 Ben Jordan, Colored Man, IVclarrd Nulsnnce Killed Man lit Chad ron Ten Years A When given his cholre of lenvlnp town In a hurry or suffering a nerv ous bteakdown. or being hung up by the thumbs or something worse, last week, Den Jordan, a negro, chose the first-named penalty, and he has not been seen or heard of since. Jordan Is about fifty years old. wears spectacles, and usually carries a cane. For some time past It has been known to the police that he had no visible means of support, and that he was a general nuisance, but not until last week was it decided to take the action that had been deferred on account of his seemingly poor health. Jordan made a practice of accost ing white women on he street and calling them endearing names, or making obscene suggestions to them. On several occasions he has been seen In he residence section at night, looking through windows. Several times he followed white women to their homes. When he lived at Chadron about ten years ago, Jordan Mllol another negro whom he found with his wife one night. There was a hard-fought legal battle before he gained his lib erty, the case being in the courts for about a year. As the negro was too old o work, and as he had no money, the police were in a quandary as to what to do with him, and at "last, when they be came exasperated last week, Jordan was told to make himself scarce In side of the next twenty-four hours. cle, two reverse curves were made on each side, and the walk runs stralRht In front of the courthouse the entire length of the building. Another change was made where the foun tains will be located. The fountain will not be located In the center of large concrete stars, but each will b, given Just n small concrete base, arc' there will be no walk connecting them. This will afford a saving of nearly $150 In the construction work. Now that the walks are completed, the yard Is being seeded to blue grass and the grounds are being otherwise beautified. The trees set out this spring are doing exceptionally well. WEDDED IN ALLIANCE DEAN ELLEIl TRANSFERRED Wind Shield Glass Auto Head Light Glass Window Glass IN FACT, ANY KIND OP OLAST YOU WANT We have just received a big stock of this glass, and our price are right. Bring us your broken windows to be glazed Will Leave Alliance the IAt of Tills Month Dean A. T. Eller returned last week from his eastern trip with the news that he had been transferred from Alliance to Worcester, Mass., a city of 200,000 inhabitants, where he will be assistant priest of St. Mat thews Episcopal church, and he will also be rector at Rochdale. He will leave, accompanied by his family, the last of this month, for the new loca tion, assuming his duties the first of August. Change In Court House Walk A slight deviation from the onu lnal plan was made In the walk from the street to the courthouse before it was laid this week. It had been planned to run the walk In a perfect seml-clrcle from corner to corner, past the courthouse door, but when the form-laying had been started, it was seen that the original plan would not look the best nor be the most suitable. Accordingly the plan was changed so the walks Btarted a short dlitance from each corner, and In stead of making a perfect seml-clr- Youiir Couple from Ncotts Bluff and Sioux Counties Have Nuptial Knot Tied In Tills City At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, 408 Sweetwater ave nue, occurred one of the last June weddings in Alliance, when Mr. Earl Marruund and Miss Nell D. Lane, of Morrill. Nebr., were united In mar rliige, John W. Thomas, editor of The Alliance Herald, performing the cererrony. It Is a pleasure o chronicle the union of hearts and lives of worthy young people, such as are the con tracting parties in this instance. The groom is an enterprising young farmer and has a homestead In Sioux county, north of Morrill. The bride Is an accomplished and highly re spected young lady of Scotta Bluff county. Her parents reside near Caldwell. The Herald extends congratula tions and an earnest wish for a long and happy married life. LOCAL NEWS GEO. A. HEILMAN, Mgr. Phone 73 mm ESS Hand made from best material. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols stand, Alliance HOTEL ROME OMAHA Room Without Bath $100 or $125 Room With Bath $1.50 Up Cafe Prices Moderate ROME MILLER Proprietor 9100 KEWAltn, 91 oo The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leaBt one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of ihe disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative power that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to curt. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo. O. Hold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. wST-iM For an Outlui; The faculty of the Alliance School of Music are just as human as other people when it comes to enjoying na ture, and this week they started on a si xweeks' outing at Camp Mary land, on Dismal creek, about 16 miles from Mullen. Miss Burnett de parted for Mullen Tuesday, to visit with relatives and friends until the arrival of the other members. Ralph Uniacke accompanied her as far as Antloch, where he stopped off, and where a riding horse was In readi ness, and he Is making the remaind er of the trip to Mullen on horse back. Mrs. Zedlker will join them at Mullen Saturday, and they will then proceed to the camping gronnds. The camp is only a short distance from the ranch of R. E. Mahafty, aim Miss Burnett Informed a Herald re porter that they intended to eat doz ens of eggs, lots of butter and oodles of fresh milk every day. Miss Jeanette Poole returned to her home at Crawford Saturday af ter a few days visit here the guest of Miss Thelma Fltipatrlck. Mrs. Everett Bedford, of Mlnatare, came In Tuesday to visit with the W. S. Acheson family. Mrs. S. C. McBrlde, of Casper. Wyo., stopped off In Alliance Tues day on her way to Iowa to visit with friends. While here she was the guest of O. W. Johnson and family. Mrs. Geo. A. Hellman departed Wednesday for Wellington, and oth er points in Colorado, for a few weeks visit with relatives and friends. Along Laramie, Cheyenne and Big Horn, where the curbing and gutter ing has been completed, a majority of the property owners already have their parkages down to the grade. In most cases the parkage has been entirely plowed up, harrowed and leveled from the sidewalk to the curbing, the slope being from 6 to 18 Inches. Blue grass has been planted, and It will make a very pretty contrast with the old style parkages, which were level from the walk to the curbing. J. P. McClurken was here the lat ter part of last week from Spring Valley, Calif., looking after business matters and visiting with friends. Mr. McClurken ia a former resident, and still retains some farm land, In this section. From here he went to Omaha to attend to some business matters before returning to his home In California. Since publishing the item regard ing Roy Beckwlth's strawberries last week, it has been found that there are other berry raisers in Alliance. Archie Gregory hat on display in Secretary Fisher's office several fine specimens, which were grown by him on his city property. The Herald maintains that this part of the coun try will produce Just as delicious strawberries as any other place, and these two berry growers have borne out the theory. Miss Abble Welbllng and Charles E. Wilkinson, of Lakeside, were mar ried at Hot Springs, S. D., Wednes day, June 23. They returned to Alliance Saturday, going from here to Lakeside, near which place they will make their home on his ranch. Both these young people are well known In the Lakeside neighbor hood and they bear excellent repu tations. In last week's Issue, in writing the article regarding the white slave case, the Herald stated that Mrs. Philip None was of Italian birth. This is a mistake, and Mrs. Nob asks us to make the correction, which we gladly do. She states that she is of Swiss parentage. All boys calling at the Harper de partment store tomorrow (Friday) morning will be presented with a "safe and sane" Fourth of July pis tol. Mr. Harper has only a limited supply of these guns, and the boy who want one should call at the store early. IloiiNe Struck by Lightning ' This morning, during the sever thunderstorm, M. D. Nichols' real denoe at 412 Yellowstone was struck by lightning, the extent of the dam age not being known at this time. The elecrlc fuse was burned out, and a hole about the size of a half dollar was torn through the wall Just be hind it. The only occupant of th house at the time was Mr. Nichols little grandson, the others being out side watching the ominous-looking , clouds. The little fellow was not hurt, but was badly scared and In tears when the others came Into the house. It was a prank of fate that Mr. Nichols was not struck. He had been standing at the sink, washing, only two minutes before the bolt ' struck, and had he not been called ' out of the house when he was, thl ' article would have a different bead ing. Examination of the damage will be made in the morning. Bridge In Good Condition Just before gqlng to press this af ternoon, a telegram , was received from the Hot Springs Commercial club by President Guthrie of the Al liance Commercial club stating that the bridge over the Cheyenne river, which was recently washed out, 1 now in good condition and asking Ithat the garage men and auto own ers of Alliance be so Informed, In or der that all who desire can attend the celebration there on June 8, 4 and 6. PoMtofllce Will Close Next Monday, which ia designated as the legal holiday by Uncle Sam, there will be but one mall delivery, which will be in the morning st the , regular time. The general deliver will open from lu tin li a. m. me malls will be made up the same at on Sunday. Bll (bus Attacks When you have a bilious attack your liver tails to perform Its func tions. You become constipated. The food you eat ferments in your stom- it tli.tlnir Thli In. ' fla.ms the stomach end causes nau sea, vomiting and a terrible head ache. Take Charnberls'n's Tablet. TViov will tnna nn vnnp liver, clean ' out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. Tbey only cost a quarter, Qbtalpabje every where, y mm FREE! MiiiiioiMfniro (c my ir iviuyyLL 36 H.-P. 5 Passenger Car Given Free in the DAILY NEWS VOTING CON VEST rrinTiur mi V c.Cini!C 1IIRIKT 31 1915 0 1 nn i uiu ivwi w A Short Description Th. Mew Hunmoblle has all the power, speed, comfort and luxurlousnes. of the most expensive care H a ourUnd.r motor. 36-horse power, storage our . wheel base, electric starting and lighting system, one man top. over size tires. 34 by 4 inches, uoior. uiuvu running gear. Weight fully equipped .io This car leaves absolutely nothing to be aesirea. It Can be Yours Free of charge On July 6th, The Omaha Dally News big. popular, free vot ing contest will be open, in which the Hupmoblle above de scribed will be given to the one who secures the st vt We have not enough space to explain our plan, but will be glad to write you about it In detail as soon as we hear from you. It la to your interest to enter now and start with the begln- Anyone la eligible to enter except residents of Greater Oma ha and Council Bluffs. SEND IN YOUIt ENTRY NOW Don't delay a minute send for the information concerning this con test at once and find out how absol utely safe you are in entering. We will explain how everyone who does not win the car but who observes the contest rules will be rewarded in proportion to the work done. FKEB INFORMATION COITON GOOD FOR 10,000 VOTES FREE Th Omaha Daily News, Omaha, Neb. Send me full particulars concern ing your Hupmoblle Contest and credit me with 10,000 free votes to ward the car. This request obli gates me in no way and, after re ceiving the information, I may with draw it I wish. Name Address (No more than 10,000 free votes given to any one person.) Special Train to UridgeNrt On account of the 4th of July cel ebration at Bridgeport next Monday, the 6th, the Burlington will run a special train from Alliance to that I town. This special will leave Alli ance Monday morning at 8 o'clock, and passengers will return on No. 302, getting here at 3:20 a. m. Tues day morning. The special that goes ; from Alliance will go on to Mitchell late Monday night as the regular ser vice from Mitchell to Bridgeport serves those going to the celebration, but not on the return. The service from Alliance will, give everyone an opportunity to attend all day, and it is probable that quite a number will go. Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Hill A reception was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Char lotte Watkins, 823 Laramie avenue, for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, who returned Wednesday notn from their wedding trip. Mrs. Watklna is mother of the bridegroom. The re ception was attended by the mem bers of the Alliance Fire Department in a body. Wanted Creamery Information ! A party of Scottsbluff business men composed of Harry Bowen, C McCreary, P. Knolls, and J. L. Rob erts, was here from that city Mon day securing information regarding the creamery business, as it is their intention to soon start a business of this nature at Scottsbluff. While here these men visited with a num ber of the business men, and they in formed Secretary Fisher that they Intended to Boon re-organize their commercial club and secure the serv ices of a high-priced secretary, using the same system as Alliance. An Improved Paper The first issue of the Bridgeport News-Blade under the editorship and management of Bruce Wilcox came out last Friday, greatly improved in appearance and news matter. Un der the guidance of Mr. Wilcox (now Editor Wilcox) and with the help of his capable eon. Max. the News-Blade will stand high among the newapa pers of Nebraska. J. M. Lynch, In his farewell editorial, said: "He does well who does his best; He Is weary, let him rest. Brothers, I have done my best. I am weary, let me rest." Anti- Swelter Togs COOL, COMFORTABLE, PRACTICAL, . NEAT LOOKING SUMMER SUITS Stoin-Bloch lightweight Suits in handsome new patterns some skeleton lined. The very finest tailoring and fit possible is in these suits at $10.oo, $1500 and $20.00 Palm Beach Coats and Trousers Really the ideal garment for summer outings and for daily summer comfort. We are showing many new cclois r.nu pat terns. Don't let the Fourth catch you without one! $6.50 to $i5.oo Special Furnishings for the Fourth SILK SHIRTS Pure Silk Shirts in all the handsome shades, just the thing for the hot sweat ting summer - CO CA weather tp&.dU SUMMER UNDERWEAR Athletic and the kinds ;hat help keep you cool these hot Qlf days . Jl SILK LISLE HOSE To be properly dressed for these summer days you should wear the finest and best silk lislehose. CA We have them for JlC MEN'S TIES All of the popular as well as the quieter shades. Get a new tie for the Fourth 19c TTTT STEIN-BLOCIl SMART CLOTHES Wdepartment store T V ALLIANCE-, NEB. ILER GRAND HOTEL 16th and Howard St., Omaha, Nebr. A Really Comfortable Hotel for You to Stop at It Is Popular with Many Live Stock Shippers. Why not You Try It Once? RATES ARE LOW P. W. MIKESELL, Prop. We use a bone tipped cob pipe as an advertisement It Is an emblem of comfort. We will mail you a half doz en upon receipt of a written request for them; or fill In your name and address be low, cut out this advertise ment and mall to Her Grand Hotel, Omaha, Nebr., and you will receive the half dot en pipes by return mall: Name Address