HEW BOOKS A LIBRARY fist Olren of New Hooka Donated by jrraveler' Protective Acla tlnn ami Alliance Honor lUill Mrs. Nellie Wilson, "city librarian, gives the following lint of new booka t tbe rlty library: IHtiMtrd by Vont 31. T. 1. A. JUVENILE HOOKS: George Little Journeya'to Norway and Sweden. Alcott Old Fashioned Girl. . Alcott Little Men. " Booaevelt Hero Tales from Ameri can Hlatory. Bonehlll With Custer In tbe Black Hl'.la. Wells Marjorie's Buiy Daya, Llllle Story of Musli- and Musi- clana. Abbott Hlatory of Napoleon. Paring ARnes Granfa Education. Daring An Abundant Harveat. Warde Nancy Lee. Elliott Joan of Juniper Inn. Jackson Dixie School Girl. Elliott Joan'a Jolly Variation. White Prince an Uncle I Billy. MacLeod Shakespeare Siory Book ikitmted bv Honor lloll iMembers: la Volumea of Hlatory by John Flake. ' Barclay My Heart's Right There Wright Winning of Barbara Worth. Hewlett Lover'a Tale. Allen Sword of Youth. , Hall Pepper. Bailey Contrary Mary. Bolton Famous American Authors Doyle Valley of Fear. George Second Blooming, reforest Molly. Elson ClTll War Through the' Cam era. Comfort Red Fleece. Wilson Ruggles of Red Gap. Anderson Rim of the Desert. Cooley As an Ear t nun g. Hnnter Four Gospels, Story of, Five years numbers of Art Magaz ine, bound. FINE SEED POTATOES Have a car of Minnesota Red R er Ohio seed potatoes ordered. Tb are free from scab and dry rot. Ea farmer should get enough to pla five acres this year. It will not co you much'to get enough for five acre and it will pay you big to get pun seed that command a better price on tbe market when you raise them to ell. I have given Mr. Seidell a ample of this seed. Ask him bis opinion on this seed and to snow you tbe sample. Place your order with me at once for your amount. Deliver ed price if taken off the car is 90 cents per bushel sacked. CLARENCE ROSENBERGER. Sec. Com. Club, Hemingford. 18-tf-S405 ASHBY NEWS Asbby, Nebr., May 3 J. H. Fred lnburg and family will leave here tbe last of the week for Colorado, where they will make their future home on a farm. Success to them. Every one will regret to hear of them leav ing. Our local buse ball team has or ganized and are ready to take on all .comers. Come on, you apple knock ers. Ashby Is to have a weekly local pa per, published each Thursday. It will be called "The Ashby News". Chas. Murphy has purchased a homestead on the reserve and will move out the last of this week. L. Todd la here to work on the local paper. He came up from Sen eca last Sunday. Henry Hubbard and Chas. Murphy were in Broken Bow Sunday and Monday on a little business trip. Wm. Moore returned last Friday from points in Illinois and Iowa, where be has been spending tbe win ter with relatives and many friends. Cattle are being shipped in here every day to range during the sum mer. . Dr. Thomas was called over to Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest, sturdiest, safest matches i:i the world. They light almost anywhere. These are real safety matches. Thoy don't spark. They don't sputter. The heads don't fall off. The sticks are unusually strong. They are non-poisonous and conform in every respect with the new Fed eral law. 5c. All grocers. Ask for them by nam. The Diamond Match Company Mr. Crouse's last week and found Mn Trouse very ill. but abe Is get ting along aa nicely as could be. A. O. McDanlel, cnerry coumy an- I tkl wank sessor, is out aa-ennnia Look out. KlnXaiaers. tr nf Ellsworth has pur chased a house and lot In Ashby and will make his future home nere. we welcome htm here to a good town. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keiiar oi norm of Ashby came down here to take the train for Colorado, where they will make their home. Mlsa Vivian Fredlnburg is visums Mr. Thurston out in tne country im. week. n. tiii Kellar from out north of Ashby came down Sunday to work In the Asbby hotel. t.o Manafloid returned from Wy oming Tuesday where he was look ing at some land. F. E. Brown and wire are apt-numa the week In Seneca." t n Wnddineton Is here looking ind. He likes the hills ivri - - fine. . . Tho Va.n ball team has ordered n nit Look out for a first class-team. Chas. Benewa spent a few days in Aiiianr this week. J. H. Allbrich spent Wednesday In tio-nnia heinlne Tom Hale make I a j nn'" " a c - Mr! Noah returned from Missouri Tuesday where be bad Deen on .c nfint nf alcknesa. T. E. Hubbard, J. H. Fredlnburg, ok., unmtiv wpnt to Hyannls on Thursday on business. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS People who are looking for a borne or farm, or for a money-maaing iu- .o.tmni in anv kind of real estate will do well to call at our office and Investigate the following: Fine residence lots. In good loca tun For aale on easy terms. Qovnn room bouse. All modern. On northeast corner lot. Six blocks from hnr corners. At a bargain, nn osiiT terms. flood small bouse In northeast part of town. Sli lots. Cbicken houss and stable. Easy terms with small cash nayment. Good borne for some- 320 acres good farm land. Unim proved. Within five miles of Alll nr. For sale or trade at a bargain On our lists we have a number ol ilnnd ranches. Letters 01 inquiry m . -.1- Tall ii aro Kfiawereu - uiuuiviu. v. - wbtt you want and bow much you have to invest, we can sun you phone 658. E. T. KIBBLE ft COMPANY, 11 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr tf-6S3S Kinkald Visit Alliance Congressman Moses P. Kinkald ar rlvud in Alliance at noon Sunday stalying over until noon of the next dav. He had been at Gering attend inc a meeting of representatives of he) owners of lands on the south ldA of the river and government Ir rigation experts. This meeting was for the purpose of considering the building of the south side cana which will start near Guernsey, Wy oming, and will run down Into Ne braska, covering about 250,000 ac res oi land, me necessary nuniDer of signatures of owners of lands has boutlbcen secured and it Is proba ble thiit work will soon start on the projecn. The congressman visited with friends while in Alliance. Over 90 per cent of Business Men Fail Jen fail in business because they do not know the game. lack system and a thorough knowledge of their business. The reason why so many would-be farmers fail is because they knowllittle or nothing of the science of farming. They think anybody can farm and then are surprised to find that their crops will not grow. The farmer who is always behind, who always bas bad luck with his crops,, is the man who farms by gut-: and trusts to luck. If he were in the mercantile business he would; be in the hands of a receiver within a year. He is a failure but he hangs on because the poorest farmer can get a living out of the land if he only plows and sows the seed. An Agricultural Education The firpt thing a young man who intends to go into busi ness should, do is to take a course in a business college. Here he can become familiar with the first principles of business, without whSch he will fail. The first thing a man who expects to farm should do is to take a course in an agricultural college, if he can, bit if he has not the time or the money to spend in a two-year course, he can get the same instruction at home by taking a course in the Campbell Correspondence School of Soil Culture. Everything is furnished books and all at a very slight cost, and the best thing about it, he does not hare tc leave the farm or his work. He can choose from the following courses: Soil Improvement Course Horticultural Uourse Small Farming Course Soil Tillage Coarse Summer in the time to study agriculture, and the farm and garden is the laboratory in which to work out the problems. Don't wait for fall or winter to begin, but get bsuy now. You will learn more in one summer applying your instruction in the fields than in a dozen winters sitting by the fire. Send for our catalog Number 3. It will not cost you at cent. Campbell Corresipondence School READY FOR CAMPAIGN Meniherhlp CampAlgn of Commerc ial Club Will Clone with (J rand Finish Neat Wedneiwlay The membership campaign for the 1915 membership of tbe Alliance Commercial Club will close next Wednesday at the end of a three daya campaign with nine teams out in the field. On Monday the teams will lunch at the Alliance Cafe, on Tuesday at the Silver Grill, and on Wednesday at Nohe's Cafe. The teams, with their captains, are as follows: Team 1. W. E. Spencer, captain; F. W. Harris. Rev. H. J. Young and Fred Mollring. Team 2. Ben J. Sallows, captain; C. A. Lalng, Percy Cogswell and T. O'Keefe. Team 3. Lloyd C. Thomas, cap tain; Harry Gantz, E. G. Lalng and F. W. Hicks. Team 4. John w. uutnrie, cap tain: C. A. Newberry, E. C. Drake and J. W. Tynan. Team 5. A. D. Rodgers, captain; R. M. Hampton, Dick O'Bannon, and S. W. Thompson. Team 6. E. T. Kibble, captain; Robert Reddish, L. H. Highland, and J. E. Hughes. Team 7. W. O. Barnes, captain; F. J. Spon, Earl D. Mallery, Ed Marks and W. R. Mets. Team 8. George Darling, captain; Horace Bogue, A. T. Lunn and F. M. Broome. Team 9. J. G. Dole, captain; F. O. Rowe, Archie Gregory, P. E. Romlg and H. L. Ormsby. The work of signing up new mem bers for the coming year has been very satisfactory so far, there being no refusals of old members to sign up for the next year and several new members coming in who held out last year but who have seen the phe nomenal results achieved during the past year. The budget system has eliminated the former custom of go ing around to the business men sev eral times each year and taking sub scrlptions for public work. Denver Dope Sellers ArreMe-l The detectives and government men of Denver last Thursday made a raid on tbe home of "Pat" Belfe, and found in his possession 4,000 grains of "heroin", most of which was concealed behind some pictures i CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells now To Get Quick Relief from Ilead-Colda. It's Splendid 1 In one minute your cloppwl nostrils , will open, the air passages of your head ' will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for ' breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. ' Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply I a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, i healing cream in jour nostrils. It jn etrateu through every air passace f tlie i head, soothp the inilampil or swollen ! mucous membrane and relief comes in- stantly. j It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed -up 1 with a coll or nasty catarrh Relief comes bo quickly. Cereal Culture Coarse Dry Farming Coarse Farm Engineering Coarse in the house. His son was also ar rested as be was delivering some of the dope to customers In a hotel. They were held without bond in ac cordance with the recent Harrison Drug Act, which prohibits anyone bus druggists from having "dope" In their possession. It Is thought that the Belfe family beaded a trust In Denver, and that the recent arrests will put a stop to It. WIIITK MAN WITH BLACK LIVKIl The Liver Is a blood purifier. It was thought at one time it was the seat of the passions. The trouble with most people is that their Liver becomes black because of Impurities in tbe blood due to bad physical states, causing Biliousness, Head ache, Dizziness and Constipation. Dr. King s New Life Pills will clean up the Liver, and give you new life. 25c at your Druggist. Adv -No. 3 April Weather lie port The Alliance Commercial Club has furnished the following weather re port for the month of April, 1915: TEMPERATURE Mean maximum 68 Mean minimum 39 Maximum (April 16) 87 Minimum (April 2) 09 Greatest daily range 52 PRECIPITATION Greatest in 24 hrs. (Apr. 26) ..1.30 Total (Inches) 4.50 In April, 1913 1.95 In April, 1914 2.65 NUMBER OF DAYS With .01 inch or more 7 Clear 13 Partly Cloudy 7 Cloudy 10 HICKORY CHIPS March appears to be Francis Jos eph's lucky month, as he hasn't died once during its 31 days. Anarchists who endeavor to blow up Carnegie and Rockefeller show that they have no appreciation of li braries, colleges and hospitals. Lieut. Gov. O'Hara says that Illi nois has the best legislature in Am- Is your land Infested with prairie dogs? Is your range damaged and your crops endangered with this pest? For thirty-five years I have been killing these pests with a method of my own that does the work quickly and surely. My outfit will operate In western Nebraska daring the coming season. Anyone desiring the prairie dogs on their land killed should communicate with me without delay. My contract price for the work Is only thirty-five cents per acre and I charge only for the ground that is Infected with the dogs. I will sell the rights for this business for this part of Nebras ka to any reliable person or persons. Call on or write me at see my representative. Or call erica. May Heaven help the state with the worst legislature. To tbe army aviators war would not mean any great Increase of dan ger. It is hoped that no aviator will be appointed to the general staff. Witnesses In Important Criminal trials must be safe from the terroriz ing process, and It Is to the Interets of every citizen to see that they are made safe. Press dispatches from Europe give one the Impression that the princi pal business of civilians In that in teresting continent is subscribing to war loans. How fortunate that baseball has none of the gloom of football! This higher education must be very op pressive to youthful spirits. "TIZ" FOR T! SORE, ACmNG FEET Ah I what relief. No more tired feet; no more burning feet, swollen, bad smell ing, sweaty feet. No more pain in ooroa callouses or bunions. No matter what ails your feet or what tinder the sun you've triad with oat Jetting relief, ust use "TIZ." "TIZ" drawa out all the poi sonous exuda tions which puff up the feet j TIZ" is mag leal; "TIZ" fa grand; "TIZ" will cure your foot trouble so SouH never limp or draw tip your face i pain. Your shoe won't seem tight and your feet will never, never hurt or get sore, swollen or tired. Get a 25, cent box at any drug or. department stort, and get relief. ID Killing Prairie the Nebraska Rooming House, In Alliance. If I am not there you can at The Herald office and they will locate me for you. S. Payne Prairie Dog Exterminator UGH L. BOYD TAILOR Alliance National Bank basement Ladies and Gents Suits Made Cleaning and Pressing Goods called for and delivered Everything Guaranteed Phone 133 Try This on Your Eczema If you. are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal. 50 cents the jar. HAM Y F. TIIIELE Seedsand'Nursery Largest Stock of Field, Grass, Gar den, Flower, Seeds, Bulbs and Plants In the State Samples, Catalogs and Prices on Ap plication WERTER DeVAUGHN 1614 Harney Sreet, Omaha, Nebraska UC,VAUGHAN HAMCJE BtPG. OMAHA Dogs J LINCOLN .... NEBRASKA