The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1915, Image 12

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making a toof of the entire Burling
ton lines on his trip.
Without health, genuine Joy is ini
poflslble; without good digestion and
repular bowel movement you cannot
have health. Why neglect keeping
bowels open and risk being sick and
ailing? ou don't have to. Take one
small Dr. King's New Life rill at
nieht, In the morning you will have
a full, free bowel movement and feel
much better. Helps your appetite
and digestion. Try one tonight.
Ray Westover van over from
Lakeside last Thursday attending the
Tommy Howe was here from Antl
och Inst Thursday. .
Ben Hinman, of Llsco, was here
last week attending the convention.
Jobnnle Phillips was badly hurt
Wednesday night of last week when
borse kicked him and trampled bis
Skinner's Macaroni Products,
made In Nebraska. Ask your groc
er. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rice returned
last Thursday to their borne at Gor
don, after attending, the convention.
Frank Orbnly, of Rush Lake, was
fcere last Thursday attending tbe
Lyle Berry was here from Therm
epolis, Wyo., last week, visiting with
tia parents and friends.
Mrs. J. W. Colerlck came to tbe
City last Friday for a few days,
Fred Bentley, of Bridgeport, will
la a short time take bis bucking
Worses and steers to Almena, Kan
as, where be will enter them In a
fair. Afterwards be expects to visit
thirteen other fairs In Kansas and
Oklahoma with the "string".
FRESH MEATS All kinds, mut
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
. Rodger' Grocery, Phone 54.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Albright were bere
from Lulu last Thursday attending
tbe convention.
Frank Johnson was In Alliance
Thursday, and while bere stated tbat
tte Intended to leave shortly for an
Overland trip through Kansas, Okla
homa, Missouri and Ohio. Later be
will go to Oregon on a visit.
L. B. Wilson, district commercial
uperlntendent of the Nebraska Tel
ephone Company, was bere from Om
aha Friday attending to business
matters. Paul H. Patton, district
engineer of the same company, was
also bere from Omaba tbe same day.
FKESH 51 EATS All kinds, mut
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
ItodjrerV Grocery, Phone 54.
Jake Herman and fcmlly were ov
ert rom near Lakeside last Friday
visiting the Ed Eldred family and at
tending the convention.
John Wicks, cuperlntendcnt of the
Platte Valley Telephone company,
together with other parties connect
ed with the company, was here dur
ing the convention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roudebush, of
Cbappell, Nebr., were here last week
attending stockmen's convention and
visiting with Ed Eldred and family.
F. A. May, Walter Jones and W. J.
Srasll, district officials of the Nebr
aska Telephone Company, were here
from Grand Island last Friday in the
interests of the company, and inci
dentally to "take in" the stockmen's
FRESH MEATS All kinds, mat
ton, pork, be?f, and chickens.
RodgerV Grocery, Phone 54.
A. H. Metzger, president of tbe
Anchor Bank at Merrlman, returned
to bis home at that town Saturday,
after being bere for a couple of days
looking after business matters and
attending the convention.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wilson and
children returned to their home at
Antiorh Saturday, after spending the
week here attending the convention
and visiting with Mrs C. P. Wake
man. D. E. Bowden arrived last Thurs
day from Kansas City, Mo., for an
extended visit with Ed Eldred and
Miss Leone Mallery returned home
Wednesday of last week from Chica
go where she had been attending
cbool during tbe past year.
W. M. Griffin returned to bis
home at Big Creek Saturday after
being bere since Monday attending
tbe convention.
E. C. McCluer departed Sunday
poon for Florida, where he will
spend the next several months in re
cuperaung. r or a wnue tils lire was
despaired of, but during the past few
weeks he has made a wonderful 1m
provement, ana is on tbe road to
complete recovery. His friends hope
that the Florida climate will prove
L. T. Barr, L. E. Blaylock and M
roster, all or Asnby, returned to
their home at that place Saturday,
arter DelnK here during the week at
tending the convention.
B. J. Dull. L, D. Bowman, P. H.
Palmer, G. Cadwell and R. L. Lang
aton returned to their home at Brok
en Bow Siturday. Three of thfe
men. Dull. Bowman, and Lantrston.
were entered in the motorcycle ra-
during the convention, tbe other two
men being the mechanics. Tbe boys
' were well pleased with the conven
tion and carnival, and also the prize
money they received on the second
and third days.
Joe Parks, of Hyannls, was here
last week attending the convention.
Miss Mina Loneay came In last
Saturday from Denver for an extend
ed visit with her niece, Mrs. L. L.
Smith, at the Highland borne.
Mrs. T. J. Cummins returned to
her home at Seneca Saturday, after
few days bere the guest of M. E.
Mesdames S. O. Wright and F. H.
Taylor returned to their home at
Whitman Saturday. They came on
Wednesday to attend tbe convention
and visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Taylor and Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Abbott came up
from Whitman Wednesday of last
week and remained until Saturday,
attending tho convention and visit
ing with friends.
Ross. Welton, assistant editor of
the Hooker County Tribune, and
Fred Mercure were here from Mullen
last Thursday and Friday attending
the convention.
Miss Ruth Shotwell returned to
her home at Hyannls last Friday, af
ter a few days visit here with Miss
Pearl Hlght.
Miss Gladys Crouch, Mies Anna
Heatb, and Fred Crouch were here
from Hyannls last Friday visiting
with friends and attending tbe con
vention. George Rothwell came up from
Hyannls last Thursday and remained
until Saturday attending the conven
tion and visiting with friends.
Billle Rice, Ed Masteller, Lew
Skala and J. V. Myers and family, re
turned to their home at Rush Lake
Bob Westley came in from Wheat
land, Wyo., last Thursday for a few
daya visit.
G. Coppernoll returned to bis
home at Hampton last Thursday, af
ter a few days visit here with bis
daughter, Dr. Coppernoll.
Billle Rice took ten car loads of
cattle to the bills Saturday.
Five teachers took the teachers'
examination which was held at the
court house last Thursday and Fri
Clyde Johnson, of Antioch, visited
in Alliance last week.
Art Petersen, of Rush Lake, at
tended the convention last week.
L. H. Jay, of Cherry county, came
In Wednesday of last week and re
mained during the convention.
Frank Johnson came in from his
place east of town Saturday with tbe
expectation of buying a Ford. When
lie got here he found every one sold
Keeler-Coursey are expecting several
car loads here Intermittently during
tbe next month.
Thompson & Falrhead, Gordon
grocers, were among those who can.e
over from that city last Wednesday
to attend the convention.
Keith L. Pierce, the Hemingford
banker, was here Tuesday of last
week, looking after business matters
and attending the convention.
C. L. Scblefelblne, of Hemingford,
took about 300 head of cattle home
from Alliance Saturday. He also
took four head of horses which he
purchased from Mr. Keenan.
An auto came near causing some
serious damage last Friday morning
on the corner of Box Butte and
Third. There were a number of
people on the crossing, and the driv
er was unable to stop before the ma
chine bad knocked several pedes
trians off their feet. Luckily none
of them was hurt.
Miss Alice Acheson underwent a
very painful operation on her throat
last Wednesday. In addition to the
major operation, her tonsils were re
moved. She is recovering rapidly.
Three weary willies were picked
up Saturday, and given tbe usual
assessment of five and costs, and are
helping the city in the good roads
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. McCarty visited
between trains Tuesday with L. M.
R. M. Worley made a business trip
to Crawford Monday, returning home
Mrs. Ralph Worley returned home
Saturday from Downs, Kansas, where
she had been called by the sickness
of ber mother, Mrs. Vol Wright, who
died last week.
Dr. Willis departed Sunday for
Arapahoe, Nebr., where be is now
permanently located. His family will
Join him in a short time.
Dr. Hershman has moved his of
fice into the rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. Willis, in the Mallery build
ing. Mrs. J. R. Manning, wife of the
Bridgeport druggist, was brought to
Alliance Monday by Dr. L. R. Jones,
of that place, and underwent an op
eration at tbe hospital this week.
Miss Nell Shrewsbury departed
Tuesday for Ellsworth where she
will visit for a short time with her
mother. From Ellsworth she will
go to Sheridan for an extended visit
with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Berry. She
will remain away for a month.
Dr. J. A. Denney,' medical director
for the Burlington, came in from
Chicago Tuesday for a short visit
with Dr. Hershman and to attend to
business matters. Dr. Denney is
Watertown, N. Y. Warren A.
Turcott, 10 years old, when told he
was going to die, made his will and
m-t death with fortitude. Ten cents
was sent to a Chicago mall order
house and five cents was paid to his
grandmother from whom he had bor-l
rowed that sum. Ten cents was put
in a St. Anthony charity box. The
balance of his fortune of $1 was left
to his mother.
London, England An exhibitor
in the Royal Academy Exhibition
this year is James Sant, who was
born in 1820. His record for paint
ing pictures at 95 years of age is
equalled only by Titian, who worked
up to the time of his death, at 99.
San Antonio, Tex. Mary Lehan,
38 years old, a Cherokee Indian wo
man, is said to be the greatest living
exponent of Roosevelt's theory. She
Is tbe mother of 21 children, 15 boys
and 6 girls, among them being five
sets of twins.
Waco, Tex. When gas was turn
ed Into a pipe during a high pressure
test from a nearby gas field, a shovel
was blown through the conduit for a
distance of forty miles, and was bur
ied eighteen Inches In an embank
ment at tbe open end of the pipe.
Paris. Prance Leon Coblence,
who during 35 years has developed A
marvelous dexterity witb his one
arm, is training tbe convalescents at
the Paris hospitals who are similarly
afflicted to do bis stunts. Coblence
dresses himself, makes bis tOiht,
ties bis cravat, laces bis shoes, peels
fruit, does bis gardening, trims his
own nails, rides a bicycle, plays the
piano and has a license aB driver of
a motor car.
Dr. A. J. Hathaway removes corns
and bunions without pain, ingrowing
nails a specialty. The best people
In your city can tell you who I am.
Hours from 8 a. m. to 10 a. m., and
2 p. m. to 7 p. m. Residence phone
2 p. m. to 7 p. m. Business office,
119 Box Butte, pbone 166.
RATES h The chart for both regu
lar ana special eaitiooi is le per wi
per Insertion, six words to the line.
Advertisers so desiring- mar have an
iwfn to their advertisement address
ed to a box number, car of The Her
Advertisements charred to patron.
bavins accounts are measured by th
line, not ny tne wora.
N.B. The Herald cannot be respon
slble for more than one wrong- Ineer
tlon due to typographical error. Ni
claim for error can be allowed afte
the 10th of the following month. An;
advertisement inserted to run unti
forbidden must be stopped by wrltte
MONEY TO LOAN on your land
Write the First Mortgage Loan & Se
curity Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Elderly woman wants light house
work or chamber work. No washing
Small wages. Inquire No. 504 East
Second street. 27-2t-564 4
Good Furniture
is Always Cheapest
Cheap, Shoddy Furniture
Soon goes
to pieces and
you have
nothing but
There is not a stick of furniture in our store
that will not stand any kind of a test, either as to
material or finish. Every stick is thoroughly tested
before it leaves the factory and the finish is applied
in a scientific mariner by expert workmen who know
how to produce results. Either plain or carved, in
any kind of wood.
Anything from
a Dining Chair to a
and Miller Bros, reputation goes with every article
Western Nebraska's House furnishers
WANTED Washing. Girl will do
washing by tbe hour or take washing
home. Phone Black 456.
LADY COOK and helper wanted at
hotel. D. U Shull, Hemingford. Nebr,
eight-room house, partially modern
large barn, hen bouse, milk house
and one acre of ground with apple
! cherry and small fruits. A large
windmill supplies water for the
house, barn and milk bouse; corner
of 10th f.nd Missouri. Phone 495 or
call Mrs. Amy I. Brown.
Horn avenue,
phone 712.
RENT 220 Big
Robert Campbell
Inquire of C. C. Rodgers.
LAND FOR SALE 640 acres. 32
miles from Alliance, two miles from
Canton. Call at Herald office or ad
dress Box 5629, care Alliance Her
aid. 26-tf-5629
l Sw Country, Jmat Opeaea
New railroads, new towns, soil deep
black loam with yellow clay subsoil,
prairie lands with poplar groves. cr0p
failures unknown, no stones, no
stumps, cheap lands, easy terms, the
poor man's chance to tret a home, and
the rich man's opportunity for Invest
ment. Maps and printed matter free.
We also have a few farms to ex
change for other desirable property.
Thief Itlver Valley Land t o..
Thief Kiver Falls, Minn.
farm in eastern Wyoming-. Water riant
raid for in government canal. Well
mproved. Address Box 4789, cars Al
liance Herald. Sltf-47M
FOR EXCHANGE for western Nebr.
sska land. 3-0 acre improved farm It
Nanbe county, Nebraska, five mile
from Palmer and seventeen ml let
from Fullerton. Address Bos ITS'
care Alliance Herald, with full des
rriptlon of land which you wish to
ichango and price of same.
for hi ! I i."or for sl s tipr't'
, i ".!... u.fhnK-iit cf i'Jl aii'i a tfuod
1 ci.rlon. Price reesonaHe for quick
nl. Inuuire at The Herald office
'In.ldrenn rx 5545, care .)lnce Herald
I?; I
A Special Bargain-
For the rest of this week and
Monday, June 28, we will give an
extra pair of trousers absolutely
reewith every ready made suit or
made-to-measure suit.
And like all promises given out
by this store there will be no strings
to it, but a bona fide bargain.
Come in Will you?
"Modern Clothes for Men"
308 Box Butte Avenue. Phone 4.
Six Deliveries
Beginning at once there will be six
deliveries daily on the following
8 a. m. 2 p. m:
9 a. m. 3:30 p. m.
10:30 a. m. 5 p. m.
Alliance Grocery
Duncan & Son
Mallery Grocery Co.
A, D. Rodgers
Tom Stalos
-TTTTTTTTll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
FOR SALE My property in Dun
can's addition, consisting of nine
room bouse and six and a half acres
of land. Barn 16x34, including
granary, chicken house, buggy shed.
Price reasonable. Inquire Charles
Watteyne. 22-tf-5525
ting up my hay. J.
Alliance, Nebr.
contract put
First National Bank Building-, Alll
nce. Nehr. Phones: Office, 23; Rest
denoe, Black 1.
Money to loan on real estate.
Railroad men can secure a very use
ful book at The Herald office. It la s
daily time book for trainmen and eo-
finemen. The price is reasonable.
Thirty acres of land adjoining- the
fair grounds for rent. Can be planted
to any crop. Phone Red S63.
WANTED Horses to pasture
Write C. V. Kennedy, Marsland, Neb
raska, or phone 340.
STRAYED Two black sows.
Try This on
Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt
Rheum, Tetter, dry Ecznua,
Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of
Dry Zensal. For that watery
eruption or Weeping Skin, use
Moist Zensal. 50 cents the
BAR! .T F. Till
Probably th
No-tw.en CharliV CtWL
bi jWMlard.