The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 15, 1915, Image 4

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    T Esrtlsst ArtiNsry.
We think I lie flcliitfit Inch nrtlllfrj
es dll!nctly modern. Vet the first
cannon -vrt tiikrn litt tlie flplrt were
of flint cnll1cr. A mule mrtnr was
tvd nt th hnttle of Cn-cy. fought In
li-MV Ttii" esrly cannon 1nlls were chls
In) from stone, and the projectile,
which fltn the undent mortar. Is made
T solid urnnlte. Two powerful men
eould scnrcely lift It These ancient
projectile remained In use for a sur
prisingly Inns; time, for It Is recorded
tJbnt In a British man of war en
gaged Mftnlnat the Turks hnd her main
mast severed by a 7l pound stone shot
from a Turkish battery. American
Modsrn Building.
Probably not one out of every 10.000
buildings standing in all parts of the
world and built by modern masons
will be standing fiOO years hence. We
to not know how to put stones and
bricks together ns the ancients did.
nd consequently the building we
raise nowadays are really more tem
porary structures and will le In ruins
when the ancient buildings of Greece
and Egypt, built thousands of years
ajro. are In as good condition as they
are now.
Mr. ricklelllly crime ln"ir ; it
Club one morning alH'Ut ." o i l -k II
entered his liuppy home. vyt -p i .
tnlrs Koftly so a not tn n'.ii.. u h!
srwruse. then felt for the w ti-'i to "v i.
on the electric light, lie ten'.' wi u
it and In the dnrkncus tntutiVl mvr ..
"What's thiit?" came h riopi
the teL
"Where in the deuce are t'u I'-.-lit I i
this houser snarled Pleklellil.v. trying
In his bluff to put a lld fnce on t'ic
"Lights!" cried Mrs. I'kklelllly
scathingly. 'Tull up the blinds:" -Judge.
Out of Lin.
An enlisted man at the post at Fort
JLeaven worth waa ordered to the range
for the Drat time for target drill. Out
ef twenty-one chances the newcomer
made never a hit
"Oh, you dub!" eiclalmed an officer
standing near. "You've missed the
target every time! What'a the mat'
"Well, sh answered the recruit
Bonchalantly, "the only reason 1 can
think of at present la that the person
who set up my target hasn't placed It
Id a straight line from here."
Thsy Go Togsthsr. ,
"Henry," said the young wife, who
had taken up physical culture, "how
4o you think 1 am builtV"
"My dear." replied her husband fond
ly, "you are built very much like a
"Thank you, Henry. And. Henry T"
"If If I am built like a watch, don't
Ton think I should have a few Jewels?
And then Henry frowned and said
the man who compliments a wouiun Is
an Idiot
Early Spelling Reforms.
Thomas (iatacre. rector of Itother
bite from 1011 to 10M. seems to have
been the earliest pioneer of spelling re
form. This divine, who was u promt
nent figure In Puritan circles, started
bis career ns a reformer by changing
to Gataker "to prevent miscalling.
Gatacre published theological treatises
abounding In repulsive looking words
like "qentlon" (for he regarded the "u
after "q" as suerfluoust and other
"nu spelling," such as "bellev," "excea.
Med" and "tru.M-London Chronicle.
Thsy Do Thsir Share.
Milton complained of his wife that
he did not talk to him euough. Three
hundred years have wrought a change.
When Matthew Arnold visited this
country a woman with more seal than
discretion asked hi in:
"Mr. Arnold, will you tell me what
-la the most novel Impression you have
received lu the United States?"
"Certainly, madam." he replied, with
perfect English suavity. "The women
do all the talking. Youtb'a Compan
ion. Artists In Mothr-of -pssrl.
The tncrustutlous of precious woods
with uiotber-of-pearl la lu Hanoi
French Touquiu, an Important Indus
try, an entire street, known as the
street of the inlayers." being devoted
to It Landscapes gleaming In the sun.
heaves of many colored flowers, the
most delicate araltesques and muny
other beautiful things are evolved by
the deft and pliant fingers of the artifi
cers, and marvelous cabinets aud oth
er articles are fashioned und put to
gether without the aid of nails by
dovetailing aud lacquer paste.
Curran's Grim Joke.
"I cannot slug; 1 really cuuuot, pro
tested the futuoua Lord Norbury of
"hanging fame" to a pretty and press
ing hostess. "1 hHve ueltber words
Bur voice."
"You are too inodest. chief Justice."
aid Curran. who wms standing by. "for
I know hundreds that have buug on
your word aud thousands that have
been transported by your voice."
Hsartloss 8uggstion.
"1 am wedded to my art." said the
motional actress.
"Well." replied the cynical mauagcr.
"maybe If vm-lil ' e inlv-'iit-iwou ftr
you lu gel a l 'V it. uiiLe ;iit 1. 1
yoo alliiftty " W.i.ii : Mar
You wili find it lei earr to up
root fauhl lhan to choke 'hem by
gaining virtue. Do not think of
your faults, still leu of others' faults.
In every person who comes near
you look for what it good and strong.
Honor that, rejoice in it and, as
you can, try to imitate it and your
faults will dropoff, like dead leaves,
when their time comes. Ruslan.
Mors Miraolss Ahtsd.
Who can predict what the future will
be. In view of what lias alreudy oc
curred lu this generation of miracle
working? New Inventors, standing on
the shoulders of thoe who so trans
formed things during the last half cen
tury, will doubtless learn still greater
secrets of nature. Much of our worry
over posterity is Idle. While we are
haudlng down many serious problems
for posterity to wrestle with, we are
also giving It the richest legacy any
generation has ever had. Thanka to
our Inventions, the youth of tomorrow
will live more before be attains hla
majority thun "Methuselah did In all
hla stagnant ceuturles.-St Louis
A Famous London Church. , .
Ct tinril..'. In l... la nrnHnhlV
the only Londou church that can boast
of having had a king for church ward
en. George I. held that oftice for a
of It by presenting the church with an
organ. The greater port of Mucking
ham palace Is situated wltnin tne par
ish of St Martin's, and In consequence
the blrtha of all royal children born
there are entered In the church regis-1
ter. Among celebrities who were bur
led at St Martin's are Nell Uwynn,
Robert Boyle, Sir John Farquhar, Itou
blllac, the sculptor, and Hunter, the
surgeon. Hunter's remains were after ,
ward transferred to Westminster ab- '
bey. Loudon Globe.
Nobody quite knows who discovered
Australia. The feat has been fathered
on Chinese, Malaya, French, Venetians
and Spaniards, while dark hints about
the existence of a southern continent
were made by the ancient Greeks and
Romans. Possibly the secret lies hid
den In the unpublished records of the
Dutch East India company among the
state archives at The Hague. The
founding of the first British settlement
at Port Jackson, near the site of Syd
ney, was on Jan. 20, 1788. But those
earliest "settlers" were for the most
part involuntary colonists being com
posed mainly of transported convicts.
Loudon Mall.
Rough on Rosobory.
Lord Rosels-ry has all his life been a
wonderful orator, and be haa probably
made aa many speechea as any politi
cian living. He haa told an amusing
story against himself about a certain
proofreader who. after he bad read the
proof of a particularly long speech of
his lordship's, wrote at the end of It
the words, "Thnnk heaven!'
The proof waa duly returned to the
printer, who set up these words In
tyie. The next day the speech was
published In the newspaper with the
following startling ending: "At the
conclusion of his speech Ixird Itosebery
left for the sotith. Thank heaven!"
London Tlt-BlU.
Pretty Thin.
"My dear." said a thin little Brigh
ton man to bis wife, "this paper says
that there Is a woman down In Devon
ablre who goes out and chops wood
with her husband."
"Well, what of It? I think she could
easily do It t he la aa thin as you are.
I have often thought of using you to
peel potatoes with."
The thin man laid down bis paper
with a sigh that' sounded like the
squeak of a penny whistle. Londou
Scotch Profit.
"We have decided." said the bead of
a Glasgow firm, "to conduct our busi
ness lu future on the protlt sharing
principle. We ahull begin at once ou
the I Minis of last yearn results."
"We are delighted to hear It." replied
the loivmiin, speaking for the men.
"May we nsk what were the last year's
"We lost a thousand pounds." said
the employer, "and. therefore, on the
profit sharing principle, there will be
a reduction of 10 ver cent In your
w a ges. I u n dee A d v ert lser.
How Ho Did It.
"I have seven wives. explained the
unspeakable Turk to the Interviewer.
"Great Caesar: How do you manage
to pay your dressmaker's bills?"
"I married dressmakers, son of an In
fidel !' Boston American.
In wandering through your i
tal pleasure grounds, whenever you
come upon an ugly intruder of a
thought which might bloom into
some poisonous emotion such at fear,
envy, hate, worry, remorse, anger,
and the like, there ia only one right
way to treat it. Pull it up tke a
weed; drop it upon the rubbish heap
aa promptly as if it were a stinging
nettle; and let some harmonious
thought grow in its place.
Tht Woman of It.
"I never saw any one ho obstinate and
set aa John is."
"You surprise met"
"Yes. Indeed. Why. only this morn
ing we had a dispute, but 1 stood Arm
and told him be might move the pyra
mids, but he couldn't budge me when
my mind waa made up."
"And he finally admitted that he was
"Well, about the same thing. He
said. 'Have your own way, Marie.' "
"Of course. But what was the argu
ment about?"
"Oh, I haven't the slightest recollec
tion, but It waa the principle, you
know." 8t Louis I'ost-Dlspatch, ,
No Cusa Words at Homo.
The late Tom Heed used to tell a
story of bow Blaine waa once defend
ed by an old farmer from the accusa
tion of being profune at times.
"It's dlstressln'," said the farmer,
"how they do lie about public men
They're clrculatlu' a story now that
Blaine swears. I know 'talu't ao. My
gal goes to the same school with
Blaine's gal, and she's often gone
home with her and eaten many a meal
of victual at Blaine's house, and she
tells me that ahe never beerd Blaine
speak a cuss word. Now It stands to
reason that a man that kin keep from
swear In' in his own house and at his
own wife kin keep from Bwenrln' any
where." Loa Angeles Times.
In many parts of England and espe
cially In the villages of the Black coun
try It Is quite a common thing for a
man to be known so exclusively by a
nickname that hla real name Is forgot
ten. A gentleman hod occasion once to
ask a potter for the whereabouts of a
certain John Williams.
"John Williams?" repeated the man
thoughtfully, knitting his brows.
have heard tell of It John Williams
It la familiar. I say, sir." be explained.
na If seised by a sudden Inspiration
"do he be married ?"
"That's so." was the reply.
"And het three of a family?"
"I believe so."
"Well. sir. I'm John Williams."
Not Caused by the Hat
"How do yon like my hat?
"Why, to tell the truth," replied her
dearest friend frankly, "I don't like
the effect very well. It seems to me It
gives you a rather cross look."
"Oh, that Isn't the bat" she respond
ed cheerfully.
"Oh, not at all. That comes entirely
from the fact that I have Just seen my
husband and be bad Just seen the
bllL" Chicago Post
One Thing Ho Couldn't Do.
Milking a cow is not an eaay task for
an unpractlced hand. Leslie Stephen,
the famous English literary light, was
once on a long tramp In Switzerland
accompanied by bis friend. Dr. Mor
gan. They missed, their way and
found themselves, parched and bun
gry, far from any dwelling place. At
length they came across a cow, from
whom they determined to extract some
nourishment but after trying their
best for an hour, each holding on to
her horns In turn, they hud to abandon
all hopes of milk. This, remarks Dr.
Morgan, la "one of the very few occa
slons on which 1 ever saw Stephen
fairly thwarted." Londou Siectator.
Dacca Muslins.
Dacca. In eastern Bengal, had a sne
clal Interest for Thackeray since his
grandfather, after whom he was
named, laid the basis of his fortune as
factor there. And In the novelist's day
the nnnie. as old people among us will
still remember, was synonymous with
exquisitely diaphanous textiles, thouzh
as a mnffer of fact the rarest of these
"webs of woven wind." "evening
dews." "running waters" such were
some of the names given the most dell
cate of the Dacca muslins seldom
pased beyond the city walls. There
Is a well authenticated case of the
thread tx'lng spun Into muslin in the
proKrtior. of 100 miles to the poum
a volrduiols. London Chronicle.
Teacher Was Foolsd.
At a German recitation the class
was asked for the German forma of
English words.
"What la the German for lawyer,
Tommy 7 asked Miss Jones or my
The German for lawyer la pronounc
ed Abd-fo-kaht. Although Tommy and
I hud studied this lesson with great
seal the night lief ore. we could not
recollect the word. So Tommy etam
mered very sullenly:
"I fo'got."
"Good!" said Miss Jones, first to
Tommy'a astonishment. Hon to his
amusement as he saw the point, and
finally to his delight, because he avoid
ed getting a tero. Chicago Herald.
Whin Poland Drank Hard.
Poland was a great country for hard
drinking In the old days. Its last king.
Stanislaus II., was solemnly warned
by the grand hetman. Branicki. that he
must never expect to become popular
unless he got drunk at least twice a
week. Pan KemarexewakL who could
empty a bucketful of champagne at a
draft without noticeable consequences,
once In company with Pan Boslejkow
ski, high chamberlain of Volhynia.
disposed of u whole butt of old Hunga
rian wine at a single sitting. One held
his beaker under the bunghole until it
was full and then drank while the
other filled his beaker, and so. turn and
turn about, they achieved the feat
London Chronicle.
Bee! Stears Slew znj Slcajy to
10 Cfi!s Lo;;:r.
Very Satlsfaetsry Market For Cherp.
uan-.os Active Sellers t Fully
Steady Prices Ated Sheep 10 Centa
Tnfon Sto.'k Yards. Pouth Omaha
April 13 A very fair run of cattle ar
rived yesterday, some tj.uOO luud
Trade 'n fat cattle wP8 a little s ow,
un prices steady to about a dime
lower than the close of lant wppv
For the most part It was an active
and steady market for cows and heif
ers, and there waa a healthy demand
from local packera aa well as vigorous
ouing ror both shipping and feedinz
account. Veal calves wer in hrisv
request and fully steady, and there
was a little broader Innuirv and a
stead er merket for bul!s. EtaTi. rc.
There was a good demand from hot.'i
local spectators and country buyers
for stockers and feeders and prices
were steady to strong, as compared
with the latter part of last week.
Cattle quotations: Good to choir
beeves. $7.757i 8.35: fair to eood
beeves, $7.407.70; common to fair
beeves, $6.817.40; good to choice
he!fers. $6.BOfi7.15: good to choice
cows. $6.35 6. 9f; fair to good row.
$5.6O6.30; canners and cutters, $3.75
P5.Z5; veal calves, $7.03 10.00: bulls.
stags, etc., $4 75 6.25; good to cho cs
reeaers, $7.25 7 85; fair to good feed
ers, $7.007.25; common to fair feed
ers. $6.OO7.00; stock heifers, $5.85
6 85; stock cows, $5.50 6.50; stock
calves, $6.2508.25; stock bulls, $5.25
A moderate run of 7.200 head of
hogg and a continuation of last week's
good demand for all kinds sent prices
up to the tune of 10 15c yesterda".
The b'g string of sales landed at $7 00.
There was a sprinkling around $6.95.
and a few shippers, as well as a num
ber of the killers, which were sold
towards the close, reached $7.05.
Sheep and lamb receipts totaled 7,
R00 head. Tnde was active and
prlcea on lambs were fully steady,
while eheep were scarce and about 10c
higher. Bulk of the Metlcan Iambs
changed hands at $10.40. A sma'l
bunch of spring lambs brought $13.50.
Two cara of Mexican ewes brouh
$8 35. only 5c under the extreme high
record for any year at this point.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, light, $10.00010.40; lambs,
heavy. $9.75010.00; yearl'ngs. light
$8.9009.25; ycsrl'ngs. heavy. $8 50
8.90; wethers, good to choice. $8,000
$.50; wethers, fair to gcod. $7 7508.00;
ewes, good to choice, $7.7508.25;
ewes, fair to good, $7.00 0 7.75.
Have a car of Minnesota Red Riv
er Ohio seed potatoes ordered. They
are free from scab and dry rot. Each
farmer should get enough to plant
five acres this year. It will not cost
yoii much to get enough for five acres
and it will pay you big to get pure
seed that command a better price on
the market when you raise them to
sell. I have given Mr. Seidell a
sample of this seed. Ask him his
opinion on this seed and to snow you
the sample. Place your order with
me at once for your amount. Deliver
ed price if taken off the car Is 90
cents per bushel sacked.
Sec. Com. Club, Hemingford.
Meets With Approval
In another part of this issue will
be found a large announcement of
the Reo the Fifth auto, for which
J. L. Nlcolai is Alliance agent. The
Reo Is staying right along with the
rest of them in the matter of sales,
the factory being taxed to supply the
demand. It ia a good car or Mr.
Nicolal wouldn't sell ao many of
them, and the general office seems
mighty well pleased with his sales
thus far. The new "six" is an inno
vation in the automobile world and
is taking with the public, aa is evi
denced by the demand for it.
Martha A. Markham, wife of J. C.
Markham, died at her home in the
west part of town early Wednesday
Over 800 Stock Forme in tke "IPtsso Line, end many Complete Outfits
vrc Dcaion areouu, routs ajd lay out complete flams
Write or
Call on..
morning after a short Illness caused
by a tumor. Mrs. Markham was
born September 3, 1861, being 63
years, 5 months and 11 days old at
the time of her death. Besides the
husband, four children one boy and
three girls, together with several
brothera and sisters, survive her.
One son and one daughter live in Al
liance, one married daughter at
Edgemone. and a married daughter
near Ogden, Utah. The daughter at
Edgemont came here upen learning
Buy Apples Now
We are overstocked on apples and
to reduce our stock are making
a special price of
$1.50 PER BOX
The best grades of Fancy Apples at
a price within reach of all
From 5c to $2 a Roll
F. J. Brenean
Bring New People
Into Your Locality
Inquiries for western lands are increasing and indicate an active
search by people in the Middle East this year for Western lands. I should
be glad to receive from your locality new lists of available farms and areas
for settlement.
We desire to co-operate with organizations, real estate men and others
whose interests are along the Burlington Road. The year 1915 ought to
bring many landseekera and seekers for business openings In the West; al
ready the actual spring movement of farmers upon the land shows the good
effects of the work and publicity of our Bureau during the recent lull in
the land movement.
This Bureau is at your Berjce. We have very large mailing lists of
inquirers to whom we furnish the
Our Bytm Brrlce costs yoo nothing
TU m tk lowtaul i rs
thai tm Hwlaf jrti tiifcto
This, will Obligate Yoe in No Way
im I-Peehj
.Forms, Devices and Indexes
Thia LiM ajrs latavmaiiaaal iaallla iar
Hlak Oaaltty aaU AtuhH HiniHlHy
Herald Publishing: Co.
Allia ce. Nebraska
of her mother's death, but it will be
impossible for the daughter living at .
Ogden to be here to attend the fun-
eral. Two sisters arrived Wednes-
day noon. At the time of going to
press we have not learned where In- '
terment, will take place.
For first-class blacksmithing and
horseshoeing go to the new shop In
the alley back of Rodgers store.
latest lists of lands and business oppor
tunities. Keep in touch with us, as good results
follow directly, as well as In the most unexpected
1004 Faraara Street, Omaha, Neb.
Check th Department yv
think can bt unproved Pm
Ihi. to your letter head and
lunrard aanw to tat
Wt submit complete
tlan. the burdta ot proof
on ia
.... Purchase Order
....Receiving Good
..Sales Orders
....Shipping Order
.... Factory Order
....Cash and Journal
....Check and Bank
..Monthly State.
....Billing Charging
....Ledger Accounts
....Pay Roll
....City Deliveries
bombs trt imi c
ran em, . ,,