Ni.imASKA rhand law Every Nebraska ranchman should be ramlllar with the Uwi of the state relating to the use of brands and the Importance of having them recorded. In order 10 hate the exclusive right to and ue of their brands, atockmen must bare them recorded In the ofllre of the Secretary of State, except heep branda, which are to be recordd In the office of the county clerk of the county In which the aheep are kept, aa will be Been by the following, rhlch it an extract from the lawa of the atate pertaining to brands: Brand and Kar-Marks Recorded In Office of County Clerk Every peraon or persona being the owner of any aheep shall cause auch heep, and all of them six months old and upwarda, to be suitably branded nd ear-marked, which brand and ear-mark shall be mad of record In the office of the county clerk of the county In which such sheep are kept. Every person falling to comply with the provisions of this section shall, upon con viction thereof, be fined In any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. Branding Htock Any person or persons having cattle, hoes, aheep, horses, mules or asses, shall have the right to adopt a brand or mark, for the use of which tie shall have the exclusive right In this state, after recording such brand or mark as hereinafter provided. Recording Fees The Secretary of State shall procure a suitable book, or books, In which 11 brands and marks shall be recorded. Each person desiring a brand, or mark, recorded shall pay Into the office of Secretary of State, a fee of $1.60, for recording such brand or mark. And every five years thereafter, the owner of any recorded brand, or mark, shall pay to the Secretary of State the sum of 60 cents, for the re-recording of such brand or mark. Hrandn He-Recorded Kvery Five Years The Secretary of State shall notify the owner of any recorded brand by letter on or before September 1, 1917, and on or before September 1, every five years theresfter of the time for recording his brand and any brand, or mark, the owner of which fails to have same re-recorded as above provided becomes cancelled and may be used by another. llrands Must Not lie Duplicated No person shall have or adopt a brand or mark previously recorded un ler this act to any other person If used on the same side; neither shall the secretary of state record the same brand or mark to more than one person, unless for opposite side. Drand in Actual Use Filed with Secretary of State Any person desiring to use any brand or mark shall make and sign a certificate setting forth a facsimile and description of the brand and mark which he desires to use or to which shall be attached a certified copy of the record of such brand and mark from any county in which the same shall have been recorded. If so recorded, and showing the date of such record, and hall file the same for record In the office of the Secretary of State; Provid ed, That no brand shall be filed or registered unless the same is In actual UBe. Deride on llrands Offered for Record The authority of deciding whether a brand or mark offered for record does or does not conflict with any previously recorded brand or mark shall be vested In the Secretary of State. All brands offered for record shall be submitted before acceptance to said Secretary of State; Provided, That no brand described as being on either side of the animal shall be accepted or recorded; Provided, further, That a brand described as being on both sides may be accepted. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, to file all brands offered for record pending the examination, which he shall cause to be made as promptly as possible; and if the brand la accepted the ownership jihall date from the date of filing. . If Two Brand Are Similar, I, One Recorded Illegal r The Secretary of State shall examine any evidence of brands or marks, 'or records thereof, which may heretofore have been made In the office of any register of deeds of this state, and any other evidence of such marks or branda which may be presented by the owner, and In any case, where a brand or mark Is found which conflicts with one previously recorded, or -which might in Its use endanger the property of the party owning the brand or mark earliest of record. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to notify the party owning said brand last of record that the further use of same shall be illegal to the same extent as though It had never been record- -joint statement be presented to the Secretary of State by such brand own ers. This said notice shall be given by letter. It is expressly provided that 'this enactment shall not In any way effect or invalidate the ownership of 'animals which were branded with said brand then registered previous to such examination and rejection, the object of this act being to make Illegal and enjoin from the further use of said brand. Brought in for (.razing. Hear DlNtliigulsliIng Brand It shall be the duty of any person who, after the passage of this act, brings Into any county of this state and turns loose for grazing purposes any herd brand or individual animals already branded, to lay before the Secre tary of State a statement of the brands of said animals, and if said brands 'conflict with any previously recorded it shall be the duty of this owner or manager of said animals to brand them with a brand that the Secretary of estate shall consider a full and distinguished mark from all brands the Tecorded, but the owner shall be enjoined from further use of the conflict ing brand. A failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall render the party so falling liable for all damages resulting from such fail ure, which damages may be recovered in a civil suit. It is further provided that this section shall apply to all animals now in any county in this state whose brands are considered by said Secretary of State to Infringe on pre viously recorded ones. j Brands to Be Rejected " In deciding as to the conflict of brands, the Secretary of State shall re ject any that, being the same as one previously recorded, has In addition 'any of the following, whether placed across, above, below, at either aide, or encircling the main brand, vlx: A straight bar, a quarter, half or entire clr cle, a quarter, half or entire diamond, either upright or Inverted, the same mot 'constituting a true brand and rendering the owner of same brand liable to damages by Its use, saving only when one or more of these shall be filed j the owner of the first record of the main brand In which case it may be accepted. The Secretary of State shall reject any brand formed by repeti tion of any letter, number or figure which shall have been previously re corded, It on the same side of the animals, the exclusive right of the first record to the letter, number or figure, and to repetition of it, being re-affirmed. Ha shall also reject all brands, known aa solid brands, and all ear ' marks which shall remove to exceed one-half of the ear. A variation in the size of a letter, number, or figure shall not constitute a new brand and hall be rejected. A combination of letters, numbers, or figures may be permitted though the same letters, numbers or figures may have been re corded, single or together, If In the judgmnt or the Secretary of State said combination Is so different from any previous record as to constitute a new brand with no danger of infringement. Brand Prima Facie Evidence of Ownership In all Bults at law or in equity, or in any criminal proceedings, wtere the ownership of any cattle, horses, mules or swine la involved the brand upon any animal, above named, shall be prima facie evidence of ownership of the peraon whose brand it may be; Provided, That such brand has been cuiy recorded aa provided oy law. rrovided, runner, mat any owner or owners of any brand or brands, mark or marks may sell and transfer the same by an Instrument iu writing which sale and transfer shall not become effective until said instrument shall be recorded In the manner required by law for the recording of marks and brands and for which recording a like tee shall be charged which fee shall be disposed of and accounted for in the tame manner as fees for recording marks and brands. Pe unity for Violation Any person or persons who shall violate or fall to obey the provisions of this act, or shall continue the use of a brand or mark after the same has beeu rejected by said Secretary of State or shall continue to use any brand or mark after the said Secretary of State shall have decided that the same conflicts with a previously recorded brand or mark, shall be deemed glulty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent Jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one thousand ($1, 000) dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceed ing one year, or by both such fine and Imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Does Not Impair Rights of Owners Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to In any manner im pair the property rights of owners of live stock in the state under the laws Heretofore in force. Butcher to Record Marks and Brands Any person now engaged or who may hereafter engage in the business oi a butcher in the state of Nebraska shall keep a record of all branded beef animals he may slaughter, give age. sex, marks, and brands, of whom purchased and date of said purchase, which record shall at all times be open xor puouc inspection at nis place or business. Fxhibit Hides It shall be unlawful for any person or persons who occasionally slaugh ter cattle or beef to offer for sale said beer without exhibiting the hide or Hides or sucn beer at the time and place said beer Is offered for sale. And It is provided, further, that the brands on the hide so exhibited must not be changed, mutilated or destroyed. Keep Hide for at Least Three Days All persona other than butchers, who occasionally slaughter cattle or beef, for home consumption, shall keep the hide or hides of such animals so slaughtered for a period or not less than three days, subject to Inspection oy any person or persons. Keep Record of Branded Hides Bought All purchasers ot hides shall keep a record or all hides or neat cattle gpurchased by them, which record shall state the name or names or the per son or persons from whom purchased, their place of residence, the date or purchase and all marks and brands on said bides, which shall at all times be open for the Inspection of stock growers, their agents, and employes. Provided, That the provision of this section shall only apply to branded bides. Penult v Any person who shall wilfully violate the provisions of this act or wil fully neglect or refuse to do any act herein required shall be guilty of a .misdemeanor and on conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the Honesty SOUTH OMAHA O o E Efficiency 4 Byers Bros. & Co.'s Live Stock Commission busi ness was established on these four Corner-Stones during pioneer times THEY HAVE STOOD THE TEST of all these years and are better equipped than ever to render Satisfactory Service 7s & 3 CD o Courtesy SOUTH ST. JOSEPH Stability county Jail for a period not exceed ing three months or pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Altering Ear Mark, or Brand If any person shall wilfully and maliciously alter or deface any arti ficial ear mark or brand, upon any horse, mare, foal, filly, mule or ass, sheep, goat, or swine, cow, ox, steer, bull, or heifer the property of anoth er, every person so offending shall be fined In any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and be liable in treble dam ages to the party injured. ASHBY NEWS Ashby, Nebr., June 2 Mrs. S. M. Sears came through here Thursday on her way to Hyannis. Dr. Wm. Howell of Hyannis was called to Ashby Tuesday to look af ter his many patients. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woods left Mon day ror Colorado. They have been here ror a number or weeks at the Sampson. 5 L. E. Hubbard purchased two lots or C. D. Ray last week and will start to build in a few weeks. Miss Edith Van Werner, Joyce Hlnton and Harvey . Hubbard attend ed the dance at Hyannis last Thurs day night. J. C. Johansen, who has been here several weeks visiting at the home of Max Chrlstenson. left Tuesday ror North Platte. Our local school closed last Fri day with a big dinner and program Miss Mary Babb has taught a very successful term and It is everybody's wish that we have her next year. C. D. Kay and Art lialloren were in Hyannis last Thursday. Miss Margueritte Murphy, who has been out home for several weeks. left here Saturday ror Broken Bow ror a few days visit there, and then she goes to her home at Tecumseh Ashby defeated Bingham at Bing ham Sunday by a score ot 11 to 4. J. L. Overman our section foreman was caled to Alliance to act as fore man in the yards there. Al McDaniel the assessor was in Valentine Wednesday. Ashby went to Hyannis Monday ror a game or ball. The Hyannis team was strengthened and they won 9 to 0. The game was Interesting. WHOLE FAMILY DEPENDENT Mr. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio writes: "Our whole family depend oi Pine-Tar-Honey." Maybe someone in your family has a severe Cold perhaps It is the baby. The origina Dr. Bell a Pine-Tar-Honey is an eve; ready household remedy it gives immediate relief. Pine-Tar-Hone) penetrates the linings or the Throa and Lungs, destroys the Germs. anC allows Nature to act. At your drug gist, 25c. Adv No. S OLD HICKORY CHIPS Our sympathies go rorth to the lady petitioner who accuses her hus band or carousing with other worn en. Every right-minded man will do his carousing at home. An ancient Babylonian tablet states that the prodigal was not a legal son, the edict doubtless Having A NEW PLAN TO SAVE - Money on Your Live Stock By insuring your live stock in transit against all hazards of transportation Up-to-date shippers of live stock are taking advantage of the new opportunity offered by the "Hartford" Complete Live Stock Transit Policy. It is a great benefit to a shipper to know the cost of a consignment of stock delivered at any market Without Guessing Live stock commission men have endorsed the plan. Progressive buyers are calling for the broad protection of Complete Live Stock Transit Policies. In dividuals are saved from ruin, and the "funeral train" that daily hauls the dead animals away from all big stock yards need not worry you. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Established 1810 Hartford, Conn. Is the only company offering to producers, buyers, and shippers of live stock a broad policy, easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute pro tection against loss from all hazards of transportation, including suffocation, freezing, tramplnig, fire, collision, train-wreck, and every form of killing or in jury while the animals are in the custody of a common carrier. The rates are low; THE POLICY GIVES THE SHIPPER A CHANCE TO PLAY SAFE in building up a business by insuring his live stock on the way to the market. BE SURE and insure today. The next shipment you make may be a total loss. The "Hartford" pays promptly, whether the railroad company is liable or not. Losses set tled and paid on the basis of cash market value. For particulars address, W. B. CHEEK Local Hanager U. S. YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA Room 315 Exchange Bldg. been Issued during the period or the seven lean calves. Some or the poetry or motion ex pressed by exponents or the Grecian bend could be utilized to good ad vantage over a wash tub. According to some report?. T. li. was dismissed from the witnesj stand Just when he was beginning to enjoy himself. Keports from London would Indi cate that the militant suffragettes have been lost In the excitement. History has worked around in China to a point where the aggress ive maxims of Theodore Roosevelt. properly translated, are likely to command as much popular respect as the placid teachings of Confucius. Mexicans are doubtless wondering Just what type or New Yorker Huer ta is preparing to become a finan cial operator, a plain citizen gunman. or