r; ! S 1 1 J SZJ. i IN ALLIANCE SATURDAY t Could not have attracted larger crowds than the Gigantic closing out sale of Dry Coods, Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes At Eo G McGLUER'S ORE DOOR OPENED AT 8:30 AND THE MAD RUSH FOR BARGAINS BEGAN; PACKED AND JAMMED ALL DAY LONG ALMOST TO SUFFOCATION; EVERYONE EAGER TO GET THEIR SHARE OF THESE WONDERFUL BARGAINS, AND WONDERFUL THEY ARE, NEVER HAVE BEEN AND MAY NEVER AGAIN BE EQUALLED IN THE HISTORY OF ALLIANCE SALES. STOP! THINK! $12,000 WORTH OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE BEING ACTUALLY SOLD TO THE PEOPLE OF ALLIANCE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY AT 35c ON THE DOLLAR. IT HARDLY SEEMS POSSIBLE, I KNOW BUT AFTER A GLANCE AT OUR PRICES IT WILL CONVINCE YOU - IT WILL PAY YOU TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS AND NEEDS FOR A YEAR TO COME AT THESE MONEY-SAVING PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME 100 MILES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG SALE. IT" :'! The Sale- Started Saturday, May 1st and continues until there is but a bare room to remind you of the old trading place Women's Coats and Jackets. Big line w "0 Men's and young Men's High Art Suits -Pomp4j,on5 Former Prices Blown to Pieces $4.50 , Big shipment of J. P. Coats' Thread to '. Dress Goods All wool Dress Goods, Men's and Youn& Men' $2 $25 8 M toMl 00 ande1i.50Orme arrive rrida includin SUk- oes ,ormerly old f or 100 " 125 yard Orercoati at, per spool mm f T 7 65c 3 c 50c $7.75 Gloves-Big line of Women's Silk ' ; Lawns-Pretty new Lawns, formerly Hats and Caps-Men's and Young Gloves, formerly sold at 75c and $1.00 Underwear Women's and Children's sold for 25c and 85c per yard Men Hats and Caps '. Underwear, formerly sold up to $1.00 ' . ' O E A 35c 25c 10c 859 Attention, Men Choice of our entire 7 Embroideries Hundreds of yards of Men's Shoes Regular $4 and $4.50 line of Straw Hats, sold up to $3.00 One big lot of Men's Shoes Embroideries, formerly sold up to 25c grades; choice of the house 50c 1 98c 8c $1.98 FB We will' give v$r.00 worth of merchandise r Saturday with the 'first five purchases amounting to $10 or more qi d) crl cr" ZZ1 M A Sale Of All Sales ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA THE MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE , ON THESE MOST WONDERFUL BARGAINS ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA $12,000: High Grade Dry GbodsGlothing and Shoe, Stock Now! Being Sold by the HOSBURG SALES COMPANY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA H. H. BAKER, Sales Manager LOOK FOR THE BIG BROWN SIGNS Don't Wait Until it is Too EVERY DAY TO BE A BUSIER DAY AT THE BIO CLOSING OUT SALE 9 V 1 "A