ft IB n 1 1 Men's High Art Suits and Overcoats Formerly Hold at $13, $20, $25 Clow Out Price $5.00 Fine All Wool Dress Goods Formerly fiold for $1.25 and $1.50 yard 45c Women's Furs Fine Muffs and Collar Piece Sold up to $7.50 98c lull MAY 15 Day Mo re Will the Bargain Crater be open to the people of Alliance and surrounding country. Only tvvo days to obtain your wants and needs in Clothing, Dry Goods, Furnishings and Shoes at next to give-away prices. It's a miracle in bargain giving and has never been equaled in the history of Alliance sales and will be regarded in years to come as the greatest bargain feast the people of Alliance and surrounding country have ever had the opportunity to attend. In due justice to yourself it will pay you to see the bargains that will be offered you for the remainder of this sale Men's and Young Men's Shoes The entire line of men' and young meti'a felioe, erept Nettleton' ' 98c pair Men's and Young Men's Straw Hats Entire line that formerly old up to $4.00 25c Men's Odd Trousers Km I re line that formerly ' ftold for $4.00 $1.75 THE OR ASH 00ME DOWN 0 THE P R5) Men's and Boy's regu- Thrpof per . Op Darning Cotton Rp Men's Duck and Cor- lar 50c grade light un- vdU spool Four Balis duroy Coats, regular derwear, per garment $2.50 and $3.00 grades 20c 1 Buttons cpag . . 3c Ribbon ypa5 ... 4c 98c I i Ml D) P ini ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND SHOE STOCK Now Being Sold by the Hoshurg Sales Co., Lincol n Ncbr. H. H. BAKER, Manager