VORTHAM SHOWS COMING Have Succppded In PoMponlng Deail Md Kngngcmnt -Contract 11m IUmmi Itarelved J. w. Uutbrle baa received the signed contract from the manager of the Great Wort ham Showa, which meana that they will positively be In Alliance during the Stockmen'a Con Tentlon In June. A letter accom panytng the contract atated that the necessary arrangements have been made with the Dead wood people and that they will ahow at that place later. Alliance la Indeed fortunate In get ting here an entertainment of auch a iilgh class. In reality it la fifteen separate and distinct abowa, which are combined under one manage ment. They require twenty-flve cars to transport their equipment, and carry 300 people and hundreds of animals. There waa some doubt last week as to whether or not they would be here, aa tbey found It nec easary to make special arrangements with the Burlington, but this matter has been arranged satisfactorily. With the Wortham shows and the several auto-polo games, there will be plenty "going on" during the con Tentlon. Plenty of advertising mat ter has been received from both en terprlses, and the country is being billed for miles around. No guaran tee Is required by the Wortham peo ple, and their contract reada that they are to give ten per cent of the receipts to the Commercial Club. REAL KSTATE llAIMJAINM People who are looking for a honit or farm, or for a money-making In vestment In any kind of real estate will do well to call at our office and investigate the following: Fine residence lots. In good loca tlon. For aale on easy terms. Seven room house. All modern Or northeast corner lot. Six blockf from Dm' corners. At a bargain on easy ui ms. Good small nouse In northeast pan of town. Six lots. Chicken houst and stable. Easy terms with small ash payment. Uood home for some one. 320 acres good farm land. Unlm proved. Within five miles of Alii -ance. For sale or trade at a bargain On our lists we have a number of good ranches. Letters of Inquiry are answered promptly. Tell us whit you want and bow much you have to Invest. We can suit you. Phone 658. E. T. KIBBLE L COMPANY, 211 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr 16-tf-5333 ASHBY NEWS the muscles. The most common forma are: Acute and Chronic Rheu matism, Rheumatic Headaches, Scia tic Rheumatism and Lumbago. All of these types can be helped absol utely by applying some good llnlmenl that penetrates. An application of Sloan's Liniment two or three times a day to the affected part will give Instant relief. Sloan's Liniment Is good for pain, and especially Rheu matic Pain, because It penetrates to the seat of the trouble, soo'hea the afflicted part and draws the pain. "Sloan's Liniment Is all medicine." Get a 25c bottle now. Krep It handy In case of emergency. Adv No. 3 Ashby, Nebr., May 12 Art Hollo ren gave a dance over the office of his hardware store Tuesday evening. Lee Woods of Alliance Is here this week visiting at the home of John Bampson. Mr. and Mrs. Lauffer, out south of town seventeen miles, came in Tues day night after a load of lumber to finish building his house. J. A. Jonea of Washington, D. C, tame in Tuesday and drove out near Survey to work on the government survey. J. II. Waddingtoa came up from Broken Bow Tuesday to make his home here on the section he pur chased some few weeks past. Miss Van Warner la here visiting her friends for a few weeks. Miss Lillian Smtzer returned to Hyannis to assist in the hotel there for a few weeks. Messrs. Jones and Martin from Survey spent the night In Ashby on their way to Hyannis to look after some business matters. Mrs. Rhodes came In on 44 Sat urday to spend Sunday with her son Cecil, the depot operator. John Holloren of Ottawa, Kansas, Is here spending a few daya with his son Art, and looking after the lum ber business for this spring and sum mer. Dr. Hagal of Cornelia, Iowa, came In Saturday to look after his interest In his ranch. Mr. Watts came buck from Colo rado Springs Saturday, where he has been spending a few weeks for the benefit of his health. He went out to bis place the last of this week. Mrs. Donohoe and son of Alliance came down on 44 Saturday to attend the dance given out at Mr. Burns'. Mr. Gllroy came In Saturday to spend a few days with his brother, U. J. They went out to his Kinkaid Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parklson, ou south of town, gave a dance for their many friends Saturday night. All present report a tine time. A number of our good people met Sunday in the school building to or ganize a Sunday school. Every one Is Invited to come out next Sunday and help A6hby have a pood Sunday school. ' Cecil Rhodes and mother spent Sunday in Hyannis with friends. Cha8. Bonewa is building a store room out south of Ashby and will carry a nice line of groceries. He will be glad to meet all of his friends who are in want of anything in his line. Miss Lillian Smlser purchased a pony and saddle this week. The Ashby first team crossed bats here Sunday with the married men, the game being played with much In terest. Mr. Brown was the star rooter for the married men. Quite a number of people were out to Bee the game. The score was something like 8 to 18 In favor of the regulars. Our boys have new suits and they all look like real ball players. Fred Mollring of Alliance is here looking after the interest of the in surance business. feome Forms of KHetiinat Imii Curable Rheur alUiu Is a disease charur teiii. bv ki :'. joints ud in CHADRON NORMAL Chadron, Nebr., April 28, 1915 May Conn Is suffering from a broken wrist. The physics II class are studying electricity this week. ' The model school will be in ses sion during the summer term. Ila and May Conn went home Sun day morning for a short visit. Misses Ruth and Elma Sturdevant spent the week end In Lincoln and Omaha. Last week the pupils of the pri mary room started their work In clay molding. ' The class in chemistry II have just started on the study of the silver group of metals. Elizabeth Eaton left Monday ev ening for Ruslivllle for a few days visit nt home. Blanche Daniels and Eflle Grubb went to Rushvllle Friday evening to fipend the week end at their homes there. Dean Stockd;tle went to Alliance Friday to judue an Inter-high school debate. The additional one hundred and seventy-lour chairs ordered for the new cluipel nre expected every day. M'sa Schueliel presented in the fifth prade history class a very Inter esting lesson on the life of E 'ison. Supt. l'ute of Alliance visited cha pel Monday. He pave us a very In teresting talk o:i the value of silent reading. Supt. Pule of Alliance and Presi dent Sparks were guests for supper at the dormitory Monday evening. The sixth prade history clasB have finished the history of Nebraska as a territory mid are now studying Ne braska us a state. The senior class In observation en Joyed thir work In Mrs. Rustin's room last week. The subject was rending, and the work was largely dramatic. In the sixth grade reading class. Miss Smith presented a lesson on New York City, showing how the children of that city help In keeping it beautiful. The second grade have completed their regular dramatic reader. Fri day the vpied Piper" was dramatiz ed In an excellent manner. Miss Schenck Is teaching this class. In the domestic science course, the fifth and sixth grade pupils have fin ished the curtains that they were making for the windows in Miss Delzell's room. They are now mak ing hand towels. ARRESTED FOR SHOPLIFTING Perhaps Italy's lack of solicitude for a place In the sun Is due to the satisfactory substitute afforded by Aetna and Vesuvius. First in Willing first in Quality Firtt in ftttalf Fint in Purity Firtt in Economy and for these reasons . Calumet Baking Powder is first in the hearts of the millions of housewives who use it and know it. RECXrvTD HIGHEST AWMDS WmU'i TW F 4 Iiiiinii. Nrifljultos. Tnmet, SWA. POWOEFOJ OTMADEBYTHETRU$ fill look Eight lollar Skirt from llrK-r . More iet Thirty Pays In Jail A man giving the name of George Thomas waa arrested Monday morn ing In the east part of town by Chief Jeffers, while trying to dispose of a lady's skirt. The chief thought it queer that a man of Thomas' de scription should be peddling skirts, and forthwith brought him to the station where he plead guilty to the charge of larceny, stating that he took the skirt from Harper's depart ment store. Thomas, together with a compan ion, had entered the Harper store earlier in the morning, with a re quest to see some ladles' skirts. While they were examining them, the clerk's attention was diverted, and they walked out. The garment was not missed until It was brought around for identification, as it bore the Harper tag. The thief was brought before Judge Roberts Tuesday morning and was given a sentence of thirty days In the county Jail at hard labor. throat, kill the germs, and open the way for Nature to act. You can't destroy a Cold by superficial treat ment you must go to the cause of the trouble. Be an optimist. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery today. Adv No. 3 fliATrTrTnrnn &WU1VJM OfcT BAKING POW i MAX TAKES HIS OWN MEDICINE IS AN OPTIMIST He has absolute faith In his medi cine he knows when he takes it for certain ailments he gets relief. Peo ple who take Dr. King's New Discov ery for an Irritating Cold are opti mists they know this cough remedy will penetrate the linings of the Seedsand' Nursery largest Stock of Field, Grass, (Jar den, Flower, SwhIs, Bulbs and Plants in the State Samples, Catalogs and Prices ou Application Suggested for Secretary While stopping over In York re cently, Lloyd C. Thomas, business manager of The Herald, attended a dinner and business session of the York county commercial club. Before leaving, the name of Mr. Thomas was suggested as secretary for the club, .lit hough he had not made for mal application for the place. Lloyd states that it would require a very strong Inducement for him to leave Alliance, although he Is much Inter ested in commercial club work. For the present at least, and probably permanently, be will continue to help keep The Alliance Herald the leading western Nebraska newspaper. MELOPHOXE FOB SALE J. VV. Pepper Premier. Nearly new. Will sell cheap for cash Phone 175. 4-22-tf WERTER DeVAUGHN 1614 Harney Sreet, Omaha, Nebraska I WRITE UE.VAUGHAN RAMC.E BLOC. OMAHA J Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Aene or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal. 50 cents the jar. YF. TV 1 FEDERAL BUILDING 1916 (oreriiment Iteprenentatlve lu Alli ance Tuesday Helleve Work to Start During Coining Year Levi G. Whitted, representing the government supervising architect a office at Washington, was In Alliance Tuesday looking over the site pur chased for Alliance's new federal building. Mr. Whitted is of the opinion, according to citizens with whom he talked while here, that construction on the building will be gin in the spring of 1916. This will be much sooner than expected by Al liance people. WHITE MAN WITIl BLACK LIVER The Liver is a blood purifier. It was thought at one time it was the seat of the passions. The trouble with most people is that their Liver becomes black because of impurities in the blood due to bad physical states, causing Biliousness, Head ache, Dizziness and Constipation. Dr. King's New Life Pills will clean up the Liver, and give you new life. 25c at your Druggist. Adv No. 3 ' TIZ" FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEET Good bye sore feet, burning feet, swl I mi feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet Good bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No mors shoe tight ness, no mors limp ing with pain or drawing up your face in agony. TIZ" Is magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draw, out all . the poisonous exudations which puff up the fee. Use "TIZ" and for get your fool misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feeL Get a 25 cent box of TIZ" now al any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. FARE $322 DAILY BETWEEN av BUFFALO WALL PAPER THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN THE HOUSEWIFE IS TURNING HER ATTENTION TOWARD SPRING HOUSECLEANING AND THE REPAPERING OF THE HOUSE, OR AT LEAST A ROOM OR TWO. WE WANT TO REMIND YOU THAT WE HAVE A MOST COMPLETE STOCK, AND THAT WIS RELIEVE WE CAN PLEASE YOU. THE PRICES ARE VARIED ENOUGH TO SUIT EVERY TASTE From 5c to $2 a Roll WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN ANY TIME AND IN SPECT THE STOCK, WHETHER YOU MAKE A PUR CHASE OR NOT. F. J. Brenoan "ON QUALITY CORNER" DRUGS JEWELRY The hreft and moat costly ateamer on any inland water of the world. Bleeping: ewommoda- Uona lur imu pAAHeriffere. "CITY OF ERIE" 3 Magnificent Stemert "CITY OF BUFFALO" BKTWKLN . CLEVELAND Daily, May 1st to Dec. 1st BUFFALO Iave C plnd B:00P. M. Leave Buffalo - a 8-"0P. M. Arrive Buffalo 6:30A.M. Arriva Cleveland 40A. U. (Central Standard Time) . Connerrlorn at Ruffalo for Niagara Kalla and all bastern and Canadian points. Railroad tick eta reatliiiK between Cleveland and buffalo ara good fur traasportauoii on our ataaoiera. Aak yoqr t.ekrt nigent for tickets via C ft H. Line. I' aut-f'-Cy colore nectionnl puzzle chart, ftliowinif lotli exterior and interior of Xbe Great I Ship "SnfiANDHKK" aent on receipt of Ave rente to cover poetae and mailing. AJaoaak I fr onr .'t-pre pic.i-Iil and cWcr-pfive booVl-t fcM. 9 THL CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO. Cleveland. Ohio r 7. 5. Fielding The Wardrobe The only odorless cleaning in the City. We have the only power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price is no higher. Try us and be convinced. 315 Box Butte Ave. Phone 682 COMBINATION SIDE PLEATED SKIRT With alternate (roups of 4-Inch Box Pleats Croups of 8 half Inch side pleats going from center to right and left. Above skirt should be prepared from straight width of goods and ehould not be cut gored at top. Al low two inches for the hem and two laches for shrinkage on each width of goods used. Material should measure three yards around bot tom before pleating. Price $2.50 for pleating only. All wool or all silk goods hold pleat best. Avoid cotton mixtures. SEND YOUR GOODS. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. WATCH FOR OTHER MODELS. Everything In Pleating, Covered Buttons, Hemstitching, Picot Edg ing. Send for free price lists. THE IDEAL BUTTON & PLEATING GO. So. 107-1M-111 So. 11th Si. OMAHA, MEBRASKA I V J.'t mm aiiarr kta vea aur ciete ar V Sakiaf aevaer. bea t a r JcJ. I n Li teMre itMM il-m ai Imaie giat .. CalaaMt m Ur aaaener ta tear aUl aai Ke- Always the Best Work Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating Estimates Gladly Furnished Work Guaranteed to Please B. V. Reeves Ph. me litack 2S SEE US NOW ! We are Prepared to do your Painting Paper Hanging Kalsomining AUTO AND SIGN PAINTING Old Rugs Cleaned and Made to Look Like New Furniture Refinished ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS W. H. Zehrung & Co. . Phones 75 and Red 321