1 The Leading Amusement Attraction of the Stockmen's Convention X V X WILL BE THE YUMM SHOWS w World's Premier Organization " t t ? V t ? ? t V Y ? ? ? t V ? V ? t ? Y t f t V f f ? t f t Y f t Mammoth Tented Attractions, High Class and Strictly Up-to-the-Minute. Nothing to Offend on the Wortham Joy Way nv THE INTERESTING MORAL JOY PIKE WILL BE SEEN; THE BIG HIPPODROME consisting of 14 sensational acts. Largest Animal Show ever carried with a Carnival organization. ESSIE FAY and her wonderful horse "ARABIA" the fire fighting horse, the horse with the human brain. THE MIRACLE, featuring Etta Louise Blake, presenting the spectacle illusion "The King's Daughter and Tableaux D'Art. THE CRYSTAL TANGLE MAZE, the house with a thousand reflec tions; replete with surprises. , THE AUTODROME, Coghlan's Sensational Thriller, featuring MLLE. MARIE. The limit of til human daring, all doubts set aside, all skeptics con vinced. Actually drives an automobile in a circle on a perpendicular wall. THE TRIP TO MARS: Something new. Never seen in Alliance be fore. Every move you make, every step you take laugh. That eminent com edian Bill Rogers pilots the ship. DYER'S JUNGLELAND: animals from all over the world. An interesting collection of rare birds and THE FILIPINO MIDGETS: Positively the smallest people on earth; liliputians in stature .but bright in intellect and REAL entertainers. ZETTA AND HER TANGO GIRLS:' First time with tented aggrega tion; elaborately staged and magnificently costumed; a ryhmeful, timeful musical show catering to the best. FARLEY'S WONDERLAND: Featuring Princess Carita, a wonder ful entertainer. Wonderland is well worth your time. See it. NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER : Presenting Miss Lillian Cooley, champion lady high diver, and her troupe of water nymphs. CARRY-US-ALL, FERRIS WHEEL, OCEAN WAVE, and START LING FREE ACTS TWICE DAILY. Something doing all the time. Not a dull moment. Free Band Concerts ' 20 Real Attractions FUN FOR EVERYONE, AGE CUTS NO FIGURE LARGEST AGGREGATION OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA Showing at Alliance Stockmen's Convention Week, June 14 to 19 FINED FOR ASSAULT -Arthur Johnoit, Colored, Is Given n Stiff Sentence fur Strik ing Old Mail Charged with assault, Arthur Johnson, colored, was brought Into ;jolire ourt Friday morning. A he iplead not guilty, City Attorney Red 'disb. prosecuted the case, Johnson :ctlng as his own counsel. Witness- "were produced by both sides, but the case looked "dark" for Johnson from the start. It seeu.8 that Johuson and Sam Weaver an old man, were standing In front of a shining parlor Thursday evening, and an altercation was started In which Weaver called John son a "nigger". Johnson resented lng Information. Wm. Darnell, a colored boy who works In the shin ing parlor, was the strongest witness for the city, as he was an eye witness to the scene, and after his testimony Johnson decided there was no hope i for him. The result was a fine of $75 and costs, or three months in Jail, and he is taking the latter meth od of payment. ALLIANCE HONORED Distinguished Visitors Will Attend Stockmen's Convention Next Week To Sieak Here . Among the distinguished men who : will be the guests of Alliance during ! the Stockmen's Convention next ! week will be United States Senator jonnson Decarae sngnuy comuaeu , Gllbert M Hitchcock, of Omaha: In his testimony at times. Being' Governor John H. Morehead. of Lin coln; United States Representative asked the reason by Attorney Red i dish, he replied: "When a man is In a bunch of fellows, and al lot them looking at him, he is liable to say anything. All I want Is a fair show. Lots of Innocent men have been hung and sent to the gallows because they could not prove their innocence." Mot, 11a Smith, a wltnena for John- the inference and hit Weaver on the, fQr point oi me jaw. anoca.ng n.ui u, jury ghorUy Rfter Johngon w tried as the officers "had the goods on him". He was first let out on 9500 ball, but this was later rescinded and Johnson, according to the testimony, then made himself scarce until Frl-j day morning. When he was brought Into court he stoutly denied that he "had been near the shining parlor at the time of the assault, and claimed lie could produce witnesses and -prove an alibi easily. However, when his witnesses were caled, they lwere unable to give any enllghten- Moses P. Kinkald. of O'Neill. Letters have been received from these men stating that they will be here and address the visitors to Alliance. PICNIC AT SPRINGS he was paroled by Judge Roberts, with orders to report at the Judge's office every Monday morning at 8:30. NEIGHBORLY ADVICE I ! v.V Js.! "-k 1 f i V 'I I , i Alliance Traveling Men, Members of rbot M, T. I. A., Will Visit Hot Springs with Famllle At a special meeting of Post M, Travelers' Protective Association, held at the Burlington' hotel Satur day afternoon. It was decided to hold a picnic at Hot Springs, South Da kota. In the famous Black Hills reg- Freely Given by Alliance Citizen When one has suffered -tortures from a bad back and found relief from the aches and pains, that per- on'a advice is of untild value to friends and neighbors. The follow ing neighborly advice comes from an Vlliance resident. Mrs. J. E. Whaley, 422 E. Oregon 3t., Alliance, says: "Over three years tgo my kidneys became badly disor dered and the kidney secretions were annutural. Whenever I stooped, harp pains darted through my loins md it was hard for me to straighten. ( tried many remedies, but all failed to help me until I used Doan's Kid ney Pills. They brought relief in a ihort time and I continued using , (hem until I was free from kidney .complaint. I have had no reason to change my high opinion of Doan's i Kidney Pills since I recommended them some years ago." i Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't ! simply ask for a kidney remedy , get Doan's Kidney Pills the same mat Mrs. wnaiey naa. rosier-Aiu-hurn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Ion, on Saturday and Sunday, July 3 and 4. If the weather is good, the party will go In automobiles, leaving Alli ance early Saturday morning, arriv ing at Hot Springs that afternoon. They will stay over night at the fam ous Evans hotel, where an entire wing will be reserved for them. The next day they will return by auto, ar riving in Alliance that night. It Is expected that there will be about twenty auto loads on the trip. Many of the boys have their own au- tos, and special cars will be hired by those who do not. Bilious Attacks When you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its func tions. You become constipated. The food you eat ferments in your stom ach instead of digesting. This in flames the stomach pnd causes nau sea, vomiting and a terrible head ache. Take Chamberla'n's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. Compliment The Herald GOVERNOR JOHN H. MOREHEAD (iuetr of Alliance During Convention C. W. Gillln, of the Gillin Land Agency, main office at Sioux City, Iowa, one of the largest land firms in western Iowa, writes The Herald unler dale of June 2 as follows: "We appreciate The Herald very much and consider it the most thorough and newsiest paper of the many that come to our office." I Going to Omaha Robert Ludlngton and R. C. Strong, national delegates, leave Fri day for Omaha to attend the nation al convention of the Travelers Pro tective Association next week. The convention lasts the entire week. The program was printed in The Herald ; last week. LEGAL ADVERTISING U." S r La nd "ofllc eVtA 1 fl a n ceT NebraT" ka. on the 15th day of July, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: O. O Johnson, of Lakeside. Nebraska; Harry Nye. of Lakeside, Nebraska; D. N Matthews, of Lakeside, Nebraska; Ear) Watts, of Lakeside, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. -7t-697-S52 Serial No. 017003. Notice tor Pablleatloa Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior. U. 8 Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. May Notice is hereby given that, as dir ected by the Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Office, under provisions of Acts of Congress approved June 27. 1908 ($4 Stats., 617). and March I. 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), pursuant to th application of Franascsk Orblny, Ser ial No. 017003. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.25 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of July next, at this office, the following- tract of land Lot 3. Section 12. T. 22 N R. 47 W 6th P. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those E resent at the hour named have ceased ldding. The person making the high est bid will be required to immediately pay to the receiver the amount there of. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. W. W. WOOD, Register. H. J. ELLIS, Receiver. 24-7t-59-554 ' LEGAL ADVERTISING Original Town of Alliance, Nebr. Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 7, Original Town of Alliance, Nebr. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, block 8, Original Town of Alliance, Nebr. Lots 13 to 18 Inclusive, block 9, Original Town of Alliance, Nebr. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be In effect from and after its pass age, approval and publication accord ing to law. Passed and approved this 17th day of May. 1915. 1st reading, May 17, 1915. 2nd reading, May 17, 1915. 3rd reading. May 17, 1915. PENROSE E. ROMIG, Attest: Mayor. CARTER CALDER. 24-21-601-5574 City Clerk. SKXATOU i. M. Hi ll ilt'iH'K Who Will Atteud Convention LEGAL ADVERTISING Se r I SrNoTom 6 2 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, May T, 1915. Notice is hereby given that John C O'Malia, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on April 29. 1910, made Homestead Kntry. Serial No. 011462. for the SW4 NE14; SKV of Section 13. and the NVji SE4: NEli and the SWK 8BU of Section 24. Township 22 North of Range 45 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, berore Ueg Uter and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 15th day of July, 1915. m Claimant names as witnesses: W. W. Reck, of Thelma. Nebraska; U. E. Mor gan, of Lakeside. Nebraska; Charles Murphy, of Lakeside, Nebraska; J. P. Hazard, of Lakeside, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register. 23-7t-597-5541 Serial No. 010571. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska. May 20. 1915. Notice is hereby given that Col onel J. Merrick, of Jess, Nebraska, who, on December 31, 1909, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 010571, for Lots 2, 3 and 4, Stt NEU. SH NWVi and the of Section 2, Township 26 North of Range 44 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 26th day of July. 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Harry Nye, O. O. Johnson of Lake side, Nebraska; J. L. Hooper of Lulu, Nebraska, and Earl Walsh of Lake side, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. 25-7-696-5590 Serial No. 014(88. Notice for Pobllcatloa Department of the Interior, U. 8. Lantf Office at Alliance, Nebraska, May T 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Clarence L. Stoop, of Lakeside. Nebraska. wMb on April 30, 1912. made Homestead En try. Serial No. 014hs. for Lots 2. 3. 4: SE4 NW4; NKU Sec. 19; WH NWi: WV, SWt;; NEU NW; WH VRt: NWU Section 20 and Lot t In Section 80, Township 26 North of Hane 43 West of the Sixth Prineipa' Meridian, has nied notice or inienuoi to make final Three Year Proof, to es tablixh claim to the land ciibr.1. N fi,r r.e-.- "- -r-t - Ordinance No. 807 An ordinance creating street im provement District Number 6. within the city of Alliance, Nebras ka. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Alliance, Ne braska : SECTION 1. That the following street Improvement district be and the same Is hereby created within the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Street Improvement District No. 6 Lots 16 to 23 inclusive, County Addition to City of Alliance, Nebr. Lota 13 to 18 inclusive, block 4, Original Town of Alliance, Nebr. Lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 6, Original Town of Ainnp. Nebr. Lots 1 tc 6 inclusive, b'.rk t NOTICE To F. F. BadKlev. Ada Fieldinar. Bertha P. Flemine. Rnv H I.ork. wood, Truman W. Brown, Alice Tier nan, F. A. Woten. YOU and each of VOU are herehv notified that on the 17th day of May. A. D. 1915. the fnllnwlna- roanlntinna were duly adopted by the City Coun cil oi Alliance, Nebraska, towit: RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance. Ne braska, that a sidewalk be, within thirty dava from th rmhiirutinn nf this resolution, constructed and laid to me esiaDiisnea grade: On the north side of East 6th street, and ad Joining the following described premises, towit: Lot 24 and Lot 34, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka; On the east side of Big Horn ave nue, and adjoining the following de scribed premises, towit: Lot 7, Block 1, First Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka; On the North side of West 6th street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 7, Block 1, First Addition to Alliance, Nebraska; On the East Side nf T.nramla Avo and adjoining the following premis es. tOWit: Lot 13. Rlnrlr 3 Sunnj County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka; On the West side nf TH? itnm it. and adjoining the following describ- eu premises, town; Lot 2. Block 4, Second Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the North Bide of West 8th street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 7, Block 10, Second Addition to Alli ance, Nebraska. On the West side of Big Horn Ave. and adjoining the following describ ed premises, towit: Lot 5, Block 1, Second Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. Said sidewalks shall be construct ed by the owners of said property without delay and in accordance with the specifications contained in Ordin ances Nos. Ill and 126 of the City of Alliance, Nebraska. CARTER CALDER. 0?EAL city Clerk. 24-5t-604-F:S4