i, j STALL hi k Dr. M. T. Bernard will sell at auction at Todd's Livery Barn, Crawford, Nebraska Saturday, April 24 Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. A car load of Stallions from 2 to 4 years old, weighing from 1400 to 1800 pounds. BELGIANS, PERCHERONS, AND SHIRES Consisting of two imported, three grade and balance Eastern Nebraska and Iowa pure bred horses. Good as money can buy Don't fail to attend this sale and see the best lot of stud colts ever sold at public auction in Nebraska DR. M.T. BERNARD COL. P. 0. COOPER, Auctioneer The "ALCAZAR" KERO-GAS OIL STOVE Burns 400 Gallons of Air to One Gallon of Common Kerosene on Makes a large amount of blue flame directly in contact with cooking vessel. Perfect combustion. Automatically generates gas from Kerosene; as the flame or work increases, the consumption of air automatically increases with it. Most Economical Stove Cooks at a much less cost and faster than any other stove or fuel. Let us demonstrate them to you. Acheson's Hardware Painted Floors Will Save Scrubbing It doesn't require scrubbing to keep a painted floor clean. A damp cloth or a mop brings better results in cleanliness than the back breaking scrubbing of unpainted floors. Lincoln Floor Paint forms a smooth, hard coating over bare wood or old shabby floors. Made especially to walk on. It comes in convenient sized cans in all popular colors. It's easy to apply you can do it yourself and dries quickly. Call for color cards. HolstenVThe Rexall Store" Get the CONFCXJND THAT J rLANT HLkt i 1-1 ftts SS SS J Vi. la IT f f g, TJ V a W T I, n O Weil, Worrs Don't Hurt Anybody, Do I Q WHAT'S STIFF. AM IF fM 1 y-liaPUT Dusty's Dabbling And then there is the woman whose life ambition la to be leader of the church choir. Love Is not always blind some times it's Just squint-eyed. We all know that wealth brings unhapplness. but It seems like a lot of people want to be unhappy. In a neighboring town two women have gone Into court over the own ership of a dOK. If it Is the nana! brand of canine, we would suggest mat tney divide It by giving each woman half one taklna the do and the other the bark. The man who rides in the hleeest automobile In a town is not alwavs the one who has his subscription paid the furthest in advance to the local paper. A fool and his monev soon rmrt out ii is saa to think or the great, number of we fools who would llkp to have some money to part with. States a headline In a dally "Train Carries Eicht Cars of Silk". That ought to go a long ways, Judg ing rrom the amount women get in to their dresses nowadays. Just think of all the trouhlo in this day and age that Noah would have saved had he only swatted that pair of flies. A BldftnU'albop In a ncloVilm-Un city came out of one of his sprees and ' found himself in a park with his! arms around a statue of Venus. ' Dusty will let you draw your own1 conclusions. I We understand the uovernment la now considering the mattpr nf flavor. Ing postage stamps chocolate, straw- Derry, vanina ana lemon, sort of a 'stamp sundae", and cheap at that. There is a man In Alllnnro vhn claims to be "the" big boss In his' mum, n urn ur is mining iu ills friends. But the othf-r dav wp no ticed him working in his garden, and his wife was doing something that looked verv much like rtinninsr things. And some of bis neighbors say that the Mrs. has the say bo in other departments, too. For the present, we will not publish the FILL THE COAL BIN With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from oar bins to your home or office. We have a big supply of Canon City Nut and Lamp Sheridan Nut and Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling on hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone 22. Dierks Lumber and Coal COMPANY F. W. HAARQARTEN, Manager GET-RICH-QUICK GOT HIS MONEY- WAS HE A "PRUDENT MAN No wonder this man Is discouraged! He thought he could make a fortune quickly. He believed some oily-tongued rascal; he sent his money away; he lost It. Would it not have been better for him bad he kept bis money SAFE in our bank and let it PILE UP until he had enough to buy something right here at borne that he could watch himself? He would have helped the community and increased the value of HIS property. Make OUR hank YOUR bank First State Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA . SAY.WHATS THETMiT, VSAY tOVOUMFAN TO CAuJ THATiH a BIG I K MS A BIG STIFF? ' t WELL FIND A DIG STIFF ORj man's name, but he'll have to quit bragging so much. It's no wonder a man feels cheap when he gives himself away. Some freaks can't let wen rnmnh alone. Klcht on top of all the wor ry and strife now predominant, some ireK scientist is trying to figure out what It cost to discover America. Kv en if there were no collection agen cies at that time. Columbus had a crew with him who would hi it h I m in enforcing his demands, and Pusiy considers it Ms own rault If he didn't get the "kale" when he delivered the goods. So why should any scientist brliiK up such recollections? Should Xot Feel Diftcouragctl So manv peonle iron hied with in. digestion and constipation have been benefitted by taking Chamberlain's Tablets that no one should feel dis couraged who has not given them a trial. They contain no pepsin or , other digestive ferments but streng then the stomach and enable H to perform its functions naturally. Ob- lainaoie everywhere. Excha ge Gossip Mrs. Gertie (Dollins) Everlst, of Alliance, came to llyannls Tuesday to attend a meeting of Eastern Star chapter and will remain a week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pretty man. llyannls Tribune. Mrs. J. D. Cadwalader was an Al liance visitor this week, making fi nal proof on her homestead yester day morning. John L. Kay was down to Alliance over Tuesday night. He was a witness on final proof for Mrs. Cadwalader. While here in town he handed us the silver to advance himself on this paper again. There Is a new lum berman in town, a bright 9-pound boy having arrived at the home of George H. Young early last Friday morning, not on Thursday evening as reported In the Alliance Times, so the April Fool Joke does not apply to the youngster nor his doting par ents or sister. The mother and babe are doing nicely, and George Is slow ly convalescing, being able to send telegrams, and pass out the candy, gum and cigars. Marsland Tribune. Judge W. H. Westover and Court SPECULATION ' x - I . r J II I 1- " I Reporter J. D. Scott left Sunday morning for Alliance and are holding the spring term of district court for Box Uutte county. Hushvllle Stand ard. Mr. and Mrs. Ilalnh Cos nf All! ance arrived In this cltv Mondnv pv enlns for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cox, who reside here. Hroken How Republican. Jas. T. Whitehead returned from Alliance Sunday. His daughter, Miss Mildred, operated on for appen dlcitls. Is Kettlna alona- nlcilv. The preliminaries having been all ar ranged ror tne transrer or the Mit chell post otflce to the new appointee, E. I). Smith, the change In nronrlo. torsnip was made Wednesday of this weea, t. ai. Kiiiott retiring. Mrs. K. I). Smith will be the demitv noat master and Is expected to have direct cnarge or the business. Mitchell In dex. Dr. Geo. Hand, of Alliance, waa caned here the atter Part of the wem to attend to Mr. and Mrs. Dun Green's little girl Jessie. We have beeu Informed that ahf la canine along nicely at this writing. Hay springs iews. HEALTH PROMOTION HAITI NESS Without health, eenulne 1nv la Ira possible; without good digestion and regular bowel movement you cannot have health. Why neglect keeping Dowels open and risk belne sick and ailing? You don't have to. Take one small Dr. Klna'a New Life Pill at night, in the morning you will have a run, rree bowel movement and feel much better. Helps your appetite ana aigestion. Try one tonight. No. 1 Adv 5265 CONCERT FRIDAY NKJIIT Alliance School of Mimic Will Ren. tier Two-Part Program On tomorrow (Fridav) evoninir at the Thelan opera house the last con cert or me series will be given by the faculty of the School of Music, assisted by other local talent. The first part is the Breton Folk Songs In costume by a mixed quartette composed of Miss Eunice Burnett, Soprano; Camille Nohe, Tenor; Mrs. Edith Swan Zediker. nlnno- Mr. Dorothy Hershman, Contralto; Har ry Zlckert, Bass, the explanatory notes being given by Miss lllght. The numbers are varied enough to suit all tastes, and It Would he a waat of space to state more than It will h one or tne grandest renditions ever heard here, for that Is the kind of a program the School of Music always gives. The second nart is a concert hv the School of Music orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Ralph R. Unl- acse. I he rehearsals have been go ing; on reaularlv. and this will he an. other treat for music lovers. Every member of the orchestra is an artist. and Friday night's concert will be one that Is seldom heard outaide the large cities and on the best lyceum courses, ah season tickets are good at this concert. Tickets can he obtained at Holsten's now. ENGINEER CM) KM INSANE Family Troubles of CJuy Allen Cauae Nervous Breakdown Guy Allen was taken to Hastings Monday night, where he will be treated for nervousness. Accompany ing him was Carl Wltham, and Dr. Willis went as far as Aurora with them. Mr. Allen suffered a nervous breakdown the latter part of last week. Sunday his condition became critical and gradually became worse until Monday morning when it be came necessary to put him In a straight-Jacket at his home, where he remained until he was removed to Hastings that night. It seems that Allen's condition was brought about by personal trou bles, over which he brooded until bi mind became unbalanced. He had been employed by the Burlington for several years, and has a host of friends who regret his misfortune, and who hope that a short sojourn in a hospital will have the desired ef fect. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks to those who were so kind to assist in the sickness of my husband, Mr. Allen. I feel very grateful to the B. of L. E., the B. of L. F. & E., the eagles, and Koyal Highlanders, and tne many friends who assisted me. MRS. GUY ALLEN. Y. M. R. C. NOTES At the regular meeting of the Young Men's Bible Club last Thura. day evening the following officers were elected and will hold ofti for a period of six months: President, F. It. Donovan. Vice President, Jay Vance. Secretary. F. H. Wilkes. Corresponding Secretary, Charles waiters. Treasurer, Charles LaMon. several important mutters nr. tainina to the future welfare of the club were discussed. Splendid talks of encouragement were given by L.ioyo nomas and Kev. Mclntyre. After the business meeting re freshments were served and a gener al good time was had hv all nreaent There were about twenty-five mem bers in attendance. The Y. M. B. C. Is doing SDlendld work fin1 ihnulH receive the support of the commun-i a They ? ANOTHER DOPE FIEND !Uan Arrested This Week Was Prom inent In Railroad Htrike Here Fourteen Yearn Ago Frank Johnson was arrested Mon day while under the Influence of dope, and rested in the city Jail until, he was sufficiently recovered to trav el. When arrested, he Was In such a condition from an overdose of mornhlne that it use a delivery waaon In cettlna him to the police station. Johnson case, as told to a Hop. aid reporter, Is a pitiful one, and is similar in most particulars to that or most done users. About f nrtAAn years ago, when the great railroad strike was in progress, he was a fire man, tosinK bis Job When the matter was finally settled. From Alliance he went to Trinidad, and from there to Old Mexico. While there he suf fered a hemmorrhacn of th turn and the attending physician gave him a uose or morphine, and that was how he started to uae fh dmc Johnson stated that he could get all me morphine or opium he wanted at Naco. on the Arlzona-Movi hmm. dry line, and that for ten cents he could buy as much morphine at Naco as he COUld Ket for A dollar In nnv other city he had ever vlaltod Whan arrested here he was on his way to visu nis Drotner, John Johnson, In the Musselshell valley of Montana. He is rapidly recovering from the effects of the overdoae of thn dm? and resumed his Journey Wednesday UlgUl. Weltou in Alliance i J. II. WeltOn. editor Of the llnnliir County Tribune, waa a visitor in Al liance last week. Mr. Welton is the Ex-U. S. land commlaaioner for tha district of Nebraska. Ha ha made. many of the land filings in the Val entine and Broken Bow land dist ricts. He is a grand old man for the reason that he carrlea an honomhia discharge from Company F of the owonu regiment mat went from Ne braska to the l'hlll nnlnea In ihnv the colored boys on San Juan hill now io iane their medicine. In 1879 he drove 7RO head nt tie from Cleveland, mi nn tin, tn a the Niobrara river, where that stream empties into the Missouri at Yankton. Freighting at that time was made by bull teama. the niiiimu in this case being 145 miles, two trips being made annually with sup plies sufficient for six months. Ill-ought Hack from Hillings E. B. Eberlv. a ranvaaaor vhn was arrested in Bllllnea the iut nr the week on a charge brought by C. u. uraxe, proprietor of the Drake hotel of Alliance. Was broucht hnnlr to this city by Sheriff Cal Cox. Mr. L-ra ae cnargea that Eberly bad vio lated the state laws by jumping hi board bill. Eberlv the charge and is now working out nis sentence helping In the work of fixing up the grounds around the new court house. "Potato Meeting" . A meeting at whloh the nhinni.. " ' - . - U U . .V V 4 and different methoda of rnmhfltlnr the diseases of Box Butte potatoes will be presented by Prof. Vasey of the Nebraska University. Everyone Interested, and especially all potato growers, , are urged to be present. Meeting in the court bouse assembly, 1 p. m., Saturday, April 17. F. M. SEIDELL, County Agri. Agent. Proper Treatment for Biliousness For a lone time MIbb 1 nli fibol- ton, Churchville, N. Y., was bilious and had sick headache and dizv spells. Chamberlain's Tablets were the only thing that aave her reman ent relief. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. Advertise n ton Waal a Cook Waat a Clerk Waal Partner Waal a Sitaatioa Want a Servant Girl Want to Sell a Piano Waat lo Sell a Carriage Waal lo Soil To wa Property Waal lo Sell Tour GrocorUe Waal lo Sell Toar Hardware Waal Customers for Aaytalag Advertiee Weekly ia Tbis Paper. Aavertisial U the V iy to Soooosa Advertising Brings Cestoaaore Advertising Keeps CaatoaMrs Advertising In area Sncceae Advertising Shows Eaergy Advertising Shows PI nek . Advertising la "Bia" . Advertise tr Beat Advertise Loaf Advertise Wall ADVERTISE AI Oaco By Gross WELL IT A GOOD THING VtX)PD.BE CAUSE I DONT TAKE ANY In This Paper I I tlX naaaatr ' V