the ALLIANCE HERALD MOYl) C. THOMAS, Hiilne Manager JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor HARVEY K. RHODES, City Editor Published every Thursday by THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Uoyd C Tbooias, President J. Carl Thomu, Vice Prea. John W. Thomas, Secretary Entered at the poet office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls aa second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE EXEMPT FROM EXAMS Many Students la Grade Schools Blake Record That EKruse tbem from Final Etainlnatlone Those who hare not been tardy and who hare not been absent to ex ceed five days during the school term are exempt from the final examina tion, providing they have made an average grade of 90 per cent, and In no subject lesa than 80 per cent. This appllea only te the grades be low the high school. Following are (be names of the studenta who pos sessed the qualification and were ex empt from the "finals". Third grade King Kobblns, Spel xna aOteman, William Blcknell, Charles Cross, Margaret Stough, Hel en Hawes, Wayne Tbrelkeld, Jose phine Ouye, Helen Malone, Eugenia Lalng, Retha Gentry. Floyd Irwin, Tommy Wycoff, Ethel Fuller, Cath erine Harirs, Nellie Lawrence, Val entine Lawrence, Mildred Pate, Leah Wadum, Wayne Ralls, Duster Cald er, Elton Ozraun. Fourth grade Eva Deal, Lester Cross, Luclle Butler, Leland Mesex, Jack Marks, Mildred Ryckman, Jos ephine Wilson, Mildred Donavan, Jluth Ragan. Ray Russel, Ella Thompson, Elaine Ilazelton, Inei llagan, Doris Mller, Audra Summer, Elsa Wallbrtdge, Arthur Laurence, j Fifth grade Dorothy Hampton, Wattle Rhoadea, Jesse Gentry, Novel la Coursey, Leona Hodges, Pearl Campbell. Raymond Lewis, Ruth Stanton, Lee Strong, Clifford Robin eon, Harold Beans, D. Carpenter, fiobert Campbell. Oral Edwards, Robert Gavin, Margaret Hamilton, Royal Irwin, Ruth Macy, Irma Mil .ler, Uarley Richardson, Charlotte Roberts, Ray Smith, Eunice Youn ;kln. Sixth 'grade La Rhea Lunn, Lea der Seal. Elizabeth Wilson, Marjorle -Grebe, Ruby Campbell, Elsie Simp laon, Helen Anderson, Ira Wilson, Robert Blcknell, Claude Fancber, -Raymond Brown, Elmo Cader, Irma ilils, Frances Grasaman, Glenna Xawrence, Robert Lawrence, Leon .wd Pate, Frank Rathburn, Francis Whaley, Grace White, William Wil liams, Margaret Zehrung, Ivan Ache son, Evangeline Acbeson, Asel Barg er, Gilbert Conklin, Chester Hagan, Sterling Harris. Bertha Ray, Marie Hotter, Margaret Sha,wver. ' ' Seventh grade Ray Edwards, Glenn Joder, Gordon Curtis, Robert Macy, Willie Phillips. Horace Hagan, Ida Pederson, Abraham Barger, Stanley Wright, Katheryn Baker, Al ice Campbell, Ruth Hawea. Eighth grade Carrie Bye, Marie Ilatbburn, Beatrice Pate, Bessie "Younkin, Laura Weaver, Grace ISpacht. Marie Kibble, Elizabeth .Reiser, Cbloe Richards, Edward Cur- itis, Myrtle Reeves, Lena Prelsa, Julia Collins, Gladys Hler. In the high school students who Lave not been tardy nor absent to exceed five days are excused from . examinations In the subjects in which they have an average grade of SO per cent or better. The follow lng students were excused from all examtnatlona: Ralpfi Joder, Ethel Clary, Olga Feldler, Maude Nason, Laveta Boyden, Elliott Beaumont, Allen Beyer, Lester Harvey, Oral .Harvey, John Wright, Florence Atz, Eleanor Harris, Lora Nason, Doro thy Pederson, Carl Powell, Jennie Blaln, Carol Nason, Ruth Nation, Helen Schott, Donald Graham, Charles Spacht, Lura Hawkins, Hel en Hewett. Lottie Owens, Mary Pat erson, Alta Phillips, Beulah Reeves, Izetta Renswold, Dorothy Smith, Blr dene Wood, Hattie Renswold. Drake & Drake Move Office Drake & Drake, optometrists, mov ed their office the first of this week from the Fletcher block to the Den ton building, in which they now oc cupy the entire second floor. Their increasing business has caused this firm to seek larger quarters. The new location Is commodious, and will ac commodate them f or some time to come. There are six rooms in the new location. Restored to Good Health "I was tick for four years with stomach trouble," writes Mrs. Otto Gans, Zanesvllle, Ohio. "I lost weight and felt so weak that I almost gave up hope of being cured. A friend told me about Chamberlain's Tablets and since using two bottles of them I have been a well woman." Obtaina ble everywhere. MONEY" The mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORT GAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will co operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY 613 Denham Building, Denver, Colo. 22-12t-6500 HERALD WANT ADS PAY. LEGAL NOTICE la the District Court of Bo Butte County, Nebraska In the matter of the application of Cassle D. Hall, Guardian of the es tate of Willis W. Hall and Vivian E. Hall, for leave to sell real estate. At the adjourned April 5, 1915, Term of District Court, to-wlt: June 1, 1915. Now on this 1st day of June, 1915, thia cause came on to be heard upon the -petition duly verified, of Cassle D. Hall, Guardian of the person and estate of Willis W. Hall, and Vivian E. Hall, minors, for license to sell the following described real estate, to-wlt: South half of the south half of section 13, northwest quarter of section 32, lots one and two and east half of northwest quarter of section 31, west halt of southeast quarter of section 20, west half of northeast quarter and southwest quarter of section 29 in township 37 north of range 46 west of the sixth P. M. in Sheridan County, Nebraska, for the purpose of raising funds for the sup port, education and maintenance of said minors, and for Investment, and it appearing from said petition that said real estate consists of unim proved, wild prairie lands situated In said county of Sheridan, anu tuat no Income Is obtained therefrom; It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons Interested in said estate ap pear before me at the regular ad journed April 5, 1915, term of the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, to-wlt: July 13th, 1915, or as soon thereafter as said cause can be heard, to show cause if any there be, why license should not be granted to said Cassle D. Hall, guar dian, to sell said real estate for the purposes above aet forth. And it la further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for three successive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a legal news paper printed and published in said county of Box Butte. By the Court. W. H. WESTOVER. Judge. 26-41-614-5624 Reserve Your Ifcwes People desiring to reserve box seats for use during the Stockmen's Convention at the fair grounds can have them reserved by calling at the office of J. W. Guthrie, president of the Commercial Club. NOTICE FOIl niDS Sealed bids will be received by the city clerk of Alliance, Nebraska, for the removal of a quantity of dirt on Fifth street between Big Horn ave nue and Box Butte avenue, sufficient to put the street to grade. Specifi cations msy be obtained from the city engineer. Board reserves right to reject any or ail bids. All bids must be in by noon. May 25. CARTER CALDER, 24-H-5579 City Clerk NOTICE All dogs must be provided with a 1915 license within the next thirty days and they must be securely fas tened to the collar and worn at all times to afford protection. Other wise, the dogs will be taken up and if not claimed within twenty-four hours they will be killed. PENROSE E. ROMIO, , 24-tf-5577 Mayor. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RATBtt Tha chirrs far both rmmn. lar and special editions Is le par wore psr Insertion, six words to the llae. Advertisers so dsslrlnr anay have as swers to their advertisement address ed to a box Dumber, care or Tbe Herald. Advertisements charred to eatroaa having accounts are measured by the line, not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot be respon sible for more than one wrong Inser tion due to typographical error. Ne claim for error can be allowed arte the 10th of the following month. An advertisement ' Inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by wrlttes order. HELP WANTED FEMALB LADY COOK and helper wanted at hotel. t. L. fchull, Hemlngrord, Nebr. Z3-tf-6B64 FOR RENT HOUSES" HOUSE FOR RENT 220 Big Horn avenue. Robert Campbell, phone 712. 26-tf-5627 MISCELLANEOCg WANTED By respectable young woman, a nice young lady for room mate In place suitable for light bouse keeping. Address Box 874, Alliance. 26-lt-fi28$ ROOMS WANTED 300 rooms wanted for use of visitors to the Stockmen's Convention. Phone 74. Alliance Commercial Club. 26-2t-5626 JAMES M. KENNEDY, DENTI8T First National Bank building. Alli ance. Nebr. Phones: Office, tl; Resi dence. Black 10. WEAVING I have my loom now and am ready to weave carpets and rugs. Write Mrs. U L,. Unger, Alliance, Nebr. Reside 11 miles southeast. Money to loan on real estate, tf F. B. REDDISH RECORD FOR TRAINMEN Railroad men can secure a very use ful book at The Herald office. It la a daily time book for trainmen and en- finemen. The price is reasonable. -tf-S7zS ' LAND POR RENT Thirty acres of land adjoining; the fair grounds for rent. Can be planted to any crop. Phone Red 861. Z3-tf-6E49 WANTED Horses to pasture. Write C. V. Kennedy, Maraland, Neb raska, or phone 840. 19-tf-6408 HOUSE FOR RENT OR Inquire of C. C. Rodgers. 25-tf-5588 SALE. rOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED ROOM 618 Box Butte Ave. 21-3t-5476 for rent. rOR SALE LANDg NOTICE OF HEARING State of Nebraska; Box Brute County, ss. ' IN THE COUNTY COURT OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. To all Persons interested in the Es tate of Peter Rubendall, deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of June, 1915, Ward M. Rubendall filed his Petition In the County Court of said County for the appointment of Anna M. Rubendall aa Administratrix of the Estate of Peter Rubendall, late of said County, deceased, and that the same will be heard at the County Court Room in the City of Alliance in said County, on tbe 28th day of June, 1915, at the hour of Two o'clock p. m. It Is further ordered that Notice of aaid Hearing be given all parties In terested in said Estate by tbe publi cation of this Notice for three suc cessive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in said County. Dated this 1st day of June, 1915. L. A. BERRY, County Judge. Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. '26-4t-5614-613 LAND FOR SALE 640 acres. 32 miles from Alliance, two miles from Canton. Call at Herald office or ad dress Box 5629, care Alliance Her ald. 26-tf-5629 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL The State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT The State of Nebraska, to all per- . ,sons Interested in the estate of Pet- New tenantry, Jast Opened ' er D. Spracklin, deceased. , New railroads, new towns, soil deep. v,, " .. ,... ,ij '.,. black loam with yellow clay subsoil.' You are hereby notified that an prairie lands with poplar groves, crop Instrument purporting to be the last failures unknown, no stones, no will and testament of Peter D. stumps, cheap lands, easy terms, the oriraPitin riprpnaod la on fll In unlH poor man's chance to get a home, and &Pra5-"n. aeceasea, is on nie m sata the rich man's opportunity for invest., court, and also a petition praying for ment. Maps and printed matter free, the Probate of said instrument, and ehSVlfir X'r sfrabfe'Tropty" the PP"ntment of Calvin J Thief River Valley Land Co Wildy as administrator with the will Thief Ulver Falls, Mlnri. annexed. That on the 12th day of I4.82t-B7Q1 .Tim. 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m.. said petition and the proof of the execu tion of said Instrument will be heard, WANTED TO TRADE Irrigate and that if you do not then appear farm i n ea - tf r n W y o m i n g. Water rig.hl ftnd conte8t Baid Court may probate UHIIl 1UI ,U HU.VIIIIIlOUh lull n . t a w A rt . . . , mlnlstration of the estate to Calvin J. Wlldy. This notice shall be published for three weeks successively in The Al liance Herald, prior to said bearing. Witness my hand and official seal this 24th day of May, 1915. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge. 25-4t-612-5609 FOR EXCHANGE for western Nebr. aska land. 120 acre Improved farm la Nance county, Nebraska, five miles from Palmer and seventeen mi lei from Fullerton. Address Box 6714 care Alliance Herald, wtth full des cription of land which you wish to ex change and price of same. NORTHWEST NEBRASKA acre age wanted in exchange for one of the best farms in the Pecos Valley. Value, 812,000. Address French & Fisher, Roswell, New Mexico. BYER'S Billiard Parlor THE finest place of its kind in town. Nine tables in first class shape. The best of service. We serve ice cream, soft drinks, cigars, tobacco and confec tionery. Your patronage will be appreciated. MIKE BYER, Prop. Corner Second Street and Box Ilutte Avenue. LAND TO TRADE i m prove -I. Address Box 4789, care Al ienee Herald. utr-m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 135.00 Kitchen Cabinet for sale at bar kb In. Dr. Geo. J. Hand. 23-tf-6550 RELINQUISHMENT on homestead for sale. I offer for sale a homestead relinquishment of 191 acres in good lo cation. Price reasonable for quick le. Inaulre at The Herald office ot address Box 1246, care Alliance Herald. 10-tf-14 Good second hand sewing machine for sale for flO. at Snyder's Cigar Store. Sewing machines for rent, at 2 per month, may 20-21-5581 FOR SALE Remington wide car riage typewriter, elite type, visible, and In excellent condition. Will sell at a bargain. Phone Black 443. C. J. FAUGHT. 26-5612-tf FINE PLANTS Tomatoes, cabbage, sweet pota toes, 50c per hundred, postpaid. C, R. Shall, Broken Bow, Nerb. 22-4t-5496 To Do FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY NOHE'S BAKERY AND CAFE for sale at a sacrifice, on account of oth er business to attend to. Good, pay ing business and fine equipment. 117 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr.. 19-tf-5419 Rooming house for sale. In good location. Phene 277. 21-tf-5490 FOR SALE Mr property In Dun can's addition, consisting of nine room house and six and a half acres of land. Barn 16x34. including granary, chicken house, buggy shed. Price reasonable. Inquire Charles Watteyne. 22-tf-5525 LOST LOST Lady's lower false teeth, on Box Butte Ave. Finder Please re- turn to Herald office and receive re ward. 25-lt-2t8 LOST Twin topax stick as con nected with chain. Finder return to Herald office, or phone 100. may 20-tf-5569 That Fencing Job at the lowest cost you better let us supply all the Fence Posts You can't get better stuff than we have ready, and we believe our fig ures are about the lowest that such quality was ever sold at. Come In next time you are In town and we will talk over the situation. You need some of our lumber, any way. Dierks Lumber Co. GEORGE J. HAND Practice of Medicine and Surgery Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat The fitting of Glasses Calls answered from office day or night. PHONE 251 ! WRI nAMr-c- m iVl riM &M& J ADVICE ABOUT YOUR EYES $K It Is necessary that you know how to buy glasses intelligently. It Is equally necessary to know where and from whom to buy them. After an experience of sev eral yearn, we have kept In clone and active association with many ieople we have treated for eye defects, and have as yet to find one complaint due to Inefficient work. The proper lenses, with correctly fitted mountings, aire es sential to proper results. DRAKE & DRAKE Registered Optometrists BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED FIRST ANNUAL Indian Congress GORDON, NEBRASKA . June 8, 9, 10, 11, 1915 First Grand Council of the American Indian Ever Held In the United States a Speaking by Many Prominent American Indians and Noted Men f 1,000.00 IN PRIZES 91,000.00 RACES RIDING DANCING GAMES BALL GAME EVERY DAY Don't Miss This Unique Celebration COME! AND SEE THE AMERICAN INDIAN AT PLAY Announcing Th "TWIN -SIX A twelve-cylinder car which, by a rap idity of pick-up. a range of high-gear ac tivity, an ease of hill-climbing, a sureness of sustained speed and a nicety of control never before combined in any motor car recasts every motor car standard and antiquates all previous ideas of motor car sufficiency.' ' . ORR MOTOR SALES COMPANY Fortieth and Farnam Streeta OMAHA. - - NEBRASKA (Me the Summer Hlore Enjoyable There is nothing that adds so much xest and enjoyment to the summer season than having your front porch equipped with appro priate furnishings. Just consider what a pleasure it Is to sit out on the front porch In the evening or in the afternoon and enjoy life in a commodious wicker rocking chair or In a swing. WE HAVE THE WICKER EQUIPMENT IN EITHER SINGLE PIECES OR SETS together with other upto-date torch furniture. All the new styles, of handsome substantial appearance yet moderate price. We were fortunate In securing such a classy assortment, of light and heavy weights, and they will last almost a natural lifetime. The price is low for the quality, and any article to the assort ment will outlast several cheaper articles. Come in any time and see them. MILLER BROTHERS H O U S E F U R N I S H E R S v J,