ASHBY NEWS Ashby. Nebr., March ,9 W. T. Brown and family of Mullen arrived Friday night and will make their Jkme here, In the future. Mr. Brown 1 the harneaa maker who la locating fcere and li now prepared to take In wrk of all kinds. Elmer Gedney, who haa been In E TEA IN LIFELESS, GRAY HAIR Look young! Common garden Sage and Sulphur darkens so naturally nobody can tell Oramlmofher kept hrr hair beiuitiftilly darkened, glowv and abundant with a of ffcure lea and Sulphur. When- her hair foil out or took on that stall, faded or rtreiiked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. By asking at any drug tore for "Wreth'a Sajje ary! Bulphur Hair Remedy," you will gnt a large Cuttle of this old-time recipe, ready to nee, for about 60 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and is splendid for d a id ruff, dry, itchy seulp and falling hair. A well-known downtown drupgint says everybody usee Wj-fth's Sapo anil Bui pbur, bocaune it darkens so naturally and evenly tliat nbotIy can tell it has been Applied it's so easy to use, too. You imply dampen a comb or soft brush ad draw it through your hair, taking M strand at a time. By morning the -gray hair disappears i after another appli cation or two, it ia restored to its natural olor and looks glossy, soft and abundant. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RATES The charge for both regu lar and special editions Is lc per word per Insertion, six words to the line. Advertisers so desiring: may have an wers to their advertisement address ed to a box number, care of The Her Id. Advertisements charged to patrons having" accounta are measured by tb Mae. not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot be respon sible for more than one wrong Inser tion due to typographical error. No claim for error can be allowed after the 10th of the following month. Any Advertisement inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by written rder. 1 JFOB BALE LAJIDS XanDPOU SALE If taken within thirty days. 160 ecrrs about three miles storthwest of Alliance. In section 2ti. tewnahip 25, range 48. Price, $25 per ere. Terms, $2,000 cash. Time on th balance. Address John Hock, 214 Knep per Street. Council HlulTs. Iowa. JA!fD TO TRADE WANTKD TO THADB irrigated farm In eastern Wyoming. Water right Mid for In government canal. Well Improved. Address Box 4789. care Al liance Herald. 61tf-478J Thorobred saddle horse for sale heap. Phone 140 or call at The Her Id office. l4-tf-4410 FOR RENT ROOM! KICELY FURNISHED ROOM8:Wlth r without board. Close In. Private residence. Phone 176. TOR SALH MISCKLLANtCOlS Five room house for sale. Teung. Phone 75. feb See W. B. 25-lt6773 RANOK FOR SALE New malleable range, cheap for cash, or on terms. See hn R. Snyder, phone 16. t-tf-6816 RELINQUISHMENT on homestead for sale. I offer for sale a homestead relinquishment of 191 acres In good lo cation. Price reasonable for quick ale. Inquire at The Herald office or ddress Iiox 6245, care Alliance Herald. ,J-tr-BJtS . STOVE FOR SALE Hard coal stove, la good condition. Cheap for cash. In jlre at The Herald office. S-tf FOR ALE LIVE STOCK llulla for gale Several Aberdeen bulls, from six to twenty-four months of iiro, for sale Raised in Keith county, Nebraitka. Ad dress W. H. & J. Dudley, Lc.Movne, Ne braska. 10-41-&0SI Denver taking treatment during the past three weeks, returned home Wednesdsy. Louis Dubbs and family of Colum bus, Nebr., arrived Thursday with two cars of cattle and an Immigrant car, and went out to the homestead of Hans, their son who got first choice on the reserve. . Dan Collins and fa mil yarrlved Friday from Wauneta, where they have been visiting since Mr. Collins left the hospital at Grand Island. Messrs. Thomas Stewart and Fred Burgess went down to Hyannls Tues day, returning Wednesday. John Donnelly left Monday after noon for a business trip to Schuyler and Grand Island. Wesley Barnes won the big silver waler pitcher at J. H. Fredlnburg & Co.'s. Mildred Withers of Inez won the silver syrup pitcher, Joe Hunt won the set of knives and forks, Joe Matipln won the 26 piece silver chest and the four piece set was won by No. 196, which some one must have taken home. Any one holding this ticket Is entitled to silver set. Mrs. Wllley of Bingham came down Saturday afternoon to see her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Murphy, who is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. John Darnes are the proud parents of a boy born March 6. Dr. Howell of Hyannls attended Mrs. Darnes. Mrs. C. H. Holcomb left Saturday for Droken Dow, after spending sev eral days here with her daughter, Mrs. S. S. Parklson. Misses Nellie and Gladys Fredln burg have both been having the mea sles but are getting along fine. Sam Hicks who has been visiting during the past winter In Iowa and Kansas returned Monday, and went out to his ranch near Martlndale. The heaviest snowfall of the win ter visited us here during the past week. It started In Monday night and never stopped at all until Sun day night. The roads are almost Im passible and the Martlndale mall did not get In at all last week on account of the roads. Luke Shultz, who has been spend ing the winter visiting his parents at Page, came down Saturday afternoon and went out to his homestead near Martlndale on Monday. The bunk car occupied by the Greek caught Are Saturday night and It took two hours hard work by the section foreman and agent to put it out. John Dunn has put down a well on his lot and will put In a system of water works In his feed barn. He is making preparation to put large pipes all through the barn. A CONFIRMED STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS PAST l HE WANTKD for horse. Will ay reasonable price for rood treat ment and plenty of feed. Phone 340 or call at Herald oflVf. ; lS-tf-6610 JAMES M. KENNEDY.' DENTIST First National Bank Building-, Alli ance. Nebr. . Phones:' Offlce, 23; Resi dence, Black 10. . Evidence Alliance Headers Will Ap preciate Doan's Kidney Pills have done plendld work In this locality. Have merited the unstinted praise they have received. Here's evidence of their value that none ran doubt. It's testimony from this locality twice-told and well confirmed. Such endorsements are unique In the annals of medicine. Should convince the most skeptic al Alliance reader. George Dusick, Gordon. Nebr., says: I had a great deal of trouble from Irregular passages of the kid ney secretions and I also suffered from attacks of lumbago. Often the pain and lameness in my back was so acute that I was unable to stoop or do any kind of work. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me in a short time and the cure has lasted. I am glad to conQrm the endorsement one of my family gave Doan's Kidnev Pills in my behalf some time ago." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Busick had. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. TCailroaa mii'tan secure a vtryuse tvi book at The Herald offlce. It la a iHv iine book for trainmen and en- gieW,4i 1W trtcv 4s rsaaatft litner to loan on real estate, tf F. K. REDDISH FOR RENT The jhh A. Wllson lace in 27-47. for negotiable note. Ad resa offers lo Mrs. Eva Vandewalker, v oul .H't njjrtiiytvw nvTMt LOCT44tdt.lekttherUKft front' an Pack, memorandum book with loose IKaves. held in by rubber band. Find a please return to Herald office, or one 840. 8-tt itrahlP t"d ying- f.r thin .HwarllyM. I tkrnt. i all at i ns tieraia omce. FOR EXCHANGE for western Nebr ska land. S20 acre. Improved farm in ram Pa rom KullrUuu- 4dU'i Box - -674, are Alliance Herald, with full des ription of land which you wish to ex utn'1 f i ' ' ud. 320 acre, tmprovea lirm in couAlx.Nb-rWflfti, fiv nUs PalieW I i keventtW trifle Befcaago a'ril J-of sul TTT 1 1. lit- ill L'ilU U . I At l-uA UMWKiiU IU -rnn t-tt Uts in Johnston fraMei'luK HoraeS1 or ws-, , Address t,W cars, U.rJd,. mi n-! "fttii ofale kf'TVaiiy ' ,u A good MarH'i 38-55 rifle r trade for shotgun. CommiKNioiierfi' Proceedings Alliance, Nebr.. March 5, 1915. The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present, C. L. Hashman and Geo. W. Duncan. On consideration of the applica tion of William Iodence to refund taxes paid by him under protest, on personal property for the year 1914. the board finds that said property was liable to taxation and was legal ly assessed and taxed In Box Dutte county for said year. It is therefore considered by the board that his said application be rejected and the county treasurer is hereby ordered to dispose of said taxes in same man ner as if the same had not been paid under protest. The following claim was examin ed and rejected : laim To IW No. Whom What Amt. 0l3nUITu4ence. refund taxes ... , J40.50 Bids on file for screens for the NctiMBouwerdVned and con tract awarded to Chas. H. Fuller for the sum of $398.95. Whereas, a petition is being circu- )atetfmong' jjjf jbVhefe bf the fol lowing: described property: Lots 1 to 6. Block : Lots 1 to 6. Block 7. Lots 1 to 12, Block 5: Lots,! to 12. uioca a; uum 10 10 is. uiwi , Lota.a3 A,:48mKkirWgJMn,h, or iginal town now city of Alliance, N braskMktqg4hat thv aalt Ibvs-aifd i lorraeq. tntQ . street, in M 'stritri6t,ftie,'Ba,mtciey and that street curbing be construct ed on the streets and avenues wlthao Lgfajr am sax seek lwrse- menl district, and Whereas, Box Butte County, Ne- -w4veef erf 3 fS 23. in County Addition to the City Alliance. Nebraska, within said p vaejeaB, is int. .. uesire oi Board of County Commissioners BpxButte, CpMPtyi Nebraska, t street curbing be constructed ah the streets and atenues' abutting oroerty'MiD owtiedlbybn sail I Butt. County, Nebraska.., be U tht fore resolved bj.,he JP,9,W rS.P ty Commissioners of Box Bute co ty. Nebraska, that J. M?"Wanek authorized to sign the said petition A V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ijeeeeeee BsaisiBaBaasaBHssBBBaBBasBBBBBiBMBBBaaaBBaaBBsasBBBBBSBaBaMa Autoim.obiIe Contest "THE RIGHT" CASH HOY llKCKWITH SALE "THE RIGHT" CASH ROY IIITCKWITH Beginning Wednesday, March 10 and lasting until Saturday, March 20, at 12 o'clock midnight, we will make a general reduction through out our stock and offer some very attractive SPECIAL BARGAINS TO ALLOW OUR PATRONS AND ESPECIALLY THOSE INTERESTED IN OUR AUTOMOBILE CONTEST TO ANTICIPATE THEIR WANTS FOR THE FUTURE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IN GOOD MERCHAN DISE, SUCH AS WE ALWAYS CARRY, WE HAVE DECIDED TO OFFER FOR THE LAST TEN DAYS OF THE CONTEST PRICES AS FOLLOWS: 33 1-3 per cent off on all overcoats. 25 per cent off on all mackinaws. 25 per cent off on all heavy weight winter suits. 20 per cent off on all heavy winter caps. 20 per cent off from the regular price on all heavy overshoes and arctics. 10 per cent off on all light weight rubbers. 10 per cent off on all trunks, bags and suit cases. 10 per cent off on all Stetson hats. 10 per cent off on all dress and work shirts. 20 per cent off on all heavy weight underwear. 10 per cent off on all light weight spring suits. 20 per cent off on all heavy winter lace boots. 10 per cent off on all leather dress and work gloves. 10 per cent off on all dress and work pants. One lot dress shirts, regular $1.00 values, at 50c. In addition to the above there will be one lot of Stetsons velour hats, regular $5.00 grade, which will go at $2.85 Also the choice of our large line of neckwear at 50 cents THERE WILL BE OTHER SPECIAL BARGAINS WHICH WE CANNOT DESCRIBE BUT WHICH WILL BE WELL WORTH LOOKING OVER. VOTES WILL BE GIVEN ON THE AUTOMOBILE AT THE OLD RATE OF 100 FOR EACH $1.00 PURCHASE. THESE VOTES MUST ALL BE IN BY 12 O'CLOCK P. M, SATURDAY, MARCH 20TH. ANY PERSONS DESIRING VOTES IN THIS CONTEST AND WHO DO NOT NEED THE MER CHANDISE NOW CAN PURCHASE DUE BILLS FOR THE AMOUNT DESIRED AND TRADE THEM OUT AT PLEASURE. FOR THESE DUE BILLS PAID IN ADVANCE THEY WILL RECEIVE DOUBLE VOTES. HE RIGHT 99 Alliance, Nebraska Roy Beckwith, Proprietor pletely to all 6bltgatlons imposed by the signing of said petition. Whereupon the Board adjourned until March 29th. 1915. M. S. HARGRAVES, Clerk. lt-lt-5382 at r;tie for sal Address Bo i .." i tjs ra i County ruiiy r.r.i com N'OTICE TO tXNTUACTOU.S Sealed proposals will be received the offlce of the City Clerk of Al liance, Nebraska, until 1Z o'clock Noon, Mountain Standard Time, on March 30. 1915, for the construction street curbing, street curbing and guttering, street curbing and gutter ing, street guttering and alley gut tering as follows: Said bids to be opened and con sidered by the City Council at eight o'clock on the evening of March 30, 1915. In street improvement district number 1. 4363.20 lineal reet or street curbing; 640.80 lineal feet of curbing and guttering: 80 lineal feet of street guttering; 20 lineal reet of alley guttering. In street improvement district number 2. 4236.20 lineal feet of street curbing; 640.80 lineal feet of curbing and guttering; 80 lineal feet of street guttering; 40 lineal feet of a4)eygutterlng. In street improvement aisirici number 3, 3906.20 lineal feet of street curbing; 640.80 lineal feet of curbing and guttering; 80 lineal feet of street guttering; 20 lineal feet of alley. guttering. 'MThei engineer's estimate of cost isi ST0t.O. iiKnth bid Is to be accompanied by a terttfied check in the sum of 1200, which H to be forfeited in case the tttdifcri'to whom the contract Is awantod 4ils to enter Into a contract arrl furntsh the required bond wlth n';D Cii. vs. Plans and specifications may be Killing Prairie Dogs la yoar land Inieeted with prairie dogs? Is your range damaged and your crop endangered With this pent? Fop thirty-five years I have been killing these pests with a method of my own that doe the work quickly and surely. My outfit will operate In western Nebraska during the coming season. Anyone desiring the prairie dogs on their land killed should communicate with me without delay. My contract price for the work is only thirty-five cents per acre and I charge only for the ground that ia infected with the doga. I will sell the rights for this business for this part of Nebras ka to any reliable person or persona. CaOl on or write me at the Nebraka Itooming House, in Alliance. If I am not there you can see my representative. Or call at The Herald office and they will locate me for you. B. S. Payne Prairie Dog Exterminator seen and proposal blanks obtained at the otHce of the City Engineer In Alliance. Nebraska. Extra copies oi plans and specifications - ay b? f t tained from the city engineer oa the payment of 5.00 for each set. which sum will be returned upon the re turn of the plans and specifications In pood order. The city reserves the ripht to re ject any or all bids. By order of the City Council, Feb ruary 17. 1915. GEO. F. SNYDER. City Clerk. (SEAL)