391 B WCM. M JSiWS Mi E FAMOU Antiocb MIbr Ella Rock went to Monday to make her home Free ItrmnnMrntJon of llrlnxe'a product at Hamilton' Grocery store on Saturday. ... Mra. L. R. Cantwell, who had been lilting with her father-in-law, J'rank Cantwell, and family, for the put several daya, returning to her Some at Lakeside Monday. D. A. Fernengel is here from BuahTllle this week looking after feualnesi matters and visiting with friends. Miss Harriet Wiggins was here from Bingham Monday and Tuesday to make an entry for a homestead nd to visit with friends. Miss Veda Garrett was here from Whitman Tuesday visiting with friends, and shopping. Free Demonntratlon of Ilelnze'a products at Hamilton's (Jrorery atore 4M Saturday. F. R. Bellamy, of Morrill, visited between trains Tuesday with friends bere. Miss Lena Westover went to Hy- annis Tuesday for a short visit with relatives and friends. John McCool returned to his home at Ellsworth Tuesday, after a short business visit bere. J. C. Wilcox, of Dalton, came in Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends and to look after business matters. Mr. Wilcox formerly lived In Alliance, and still retains property bere. F. M. Boone came up from Bing bam last Saturday and remained un til Tuesday looking after business Butters. Fatber Donnelly returned Tuesday from a short stay at Angora. Free Demonttt ration of llelnze's product at Hamilton's Grocery store on MaturdAy. W. W. Buchanan la here from Hy annls this week with a load of im ported and American bred horses. which be Is offering for sale. They are warranted to be acclimated and of the very best grade. He is sell log them at private sale at tb 1'al- ace Livery Barn. Mrs. W. A. Gosmer was here from Hemingford the first of this week at tending the School of Music. Attorney W. J. Connell, of Omaha, la bere this week as special attorney In the case of Hopkins vs. the City of Alliance. He is assisting ' W. R Meti, city attorney. E. C. McCluer's entire stock of dry goods and furnishings have been placed In the hands of the Hosburg Sales Co., who are offering it at special sale. E. C. Baker Is manag ing the sale here. Five Demonstration of IIHiue'ti products at Hamilton's (irwery More on Saturday. A. D. Rodgers returned home the latter part of last week from Lincoln, where he had been to attend the meeting of the executive board of the State Retailers' Association. Ward W. Norton is now demon strating the new Regal automobile, for which he Is agent. It is surely a dandy car, and bears the same rep utation as do the other cars he han dles the best. Father Reiser was here between trains Tuesday on bis way home to Hemingford. Run your auto on Itaro-GaKoline. More power and greater efficiency. At the Keo Garage, 18c per gallon. 17-tf-534 5 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Allen came up from their ranch near Bridgeport last Sunday in response to word that their son, Guy Allen, had suffered a nervous breakdown. Mr. Allen re turned borne Tuesday, but Mrs. Al len will remain here for the present. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cooley were, bere from Ashby Tuesday, visiting with friends. George Hunsaker returned to his borne at Antioch Monday after a abort visit here with the C. P. Wake man family. Miss Theresa Pearl Hight depart ed last Saturday for Scottsbluff, where she will remain for two weeks drilling the pupils in their high school play. She will be here to morrow (Friday) night to assist In the two-part concert by the Alliance School of Music at the opera house, ; and will also be heard in recital at 1 the Congregational church at Chad-1 ron Saturday evening. Nice, Juicy steaks and pork loins. You will always find them at A. D. 1 Rodgers' Grocery Store. j I Mrs. Hattie Owens 1s the new j housekeeper in the Atlas rooming j bouse, which recently changed bands. I , Mr. and Mrs. James Blddle camej up from Ellsworth last Friday to ! have a needle removed from Mrs. Biddle's thumb. After they arrived It was found that it would be neces sary to cut very deep if the needle was extracted, and that the opera tion would Injure the ligaments in tbe thumb, the physician advising ber to wait for a short time and let the needle wo-!: :t wy partly out before another operation was at tempted. They returned to Ells worth Saturday. PULVERIZES PRICES $7.50 BOYS' LONO PANTS SUITS $4.98 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS FAST COLORS 39c KENTUCKY JEANS PANTS $1.50 GRADE SALE PRICE Don't Buy a Dollar's Worth of Clothing Until You Have Seen Ours The Famous Sells it for Less Unheard of Prices for New Spring Goods Remember The Famous Sells it for Less Ten Gigantic Days of Li PRICE SMASHING fUR store is crowded, jammed and packed full MEN'S LEATHER WORK GLOVES 17c SILK FIBRE SOX M PAIR 75 PAIRS BROWN MULESKIN SHOES $2.00 VALUES $139 MEN'S 75c MUSLIN NIGHT SHIRTS 48c of New Spring Clothing, Suits, Hats, Shoes, and Furnishings for men and boys. You know our reputation for selling none but goods of ap proved superiority. The world's best standard merchandise is on our shelves. We buy goods for less and sell them for less. WE CHALLENGE COMPARISONS andPRICES Come here and get in while the going is good. There will be a regular ten days' bargain picnic. Don't Miss It Read On Remember, The Famous Sells It for Less 13 BOYS' KNICKER SUITS $2.98 WORTH UP TO $5.00 BOYS' SHOES 9 TO 13 BLUCHERS $139 BOYS' SHOES BLACK BOX CALF BLUCHERS $1.48 Incomparable Clothing Values 68 fine ail wool Suits, all sizes, that were bought to sell up to $15.00. Nice, choice patterns 10 Days' Special $9.85 THE FAMOUS Of Course A Big Line of Men's and Young Men's Suits Reg ularly worth $15.00 and $18.0010 Days' Special, $12.50 THE FAMOUS Of Course Here is a Big Snap in Men's and Young Men's Suits. 100 of new $18.00 and $20.00 Suits Special Price $14.85 THE FAMOUS Of Course 55 Fine Suits, made by HART SHAFFNER & MARX, Fancy Silk and Wools. Regular $25 Val ues Sale Price $18.75 THE FAMOUS Of Course BIG BARGAINS Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Furnishing Goods BOYS' WAISTS ALL SIZES 19c ROMPERS FOR LITTLE FELLOWS 19c BOYS' NICE CAPS 19c BOYS' MEXICAN HATS 9c SPRINGTEX MEN'S $1.00 UNION SUITS 69c MEN'S RIBBED UNDERWEAR ALL COLORS 39c MEN'S HIGH BACK BIB OVERALLS 69c YOUR FREE CHOICE OF OUR NEW SPRING FINE $3.00 DRESS HATS ALL COLORS AND SIZES $1.98 120 MEN'S BLACK CRUSH HATS $1.25 VALUES SALE PRICE 98c MEN'S CALFSKIN SHOES REGULAR $2 50 VALUES SALE PRICE 5L98 40 FINE SUIT CASES SALE PRICE $139 600 FINE DRESS SHIRTS GUARANTEED FAST COLORS $1.25 VALUES 75c BOYS' SHOES LACE 2V, TO 5V, $1.89 ALL OF OUR $4.00 WALKOVER AND DOUGLAS SHOES $3-48 The Famous, Ooe Price Clothing Store. Alliance, Nebraska