The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 10, 1915, Special Stockmen's Edition, Image 17

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The Alliance
Stockmen's Edition
ITT. A TTi c.
NO. 27
George Foster was here from Can
ton last Thursday attending to busi
ness matters.
George Petri, of Angora, was here
last Thursday on business.
Skinner's Macf.roni Products,
made in Nebraska. Ask your groc
er. Adv.
Miss lVola Kleinke came In last
Friday for a short visit with Miss
Nell Keeler and other friends.
Mrs. E. S. Kinsley returned to her
home at Aurora, Nebr., last Friday
after a few days visit here with her
cousin, Bruce McDowell, and family.
Miss Edna Benedict returned last
Thursday from Hemingford, where
she had been visiting with friends
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Conover were
here last Friday from Ashby, visit
ing with friends and looking after
business matters.
Mesdames A. W. and F. W. Black
came over from Lakeside last Thnrs
day, remaining until Friday visiting
and shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Black were
here from Ellsworth the latter part
of last week looking after business
matters and visiting with relatives
and friends.
Pat King and family were here
the latter part of last week from An
gora visiting with his brother, Wm.
King, and attending to business mat
ters. R. R. Spafford went to Chadron
Friday to present the farm survey
work at a meeting of the Dawes
county farmers' association.
P. D. Gleason, manager of the Al
liance telephone exchange, returned
home Saturday from an inspection
trip which took him to Sidney,
Bridgeport and Kimball.
i J. H. Lunsford and family, of
near Lakeside, passed through Alli
ance last Saturday enroute to Port
land and other western cities, and
principally to San Francisco where
they will attend the exposition.
Superintendent W..R. Pate depart
ed. Saturday for Lincoln where he
will take special work at the Univer
sity during the months of June and
July. After finishing that work,
about August 1, he will be troey with
institute work in, the counties ad
joining Box Butte until almost time
for the next term of school.
Louie Sorenson and Sam Mottis,
who appeared in town without visi
ble means of support, were fined $5
and costs in police court last Friday
morning, and are working out the
fine on the streets.
Mrs. T. F. Wiser and daughters,
Grace and Laura, came last Friday
from Chadron, for a short visit with
relatives and friends. Their borne
is at Sidney, but they had been vis
iting at Chadron before coming here.
Mrs. W. R. Pate and children de
parted the latter part of last week
for Denver and other points where
they will visit with relatives and
friends during the summer months.
Miss Grace Wyatt came in last
fTiiday night from Lincoln, stopping
off here for a few days visit with Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Finch. Miss Wyatt's
home is at Edgeraont, to which town
she was enroute, but she has been at
tending the University at Lincoln
during the past year.
Miss Gladys Gillette came in last
Friday from Scottsbluff to take the
summer musical course at St. Agnes
Miss Belle Mulllns, teacher at the
academy, departed last Friday for
Paris, 111., where she will spend the
vacation with home folks. She will
return to Alliance in the fall to re
sume her duties, having been re-engaged.
Sam Kline returned to his duties
as cook at the Drake last Thursday,
after a week's vacation during which
he visited with relatives and friends
in MarBland.
H. A. Seidell was here the latter
tort of last week visiting with bis
brother, F. M. Seidell, the county
agent. H. A. had been attending the
veterinary college at Ames, and was
on his way to his home at Chadron.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burns and
cVugbter, Jsle, are enjoying a
'eeV's vacation in a splendid man--$er.
They departed last Friday for
Crawford, near which place they
will camp for a week. They did not
take much of an outfit from Alliance,
but will hire a tent and other equip
ment at Crawford.
Mrs. Amelia Johnson came in last
week from Canton for a two weeks
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bruce
McDowell, and family.
II. I. Krause, representing the
Pathe Film Company, of New York,
was here the latter part of last
week. While here he booked a
couple of good serials for Alliance's
picture houses.
Charles Shafer went to Broken
Bow Sunday to attend to business
J. J. Planansky was down from
Hemingford Friday attending to bus
iness matters.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rock departed
last Saturday for Council Bluffs, la.,
where they will visit with relatives
and friends.
Miss Millicent Smalley, who taught
here during the past term, went to
Thedford to spend the vacation with
her parents.
Dean A. T. Eller went to Mullen
Saturday to conduct Sunday services.
Dr. Durrle, of Boulder, Colo., pass
ed through Alliance last Friday on
her way to Crawford to attend the
camp meeting which was in progress
at that town. She visited between
trains with Miss Mabel Weidenham
er. Sheriff Cal Cox and Night Marshal
Kish returned last Friday from Lan
caster county, where they had taken
the four prisoners that were sentenc
ed at the last term of court. They
went to Lancaster Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Townley and
daughter, Miss Lillie, are expected to
arrive the first of next week from
the east to spend the summer with
their daughter, Mrs. Cal Cox.
R. B. Logan departed Saturday for
San Francisco, to attend the exposi
tion. He expects to return about the
first of August.
Rev. Grant Kirby, pastor of the
colored church, went to Crawford
last Saturday where be will conduct
services for two weeks.
Mrs. Lucy J. Slsco was over from
Ellsworth the latter part of last week
attending to business matters.
Mrs. A. J. Cole and children de
parted Sunday for Luther, Okla., for
an extended visit with ber parents,
who live at that place.
R. B. Burns went to Scottsbluff
last Friday to Join his wife, who bad
been visiting there with relatives
and friends, and on Monday they
went to Crawford to Join his parents
in their camping expedition on the
river, which occurs this week.
H. J. Wisner, editor of the Star
Herald at Scottsbluff, was here last
Saturday attending to business mat
ters. Mrs. W. A. Luce, of Sheridan,
Wyo., came in last Saturday and re
mained until Monday visiting with
Mrs. A. V. Gavin.
Mrs. L. C. Moore, a national lec
turer for the W. C. T. U., and daugh
ter Miss Eugenia Moore, were in Al
liance the first of last week, and oc
cupied the pulpit at the Presbyter
ian church Sunday night, Mrs.
Moore delivering a lecture and Miss
Moore a solo.
Philip Nohe returned home Mon
day morning from an extended busi
ness trip to Galveston, Houston and
Alvin, Texas. He said that he was
taking surf baths in the gulf a week
ago Sunday, and furthermore he ex
hibited some raw places on his arm
to show that there bad been plenty I
of sunshine in the south. The samej
weather conditions existed there dur
ing Mr. Nohe's stay as have been
here, in regard to the rainy weath
er, and Mr. Nohe says that business
conditions in that part of the coun
try are similar to what they are
Crother & Reed, at Lakeside, are
making a number of improvements,
among which are a two-story build
ing and several lumber sheds.
J. C. Johnson and family went to
Bingham Sunday for a two weeks
visit with his brother and family,
who live on their ranch near Bing
Mrs. Laura Cox came over from
Minatare Monday for a few days vis
it witi Miss Ina BeHwood.
Mrs. J. N. Andrews entertained at
6 o'clock dinner last Friday evening
in honor of the H. H. Bellwood and
B. F. Gilman families. In the ev
ening a number of friends gathered
in the home and enjoyed an excellent
P. D. Roberts went to his ranch
near Ellsworth Monday, taking with
him his little daughter Charlotte,
who will visit there a few days.
Mesdames M. L. and R. E. Kincaid
returned to Bingham Monday after
being here for several days with
their brother-in-law, Guy Kincaid,
who has been ill at the Alliance ho
tel. We have Jast received a new line
of Midsummer Hats, in Panamas and
Wash Hats. Come in and see them.
Mrs. SanqnlKt ami Daughters.
Children's Day services will be
held at the Methodist church next
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Bap
tism of children will occur at the be
ginning of the service. Regular ser
vice at 8 p. m. Everyone welcome.
A ten-pound boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Wagner, of Kewanee,
Ind., on Sunday, June 6. Mr. Wag
ner occupied a position with the
Burlington here before moving to
Kewanee. Mrs. Wagner and Mrs.
Guy Allen of Alliance are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy V. Allen depart
ed today for Kewanee, Ind., for an
extended visit with relatives and
friends. They will visit with rela
tives and friends in Denver and
Bridgeport on the way.
Irene and Gilbert Ward, the little
children whose mother died at the
hospital here about a month ago,
were sent to the home of their
grandparents at Big Sanday, Mont.,
last Sunday, to make that their
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stearns and lit
tle son went to Lincoln last Thurs
day to be present at the wedding of
his sister. Mr. Stearns returned to
Alliance Monday, but Mrs. Stearns
and son will visit in Lincoln and Om
aha before returning.
Special reduction on all trimmed
haU during the Stockmen's Conven
tion. Mrs. Sanqulnt and Daughter.
Carl Stearns went to Omaha Wed
nesday to attend the Masonic Grand
Mrs. Anna Chaffee has sold her
property at 520 Big Horn to Harry
Special Officer Phillips went to
Broken Bow yesterday to look after
business matters.
Katie Johnson, night cook in No
he's cafe, appeared at the Catholic
church Sunday morning saying that
she was "hungry and cold", and she
appeared to be in a dazed condition.
An officer was sent for and took the
demented woman to the woman's
ward in the court bouse. While
there she turned on the hydrant, and
considerable water escaped before it
was discovered. Word was sent to
her daughter in Denver, who came
here Tuesday and returned with Mrs.
Johnson. It seems that Mrs. John
son Is subject to spells of dementia,
and while under them acts very
childish. She was a valued worker
in the Nohe cafe, and this was the
first time during her employment'
that she had not been perfectly rat
ional. W. A. Field spent Sunday In Den
ver. Mrs. George Davis, accompanied
by several other members of Aloya
Chapter Easter Star, will depart Fri
day night for Seneca, where on Sat
urday evening they will constitute a
Mrs. H. J. Young and children re
turned Monday from Lincoln where
they had been for an extended visit
with her parents.
The Christian Endeavorers of the
Christian church enjoyed a hay ride
to the Beal farm last Friday night.
There were about twenty-five in the
bunch, and all had a fine time.
Mrs. Ralph Worley received a tele
gram Tuesday stating that her moth
er, Mrs. Vol Wright, at Downs, Kan
sas, was not expected to live, and
Mrs. Worley departed Tuesday for
Downs. Mrs. Wright was taken
down with measles some time ago
and her health has steadily failed
since. Her present condition is very
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Schorr came In
Sunday from La Junta, Colo., to at
tend the Elks' fair this week. They
returned to La Junta Wednesday
Mrs. Fred Fancher and daughters
departed Wednesday for Anita, la.,
for an extended visit with her par
ents, and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. L. D. Blair and children went
to Antloch Wednesday for a few
days visit with her mother, Mrs. N.
B. Berry.
A. Matthews came over from Whit
man Monday and remained until
Wednesday noon visiting with
friends and looking after business
Phillips Woboda received a tele
gram Wednesday announcing the
death of his father, at Lincoln Tues
day evenlng.-Philllps has been work
ing in the Keeler-Coursey garage for
some time. He has secured a posi
tion in a Lincoln garage and will re
main there for the present.
Nick aKttuoli came up from Ells
worth Wednesday and returned to
day accompanied by Judge Bullock,
who will represent him in an assault
case that Is pending. On Tuesday
aKttuoli was working with several
other men when they began to fight
him. He says he backed away and
turned his head to avoid their blows,
and in doing so his left eye came in
contact with a large wrench. Kat
tuoli swore out a complaint and then
came to Alliance to secure counsel
for his side.
FRESH MEATS All kinds, mut
ton, Mrk, beef, and chicken.
lodgers' Grocery. Ihone 54.
WANTED 300 rooms for Stock
men's Convention. Phone 74, Alli
ance Commercial Club.
Special train service will be ren
dered during the convention next
week for trains east of Alliance on
June 17 and 18. Train number 42,
which leaves Alliance at 12:40 a.
m., will stop at the following sta
tions: Lakeside, Ellsworth, Ashby,
Bingham, Hyannls, Whitman and
Mullen. This will give everyone an
opportunity to attend the big cele
bration at the fair grounds.
C. E. Carpenter returned home
Sunday from Creston, to which place
he had accompanied Edgar Wilson,
who has been an invalid for some
time, Mr. Wilson going to the borne
of bis brother near Creston. Mr.
Carpenter said that the sick man
stood the trip well, and if there was
any change In his condition it was
that he was feeling better at the
end of his destination. Mr. Carpen
ter said also that they had "some"
weather in Iowa during the past
wt-ek. nine Incbts of rain having fall
en in three days. Nearly all the
rivers overflowed and the crops in
the bottom land have all been ruin
ed. However, the high land crops
look excellent, according to Mr. Car
penter, and the farmers are now cut
ting their first crop of alfalfa.
On account of the bad weather on
last Sunday the annual I. O. O. F.
memorial day services were postpon
ed until next Sunday, June 13. Mem
bers and their families are requested
to meet at the hall in accordance
with former announcement.
Lew Wallace Court No. 148, Tribe
of Ben Hur, held its regular meeting
In the Nation hall Monday evening.
Six new members were initiated. The
new order In Alliance is growing rap
idly. The next meeting will be held
at 8 o'clock next Monday evening.
FRESH MEATS All kind), mut-
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
Itodgers' Grocery, Phone St.
40O HEAD of rnwt and heifers for
Mile. In Alliance Saturday, June 12.
See W. L. Clark and E. T. Kibble.
Rnnchnien near Alliance report
that from 4 to 4:30 o'clock Sunday
morning, June 6, there was a heavy
snowfall. The snow was all melted
very soon after. The weather today
is very warm.
400 II HAD of cows and heifers for
nale. In Alliance. Saturday, June 12.
See W. L. Clark and E. T. Kibble.
FRESH MEATS All kinds, mut-
ton, pork, beef, and chickens.
Rodger' Grocery, Phone S4.
400 HKAD of rows and heifers for
sale. In Alliance Saturday, June 12.
See W. I,. Clark and E. T. Kibble.
A. D. Schorr, of La Junta, Colo., a
former Alliance railroad man, better
known as "Nigger", is in Alliance
this week visiting during the Elks'
J. F. Dineen and John Burke, both
of Columbus, Nebraska, were in the
city Monday attending to business
matters. Both are owners of large
tracts of Box Butte county land and
left goodly sums with the county
treasurer in the form of taxes. They
were well pleased with the prospects
of a bountiful crop this season.
Ira Blaine of Grand Island, a
prominent horseman, was In Alli
ance during the horse sale last week.
He purchased several carloads of
horses for the English army. Sever
al were purchased from C. L. Lester,
he paying the sum of $200 as the
price for one. This is a record
Fred Mollring left Wednesday
noon for business at Osbkosh and
other points.
T. B. Stough returned today from
Grand Junction, Colo., where he had
accompanied the body of his father,
which was taken there for inter
ment. Mrs. Joe Comba came in today
from Livingston, Mont., for a few
days visit with her niece, Mrs. Dan
ny Lyons.
Mrs. R. A. Westover and daugh
ters returned to their home at Lake
side today after attending the Elks
fair here.
Otto Smith, of Hay Springs,
brother-in-law of Dr. Geo. J. Hand,
was an Alliance visitor the first of
the week.
Jacob Kaper was in from Lawn
precinct Wednesday looking after
business matters.
Dean Cross and wife, of the Epis
copal church at Sheridan, passed
through Alliance today en route to
Cheyenne, Wyo., to attend the Con
vocation of the Wyoming Episcopal
church. During their short stay they
visited with many friends. Mrs.
Cross was a former Alliance young
lady, Miss Angela Ware.
Miss Katherlne Harris returned?
today from Mitchell, where she and
her slater Margaret had been visit
ing. Miss Margaret will remain at
Mitchell for a few more days.
Mrs. H. 11. Bellwood and daughter
Ina, departed Tuesday evening for
Long Beach, Calif., where they will
make their future home. As soon
as they are settled, Dr. Bellwood will
follow, which will probably be by the
first of next month.
True Miller was down from Hem
ingford Monday attending to busi
ness matters.
Ray Stansberry spent Sunday in
Whitman looking after the interests,
of the Newberry Hardware Co.
L. G. Sampson returned to bi
home at Ellsworth Tuesday after be
ing in St. Joseph's hospital for the
past fifteen days, where he under
went an operation for appendicitis. ,
Guy Kincaid died at the Alliance
hotel Tuesday following an extended
Illness with stomach trouble. He was
a son of R. R. Kincaid, at Bingham.
The remains were taken to Bingham
Tuesdar and the funeral occurred at.
that place Wednesday.
Secretary Fisher the first of this-
week went to Gordon and Hay
Springs in his Ford and put out a
bunch of advertising for the conven
tion. Miss Alice Smlthson was here
from North Platte last Thursday vis
iting with her uncle, L. E. Johnson.
F. H. Nagelachnelder, N. S.
Schneider and S. L. Becker were
here from Angora last Thursday at
tending to business matters.
J. M. Fletcher was here last
Thursday from Broadwater, on busi
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hooper were
here from near Lulu the latter part
of last week attending to business
matters and visiting with friends.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Gustof San
doz, at the A. Buckle Bar ranch, a
fine baby girl, born Saturday, May
29. Mother and babe are doing
nicely. ,
Among those from out of town
who attended the horse sale last
week were F. W. Mellck, J. J. Plan
ansky, A. S. Enyeart, George Hedge
cock and L. II. Neeland of Heming
ford. W. C. Phillips and Jason Sh el
ton of Canton were here. Also True
Miller, Wade Curry, Elbrldge Wells,
of Marsland.
Miss Grace Dodd came in Sunday
from Halsey for a few days visit with,
the A. D. Rodgers and Charles Mur
phy families. She will remain until
after the convention next week.
C. P. Wakeman returned to bis
ranch near Antloch 'Tuesday a'te 1
spending the week-end with home
folks. He has secured a teaming
contract near Hemingford, and will
have charge of this for the next few
Mrs. Harry Plumber was here be
tween trains Sunday enroute from
Chadron, visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
A. S. Mote.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Thompson
were over from Lakeside Monday
looking after business matters and
visiting with friends. They return
ed to Lakeside Tuesday.
A Burlington special bearing A.
T. Byran, vice president, of Chicago;
G. W. Holdredge, general manager,
of Omaha; B. B. Greer, assistant
general manager, of Omaha, and
Superintendent W. M. Weidenhamer,
of the Alliance division, passed
through here last Saturday on a com
plete Inspection tour of the system.
They left here Saturday afternoon
for the Black Hills, and expected to
be In Sheridan Sunday.
J. A. Roche departed Wednesday
for Atkinson, Nebr., for a two weeks
visit with his parents. His father
has been in very poor health lately,
and his visit was hastened on that
Combination Children's Day and
Mothers' Day exercises were held at
Falrview last Sunday. Rev. J. L.
Kendall, of Lakeside, who occupies
the pulpit there every two weeks,
was unable to be present at these ob
servances separately, and It was de
cided to hold them Jointly. A bas
ket dinner was the feature of the