-J imummmiuimmmm . TrTlllttliiiitiitttilH i I j i IT IT IT TT IT II ITTTTT I I I I TTT T f Ifffttll I . .... i TmIConhGooomawCo. Georsre A. Mollrine's- Store The Big Dry Goods Store The Store of Quality and Value WATCH YOUR STEPS AND come straight to our Coat and Suit Department. We have just received a sample line of coats and suits bought from the Style-Craft people. I bought these coats and suits at a saving of 25 per cent dis count that means a saving for you of $5.00 to $6.00 on every coat and suit you buy. I am not swearing at you; I am just telling you where Style-Craft coats and suits are on display. These charming garments are "man tailored" by experts and "STYLE" is needled in to stay. Gracefully sweeping skirts, fitted and semi-fitted coats, in fact every feminine fancy ordained by dame fashion radiates from Style-Craft garments, A profusion of models to select from, and there is sure to be one here that will please your fancy and pocketbook. Remember, at a Saving of 25 cpeenrt Discount M mm 121 Jf OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Consists of the Standard Makes only, as we do not carry the other kind at all Arch fii tK ArcK FUtiluArck For Ladies and Misses The Famous J & Jv Shoes They Fit the Arch They Fit the Head They Fit the Foot $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50-they are the cheapest in the long run. f ,M Children and Infants Shoes Such as the Budds Baby Shoe, the famous F. J. Fox line of Children's Shoes at 50c a pair. We have a complete line of the Growing.4Girls Shoe $1.50 to $3.50 FU4JArdi On Sale Until they Are all Gone 68 Ladies' Dress Skirts, your choice at THESE ARE BARGAINS 40 Dozen Ladies' Vests, each 40 Dozen Ladies' Vests at each 30 Dozen Ladies' ALL SILK HOSE. Black and White only the $1.00 kind, at, per pair $5.00 . 5c 18c 65c GINGHAMS One lot of Toile du Nord Ginghams, per yard 10c The Grand Old Zephyr Gingham. Yon know it hurts to sell such at 12 1-2 cts., but they are here for you as 1 0l long as they last at . l&2v 10 Huck Towels for 8 Turkish Towels for A Sure Nice Mercerized Under Skirt for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Hello, are you there? Last, but not least do not overlook the bargains we have on our 8c table. Oome and see we will do the rest. GEORGE A. MOLLRING Alliance's Most Pleasant Store tniiiiTiii:iiiiiM iiMMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniii 1 1 ii iiiiiciiiiiiiii 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuMiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinxtrttr-:rc miwmumwnii tmiiniimmittmimmmimmiiiiiim