rj v.! i i 1 Exchange Gossip Judge Westover and J. D. Scott returned Saturday evening from Al liance where they had been for three weeks holding court. Mrs. Westover, who had been over there for a week visiting returned with them. Bert A. Fernenjtel took his departure Monday morning for somewhere and tacked a sign on his door to the effect that his tailor shop would be closed until Wednes day or Thursday morning. Bert has been prospecting In other towns quite frequently of late, and we hear rumors that he Is looking up a new location. Bert returned Wednesday and informed us that he had pur chased a tailor shop at Alliance and this would be his last week In Rush- vllle. We know of no one who, will be so much missed tn Rushvllle as Bert. Rushvllle Standard. TRAVEL INDUCEMENTS FOR THE NEAR FUTURE THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS ! Thousands will make the Coast tour this Kunum-r. Only $50 round trip generally, direct rotites; and still more attractive is the $67.50 grand Coast Tour through the Northwest. EASTERN TOURS: During the month attractive eastern tourist rales will lie an nounced, forming circuit tours of the Atlantic Coast that will include the Lakes, St. Lawrence River, Canada, Niagara Falls, , Adirondacks, Lake Champlaiu region, Saratoga, Coast of Maine, New England, Sound Steamers, Coast Steamer voyage, the V lrginias, Old Point Comfort, the Hudson River, Boston, New York, a typical wedding tour. Publications on request; unnecessary to enumerate them. Describe your proposed tour. Let us send you descriptive matter and help you plan your Journey. J. KRIDELBAUOH. Ticket Affent, Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKELEY, General lWeimer ARent 10O4 Farnani Street, Omaha,' Nebraska IF 1 Hp J Mrs. Marpareta Schmidt of Mason City, who has been missing from her home since the first of April, has at last been traced to a point in Mon tana, and her family hope that they may be able to definitely locate her In a short time. Mrs. Schmidt was supposed to have bought a ticket for Broken Bow on April 1, but later In vestigation showed that she had pur chased It for Alliance. It Is thought her mind has failed her. She Is 49 years of age and the wife of Matthias Schmidt ' of Mason City. Omaha A. V. Gavin, chief dispatcher of the Burlington, with headquarters at Alliance, paid the local office a busi ness visit on Wednesday. He was accompanied by E. W. Bell, also of Alliance. Broken Bow Chief. J. T. Wiker and wife, of Alliance, were in the city yesterday and this morning and succeeded in disposing of several pianos at Fort Robinson, In which business they are engaged. They returned to Alliance this morn ing with Geo. Snyder and C. II. Car mine In the car of the latter. Messrs. Carmine and Snyder were demon strating the Overland cars, for which they are agents. Crawford Tribune. Mr. Blcknell of Alliance spent a couple of days In Bridgeport this week, looking over the field with a view to establishing a creamery and Ice cream plant here. The advan tages of Bridgeport as a shipping point appeals to Mr. Blcknell and if he Is given sufficient encouragement he will engage in business here. It Is understood he expects the amminmnminnmnmmwu: Booster Club Campaign Announcement The Practical Advertising Company, of Springfield, 111., is going to organize a Booster Club in this community. Community Builders; This company comes, with a reputation as a community helper. Through inter change of ideas, each Booster town gains something from other Booster towns. Each member of the Booster Club, besides the material benefits offered, is given a thorough correspondence course in modern business methods. Many young people have risen to positions of trust and responsibility through the direct influence of their Booster Club training. Besides the business training received, the members of the Booster Club are go ing to have social amusement. There will be entertainment galore, not only for the Boosters, but for their friends as well. ) , "We are looking forward to a very pleasant time. . WATCH FOR COMPLETE ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK "The Right" Roy Beck with, Prop. 212 BOX BUTTE AVE. m Why, hello, there; it certainly is good to talk to you.' When "Long Distance" Calls It's p. pler.-iat moment in the home circle when the Absent one calls up by "Long Distance." The feeling that home is "just at the other end of the wire,", rounds out to full measure the comfort and convenience the Bell Telephone affords to the millions ' of people away from home. ; - . r,r. . ' , . , .... " y.' , .. . ' Your friends and your business associate! ax al most within instant reach by telephone, for Bell service reaches nearly everywhere. . J American Telephone Service Lead the World bunlnPM men of Ilrldgeport and pat rons of the creamery to take 15,000 In stock In the creamery. He will return shortly to submit his proposi tion to thos who may be Interested. Hrldgeport News-lllnde. Superintendent V. M. Weldenha- mer, Trainmaster J. D. Nelson, and Roadmaster C. N. Johnson, of Alli ance division of the Burlington, vis ited Thedrord Tuesday and Wednes day of this week. They were on a tour of inspection. The conditions here were found quite satisfactory with the exception of the super-abundance of freight scattered about the right of way near the depot. On discovering that the freight room was filled to overflowing there was a quick subsiding of the rising waters. Station Agent K. E. Jones and help er Marvin Upson contemplate the visit with pleasure. Thedford Herald. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Alliance Is making a campaign to clean out the hoboes and undesira bles from their city. We no tice by the Alliance papers that that city has their band reorganised and are led to remark that Mlnatare would do well to encourage the same kind of a move here. There Is plen ty of good talent In Mlnatare to or ganize as good a band as ran be found In the west. Mlnatare Re Passenger train No. 4 4, of yester day, In charge of Conductor McDon ald, Is stuck In the snow eight miles this side of Peadwood. No. 43, In charge of Conductor McClellan, Is laid up at lull City on account of the snow. The worst blittard of the season Is raging In the mack Hills. Snow Is from two to three feet deep and drifting badly. The Alliance and Bingham people were much stirred up over a report that a man four miles east of Ding- ham had been found murdered. A tramp drifted into Bingham and told the story of his making such a find. People from both towns . made up searching parties but no trace found of the supposed dead man. It will be remembered ' here that such a story was told by a stranger of find ing three dead men up In the sand hills, and it proved to be purely a fabrication, although In this instance the party making the find accompan ied the searching party and took them to the spot where he said be saw them lying, and stoutly main tained until the last that he had ae tually seen the corpses. Oshkoth Herald. .. , , ; ; TUN YliARS AiiO Emm the Piles of The Alliance Herald of March 9, 1005 A reception and banquet was ten dered to John K. I'helan, who was promoted from division superintend ent to general superintendent of the Rurlltigton here. More than 60 of the moat prominent cltiiens were at the banquet. Among the guests were J. Krldelbaugh, agent at Oma ha, R. D. Bmlth, superintendent of motive power west of the Missouri river, E. W. Fltt, assistant superin tendent of motive power, D. F. Me- Farland, division superintendent, Sterling. Colo., and 11. S. Marvin, trainmaster, Sterling, Colo. . 'mlttees were appointed by, Mayor Buecbsenstela and mined,' hj tb council! Finshre and pnrrhaslfltV IMollrlng and McRae; fire and water. pouring ana Joder; ordinance. Franklin and MacIUe; street and al ley, Joder and MacRae; license, Mollrlng and MacRae; printing and claims, Mollrlng and MacRae; health Franklin and Joder; president of the council. F. II. Mollrlng; aftOf ney, R. C. Nolemani city phystciaa. Dr. H. H. Bellwood; scavenger, N than Taylor; marshal and street commissioner, M. A. Shay; city treas urer ana water commissioner, F. M. Knight; the Herald was designated as the official city paper. The gong on the burglar alarm at the First National Bank got started in some manner, and awoke peopl all over town. Glen Hampton. ths cashier, was called from the opera- nouse where he was attending ' show to shut the thing off, which h- dld. All arrangements for the organis ation of the Knights of Columbus in this city have been perfected, and the work of initiation will take place Sunday afternoon and evening at the Elks Hall. The banquet, which promises to be an elaborate affair, will be held at the opera house. The Elks hall is about ready for the initiation Saturday night. The partitions are in, the plastering Is about all done, and the painting and plumbing about completed. The committee on entertainment have made all arrangements to meet the Incoming trains from the east, west and south. The city is decorated in purple and white, the Elks colors, In honor of the occasion At an early hour yesterday morn ing, thieves broke Into "The Right" clothing store and carried off enough goods to start a haberdashery. - i I'- i''' The new city officials, took charge Tuesday night, The following com How Mrs. Ilarrod CJot Kid of Her Stomach Trouble "I suffered with atomacb trouble for years and tried everything I heard of, but the only : relief I got was temporary until last spring I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertls ed and procured a bottle of them at our drug store, t got immediate re lief from that dreadful heaviness af ter eating and from pain in the atom ach." writes Mrs. Linda Harrod, Fort Wayne, Ind. Obtainable every where. . .... . Dusty's . Dabbllngs And now Comes the news from tha east that a k las cost a man his Ufv Just another example of the high cost of living. . . i , . . i . .-Jam OLD WOODWORK MADE new Varnished surfaces will get shabby. Floors, furniture and wood work become marred, scratched and scuffed. Make them bright and new at little cost. There's a I Lincoln Varnish for every purpose. Floor varnish made to be walked upon; a quick- drying furniture varnish that imparts a brilliant, durable lustre ; var nish that water will not turn white; Lincoln finishes for all surfaces, new or old, indoors or outdoors. Tell us what you need. HoIstenVThe Rexall Store" A suggestion to those who will et tertaln June brides: Just let hf talk about her husband. "Qr There may be soma men who harr no enemies but they, are all dead. ; Th&re are always more people who are ready at the first provocation t cry, "There's something , wron". than there are who gather their forc es together and say, "Let's get , to gether and Ox it."-.. , - , . , .i. : ? Villa had better be ' careful or Bryan will spend two-bite in sending him another ultimatum. . t Miss Jane Adams has been mad chairman of the Teace Conference at The Hague. Now there are a lot of men in Alliance ' (all ' married of course) who will agree that a worn' an has no business in a place where peace is concerned. ; ' ', 1 , ,, A headline states that "there ts handsome profit In the hauling of meat". Most of us are of the opin Ion that all the profit Is In selling tt. A ranchman near Sheridan, Wjr omlng, killed a man whom ha found in bis house upon hi return. Mor al: Keep out of some other man' house. Of course, every old maid can re-count a dozen love romances, and can tell of a dozen men she might have married, If. : An exchange states that Roosevelt has added another chapter to politic al history. That's a small accom plishment for Roosevelt, when he might be adding more rivers to South America. . THE PRUDENT MAzT'SEES THAT HIS SON HAS A BAMTACCOlAT v This would be a more prosperous community if every fath er in it would say to his boy, "Son, start a bank account this very week and for every dollar you save and put into the bank I will give you another dollar to put in the bank with it" and if everybody would have sense enough to do it. The "PRUDENT" young man who banks his money be comes a PROSPEROUS man. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. First State Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Here is something to worry about: There are 6,283 species of butter flies. , . Why should a woman try to know a man s mina, wnen sue aon i even know her own? , , , , , , WHOLE FAMILY DEI'EXDKXT Mr. E. Williams. Hamilton, , bUlov writes: "Our whole family depend oft Plne-Tar-Honey." , Maybe sonieon In your family has a severe Cold perhaps it is the baby. The original Dr. Bell's I'lne-Tar-lioney Is an. ever ready household remedy It gives Immediate relief!, , Pine-Tar-Honey penetrates the linings of the Throat and Lungs, destroy the Germs, and allows Nature to act. , At your drug' Kist. 25c , , ... ;; .... ,, . .;.. Adv No, 3,i .. ,.' Mfctiiig of School lbmrd The school , board meeting was held Monday evening, and at tbl meeting the new members, Mrs. I. E. Tash and Edgar Martin, took tb places of Mrs. C. E. Wills and W. fL Spencer for the three year terms. It was decided to carry the Reel case to the supreme court. It will be remembered that in the district court last month, the plaintiff . was awarded a verdict of $1,000. . . The usual number of sundry. bill were allowed. MONUMENTS Granite and: : Marble i ' ' i i Paine-Fishburn Granite Co. Write for Information or call on our Local Agent AL. WIKER Agent at Alliance gffffljgEs4, .rw.id