r ' nt TT I Your appetite will sit up and beg at the sight of KRUMBLES. The KRUMBLES method brings out all the delicious, natural flavor and sweetness that have been hiding in wheat for all these thousands of years. Take a saucer of KRUMBLES! Pour in the cream or milk. Taste it before you add sugar. Find out how sweet and delicious wheat can be when prepared in this new and better way. Look for this Signature 4 f cents, in the Kellogg: I tf WAXTITE package, which, keeps the fresh, good flavor in and all other flavors out. Joe, the Soda Man For your wants in ICE CREAM and ICES Also a full line of cigars and O'Brien's fine candies. First Class Lunches Served All Summer FARE $322 fe-DAILY BETWEEN ,rf CLEVELAND S NOP! Tha Graat Skip "SEEANDBEL" Th Urt and mot! rotly tamr oa any inUad waUr of th world. BWping i lima iur luw NWnrvB s "CITY OF ERIE" 3 Mttiifte.nt Steamert BETWKEN "CITY OF BUFFALO" 2 . - uL,E.vtLAixu- uaiiy.rviay 1st to Dec 1st BUtt ALU LJ Leava I'lsveUuid . S:0F.M. Iava Huffalo . :)P. M. - fa Arnva bmIio . JO A.M. Amy. Ck.-v.land tMA.U. N LJ , . . (Central Flanrtard Tim) . U u rs'iing between Clrvtland and Buffalo ar. good tot trufiMrtMM our ataaoiara. AaS W r ,u!iolil.'.!?.l?,..f7tlon' PUI2l hrt, lu, .n rTil7r?!ramriru rior cl Ihe (.r.l I Ik I r "p o'-EANDHht' aent on rlrt of nVe to cover uoatas and rnailinic. AUaaaS I T JI-jE ''Jf BUFFALO TRANS1I CO, CltU.d, Ohio J. R. Smith 21.3 1JOX IJITIE aye. I'KOMPT DELIVI HY ANYWHEHE IX CITY f PHONEs 172 and SOU i X 1 j I am r:ir'd to take photo. 1 If 0 ll graph or rim !i c;if at any r time. lliiini Jmhii in thK line of the tiixe for llie mt I wenl) yeiirs, feel fonlideiit Photographs SSS' Allimioe, X br. P. O. U 1205 ! i s WALL PAPER THH IS THK TIME OF TIIK VKAIl WHEX THIS HOUSKW IFK IS TUKXIXU HKIt ATTKXTIOX TOWAKU sraixtj hh sf.( Li:AMX(i and this ii:iim:kix; OF THIS HOI SIS, OH AT I.ISAST A 1UH)M OH TWO. VK WANT TO HILMIXU VOF THAT WIS 1 1 A K A MOST COMFLFTK STtMK, AM) THAT tti: I J 111 I. IS WIS CAX l'LISASK VOl'. THK .'KIDS AUK VAItllSH KXorcHi to isiiT i:tsi;y tastis From 5c to $2 a Roll WIS IXVITE YOl TO YMIS IX AXY TIME A XI) IN SPECT THE STOt'U, Will I Ml vol MAKE A I'l il CHASE OH NOT. F. J. Brenoan OX REALITY .COHXEir i h r s j i: w is i. h y MURDER NEAR SCOTTSBLUFF Iim'iIi l.iiWon KIIIimI In Own Hume Willie ltealini( Xeuimiter Shoi Fired Thru Window Do;s A('l Is IS FAIIIIU-IN-EAW What Iiiih llie Hpeflrntirp of belnp (lie most villaiiioiin nniriler in in i ( -led (11 thin state for it iiny yeiirs oe (Mlireil three mileH enst of SoottS I'hiiT Erldny evening, the 11th, when Joseph l.ayton whs uliot tit roll (th tho hend by an unknown nrstisnln while flitln.n tit the pupper 'able reuding h newspnper. The ineinbrrH of h'B family were nil present In the room at the time of the murder, and all heard the fhot and saw the murdered man's head slowly sink on tils breast and blood st ream from his nose and ears. Han Jordan, Lay ton's father-in-law, according to the evidence submitted, quickly leaped up and blew out the li!ht which was sitting on the table, and the women, Including Eayton's wife, Mrs. Dun Jordan, and Miss Es ther Cutlett, who had been working In the Layton home, werp. taken Into another room, after whli Jordan summoned a neighbor and reported the affair to him. The neighbor, J. C. Moore, had heard the shot and shortly afterward a woman's scream. Mrs. Moore stepped out of the house for a moment, but hearing nothing more returned to the house, and In about fifteen minutes Jordan appear ed and told the story. The chief of police, a doctor, cor oner, and others were called upon the scene, and It was but a short time until a large crowd had collect ed. M. J. Huffman, acting county attorney In the absence of Attorney White, was one of the first to arrive. According to Mrs. Layton and Mr. Jordan, her father, the Itusslan farmers In the neighborhood had pi-oven troublesome to Layton, and on several occasions he had express ed himself as wishing lie was out of the country, as be feared they would kill him. As a sign of nervousness, they stated that he had fed tho hogs three times Friday forenoon, and had also cleaned the bam twice In that time. It seems that suspicion, In that un- explalnable manner that usually oc curs when there la a crime, fastened Itself upon Jordan. He stated that followed the same course. As the door was opened, the dogs went straight to Jordan, and would mv done him bodily Injury had t:ie n,. been held In leash by their owner. As Jordan saw the dogs coming, h took hold of hiH wife's dress ami pushed her In front of hi in. but the dogs (julckly went around the wom an. Il developed In the teat Ixony that three men In a bupny Htopped II. T. Johnson, county commissioner, who with his family, was driving in his automobile to the home of a friend near ScotlHhluff, while they were near the Layton home, and asked I? he had been at Lavton's. to whleli Mr. Johnson replied that layton had been murdered. The identity of th. men has not been ascertained, but It Is thouglrt that one of theni wua a. rtuNstan. The woman when questioned tolI the same stories regarding their pos itions In the room when the fatal shot was 11 red. M Irs Cntlett sworei positively that Jordan was In the room when Layton was murdered,, and thnt he did not leave the hous until about fifteen minutes after ward. Mrs. Layton became hysteric al when she wuh questioned and call ed for her hand bag, from which she produced a bottle of whiskey, which. It would seem, Is her ever ready help--In time of trouble. She has one child, which some of the witnesseg. claimed was by her first hunbnnd. while others claimed she had never -before been married. Jordan told oni the stand that she had never been: married, and when questioned re garding the child he replied, "Well, don't some women have kids without, being married?" As an evidence that there was no great amount of congeniality exist ing between Layton and his wife's" parents, was shown In the testlmnoy of Mr. Moore, who stated that Lay ton told him on the morning before the murder, "Did you ever see any one that would stick around and would do no more than these peo ple here? Mrs. Jordan lo sick, but as soon as she gets better they are golng to have to move." According to the physician, every bone In Layton'a skull was broker from the force of the blow, the bul let passing entirely through both portions of the brain, death resulting instantly. As soon as the bloodhounds were sent for, guards were placed around the Layton home, and a large pleco of canvas was placed over the ground near the window through which tho assassin shot, so that the hounds would have a clear scent. What deepens the mystery Is that a box of loaded cartridges, with only a few missing, was found In a trunk In the house and a .30-30 Wlnrbest- the shot sounded like It came from a Winchester rille, but stated that they er was found In the hay loft with one had no such gun on the premises, empty and one loaded shell, the erup whlch statement was confirmed by ty shell coming out first on examlna both Mrs. Layton and Mrs. Jordan, tlon of the gun. The discovery of As soon as any action could be the gun in this out-of-the-way nosl- taken, J. M. Fulton, at Hastings, tlon was accidental, It being found was communicated with and asked to bring his noted bloodhounds to the scene, and they went through Alliance Sunday morning. Fulton and the hounds were met here by A. T. Crawford, who made the drive In by a neighbor who had come to as sist the officers. Pieces of lead and the metal Jacket were found strewn over the floor near where Layton had been sitting. Mrs. Jordan, wife of Mrs. Layton'a his auto. As Boon as they arrived father, has been married five times. at the Layton home, Jordan asked and she is but 21 years old. Mrs. Lay permission to speak to Fulton before ton, wife of the murdered man, la putting the hounds on the trail, stat- only 19 or 20. It wbb found that log as he did so that "they might the Jordans and Mrs. Layton had fasten suspicion on some innocent been imbibing freely in whiskey the party. day of the murder. The dogs were put on the trail The coroner's Jury returned a ver about 8 o'clock Sunday morning, be-, diet that Layton came to bis deatb ing used separately. The first hound dashed around the house and up to the door, making frantic efforts to obtain entrance; the second bound RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the tortures of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each succeeding- attack seems more acute uotil rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott'sEmulsion Is nature'sgreai niooa- by a bullet fired from a gun in the hands of an unknown assassin, and recommended that Mr. and Mrs. Jor dan, Mrs. Layton, and the hired girl. Miss Catlett, be detained as witness es In the case. The men who were guarding Mrs. Layton all day Sunday stated that fhe consumed about a quart cf whiskey la that length of' time. t It seems that Mr." Layton was a. man of considerable means. Miss' Mattle Layton; a near relative, baa been appointed administratrix.' At-, torney L. L. Raymond, of Seottsbluff will look after tba legal matters for the Layton family. strengthens the organs to expel the , impurities ana upouiia your stn-ngtn. Scott's Emulsion is biiping thousands every day who could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. SELLS ARABIAN HORSES I DRINK HOT TEA j FOR A BAD COLD fkt a miail package of Hamburg Bnut-t Tea, or as the German folks Handsome Trtiiu Which Col. W 11 lard Evan Exhibited at Conven tion Changes Owner Before the Stockmen's Convention, Col. Willard Evans, of Marsland, de cided to exhibit bis beautiful team of white Arabian horses during the week. On the Saturday bt-foie the call it. "Ham! urger lru-t Thee," at any 'convention they were brought to Al pharmacy, 'lake a ta1)lepoonful of the !ilam.e( anj on Plu.n day were exhibit tu, put a cup oi ooiiiiig it upuu it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full al any time uurintf me ed on tbe streets. On Wednesday, when Fred BenN ley was here from Uridgeport, ha day or before retiring". H it the most . , , d th . d .. . anmlrjnK effective way to br.-ak a coll and curs .,hfm ,i,.ided to aee if thev could be grip, an it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Alo loost-u the Ivnu-fls. thus driviiiL' a cold from the system. Trv it the next time you suffer from COW or llie grin. ll IS innfonm puichased. Accordingly a deal was tntered into, the result of which was that Mr. Ilentley became owner of the team and look thrm home -with him. This is one of the finest teams in and entirely vegetable, therefore sale ,fhg mr yf m four and Larmles, urt ninllolir UU rJAlMtlt ANU LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT live yeaiB old, blemish. gentle, and wiiuout a Bub Pain and Stiffness away with a small bcttle of old honest St. Jacobs Oil Wlit'ii your lark U sore snd lame or lumbago, K-isti" or rh.'iimatUni ha you stitfint-d up, ,(tn't siiifcrl Oct a cent Ixittle of old, liiwi-t "St. Jacobs Oil" at any Unu store, pour a little in your hand and rub it riyht into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the sorenes and lame i e-.H ix cone. Don't st.ty rippled! This soothing", ptiiitiatin oil nM-ds to be um-J only rife. It taVes the ai-he and pain rijht nt of your biuk and ends the mifiry. .i ix magical, yet absolutely liarmWn and dot-sii't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatii-a and lauie back misery so promptly I I? OKI EI VVAKD. 9104) i , ;; The readers of Ibis paper will be pleased to learn Ihiu there is at least one dreaded diseuse that science lias been able to cure in all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity.- Catarrh being a constitutional disease; re quires a constitutional ' treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Ib taken infern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces i f the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and Riving the patent treniMh by .building up tho coijsti-, tutlon and asBiKting nature iu doing Its work. TP proprietors ha vti, so much faith In l,t8 curative .powers hat th-y olfer One Hundred LMUirs for any case thru it kills to cur. Send for list of tettlnioplalii.. . ', r Addresr F, J. Cheney &.. 'Co'.,T led... o. " 7 " ., r; . J.. Fold by alt' droglsts,' 75c. '' Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.