INTERESTING SERMON Iter. Titus Itvg lellvered Sennon on Itlch Mn and Idttarui, Sunday, June 20 By request of several readers of The Herald, we are publishing a vnopBls of the aernion delivered on June 20, at Immanuel'a Lutheran church by the pastor, Rev. Tltua Lang. The sermon was on Luke 16, 19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, entitled "Hell and Heaven, the eternal destinies of Man Only Two Places, Hell and Heav en." Mr. Lang said: A Rreat and Important truth Is "brought home to us In the gospel les on. Luke 16, 11-31. The Lord here relates a parable or rather gives .description of two men, the rich man nd ooor Lazarus, of their life here coveting after riches and the abuse on earth and their destinies beyond of wealth Is a sin in the sight of God. ' 1 I " " - Finds Cure tot ;'.z.ty After Yenni of Suffninc "sly daughter nun nffli fd with pllpptlo fit fr " in. t . -i... .. cuming every tew we XV employed several doctors but ihev d'd Iwr no gouU. About a ypnr y g n w e hukt d ni Vr. Mills' Nervine, nin! It cciMlnly linn provod a hleni!r. to our little girl. She If now apparently J IV.vlf J n of health. It it v0'- he '" ,I,J x fit. V.'e c -nnol mrtk too highly r Dr. MIW Nervine" mrs. fuaniv AM Enc-::. 1Cv.iJ.ey, .'..inn. 'Thousands of cMMs-cn in the 'United States who ars sufUrin.,' from attacks of cpll-psy are & burden and sorrow to t'.icir parent. vho would give anything to restore liealtli to the f Dr. Mile Nervine is one of the Lest r?niet!ies knowr for this afilicti m. it lua proven beneficial in tlmus n.'.. of ca-e and those who ha : ined it h;ivt the greatest faith i" it It is. not I a "cure-all," but a i -liable remedy ?for nervous di.eaf You need mot hesitate to give it a tuaL ' Sold by all DrugoVt. If the first 'bottle falls to benefit your money Is rreturned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, In TANKS We make stock tanks, supply tanks cream cau tanks, threxlier tankn, in all forms and size. If you want the befit ami most serviceable tank Unit ran tie made, write WOODS BROS. 'Silo Manufacturing Co. JNtX)LN, his life. We learn fro:u this lesson that as there are only two ways. Ither of which every person must ravel here on earth, the broad way of destruction and the narrow way of life, so there are only two destina tions to which this life leads, namely heaven and hell. When his hour has come, and his time here on earth completed, every person must leave this world and die. The rich man and the poor alike must pass away There is no escape from death for anyone. "With equal race im partial fate knocks at the palace as he cottage gate." And after aeam the souls of the departed pass either into heaven or into hell, to be bless ed or to suffer in all eternity. That is what the Bible, the word of God, teaches. There Is no third place Neither can we evade either of these two places. It Is useless for us to do away with hell, at dome have tried to do, and it Is vain for us to seek heaven here on earth In the so-called mlllenium, or a thousand years of joy and happiness In this world, which some have Invented. In spite of these inventions of human reason, the fact remains according to the word of God, that hell and heaven are the two eternal destinations, In to either of which all human crea tures must enter after this life, and for our benefit, to warn us and to comfort us these two places are de scribed In the gospel lesson before us. What Kind of A riace Is Hell? We read in our text that the rich man, who clothed nimseir in purple and fine linen and lived sumptuously every day of his life here on earth, who finally died and was burled, was found In hell after his death (v. 23). From this we learn that hell cannot be found here on earth. Neither is hell the grave, where the bodies of those departed from this life are laid to rest. For the body in the grave Is dead, but here we find the rich man after his death alive In hell. Hell is therefore a place beyond this life, beyond the grave. And furth ermore, we learn that hell Is a place of intense and infernal sufferings. The rich man "In hell lifted up his eyes being In torment" (v. 23). He was tormented by a flame of fire (v. 24), and to add to his sufferings be was permitted to behold from afar the bliss and happiness of poor Laz arus, a saint in heaven (v. 23), but at the Bame time he learned that there was a deep gulf fixed between heaven and hell, so that no one could pass from one place to the other, and that therefore there was for him no hope of release, no end of his Infern al sufferings in sight. Oh, behold, what a terrible place .hell Is. A place where they who there abide suffer Intense and indlscribable pain in a pool of fire, "where their worm dleth not and their fire is not quenched and they are an abhorrance to all flesh (Is. 66-24), where they shall be tor mented with fire and brimstone In the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb, and the smoke of their torment ascendeth from everlasting to everlasting and they have no rest day and night." (Kev. 14, 11-12.) What brought this rich man to bell was not so much his outward appear ance as moreover the deplorable con dition of his soul. He did not con sider his own sinful condition. He did not believe In and did not seek his true God and saviour. He lived only for this world and did not pre pare nor provide himself for eternity. He lacked the true love toward God and toward his neighbor, which springs only from faith In Christ Je sus, and which alone makes a man truly happy. He was an unbeliev ing. Indifferent, easygoing man of the world. And this his unbelief and consequent lack of love toward God and bis neighbor was the great sin, for which he had to suffer in hell. This hell is a place prepared for the devil and his angels where they are found, who in this life fol low the devil in unbelief and sin, for saking their God, his word, his love, and neglecting the poor and needy. All these will find out that as they forsake God here on earth he will al so forsake them in hell, for he says, Whosoever believeth not shall be damned." 'Mc. 16, 16.) Salvation from Hell But is there do salvation from hell? Certainly there la. And this salvation Is now at hand. The rich man In hell realized this (v. 27-28). He was worried about h's five breth ren. But Abraham told him: "They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. Thus we are sav ed from hell by Moses and the propb ets, by the word of God, the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, In which God for Jesus sake promises forglv eness of sins, life and salvation to every sinner and which he causes freely to be preached oa earth. Would you then be saved from hell, then come and hear this word and accept it in true faith. Believe it, that "God so loved the world that be gave his only begotten Son, that all who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Accept this word in true faith and you will escape the torments of bell to enjoy the blessings of heaven which are also described in our text. Heaven and It IHesMing Near the gate of the rich man's palace there lay, according to our text, a certain beggar, named Lazar us, a poor miserable creature. He had no home, no food, no clothes. He desired to be fed of the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table, but we are not told that he always received them. Besides he was sick. His body was Covered with sores, Yet in his misery he received no medical attention. He had no bed upon which to rest, no friends except the rich man s dogs, which came and licked his sores, thus bringing him some relief. Finally he died. Noth ing is said of his burial. A hole was probably dug somewhere and his bo dy tumbled in. A beggar's grave re ceived it. But of this beggar we read that upon his death he, namely his soul, was "carried by angels into the bos om of Abraham" (v. 22). that is, to heaven. Now what kind of a place is heaven? It is certainly no place here on earth, no, not a place of mis t t r rvi j tit "-v a . -m k i t. . nave xour via worn kjuz carpets iviaae mio y y X z z z x z z z z z z z z z I z z x X Beautiful Rugs ImiumtuiUMHut y y y X X y "lu7 ... ; " o - ' , FREIGHT PAID SMU Write for Descriptive Price List a f j - ' - . .. a LINCOLN RUG 2373 0 Street FACTORY Lincoln, Nebrrska y y y y y y y y x y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y New mrm I heatre CRAM Kit & WILLIS Next lktor to Famous Always Big FOUR RKEL PROGRAM OK MORE Two Big Features Weekly 'iDtamotto ffrom Gbe Sftt EVERY MONDAY WORLD FILM EVERY THURSDAY GALLAGHER PLAYERS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NO ADVANCE IN PRICE 10c and 15c NEBRASKA In this infernal place of suffering i ery, pain and death such as Lazarus we find the rich man. And why? experienced here on earth. Heaven Not because God wished him to bells a place beyond this life, the dwell there. God wishes to condemn no ' ing place of angels and of saints, the man to hell, he has not prepared hell ; garden of Eden, the bosom of Abra for man, but only for the devil ami 'ham. where Lazarus and they that his angels. Not because he was are like him enter in the hour of rich, for not wealth in itself, only the death according to the soul, and fin ally upon tne ressurection on tne last day according to the body also, to live in unspeakable comfort and hap piness, in blissful serenity and peace undisturbed in the presence of God and their saviour in all eternity. (Rev. 14, 13.) But who will go to heaven? We learn that Lazarus, the poor and de seased beggar, went to heaven. And he entered this place not because of his poverty and sickness, for poverty and sickness are the consequences of sin, and rather point to death and damnation. Lazarus was by nature a sinner and no better than any other human being here on earth. But Lazarus repented of his Bins and be lieved, trusted In the fact that God had forgiven him his sins, as his name, "Lazarus", meaning "help of God", implies. Thus they with Laz arus go to heaven who repent of their Bins and believe that by God's grace for Jesus sake their sins are forgiven, as eJsus says, Mk. 16, 16: "Whosoever believeth and is baptiz ed shall be saved." And to these blessings of heaven we are lead only in one way, namely by "Moses and the phophets", by the word of God, the law and the gospel, as revealed to us in the Bible. Would you therefore wish to go to heaven, then come and hear and learn and study the word of God, learn to believe ac cording to this word on Jesus, your saviour, and his atonement made for you, for the Scripture says: "Believe on Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thine house." Get the Highest Price For Your Cream In addition to paying you the highest market price for your cream, we return your cans ABSOLUTELY clean, even to sterilization, bo that they are ready the next time you want to use them. Get acquainted with the Alliance Creamery com pany's way of doing business you'll like it, and after a trial you'll bring your cream here regularly. And, by the way, you'll find your bank account increasing. Why let the women folks go thru the drudgery of butter mak ing when you can Bell your product first hand, without handling it several times? Alliance Creamery W. E. SPENCER, Mgr. FARE $322 IM)AILY BETWEEN rW ifttMiitr oa in bland wUr mi tha world, fll nl. .1,1 1. M kj Tlx krgvt sad most eaatly 1 tjfu lie law pa,iigia. CITY OF EWE" 3 Msificpt St Bvxj v exjirt u u&ur. May let to Axnv biuUkt fJOA.B, Arrive "CITY OF BUFFALO" Dec lt BUFFALO JO A.M. fi 1 A . . lai U U CiUl Standard lima) 9ia rwMiuig bolww CWvcUnd and BulTato mtm aoad it -- r ticket agret t-Jt tirkfla i V. ft B. I.!n. bcautifMi.y auioral ocLM3fu,l pud, chart. abtwirtf bu;h Elup 'M-KANDUfcE" mi on rwaipt at v wva ta t r oaa- tl-nair p-tnria btH Ha-"trtira bonkM fr. xlonur and inuk wrar puatava and mailing. rot lU lilaat I k A I I I 1 t oar ti-naira pwl.-al mn. dia. txiTa booliM fr. ' S-4 w THE CLEVEtANPa BUFFALO TRANSIT CO, CUt.UW. Okil i 8 15 METCALFE'S PAPER THE OMAHA NEBRASKA! Subscriptions to Richard L. Met cMfe'a paper, The Omaha Nebraskan Till be received at The Herald office it the regular subscription price of 1.50 per year. Mr. Metcalfe Is con ceded to be one of the best editorial writers In America. Herald reader! all know him, by reputation if not personally, and no doubt many of them would like to become regular readers of hia paper. We shall bf pleased to forward your subscription at any time. HERALD PUBLISHING CO. TO 8 AN FltAXCISCO Alliance Men Departed on Tuesday Morning In Auto J. A. Hunter and W. O. Barnes de parted before the break o' day Tues day morning in Mr. Hunter's Bulck auto for San Francisco, to attend the exposition. They will also attend the Elks national convention in Los Anfteles. The trip will be made to Frisco by the northern route, these men going direct from Alliance to Salt Lake City. From Salt Lake they will probably go to Portland and to Sea Groceries and Feed GROCERIES AND FEED We carry a clean line of fresh groceries, flour" and feed. All kinds of overalls, shirts and Rhoes, etc. If your goods come from this store you are assured that they are good, fresh, pure and clean. HTJBBARDS MERCAN TILE COMPANY ASHBY, NEBRASKA We invite you to call at the HOTEL ASHBY when in town for a good meal or clean, fresh" bed. Automobile Tents V-r r , ... 1 1 1 """ V n' TT-'.t? ? '." :,V" " ' This tent meets a demand for a satisfactory camping outfit pro viding for the car and a convenient shelter for the tourists. No poles are required, though the tent is more convenient if used with two seven-foot poles as shown. Packs In a small bundle weighing about 25 pounds. In ordering give make and model of car and state whether tent is wanted with or without front poles. Prices $13.50 and up. We also make the very highest grade of all kinds of tents, awnings, stack machine and wagon covers, sleeping bags, stockmen's bed sheets, etc. Tell us what you need in canvas goods WE MAKE IT Western Tent and Awning Co. 148 No. 14th St., Lincoln, Nebraska Free! Free! A sat of 7 commercial atlaa maps covering states of Missou ri, Kansas. Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Illinois and Iowa, slse II by 28, giving- townships and ranges, not cheap circulation maps, out hlg-h class, large scale, correct and practical, worth 15c each. 50 WORD AD one time in the best real estate advertising- medium In the Unit ed States and the Real Estate Exchange for one year, all for 11.00. Blg rest bargain ever offered. Time tmlted. Send us your 11.00 Im mediately and get the best real estate paper published and the other good things along: with It. Sample copy on request Real Estate Exchange Belle, Mo. T. S. Fielding mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmiMm The Wardrobe The only odorless cleaning in the City. We have the only power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price is no higher. Try ns and be convinced. 315 Box Butte Ave. Phone 682 DIAMONDS ALBERT EDHOLM OMAHA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH CD JEWELER Nebraska Tent & Awning Co. TENTS and Stack Covers at liring prices Xa If your dealer does not handle them write direct to us. AWNINGS for Stores or Residences All goods guaranteed as represented or money refunded 709 So. 16th St., Omaha, Nebr. Rend for Price LUt No. 10. ttle, and thence down the coast to their destination. While away they will also attend the San Diego expos ition. They will cot harry on the trip, but will take it by easy stages, taking in the country on their way out and on the return. They will be away the greater part of the summer. Always the Best Work PAINTING. PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING Estimates gladly furnished Work guaranteed to please PHONC BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES LUANCC, NEBR