mmm Litems SP. Ashby. Nebr., April 13 F. B. Sterns and Mrs. John Cooley wnt to Hyannli Thursday to act as witness es, for Mrs. Mary Gaylord, who was making flnal proof on ber borae atead. F. A. Castle came In from bis ranch the flrst of the week to work few days In the bank while C. D. Jlay was fixing up bis lots. Mrs. John Snoddy of Alliance came down Saturday and visited un til Monday with her daughter Mrs. W. H. Showers, and family. Misses Elizabeth and Winnie Keh ler spent a few days In Alliance last week visiting friends. J. O. Martin came down Monday to close up the deal by which he be came owner of the Clarence Hick man claim in Survey valley, near King post office. John Sampson has moved into town into the house he bought from Art Ilalloren. Clarence Hickman and family who have been living near King for the past few years left Tuesday for Om aha, where they will make their fu ture home. A. D. Wroth, who has been spend ing the winter here with his nephew Solland Deacon, left Saturday for bit home in Denver. John Fredlnburg returned Satur day from Denver, where be had been' looking at the country. He was well pleased with the land there. H. D. Tolan and family moved out to the John Barnes place north of town Sunday, and will farm there this summer. Louis Dubs went to Broken Bow Jast week and filed on the Valentine Prapela claim, having bought the re linquishment. This gives the Dubs family two claims , together, Hans having got flrst choice at the filing. John Barnes transacted business at the county seat last Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. Crouse, mother of Dell Crouse, came up Sunday from Mul- Better cookies, cake and biscuits, too. All as light, fluffy, tender ani delicious as mother used to bake. And just as whole some. For purer Baking Pow der than Calumet cannot bo bad at ay frict. Ak your grocer. UCCTED H ICIEST AVUOS WotVi hn Feed tiaeeirloa, CWcace. VL turn fciea"a. f (mm, Hank, UU YTTXTTTT TXNlfVV 5l saddle at Morrill one day last inn I 1 I 1 I I 1 week. ffffftfffCi (if I Mrs. Thomas Smith was a business WVJ IMIU 1V I J caller at Mallnda Wednesday J NX J ML VVVJ IV Miss Eva Miller was visiting Miss . i . . L. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cogar and family and Walter Cogar and family were visitors at A. C. Wright's, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller and fam lly spent Sunday at Chas. Green's Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Conrad and family were visiting at L. A. Dean's Sunday. J. B. Conrad is helping L. A. Dean farm some this week. L. A. Dean has sold over 100 bu len. where she has been visiting and of rye the last few days will make a visit with her son here. James Derr has returned from Mrs. Harry Burgess and dauKhter Charles Tlernan s, where He was em who have been visiting in Alliance Ployed in breaking horses the past for a week or so returned Monday few weeks. His brother Lisle has and went out to their ranch near taken his place, Martlndale. Quite a few farmers are inquiring John Van Kirk left Saturday for for seed rye this spring. SnrlnKfleld. S. D.. where he had J. B. Conrad ana family were vis- some business to attend to. King at her parents', Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Stansbie who has L. A. Dean, Friday, been visiting her parents at Eddy- w understand tnat r . r. ueyer vllle durlna the nast two months, re- has returned from Hot Springs, S turned home Wednesday of last D., where he was taking treatment week I for rheumatism. We are glad to Thomas Woodruff has purchased learn that he is greatly improved two more sections of land during the J. W. Cogar baa moved onto the naat week. He bought the Carl Gaines Chapman ranch. He will Stahmer place, also the Lewis Samp- not take charge of the Sweezy place, son nlace. previously reported Peter Gilroy. who has spent the we understand mat me wen arm- wlnter visiting relatives at Spalding, lng on the Sweezy ranch is progress- returned Saturday and went to the m nneiy already down aoout crty Klnkald aeain. feet. Miss Vivian Fredlnbur snent the Ed Huston s school at the Wick- week end visiting in the country at ard closes today (Friday). A good the Harrv Paiee home. time Is anticipated tonight, as the Miss Mary Babb went to Hvann s patrons ana young people in general last Saturday to attend the lecture are planning on navmg a nne social given the teachers by the state work era. Delegates from Pont M, Alliance, Will Attend Annual State Con vention at Hastings, Nebr. Alliance is sending a full delega tion to the state T. P. A. convention at Hastings this week. Those who will leave today are R. C. Strong, S. W. Thompson, C. L. Ewing, J. C. Hawes, A. D. Rodgers, Geo. F. Sny der, L. H. Highland, C. M. Looney, Harry Czarnosky, Lloyd Thomas, H. W. Hull and Lincoln Lowry. They re expected back Sunday. The members of the Post have de- ided to give a dance during the last three days cf the convention. It will be held at the opera house and will be on a par with former successful affairs of this kind. Several new members have joined recently, making the present mem bership of the Post ninety-four. This s getting to be one of the largest Posts in the state. Thomas Brown, who has been vis iting bis daughter Mrs. Fred Elliott near Spade for some time, left Sun day afternoon for Greenwood, where he will visit a daughter. Lawrence Gourley, who has spent the winter visiting at Villisca, Iowa, Splendid for Rheumatism 'I think Chamberlain's Liniment ia just splendid for rheumatism,' writes Mrs. Dunburgh, Eldrldge, N Y. "It has been used by myself and other members of my family time and time again during the past six years and has always given the best k..w Qn or, ,. , . of satisfaction." The quick relief the ranch Tuesday with Ollie Cor- from pain which Chamberlain's Llnl .lnn ment affords Is alone worth many John Dunn and family moved "mes me cost, uoiamaoie every Monday into the Tolan house in North Ashby. Miss Lillian Smlzer after working at the Ashby hotel during the winter where. RKSOLUTION Resolved, That the Civic Commlt- went back to the Kinkaid Saturday t(, ' the A,,iance Commercial Club for the summer. Irving Thurston has the carpen ters at work enlarging and raising the roof on the pool ball. He will build several rooms overhead and have a lunch counter below. John Skipper, who bought out Mansfield in the livery barn, came ask the city of Alliance and each cit Izcn as an Individual, to join uft In a great "CLEAN UP and PAINT UP WEEK" campaign, beginning April 26 and continuing at least a week. To the end of this campaign may be a success and make of Alliance one of the cleanest cities in the fell mm ffl I t i i rr rr pxm fl Hn.n aotnrH.v nH tnv rh.r nf state, the Alliance Commercial Club ih ham invites the earnest, hearty and har- rri Rfhmr .nH famiiv whn nlH monious co-operauon or me newspa thlr nluro In Thna Wnndrnff thin pers, leaaers in ait civic auaire, tur I .lt .. II J I. n 1 U A n uk ttlnr raariv in e-n hark I iimur , cnjr luuniii auu ucnuu uc to Omaha, their former home. partment, always progressive; the nj i..-. i. n iko I churches, for cleanliness is next to orv thi. Wnv hntirfinr hnnR for Godliness; the Board of Education " iL kin.... i .. . Tri . ta hie Krnthoi-.ln.1aw T ITnotor tthn I lf AHlttlllU VUlUUirei rue urjJl. i.,.t mv.H n., .. from fjn'imon city achools and private schools, the Woman's Club and all other women's Grandpa and Grandma Sterns organizations In our city, for no came down from the ranch last Sun- Rft movement Is ever accomplished dov and anpnf the dav with F. B. Wlinoui ine neip OI gooa women. Sterns and family In all this work we ask the hearty Harvey Hubbard, who has a claim co-operation of the citizens of our on the reserve, returned Monday from Hale, Mo., where he has been quite sick at his father's home. Seth Brant and Miss Christine Gross of Hyannls came up Sunday and spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Irving Thurston. Geo. HaRBenstab and family and Geo. McFarland spent Sunday even ing at the Relnhold Jons home. Chas. Kline of Martlndale was in town Tuesday transacting business. John Cooley, who has been out at the ranch for some tln.e visiting his eons, left Sunday for his home near Hecla, city that we may make our city more healthful and beautiful city in which to live. Yours for success, CIVIC COMMITTEE OF THE COMMERCIAL CLUB IF HURTS SALTS FOR KIDNEYS ANGORA Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like lea or Bladder bothers yon Meat forma uric acid. Angora, Nebr., April 8 The box supper last night at the sod church held under auspices of the Christian Endeavor was a success, 123.15 be ing the receipts. The highest box sold belonged to Miss Mabel Berry, and brought ?4.80. Miss Myrtle Grooms of near Lynn has been visiting at the G. W. Berry home for a few days past. Jeremiah Lynch came in from Io wa this afternoon to look after his land interests here. Jacob Wlens was In Alliance be tween trains today. April 10. Relief Agent Taylor and wife and Mrs. Meeker of Bridge port were visiting Agent R. K. May- bell and family Friday. Alva Gillisple came up from Au burn, Nebr.. Friday for a short visit with relatives. L. L. Stoner and Mrs. C. D. Hen derson went to Alliance to take the civil service examination for post- iniRter today. Miss Myrtle Grooms departed for Blakesburg, Iowa. She expects to remain there for some time. April 12. Earl Dove motored out to Lynn Saturday eve, returning this morning. C. S. Stoner and H. J. Walsworth took Sunday dinner with Rev. G. W. Berry and family. John Smoker reports having sold bis black team to a horse buyer at Bayard Caturday. They will be used for cavalry horses. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jameson de parted this morning for Cushing, Ok Ianoroa. Rev. D. W. Montgomery held meetings both morning and evening Sunday at the sod church. Harry Barber has moved Into the premises vacated by Clark Jameson. Most folks forget that the kidneys like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else wa have backache and dull misery in the kidney reenon. severe headaches, rben miitio twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, leeletiie and all sorts of bladder Hit. orders. You simply must keep your kidnnvt active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or nam in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Suits from any good drug store ncre, tuko a tablettpoonlul in a glass ol water ln-fore breakfast for a few days and jour kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of crapes and lemon juice, combined with litbia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acid in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad baits is harmless; inexpensive makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says be lills lots of Jad Salts to folks who bulieve :u overcoming kidney trouble while it is 'n!v trouble. GOING TO HASTINGS carried results of some sort of fra cas, both of her eyes being darkened and her face being bruised. Mr. Twll egar did not take the stand in his de fense, claiming that he did not want to get up and contradict his wife, but that the marks on her face were not caused by him, as his evidence would have shown had he presented It. Under the conditions there was no alternative for Judge Berry but to put Twilegar under a peace bondr the amount of which was $200. Claimed Husband Beat Her Last Saturday Mrs. L. A. Twilegar swore out a complaint against ber husband, charging him with beating and mistreating ber that morning in their home. The case was heard be fore Judge Berry Monday morning. When Mrs. Twilegar took the stand, it was noticed that she still DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD J (let a email package of Hamburg r.rnt Tea, or as the German folks call it, "Ilamlnirgcr Brut Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the ta. put a cup of boiling water upon it. pour through ' a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure prip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, tbus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. ,1 BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Bab Pain and Stiffness away with a tmall bottle of eld honest St. Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciutii'tt or rht'iimatUm has ! you stiffened up, don t suffer! Oet a 25 cent Iwttle of oil. honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug "tore, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Ion't stay crippled! This soothing, i met rating oil needs to be used only re. It takps the ache and pain right :i f your back and ends the misery. , is niagical, yet absolutely harmless mid doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly I J. H. Fredinberg and Go. ASHBY, NEBRASKA . A Full Line of GROCERIES The kind you like to buy. Good service and satisfaction guaranteed. THE FRELINBURG HOTEL First Class Meals, Clean Comfortable Rooms Modest Rates the Place Where They All Stop SEE US NOW ! "We are Prepared to do your Painting Paper Hanging Kalsomining AUTO AND SIGN PAINTING Old Rugs Cleaned and Made to Look Like New Furniture Refinished ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS W. H. Zehrung & Co. Phones 759 and Red 321 FARE S3 22 DAILY BETWEEN CLEVELAND & ig3UFFALO The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" fcj Tto fertrwt wid most potly wUmmtr on any inland wator of tba world Sleapina i sf uotib ior ouu paMtrifrara, HI "CITY OF ERIE" 3 Mmificm St mr "CITY OF BUFFALO" Jl between C CLEVELAND Dafly, May 1st to Dec 1 at BUFFALO Jt Airiv buffalo - :MA.1I. Arrive 1 t-ee p. m. J0 A.M. Buffalo Cleveland tfOntrttl fltafwfard Timet Count Him at Boffala far Niagara Fall and all Eaatcra and Cansdlaa point. Railroad tick' iu reading iwrween uevtienu ana tsunaio are good Icr trenaportatioa on our your ticket agent for tickrte via C. A B. Line. Nl Biuo SKEANBBKK at oa rooohrt mt Svo ewe to cover pootago and aWia. Aleo aaS I I f"T oor g4pege ptf oriel end oriptive booklet free. I SI y THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO, Cloeolaad. Okie) tifuliv colored swttoraJ rramKta chart, aiaowmsr bolh cxtarinr and intdgrtap of Thg flwmmt 41 nv a- 91 B DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household gooti moved promptK and transfer wor. r ;m ... i:6 Biiifa o hrirn Orav Pnftoo) MONUMENT MALINDA Tea aWt am aar vtca Tea baajag aewdtf. Daa't are oteaeieal ama vl Cihut e tar lea imr ta eeat aula aad eeda. War ckeea or tie ay I ilanl. It I rowltij Malinda, Nebr.. April 9 Andy Dean was visiting at Bert Miller's. Saturday and Sunday of last week, Mrs. Calvin Derr and Mrs. L. A. Dean were visiting at Mrs. J. B Conrad's one day last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meek have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Meek be i fore moving to Gering, where tby will spend the summer. Wilford Cogar purchased a fine Granite Marble Paiot'-Fishburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Nebr. Write for Information or call oa our Local Agent AL. VIKEI. Agent at Alliance Killing Prairie Dogs Is your land Infested with prairie dogs? Is your range damaged and your crops endangered with this pest? For thirty-five years I have been killing these pests with a method of my own that tinea the work quickly and surely. My outfit will operate In western Nebraska during the coming fctuson. e Anyone desiring the prairie dogs on their land killed should communicate with me without delay. My contract price for the work is only thirty-five cents per acre and I charge only for the ground that is infected with the dogs. I will sell the rights for this business for thU part of Nebras ka to any reliable person or ersons. Call on or write me at the Nebraska Rooming House, In Alliance. If 1 am not there you can see my representative. Or call at The Herald office and they will locate me for you. B. S. Payne Prairie Dog Exterminator