The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 20, 1915, Image 3

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V 1
Always the Best Work
Painting, Paperhanging
and Decorating
Estimates Gladly Furnished
Work Guaranteed to Please
B. V. Reeves
Phone Black 282
Exchange Gossip
Mrs. J. B. Orange of Alliance ar
rived Tuesday night for a fpw days
visit with friends. Cbadron Journal.
J - .MWMtAri - ' , f ' . V- " t,
You don't have to be everlastingly watching the "want" columns
if you have the knowledge that not only puts you in a good position,
but that also keeps you there at a steadily increasing salary.
It's not a question of being a walking encyclopedia, but of having
the sound, practical training that makes you an expert at your chosen
calling that brings you a good salary year in and year out that puts
you first on the promotion list and last or the "laid-off list" that keeps
your position safe and sound while other cjaps are going the rounds
looking for work.
The International Correspondence Schools, of Scranton, deal in train
ing for higher salaries. The I. C. S. comes right to your home and makes
you an expert whether you're sixteen or sixty whether you live one or
one thousand miles away whether you're an outside or an inside man.
Does it in your spare time, without requiring ycu to buy a single book.
To learn how the I. C. S. can help you, mark the attached coupon and
mail it today. No charge for the information and advice it .rings.
True Miller went with his car to
Alliance, Tuesday, he and wife re
turning yesterday, Henry
Apply Cream in Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages,
A Good Position
and More Money
Not a dollar or two more, but
your salary doubled, trebled,
quadrupled. That's the kind of
success thousands of poorly paid
men. and , women .have already
won through I. C. S. help. On
an average 400 students every
month voluntarily report salaries
increased and multiplied as the
direct result of I. C. S. help.
, Mail the coupon NOW. w
International Correspondence Schools
Box 888, Scranton, Pa.
P'eaaa explain, without lurtnet obHcatloa cm my
fart, ajw I caa quality lot tbe poatnoa. ttadt, or
prutaiaioa btfora which I aava miked X.
. Au1.fna. Dunning
Poultry Farming
Advertising Mart
SlwvCaf Writing
Winaaw TrimrnMtf.
Cammrtsi.i lliiMtratlng
lnu,t,ial 0..ianma
Arotiit.aturat O'attsnMa
I O.rmaii
AroftiUaturtt O'attM
Chemist f "'
Sark.rf 1 Germ
C'V.Ieryl ItfHaV
ttrlcl wVifmn
clHcal igtnecf
Mechanics I Drs it smart
Mechanical Insjinss
Ti Expert
ttat.afery ftgintr
Teal Me ManuUtnnnf
Crv4 engineer
ttMing Contrasts
C flawtrwtia
lta.i.fw, ttaam Ftiitno
Mtn Fo'Ctnan
Mint upenef.e,e,t
Strut and No..
a. . n -ia, - .w J
Over 90 per cent of
Business Men Fail
Men fail in business because they do not know the game.
They lack system and a thorough knowledge of their business.
The reason why so many would-be farmers fail is because they
know little or nothing of the science of farming. They think
anybody can farm and then are surprised to find that their
crops will not grow. The farmer who is always behind, who
always has bad luck with his crops, is the man who farms by
guess and trusts to luck. If he were in the mercantile business
he would be in the hands of a receiver within a year. He is
a failure but he hangs on because the poorest farmer can get a
living out of the land if he only plows and sows the seed.
An Agricultural Education
The first thing a young man who intends to go into busi
ness should do is to take a course in a business college. Here
he can become familiar with the first principles of business,
without which he will fail. The first thing a man who expects
to farm should do is to take a course in an agricultural college,
if he can, but if he has not the time or the money to spend in a
two-year course, he can get the same instruction at home by
taking a course in the Campbell Correspondence School of Soil
Culture. Everything is furnished books and all at a very
slight cost, and the best thing about it, he does not have to
leave the farm or his work.
lie can choose from the following courses:
Soil Improvement Course Cereal Culture Course
Horticultural Course Dry Farming Course
Small Farming Course Farm Engineering Course
Boll Tillage Course
Summer is the time to study agriculture, and the farm and
garden is the laboratory in which to work out the problems.
Don't wait for fall or winter to begin, but get bsuy now. You
will learn more in one summer applying your instruction in the
fields than in a dozen winters sitting by the fire.
Send for our catalog Number 8. It will not cost you a cent.
Correspondence School
Ah I What relief I Your clogged nos
trila open right up, the. air puKtvAo of
your head are clear and you can breathe
freely. No mors hawking, fnufning,
raucous discharge, headache, dryn'eas no
struggling for breath at night, your cold
or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your
druggist now. Apply a little of this
fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos
trils, let it penetrate through every air
passage of the head) soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane,
giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream
Balm is Just what every cold and ca
tarrh sufferer baa been seeking. It's
just splendid.
Mashek is the latest to Join the ranch
gas burners, having Invested In a
30" Overland, Harley Miller assist
ing him In the drive from Alliance
here yesterday. These new Over-
landers are making demand for liar-1
ley, and ho is developing Into a nrst
cUbb instructor for buzs wagoners.
Kd. Ollrog went to Alliance In
his Overland, Tuesday afternoon,
taking Mrs. E. T. tiregg, Miss Doris
and C. II. Richey. Mr. It. left Alli
ance that night for Rochester, Minn.,
to consult the Mayo doctors, and see
If he may gain some relief from his
ailment of aeveral years, but which
has been more pronounced this
spring. Ed. and tbe ladles returned
Wednesday forenoon Marsland Tribune.
John W. Thomas of the Alliance
Herald was here on his way to Oma
ha and dropped in to this office to
say hello. Mr. Thomas' paper pays
special attention to a stock depart
ment and he was going to Omaha on
business in this connection yester
day. W. D. Fisher of Alliance
was here the latter part of last week
on his way home from Lincoln where
he had attended a state meeting of
Commercial Club men. Mr. Fisher
is having good success with his Alli
ance work and ia under contract with
the club there for a good part of a
year yet. Norfolk Press.
A traveling booze agent of Denver
was fined $50 and costs by the may
or of ScottsbluS last week. This
member of the "Denver Doozer
FARE $322
vs. is lit ii rail ':---- ltiuu.x. 71
Tha Inrrreat and moat toatlr at
ttona fur iww paastmgara.
The Great Skip "SEEANDBEE"
on any Inland watar of tha warld. Blaaptng i
3 Man-Meant Staamara "CITY OF BUFFALO"
CLEVELAND Daily, May 1st to Dec lit BUFFALO
Lntf Clrvrtand (:00 P.M. Laara Buffalo a -O0 P. M. .
aotnta. Railroad tick-
Arnva buffalo :30A.M, Arrira Ciavaiaad
(Central Btandard l ima)
CormartWma at Buffalo for Nlamra Fall and all ICaatarn and Canadla
ata raadina brtwaen Cleveland and Buffalo are food for tranaportatioa an our
your nfur,. wfqn nrr nci''u v. o, n. Irntj,
iitAutifrlly colore-d itecttona. pussi chart, nhowrnr both exterior and inUriur of lb Uraail
orup ttr.hANUHft.E. ' lent on NMiptoi nv rents) to tarm pamun ana nuung. ajn
7 mrr zr-paHTf pirrorrtti inn rwmjnivm noose in Trttj.
rswt I
-J P
With alternate (roups of 3-inch
Box Pleats Croups of 6 half
Ineh aide pleats going from
center to right and left.
Above skirt should be prepared
from straight width of goods and
should not be out gored at top. Al
low two inches for the hem and two
Inches for shrinkage on each width
of goodB used. , Material should
measure three yards around bot
tom before pleating. Price $2.50
for pleating only. All wool or all
silk goods hold pleat best. Avoid
cotton mixtures.
Everything in Pleating, Covered
Buttons, Hemstitching. Picot Edg
ing. Send for free price lists.
Club" no doubt thinks all roads in
Nebraska are hard to travel. The
North I'latte valley towns are mak
ing life one continual round of tor
ment for Denver boot-leggers. They
are bound for hell anyway, but as the
Denver Post says, "Hetter go by way
of .luleshurg." The Post Is "relia
ble", with the arrent on the second
sylable. Scottsbluff Republican.
Frank J. Was, cashier of the First
National bank of Alliance, visited
our city on Thursday last. Broad
water News.
I) u sty's Dabbling
A headline In an exchange states:
Widow FlRhts for 116.000.000."
There are plenty of widows, and oth
ers, too, that will fight for a great
deal less than that.
Trainmaster Nelson of the Alli
ance division, and Building Inspector
Bell with engine 366 were in Edge-
mont Thursday morning on an in
spection of bridges. Edgemont Express.
There Is only one letter's differ
ence in the spelling of "leaner" and
leader", but, oh, what a difference
n their meanings.
One reason some people never get
ahead is because they spend too ma
ny five dollar bills In winning two-bit
Dr. Jones took Frank Iledglln to
Alliance Sunday and performed an
operation for appendicitis. Mr. H.
was taktn with a severe attack Sat
urday night. The operation was
performed in due time, before the
pus had broken bounds and super
ated througfih tbe body to poison
the system. Dr. Deputy of
Bayard died Tuesday morning, of tu
berculosis. . Here was a man loved
by everybody who knew him. He
had known for years that the white
plague claimed him for its own.
Skilled physician that he was. he
thought little about himself. He had
a kindly, affectionate Interest in peo
ple that "went deeper than tbe mere
anxiety of the faithful physician for
the welfare of his trusting patient.
He performed life's duties like a
true man a brother to his kind as
well as faithful physician. He was
conscious to the last, and knew full
well the end was approaching, and
passed into the unknown unafraid.
He died as heroes die thoughtful
only of his wife and children, and
his weeping friends. Fortunately
for the world there are many of Dr.
Deputy's kind, but none too many.
He leaves h wife and a daughter and
son to treasure the memory of a lov
ing husband and father. Bridgeport
In this highly educated age, there
are still a few Ignorant mall order
concerns that insist on stamping in
tbe upper right band corner of their
envelopes, "Place Stamp Here",
Honesty continues to be the best
policy. Only tbe other day a lady
n a neighboring city found a pocket
book containing (3,000. She spent
orty cents in finding the owner, and
was given the reward which waa
twenty-five cents.
Here Is one that will give the ma
thematicians an opportunity to dis
play their ability: "If it takes a four-months-old
woodpecker with a rub
ber bill nine months and thirteen
days to peck a hole through a cy
press log that is large enough to
make 117 shingles, and it takes 16S
shingles to make a bundle worth 93
cents, how long will it take a cross
eyed grasshopper with a cork leg to
kick all the seeds out of a dill pick
Miss Leota Walker of Mason City
has been re-engaged for the second
year as teacher in the Alliance city
schools. O. P. Jackson, a pos
tal clerk on this route from Lincoln
to Alliance, recently had a bullet tak
en out of his leg that he has carried
there sixteen years. The bullet was
the result of an accident while hunt
ing. The Lincoln police are
looking for Alfred Bourne. Alf is
not guilty of any particular thing
outside of being a hobo, but they
want to find him to let him know his
old uncle died In Australia and left
him a seven million dollar fortune.
Mason City Transcript. ,
Tbe commercial club of Alliance
has put three good ordinances up to
tbe city dads for consideration, and
urges their passage. One would
compel eacl rjtlzen to provide a safe
and secure place for retaining ashes
-a metallic can or vault and that
ashes be wet down when moved. That
would be an excellent ordinance for
Wayne to have, for even the farmers
who come to town criticise tbe un
sightly ash piles, and object to the
practice of burning papers on the
streets. Another would compel all
grocers, restaurants, meat markets.
livery barns and other places that at
tract and breed flies to keep one or
more fly traps in operation during
the summer season. The other was
to make it necessary to present plans
and secure a permit for all new
buildings and additions thereto, so
that there might be city supervision
of building. They are all good.'
Wayne Democrat.
Big Real Estate
Carl Thomas of Alliance, who was
formerly the Courier linotype oper
ator, spent Sunday with friends in
this city. Gerlng Courier.
Judge Westover of Rushville was
In town on Monday and made a to
Icial call at this office. The senior
editor was out at the time and re
grets very much that he missed meet
ing the Judge as be does not enjoy
the pleasure of his acquaintance
Next time we go to Rushville we will
run the court down. Gordon Jour
If Taken at Once
Will sell, trade or exchange my equity
in my house and lot at
408 Big Horn Avenue
What will you giver Will take part in
trade. Correspondence answered
promptly. Address
iF. A. Woten,1
Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Amount of loan may be ascertained
rVom the Alii nice Building and Loan
Guard Your CilJrcn
Against Bowel Trouble
Msny chi'.oren at :;n early ait
becoaie const.;itcd, nJ frequently
serious concuicnces result. Not
beinii able to realize his own con
dition, a chiM's bowel should b
constantly watched, and a gentls
laxative given when necessary.
Dr. Miles Laxative Tablets art
especially well ad ;ttd to women
and children. i i.e listers ol
Christian Charity, 531 Charles St.,
Luzerne, I'a., who attend many
cases of sickness say of them:
"Boms time ago we began using Dr.
Vfllea' Laxative Tablets and find that
we Ilka thi m very much. Thalr acttoa
Is excellent and wa are grateful for
having been mad aciuilnted wltA
them. Wa hava had good reaulta ia
very case and the platers aJa vary
much pleased."
The form and flavor of any medi
cine is' very important, no matter
who is to take it. The taste and
appearance are especially important
when children are concerned. All
parents know how h ird it is to give
the average ci..ld "medicine," even
though the taste i partially dis
guised. In using )r. Miles Lax
ative Tablets, however, this diffi
culty is overcome. The shape of
the tablets, tlieir abearance and
candy-like taste at o; ce appeal to
any child, with the result that they
are taken without oLjcction.
The rich chocolate flavor and
absence of other taste, make Dr.
Miles' Laxative Tablets the ideal
remedy for children.
If the first box fails to benefit,
the price is returned. Ask your
druggist. A box of 2$ doses costs
only iS cents. Never sold in bulk.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Inc.
That stylish Alliance lady who
persists in parading the streets wear-
ng low shoes and with a small hole
n the heel of her stocking showing-
above, will please either get a new
pair of hose or else wear high topped
shoes. This Is published by request.
Annual crop note: "Big Croo
Prospects Cause Wheat Decline."
Some refined lady takes up con
siderable space in an exchange with
an editorial on "mashers", stating
that It is necessary for women to ap
peal for police protection In sucbi
cases. No, dear lady, if the women
will wear enough clothes to cover
their anatomy and wear them in the
right shape, it will not be necessary
to ask for assistance from the police
so often.
The United States Is not the only
nation that has required tbe "ulti
matum" habit. Japan recently sent
an ultimatum to China.
It is said that a dollar bill collects
all the filth and dirt in Its neighbor
hood in its rounds from the pockets
of one man to another, but it see ns
that every one is willing to take
chances on getting some filth In their
The Chicago officials have gone
and done it. Tbey have issued an
order that hereafter, all klases must
be short and snappy. This means
that there will be no more of those
long-winded, six cylinder, self start
ing, soul kisses. And to make mat
ters worse, all catch-as-catch-can
hugging has also been tabooed by
the heartless officials, and it is now
compulsory that tbe young man put
his arm on or above his lady love s
shoulder. Great guns! Have the
Chicago city officials forgotten the
many happy moments, or even hours,
they have spent spattering kisses ov
er a girl's countenance, and the de-
liclousness of each single hug an&
kiss which they bestowed and receiv
ed in their younger days? Shame on
thera for putting a time limit on
kisses. Somebody should get out a
restraining order and prohibit them
from enforcing the rule. For what
good Is a kiss if you can't draw it
out to suit the occasion and the
girl? (Alliance officials take notice.)
Little girl, you surely look cute in
that new dress of yours, don't you?
The one that starts somewhere be
tween tbe neck and waistline and
stops long before it gets to your feet.
It's right in style, isn't it? Of course
you have to be in style, no matter
how it looks. And you think you
are making quite a hit, don't you,
little one? You think you are a
leader in styles. Naturally you
think so, because all the men on the
street gaze at you as you trip mer
rily along your way. Sure they look
at you but did you ever, little fool
ish one, stop to consider why they
gazed at you? No? Were you con
ceited enough to think they were ad
miring your pretty face? You had
n't given much thought to that, had
you? Well, listen you just ask
your big brother about it tomorrow,
and if he isn't too sensitive about
giving your pride a severe Jolt, he
will put you right on a few things,
and if you follow bis advice you will
go home and put on something that
will cover two legs and other parts
of your anatomy.
Just as long as you put on all of
that so-called style, just that long
are you inviting insulting remarks
and rude stares from the men. For
there is nothing so charming as a
young girl's modesty, and tbe one
who realizes this and gets a lot of
foolish notions out of ber head ia the
one who gets the best and makes the
most out of life not the one whose
sole ambition is to see how much of
herself she can exhibit to the gaze of
the public.
He has absolute faith in his medi
cinehe knows when he takes it for
certain ailments he gets relief. Peo
ple who take Dr. KIng'a New Discov
ery for an irritating Cold are opti
mists they know this cough remedy
will penetrate the linings of the
throat, kill the germs, and open the
way for Nature to act. You can't
destroy a Cold by superficial treat
ment you must go to the cause of
tbe trouble. IV an optimist. Get a
bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
AdT No. 3