1 CONVENTION WAS WELL ATTENDED TIioiioaikN of Visitor Kujoyed Helve on the Street niul at Ihe Fair (Ground AI'1X 1HH.O Till: HHJ FF.ATtllK nesdiiy, and Cnnaressn-Hti Klnkald mine In Tu'dny. Tl'H" ilistlnBUisli d visitors were luH nt the station hy lnrK dpnHttons and were takin to thftr respective stopping place, j Wed nesdsy, both pentlemen made short addresses nt the fair ftrounds, cniniilitni'iitliiK Alliance on tier achievement thin year In bringing ho many people, and In securing such a collection of attractions for conven tion week, and all expressed regret that It whs Impossible for thetn to remain diirlim ihe entire week. The Craw lord delegation, about nnf Inindred strong, arrived Friday with their liHiid. which inarched up town from Ihe station, formed n clr- With the Inrcpiit crowd in history. Ho nt Second and Ilox finite and en ...... - - - . i x m I u v ii uiu im 1 1 ir n no J The 21st annual Stockmen's Conven- Hvened he throng with a number of f(n(uro pVf,nt( hun,,red, excellent selections. In the afternoon they played for a few in I nil leu on the street, lading th parade to the fair ground for the afternoon entertain ment. There was also ti lare num-( ber of Sidney citizens here Irlday. It had been the Intention to have the Sidney li here Friday, but they mule before the arrival f the win ner under the wire. These milieu pulled oil Home bucking and pitching stunts that would make old "Steam boat" fit up and take notice. One of the rider failed to cinch hi Mid dle tlaht enough, and had gone only a lew yards when he went over the mar board Hide on iircount of the mid dle turning. lint he did some good riding before he whs dismounted. The horse race were good, nearly all of them being neck-nnd-neck con test, and some of the best horses In this pari of the country were enter ed, lloth the cowgirls and the cow boys exhibited some goou horsemanship. The nuto polo was of course the of people 'i mile dash 1st, Madalene; 2d, Shaw boy; 3d, lone Star. Cow horse race 1st, Gus Ander- ison on ' tloldle"; 2d, W. S. Todd on Flash". Cow girl race- 1st, Mrs. Petersen on rox , owned by e. t. Kibble; time .5 5; 2d, "Topsy", owned by J. V. liushnell. Wild mule race 1st. Fred Mc- Kinn; 2d, Jim Eaton; 3d, Dud Mc Laughlin. Motorcycle race 1st, Shafer; 2d, tion closed last Friday night. Con trary to most expectations, the last day saw as largo a crowd as any pre vious day, both on the Bt recta and al iMie fair grounds. 4'eople began arriving from the surrounding country aa early us Sunday, and on Tuesday, the open-1 were unable to cone, tng day, there was the largest crowd' Cp and down "Joy avenue", which In the history of the conventions, on was bordered on either side by the ny tlrst day. A conservative estl-i Wortham shows, the crowd walked mate Is that f.,000 people enjoyed Murine the mornings and evenings; themselves on the midway and at the everyone carefree, everyone radlat falr grounds each day All of Nib.-, Inn merriment and pood will. The aska was represented, from the larg- Wortham shows are In the best class, Bt cliy Omaha to the smallest and carry a large enough assort ment Milages. I of attractions for any sized celebra- Kvery form of attraction was here! tlon. - au.aiuonrj that int reeled every-1 There were nbout 600 automobiles one, from the baby In arms to the' In town each day, and storage room oldest Inhabitant, and every conces-ln the garages was nt a premium ion was well patronized. On the: Many of these autos bore tags of n reels were the great Wortham ! neighboring states. Hotels and nhows, w ith their many and varied ' rooming houses had reserved all -Attractions which occupied Uox Uuttei their rooms two weeks previous to avenue for four blocks. At the fair .-grounds each afternoon were the traces, auto polo and broncho riding. Early Tuesday evening, the dele gations from neighboring towns be fsan to arrive, and there was a con tinual stream of autos and other ve hicles pouring Into town until late "Thursday evening. Every town In the western half of the state was represented by from two to a hun dred people, some of them coming on the trains and others in automo biles. Wednesday morning the Gordon ibonsters arrived with their band, "which rendered a number of selec tions on the streets shortly after ar riving. In the afternoon this mu Hical aggregation went to the fair the convention, and during the week every available room In private resi dences was rented. On Wednesday and Thursday nights the demand was so great that sleeping porches were utilized, some of them being occupied by live and six persons. 3,000 persons witnessed the events nt the fair grounds each afternoon, estimating from the gate receipts. The grand stand was filled to capac ity, and there were between one hun dred and two hundred automobiles from the surrounding towns coming here for the purpose of witnessing this all raction. They were all sat isfied that the announcements re tarding Ihe game had not been far fetched regarding the facts, and there were few, If any, that did not leave the grandstand with exclama tions ot surprise and pleasure at wit nessing this most modern of sports. Many attended all three days Just to witness the nuto polo games. Throughout Wednesday's game there were a number of bad spills, but the little machines are so constructed that there is small danger of either the driver or the mallet man getting hurt, ev.'n when the machine turns completely over. On one occasion a front tire blew out with great force, und some of the spectators thought for a few seconds that one of those 42-centimeter German guns had been shot in close proximity to the fair grounds. Auto polo la a fine sport (to watch) and the Hanklnson teams know how to piny It. Although these players travel together and play together nearly every day dur ing the season, there is nevertheless keen competition between them, and those who watched the games here could see no evidence of a "frame- up" on the part of the players. The S-mile motorcycle race proved to be tin Interesting event. There were four entrants three outsiders and one home man, the home man. ln.Mo iti nm.rtor trf.f.h cwh nf amines Miaier, winning nrsi moiiej tiM mn-tiiii i.oinir ni'iMinimi hv 1 the first day; Langston. of Broken ...... ............ ... i i . . . i , , , n ,.,.) i now me second (lay, una uuu, 01 'from two to six persons '.tint ft...-.,., (.. lw.,.,. di1 Itin llini rrijyinr nut) i 11. I i , fill, lnr down-town streets were nearly de serted during the fore part of the af ternoons. The races were inter- jprounds where they furnished a part spersed with band music, both by the f the music during the races, and ! home aggregation anil by visiting e veryone after hearing them decided ; bands. Jordon possessed a, band of which' The track had been repaired until Ihey should be very proud. It was In good condition. Naturally On Wednesday, Thursday and Frl-Jit was not guile so good for the mot ay afternoon the parade formed at orcycle races, as It had been "cut up" -the corner of Uox Ilutte and Third, pretty bad by the horses and mules, .nnd proceeded to the fair grounds, but even at that the motorcycles This parade was composed of lend-1 made good time in each race. ang citizens, members of the Worth-1 The chariot and wild mule races .jasa Aggregation, ami the auto polo! proved very good, and provoked flayers in their machines. . All bus- many rounds of laughter from the Iness In the dow n-tow n section was ' spectators. Forest Allen as Mrs. practically suspended during the af-l Hayseed and Zediker as the old boy FOUND DEAD IN WATER IIimI)- of Stranger Found In Ijuke Near Mason City Had Ileen Icad for Some Time The body of a stranger, evidently that of a foreigner, was found Sun day morning of last week in a small lake about one mile east of Mason City. The body had been in the wa- nowman; 3d Dull; 4th, Lankford. pr 8f long that u had become Time for 5 miles, 7:36. llcniltlflll ItecilK lionk We have been asked by the Calu- his attention to his farm near there. Mr. Wynes has held the office for the past several years. "floater", and was resting on the surface of the water a short distance from the bank when found by two boys. When first seen, the feet of mei casing l owuer company oi in -ilhe body were rP8tlntr partially on a cago to announce tnrougu the col- i umns of our publication that they, Hrrivlna , o(r,raia found have Just gotten up one of the best iiv -fl im,iiv- Hf.rr.mrM.snd that recipe uoons ever puousueu, io pag es of which are beautifully illustrat ed, shown In colors a lot of dainty dishes and pood things to eat that can be prepared with Calumet Bak ing Powder. In addition to this there are 252 valuable recipes and numerous household hints prepared by the most noted Domestic Science teach ers and cooking experts No I'se to Try to wear Out Your Cold It Will Wear Yon out tii.ten( Thousands keep on aafTering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to serious ailments and ep idemics as the result of a negiecttd Cold? Couuhs and Colds sap your strength and vitality unless checked In the early stag's. Dr. King's New Discovery is what you need the first dose helps. Your head clears up, you breathe fieely and you feel so much better. Buy a bottle today nnd start taking at once. No. 1 Adv 520 5 We know you will find this a very valuable book, as yo uwill have use for it almost every day. All you have to do to get one Is to take the slip that you find in a pound can of Calumet Baking Powder, fill In your name nnd address according to the Instructions on the slip and mail It to the Calumet Baking Pow der Company, Chicago, 111. If you are not already using Calu met Baking Powder, we would sug gest that you try It today. You will find it wholesome and economical to use. You will find It a baking powder of unusual merit and the recipe book one of the most beautiful and useful books of this kind that you have ever possessed. I U was impossible to mane l'lentinca tion. The flesh was dropping off In , places, and the face could not have j been recognized had it been seen be- i fore. ' In the man's clothes, which were Beauty, were found a twenty dollar bill, and seventy-nine cents in , ; change; also there were several let ters, a rosary, a pocket knife, and ,a railroad ticket purchased in the M. K. Ac T. railroad office in Kansas City, Mo., on June 2, from Kansas (City to Billings, Mont., to which .place he was probably bound. ! The letters bore the Austria-Hun- gary stamp, but had been in the wat er so long that the addresses were : hardly distinguishable. Two of the envelopes bore the name of John Bregar, addressed to Ardmore, Okla. It was concluded that the dead man was an Austrian. The theory of the officials as to how the man came to his death is that he was traveling during the heavy rains of three weeks ago. One of the through trains was stopped near Mason City, at night, and alongside the train was a deep pool, and It is presumed that this man stepped off the train and stumbled Into the deep water. As there were submerged fences and other entan TKAINK I1XAY1.I FA KM EllS' M El "I I S(i The regular meeting of the officers and directors of the Bos Butte Coun-! glements, he was probably unable to ternoons, most of the stores and all of the Wortham shows being dosed JTrom 2 till 4 o'clock. Two private cars came In Wednes day morning bearing the South Ouia ba and Sioux City commission men and other prominent citizens In each city. At an early hour a number of Alliance men marche ddown to the cars and after numerous (T) at- tempts succeeded In waking the In .mates. As soon as the delegations were dressed and made their way up Box Butte avenue to the scene of ac clivity, their sleepiness Immediately ' vanished, and they were soon scat Uwed tover town, visiting with old customers in this part of the state sand looking up prospects. They Ibrcvught with them an unlimited sup tCy ot boosting paraphernalia, from lead pencils to special editions of their home newspapers, and It was only a short time after the appear ance of the boosters on the streets that everyone attending the conven- two good markets for live stock in this part or the country. At the fair grounds Wednesday afternoon these visitors were provided with a special conveyance drawn by four horses, (furnished by the Wortham shows, .and as the band struck up "It's a .Long, Long Way to Tipperary". they Joined In on the chorus, riding up And down In front of the grand stand aa they did so. Senator Hitchcock arrived Wed- hlmself proved expert mule drivers. In the wild mule race It was neces sary for the riders to saddle and mount from the word "go", and the grandstand was in nn uproar from the start until the finish. However, the start was a little uneven, and the winner was nearly around the track before his next competitor bad start ed, owing to the difficulty of teach ing some stubborn mules which way the track lead. The majority of the riders had not even mounted their Broken Bow the last day. In Wed nesday s rnce Shafer won only by a "neck". The race was anybody's throughout, and even when the rac ers were coming down home stretch no one had an appreciable lead Shafer was about one length behind at that time, but coming down the stretch he "threw It open", nnd came In with about one foot to spare. Time, 7:36. Although better time was made in the succeeding races, the riders were scattered along the track more than on the first day, the winner comlne In with a greater lend, nnd the last man coming under the wire almost a lap behind. The races were all spirited, and It Is probable that motorcycle events will now occur here frequently. Following are the names ot the entrants In Wednesday's races. Thursday and Friday's events were the same, with a few broncho riding and fancy roping contests added. 5-8 dash 1st, Montauck Queen, owned by John Smith, ridden by Zediker. 2d, Meteetse Diver. Bundle race Fred McKinn; 2d. Archie Phltts; 3d, Bud McLaughlin. Chariot race 1st, Forest Allenr 2d. Zediker. ty Farmers' Association will be held at the Court House, Friday June 25, 1915, at 2 p. m. All are urged to be present, as some important busi ness is to come before this meeting. II. F. Williams of the U. S. De- reach shore and was drowned. An effort is being made to locate the dead man's relatives. Cloudburst Xenr Ardmore n-lies Out Track Puiciigcr Are Transferred Across A cloudburst near Ardmore Friday night, June 11, wahlied out several railroad bridges and ns n result, all trains Saturday were many hours late, the first one to reach Alliance coming in at to'dock Sunday after noon. The Alliance division crew worked till Saturday night in making temporary repairs. Pasengers on the eastbound trains were transferred to the opposite side of the washout, nnd visa versa. The washout is about 125 feet In length, nni it will require much dirt and a considerable length of time to make the structure again permanent. County bridges were washed out above, and these lodging against the railroad bridge made the washout worse than It would have been otherwise. OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH New Postmaster at Oshkosh Gilber Swanson of Oshkosh has re payment of Agriculture, In charge of ceived his commission as postmaster farm management survey work, will , of that place and has taken charge of be present at this meeting. jthe office. Mr. Swanson has been F. M. SEIDELL, I connected with the service as rural County Agricultural Agent carrier out of Oshkosh for some time U. S. Department of Agri- past. A. B. Wynes, the retiring culture. postmaster, resigned in order to give PIa Fill. 7 ,hen Nebraska Tent & Awning Co. TENTS and Stack Covers at living prices If your dealer does not handle them write direct to us. AWNINGS for Stores or Residences All goods guaranteed as represented or money refunded 709 So. 16th St., Omaha, Nebr. Send for Price List No. 10. BYER'5 Billiard Parlor THE finest kind in Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills will help you, as they haye helped others. Good for all kinds of pain Used to relieve Neuralgia, Head ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Sciatica. Kidney Tains, Lumbago Locomotor Ataxia. flackache. Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri tability and for pam in any part of the body. 1 hav ued Tr. Jill' Antl-fam nils when troubled Uli head -..-tit and find that on pill infallibly effect relief in a very aliorl time I am conaidArably affected with n-u- ralfla. In the hed at tlinea. and And tha Anti-rain 11 Ua of much benefit. Th Dr. Mliea' Remedies ar beyond compart" it and I reoom mend them to i ll rov fr'. twl." GEor.::y cc:.oate. til Oakland Et., Ban Antonio, Te At all druggists. 25 doee 2So. c MILES MtOICAL CO.. Elkhart. In T. S. Fielding The Wardrobe The only odorless cleaning in the City. We have the only power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of "lothes none of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price U no higher. Try us and be convinced. 315 Box Butte Ave. Phone 682 Always the Best Work PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING Estimates gladly furnished Work guaranteed to please PHONE BLACK 282 B. V. REEVES ALLIANCE, NEBR place of its town. Nine tables in first class shape. The best of service. We serve ice cream, soft drinks, cigars, tobacco and confec tionery. Your patronage will be appreciated. MIKE BYER, Prop. IIow To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. Count fifty I Your col.l in head or catarrh disappears. Your rlofttfiil nos trils will open, the air pansa'cs f your head will clear and yon can broatho freely. No more snutllin.tr, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or hmulacho; no ptruggling for breath at nipht- Get a small bottle of Kly's Cream Balm from jour drupgist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic, cream In your nostrils. It pcnctratin thi-mih every air passage of tlie head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stullcd-up and miserable. Relief is sure. Corner Second Street and Box Butte Avenue. To Do That Fencing Job at the lowest cost you better let us supply all tlie 1 Fence Posts You can't get better stuff than we hare ready, and we believe our fig ures are about the lowest that such quality was ever sold at. Come in next time you are in town and we will talk over the situation. I j You need some of our lumber, tiny j way. Dierks Lumber Co. z X x X X X X X X x I X I X x x I X t t V t t V V r t Have Your Old Worn Out Carpets Made Into Beautiful Rugs FREIGHT PAID Write for Descriptive Price List 'Ul ,taU ill FACTORY Lincoln. Nebrrska LINCOLN RUG 2373 0 Street t t t t Y Y Y Y Y Y t t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i