The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 22, 1915, Image 2

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lUxly Taken offl Hen Went to Home
In IliilTaJo, Wyoming
While enroute to his home at Buf
falo, Wyoming, on No. 41 last Friday
morning, John Georgen suffered a
hemorrhage of the lungs and died
between Hyannla and Whitman.
Georgen, accompanied by hla
brother-in-law, Glenn E. Barber, had
been to Rochester, Mtnneaota, to a
noted medical Institution, going
there about ten daya ago to find If
they could give him any relief for
tuberculosis. They advised Barber
to get the patient to hla home as fast
as possible, aa be could lire but a
short time. As the circumstances
later showed, the start was not made
soon enough.
Both Georgen and Barber have liv
ed In Buffalo a number of years. The
dead man was about 26 years old,
and leaves a young wife, together
with other relatives, to mourn his
death. The body was taken off here
and sent to the Darling undertaking
parlors where It was prepared for
shipment, and was sent on to Buffalo
Friday evening.
And FurnlHhed by (he Help of Alli
ance People
Those who suffer, with kidney back
ache, urinary Ills or any little kid
ney or bladder disorder, want kidney
help. Who can better advise than
some Alliance resident, who haa alao
suffered, but has bad relief. Alliance
people recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills.- Here's one' case and there are
many others.
Mrs. Robert Bicknell, 604 Big
Horn Ave.. Alliance, says: "I have
known of the merit or Doan's Kidney
Pills for over three, years. I first
used them In Tleasantown, Iowa. For
years I had kidney complaint and
was unable to find permanent bene
fit until I began using Doan's Kid
ney Pills. They removed the pain
In my loins and alao strengthened
my back. Since then I have felt like
a different person."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Blekffell had. Foster-Mll-burn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hticeewsful Ilu(neN Man of Itork
ford, IIIIiiiiIh, Hii)n Idtnd Here
J. S. Rheln of Rockford, 111., has
purchased 480 acres of fine land
west of C. L. Ilashman's place, about
ten miles from Alliance, the sale of
the land being made by Arheson
Brothers, real estate agents.
Mr. Rheln is a successful business
man, having recently been connected
with a wholesale implement house
in Illinois. Arter looking the ground
over and making careful investiga
tion he decided to remove to western
Nebraska. He will make solve Im
provements on his farm, and summer
fallow this year but will not plant
much to crops until next year, when
he will be better acquainted with the
country and conditions here. Ilia
family arrived the first of this week.
They will make their home in Alliance.
of 25 years are being considered by
the commissioners. If the franchise
Is granted, It Is said, a company cap
italited at half a million dollars will
be organized and preparations made
at once fo rbullding the plant and In
stalling the pipes and radiation.
Central heating plants have al
ready been installed In several cities
In this region, notably Casper, Bill
ings, Laramie and Cheyenne, and
have proved Quite satisfactory, the
cost of heat generally being no great
er than from private heating plants
and the property owners being re
lieved from the dirt, smoke and Jan
itor service Incident to keeping a
furnace running during the winter
months. Post.
Are Yon Rheumatic? try Moan's
If -ou want quick and real relief
from Rheumatism, do what so many
thousand other people are doing
whenever an attack comes on, bathe
the sore muscle or joint with Sloan's
Liniment. No need to rub it In
Just apply the Liniment to the sur
face. It Is wonderfully penetrating.
It goes right to the seat of trouble
and draws the pain almost Immedi
ately. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini
ment for 25c of any druggist and
have it in the house against Colds,
Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago,
Sciatica and like ailments. Yout
money back If not satisfied, but it
does give almost Instant relief.
No. 1 Adr 6265
With Alliance Electrical Works
Since severing his connection with
the Alliance Times, C. E. Maynard
has accepted a position with the Al
liance Electrical Works, the growing
business of which makes a demand
for his service. Charles- Schafer,
the manager, informs The Herald
that since the reduction In electric
light rates there has been a marked
increase In the demand for electrical
goods and for wiring.
Holllster's Rockey Mountain Tea
Is nature's own tonic, purely resets
ble. Its use la not followed by de
vitalizing after-effects. Safe ano
sure, try It for debility, anaemia,
poor appetite, Spring tlr' es. Tea
or tablets, 35c. H. F. LE.
Treatment of Potatoes for Dry Rot
Dry rot Is causing a great deal of
damage to potato growers In Nebr
aska. If the stem end of a diseased
potato is shaved off, brown thread
like strands may be seen extending
Into the potato. This disease which
causes rot grows while the potatoes
are In storage. When this disease !
seed Is planted, the new potatoes in
the field become, diseased. Much of
Sheridan AIho Wants One
A petition for a franchise to estab
lish a central heating plant, selling
steam to the business nouses and res
idences of Sheridan, was received by
the city council this week from R. A.
Keenan. The terms of an ordinance
granting such a franchise for a term
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils j
Relieves Head-Colds at Once. I
If your nostrils are clogged and your
head is stuffed ami you can't breathe
freely becaviRe of a coM or catarrh, just
pet a small bottle of Ely' Cream Balm
at any drug store. Apply a little of
this fragrant, antiseptic cream into
your nostrils and let it penetrate
through every nir passage of your head,
soothing and healing the intlnmed, swol
len mucous membrane and you get in
stant relief.
Ah I how good it feels. Your nos
trils are open, your bend is clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just
what sufferers from head cold and ca
tarrh need. It's a delight.
.l.V .V ,1'U A .Mil- I V ,1 ,IP1 I .V3
AM v V t V Vn.A A V , V,. ,M
r a v v v t v i v
'i I'tn . ,i. m r - - w r r w
I U 1. V V V fY VV- IV V W Jf IV IV
1 V V W V UM
1VV ,
THE only barn paint on the market whose liquid analysis
shows 43.7 ft pure linseed oil is Standby Bam Paint.
Think of that KAtrjr half the liquid is oil. Just compare
that with the formula of any other barn paint.
The makers are glad to publish their formula, for they want
you and every man who has barns, sheds, fences and roofs
to paint to know just what it contains.
lieW i Pura Unused OU 43.7
Formmlm J Heavy Japsui . 86.3
That formula speaks for Itself. Every man that buys paint knows
that the oil percentage is the Important point. Standby Barn Paint
is made of pure mineral pigment and oil. The pigments are irround
by special processes that make them especially fine and smooth.
We are so confident that Standby Paint is superior to others that
wt atk ts thai you to thtjudgt. Voo know good paint when you see
the formula you know good paint when you see bow is looks- how
It spreads and how it covers. Let us give you a
Free Sample Can
Vou know this Is the severest test possible, and if we didn't have the
paint, we couldn't afford to do it.
Get this sample paint your barn door with It see how it covers
bow easily it works under the brush. Note how brilliant the color
and how glossy the finish.
You can tell by the formula it is all paint all goodness.
You can tell by the sample that It goes far and gives the results you
Want Allthoframalneil-H.v...Ltk 1
We Guarantee Standby Barn
t crDiD- Paint for S Years
JDwRJlPAlKt DP Jo out store today and get that Sample Can.
this may be prevented by cutting off
the stem end of the potato, being
sure to remove all the discolored
part and throwing It away, then dip
ping the seed In a solution of forma
lin, 1 pint to 30 gallons of water, or
corrosive sublimate, 1 part to 1,000
parts of water. Place the potatoes
In a gunny sack and submerge them
and leave them in the solution for
two hours. When removed from the
solution, spread on a platform to dry,
then rut and plant. After being
treated, potatoes should not be plac
ed In anything which has contained
untreated potatoes before. Exten
sion Bulletin 16, Agricultural Ex
perlment Station of Nebraska.
Every time a Dardinoiiea for
trembles the teeth of the wheat bulls
unless the Germans recapture
Prtemysl we can't see why the town
I 1 M a m.
nouia ever De rererrea to again.
To be or not to be is the fashiona
ble debate today. Can last spring's
bonnet be worked over or not?
Anybody who has broken the cork
screw on in me cor witnout extract
ing the latter, will understand the
reeungs or the allied sallormen In
tne Dardanelles.
No Use to Try to wear Out Your Cold
It Will Wear You out Instead
Thousands keen on aufferlns
Coughs and Colds through neglect
ana aeiay. wny make yourself an
easy prey to serious ailments and ep
idemics as the result of a neglected
Cold? Cousha and Colds iin vnur
strength and vitality unless checked
In the early stages. Dr. King's New
uiscovery is wnat you need the
first dose helns. Your head rlnura
UD. you breathe freelv and vou f1
so much better. Buy a bottle today
and start taking at once.
No. 1 Adr 6265
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Herman and Two
Children Hack to Alliance
After anendlnff th wlnlor mil to
pleasantly In Spokane, Washington,
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Herman and iwn
children, boy and girl", returned to
Alliance last week, arriving Saturday
on 44 from the west. They left Al
liance In Decern her. coins- In Snnlr.
ane where they rented rooms for the
winter. The boy and girl attended
school while Mr. and Mrs. Herman
visited relatives and other friend.
and looked over the country and en
Joyed the opportunity for rest and
Mr. Herman thinks Spokane a
great city and eastern Washington a
pleasant country. It Is not much of
a farming country there In his opin
ion, but there Is quite an amount of
fruit grown there, and lumbering
and manufacturing give employment
to many people. He and his family
seemed delighted to get back to Alli
ance and greet their many friends In
this city.
Some of the world's most respect
able nations are now running amuck.
Whole Family Benefited
By Wonderful Remedy
There are many little things to
annoy us, under present conditions
of life. The hurry, hard work,
noise-and strain all tell on us and
tend to provoke nervousness and
irritability.. We are frequently so
worn out we can neither est, sleep
nor work with any comfort. We
are out of line with ourselves and
others as well.
A good thing to do under such
circumstances is to take something
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
to relieve the strain on the nerves.
Mrs. J. B. Hartsfiel.l, 82 Plum St.,
Atlanta Ga., writes:
"I have on varal incaalene bm
vastly, relieved by the una of your med
icines, especially the Antl-PiUa Pills,
which I keep constantly on hand for
the use of myself, huabaad tad two
sons. Nothing In the world equals these
aa a headache remedy. Often I am
enabled by the u of one or two of
the Pills to continue my housework
when otherwise I would be In bed. My
husband Joins me in my praise of the
Aatl-Paln Pills and Nervine."
Dr. Mile.' Anti-Pain Pills
are relied upon to relieve paia,
nervousness and irritability in thou
sands of households. Of proven
merit after twenty years' use, you
can have no reason for being longer
without them.
At all Druggists, 25 doses 2i cents.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Don't buy glasses as you
would a new hat; they nhculd
be fitted by a graduate optom
etrist. Don't wear glasses in
tended for other people; they
were probably fitted for trou
bles other than yours. Don't
wait until you can't sec, but
call on a legitimate optometrist
who has a regular place of bus
iness. Our glasses give bene
ficial results.
Registered Optometrists
Burns 400 Gallons of Air to One Gallon 01 Common Kerosene
Makes a large amount of blue flame directly in contact
with cooking vessel. Perfect combustion. Automatically
'generates gas from Kerosene; as the flame or work increases
the consumption of air automatically increases with it.
Most Economical Stove
Cooks at a much less cost and faster than any other stove or
fuel. Let us demonstrate them to you.
Acheson's Hardware
I will sell at public auction at my place, eighteen miles southeast of Alliance,
one and one-half miles east of J. E. Rice's ranch,
(the old Hague place), on
Tuesday, April.
commencing immediately after free lunch at 11 a. m., the following described property:
IS Head of Horses
1 gray Mare, 10 years old, weight about 1200.
1 sorrel Mare, 9 years old, weight about 1100.
1 roan Mare, 4 years old, weight about 1000.
1 Gelding, 7 years old, about 900.
1 Marc, 4 years old, will foal soon.
4. Three-year-old Mares and Geldings.
2 Geldings, 2 years old.
4 Yearling Colts.
1 Mare, 7 years old, with Colt by side.
1 Jersey Heifer, 3 years old, bred to calve next winter.
2 Shorthorn Heifers, 3 year olds.
1 Yearling Bull, grade Shorthorn.
1 six-foot Deering Mower and Dropper, nearly new.
1 twelve-foot Deering Rake.
1 Dane Sweep.
1 Stacker.
1 set Double Buggy Harness, nearly new.
About 3 dozen Hens, mostly Plymouth Rocks.
Household Goods
Including 1 Cook Stove.
2 Heating Stoves.
1 three-burner Oil Stove. 4
1 Dining Table.
6 Dining Chairs.
4 Rockers.
2 Iron Beds.
1 Wood Bedstead.
5 Bedsprings.
1 Kitchen Cabinet.
And other articles too numerous to mention.
Free Lunch at 11 a.
TERMS OF SALE: All sums of ten dollars and under, cash; over ten dollars, six months' time will be given on bankable
paper drawing 10 per cent interest.
E. R. MYERS, Owner
X --.LI M
Dierks Lumber ft Coal
COL. H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer.
R. M. HAMPTON, Clerk.
SlCIAl 0f