PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS Rates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone, 360 Res. Phone, 342 Calls Answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, over the Post Office. C. E. SLAQLE, M. D. Physician and Burgeon Office phone, 63 ALLIANCE : Res. phone, 62 NEBRASKA Orle Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths ROOM 6, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK H. M. BULLOCK Attorney-at-Law ALLIANCE NEBRASKA i L. W. BOWMAN ' Physician and Surgeon OFFICE, First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 862; Residence, 16 ) DR. D. E. TYLER I Dentist PHONE 362 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT THE HERALD OFFICE REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE A. J. KENNEDY Dentist OFFICE: Alliance National Bank Building Over Post Office PHONE 391 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil courts since 1889, and Register U. S. Land Office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mail a specialty. OFFICE in Land Office Building ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Monarch and Peacock GOAL We are exclusive dealers in Alliance for these two well known brands of coal, the best on the market. You will agree with us if you try them. The Mon arch is Wyoming lignite, and the Peacock is from the famous mines of Rock County, Colorado. Give us your next order Forest Lumber Company Phone ;StwMiawrt' Dray Phon M Get the J ?UlCl FOOL.' THE MiUIOH C WE VAM I I Qc(CrTlM TutlWk Siccirf A I C&A IA Hai l I I HOCHI HI f I Tl c if 7h "V(, 1 rT I FLO 1 I ITiM .' J J. W. BURNS Contractor and Builder PLANS AND ESTIMATES FTRNISIIED ON APPLICATION I employ only first-class Mechanic All work guaranteed Res. and Shop, 7th and Mississippi PHONE 279 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA "LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA DR. L. W. CURTIS PREPARED TO TREAT ALL DOMESTIC ANIMALS PHONE 633 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA J. M. WILLIS Physician and Surgeon OVER MALLERY'S GROCERY PHONES: Office, 496; Res., 578 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON Attorney-at-Law Land Attorney OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician House Wiring Motor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA GEO. G. GADSBY Licensed Embalnier PHONE: Day, 498; Night, 610 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA 73 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line rJlufMI l mmra1 nrnmnflu and transfer work solicited. Reoldanc phone 131 and BIim S7 O A Leading Lady In Drama and Comedy CARY L. HASTINGS. There are many things that Cary I , Hastings can do. And she doe's every one of them well. That in Itself is a distinction in these days of speclallxa. tlon. Miss Hastings not only Is the character lead of the Thanhouser-Mu-tual studios, but she also plays comedy roles with equal effectiveness. There Is an old stage saying that the criterion of a good dramatic actor or actress Is his or her ability to play real comedy roles. On that basis this very charming little lady Is a super-star, a sort of movie comet Miss Hastings has been with the Thanhouser Company since It was or ganized. She went Into pictures after a wealth of experience on the stage, where she created the part of Mrs. Brown In "Mrs. Temple's Telegram," played In "St Elmo" and in many an other success. Whnt time she does not need for picture taklnir she spends In her cnrrVn In the warmer went her and 'n Ikt oitMidl.l greenhouses In the? cold TENTS Every Kind, Size and Weight Quality the Best Prices Right AWNINGS Stack, Machine and Wagon Covers BED TARPS Everything in Canvas WESTERN TENT AND AWNING COMPANY Lincoln, Nebr. FIRE! FIRE! ATTENTION, FIREMEN! Whenever your city is in the market for Fire Hose or Equipment, you should at once write us, as it Vill be to your advantage. Also bear in mind that we sell Hand Extinguishers for automobiles, private houses, lumber yards and schools. ANDERSEN COMPANY 1115 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEBR. J. H. Fredinberg and Co. ASHBY, NEBRASKA A Full Line of OKOC K HIES The kind you like to buy. Good service and satisfaction guar anteed. THE FREL1NBURG HOTEL First Class Meals, Clean Comfortable Rooms Modest Rates the Place Where They All Stop WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Brand Now 8ho Ik Musical Burlesque KVERY WEEK Cleaa, Cuuej Entertaiaswrt. Everrboei Sees: Aft Aaioedi, LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY DO NT OO HOME SAYINOki I PIDN'TVISIT THE QAYETY I iaoitf d.E.VAUtlHAN V RAMfjg BLDG. OMAHA The Billion LEGAL ADVERTISING Serial tin. OlStiSK Notice for ranlleatlen I'ppartmrnt of the Interior. IT. 8. Land otllre at Alliance, Nebr., January 16, 1915. Notion la hereby riven that Charles Hnrte. of ("Ionian, Nebraska, who, on lime 17, 1911. made homeatead entry, No. 013B36, for txita 1 and 2. Hec. 6, Tp. 21 N., Kg. 47 W., and lota 5 and S and Wi Sep. 82. Townahip 21 N.. Kanga 47 W. of Sixth Principal Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make three year final proof, to etabllh claim to the Jand above described, before lt"g Inter and Receiver United Plates Land Ofllce. at their office In Alliance, Ne braakn, on the 9th day of March, 1915. Claimant namea aa wltneaaea: Victor K. t'ovalt, of Cleman, Nehr.: Henry Snptemuller, of Cleman, Nebr.! (leorne Klllot. of Alliance, Nebr.; Fred Her baugh, of Alliance, Nebr. W. W. WOOD, Regiater. 7-7t-R44-S24 Ketlre Probate ( Will Henry Alt, IiecrRard, In County Court Hox Butte County, Nchr. The Htate of Nebraska to the hflr and next of kin of the aaid Henry Alt, deceaaecl : Take Notice, That upon filing of written Instrument purporting to he the last wilt and tentament of Henry Alt for probate and allowance, It la or dered that aald matter be art for hear ing the 18th day of March, A. I. 1916, before paid County Court, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at which time any person Interallied may appear and con teat the same; and notice of thla pro ceeding la ordered published three weeks successively In the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper published In thla State. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of tha County Court, at Alliance, thla JOth day of February, A. D. 191B. U A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. 12-3t.554-r.77I Serial No. 01164S. Notice far Fabllcatloa Department of the Interior, U, S. Land office at Alliance, Nebr., Feb. 12, 115. Notice la hereby given that Ethel I-oretta James, devisee of William Kennedy, deceased, of Alliance, Nebr aska, who, on May 20, 1910, made Homestead Kntry, Serial No. 011648, for Iot 4; E NW!4, W4 NR14, EV4 HWH. SK14 Sec. 19: NWVi NK V Sec tion 30, Township 22 N., Range 48 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Iteglster and Receiver United States Lrfind Office, at Alliance, Nebras ka, on the 14th day of April, 1916. Claimant namea aa witnesses: 11. M. Hampton, of Alliance, Nebr.; Frank ltoon, of Angora, Nebr.; C. K. Itodgers, of L.ynn, Nebr.; John Plansky. of Lynn. Nebr. W. W. WOOD. Iteglster. II- 7t-552-804 Serial No. 07090. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska, February 9, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Kath arine Sessler, Guardian of Johann F. Sessler. of Kenoml. Nebraska, who, on March 21, 1908, made Home stead Entry No. 13143, Serial No. 07090. for Ett NW; NE4; NV4 SEtf Sec. 7; NH NE4; N NWVI ! SW4 NV4; Ntt SW4 and NWVi SEVt Sec. 8, Townhsip 26 North, Range 44 West of 6th .Principal Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Receiv er United States Land Office, at Alii ance, Nebraska, on the 20th day of March,-1915. Claimant names as witnesses: De Loss D. Barber, of Grayson, Nebraska: John L. Hooper, of Gray son. Nebraska; Leonard L. Arm strong, of Grayson, Nebraska; Hen ry R. Clifford, of Antioch, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. 10-7t-550-5813 NOTICE TO CUKDlTOItS IN THE MATTE, II OF THE ESTATE OF VERONICA PLANANSKY, DE CEASED. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte County, Nebraska, hereby notify all 'persons having claims and demands against the estate of Veron lea Planansky, that I have set and appointed the 13th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1915, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the county court room In Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent, with a view to their allow ance and payment. All persons in terested as creditors of the estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and in case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever barred. This notice shall be published four consecutive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published in Alliance, Ne braska. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 10th day of Febru ary. A. D. 1915. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge 10-4t-551-5807 Serial No. 011526. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, February 8. 1915. Notice is hereby given that Ora E. Black, of Ellsworth, Nebraska, who, on May 31, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 011526. for the SW'4 Section 6 and the NW4 of ! Section 7. T. 22 N., R. 43 W.. and the E4 SE4 Sec. 1: Eft NEV4 of Sec. 12, Township 22 North. Range 44 West of the 6th Principal Merid ian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before the Register and Re ceiver United States Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 23rd day of March, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Raymond A. Westover, of Lake- Dollar Misery LEUAL ADYKUTISINO side, Nebraska; Frank De France, of Ellsworth. Nebraska; Fred W. Black, of Lakeside, Nebraska; Rob ert Miller, of Ellsworth, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. 10-549-5244-71 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RiTEIh-Tha chara-a far both ram. lar and special editions la lo per word per Insertion, six words to tha line. Advertisers so desiring may have an swers to their advertisement address d to a box number, cars of The Her aid. Advertisements charred to natrnna having accounts are measured by the line, not djt me wora. N.B. The Herald cannot be reason. Ible for more than one wrong laser, tlon due to typographical error. No claim for error can be allowed after the 10th of the following month. Any advertisement inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. HELP WANTED MALB SALESMEN A nationally known art manufacturing company desires the services of salesmen to sell their line of booklets, postcards, pictures and art novelties In Alliance and sur rounding territory. Big commis sions. State age, refeerncea and ex perience in application letter. Ad dress F. W. Lenhoff Adr. Agency, 1431 Republic Bldg., Chicago. 111. 10-U-5090I FOR lALBr-LANDI LAND FOR SALE If taken within thirty days, 160 aerea about three miles northwest of Alliance. . In section 18, township 25, range 48. Price, 126 per acre. Terms, 11.000 cash. Time on the balance. Address John Rock, 114 Knep per Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa. LAND TO TRADB WANTED TO TRADE Irrigated farm in eastern Wyoming. Water right ald for in government canal. Well mproved. Address Box 4789. care Al liance Herald. 61tf-47 Thorobred saddle horse for sals cheap. Phone 140 or call at Tha Her ald office. l4-tf-4410 FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT ROUSES Five room house for sale. See W. B. Young. Phone 76. feb 26-3tf677l FOR RENT Several suits of light housekeeping rooms. Close In. Phone 629. 6774-tf NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: With or without board. Close in. Private residence. Phone 175. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS UANOE FOR SALE New malleable range, cheap for cash, or on terms. See John It. Snyder, phone 15. 10-tf-681S RELINQUISHMENT on homestead for sale. I offer for sale a homestead relinquishment of 191 acrea In good lo cation. Price reasonable for quick sale. Inquire at The Herald office or address Hot 6245, care Alliance Herald. lO-tf-6245 STOVE FOR SALE Hard coal stove, In good condition. Cheap for cash. In quire at The Herald office. J-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK Hulls for Sale Several Aberdeen bulls, from six to twenty-four months of - age, for sale. Raised In Keith county, Nebraska. Ad dress W. H. & J. Dudley, LeMoyne, Ne braska. 10-4t-6091 MISCELLANEOUS PASTL'ltE WANTED for horse. Will pay reasonable price for good treat ment and plenty of feed. 1'hone 840 or chII at Herald ofllce. 10-tf-5810 JAMES M. KENNEDY, DENTIST First National ltnnk Kulldtng, Alli ance, Nebr. 1'hones: Ofllce, 23: Resi dence. Dlack 10. RECORD FOR TRAINMEN Railroad men can secure a very use ful book at The Herald office. It Is a daily time hook for trainmen and en ginemen. The price Is reasonable. 6-tf-6728 Minors Not Allowea Minors are not allowed In the M! sion Pool Hall. Curry & Mappa. Pi. prletors. lf-tf-41 Money to loan on real estate, tf F. E. REDDISH WANTED TO BUY Second - hanc 1U 1 ' uiid 2 I niti pipe. Phonu ?- r.ltf47!n) LOST LOST lied leather, soft front ann back, memorandum book with loow leaves, held in by rubber band. Klntl er please return to Herald office phone 340. 8-1 f FOUND Pair of eyeglasses in case Owner can have same by proving ou i ershlp and paying for this advertise ment. 'all at The Herald office. 12-tf-6776 Care of Post Office Post offices shall not be allowed to become resorts for loungers or disorderly persons, or the scene of disputes or controversies. Smoking may be prohibited in the lobbies. Whenever necessary, postmasters should call on the civil authorities to preserve order, and if they refuse to do so. the office may be closed. Sec. 2S0, Postal Laws and Regula tlons. I. E. TASH, Postmaster. Pearls are said to be selling' for half price on account of the war, but it Is as bard to teach the oyster to diversify its crop as It is to convince the southern cotton planter of the wisdom of this great economic prin ciple. By Gross LIVESTOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Fat CaiHe Lcvsr ' and Feeders Slronj HOGS GENERALLY STRONGER Sharp Advance on Bulk of Lambs. Fully 25 (a 35c Higher Than Last Yean Some Boost to Ytarllngt. Ewes Big Quarter Higher. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, March 2. A very fair run of cattia showed up yesterday, about S.OOt) head. It was a very sluggish market in beef steers yesterday and prices were fully 10015c lower than Friday. The demand seemed to bo very fair. but aa reports from all outside mar kets were decidedly bearish and sup plies were ample the buyers appeared to bo In no hurry to fill their order and sellers found It almost Impossi ble to get early bid raised. Propor tions of cows and heifers was not very largo and as there was vigorous competition from feeder buyers, In ad dition to the usual Inquiry from local packers and outside butchers. th market opened fairly brisk for any thing good enough to attract compe tition and prices bid were steady to strong. The spurt did not last loaf. however, tod later all grades wer hard to move at prices that were weak to a dime lower than Friday. There was a vigorous demand for stockers and feeders and the trad was lively, with prices right around 10215c higher for good green stock. Cattle quotations: Good to cholco beeves, $7.8008.30; fair to good beeves, $7.0067.76; common to fair beeves, $6.0007.00; good to cholc heifers, $6.2507.00; good to cholc cows, $5.80 0 6.60; fair to good cows. $5.0005.76; canners and cutters, $3.59 4.75: veal calves, $7.00010.00; bulls. stags, etc., $4.7506.25; good to cholc feeders. $7.0007.50; fair to good feed ers, $6.5006.90; common to fair feed ers, $5.8006.40; stock heifers, $5,509 6.60; stock cows, $5.0006.25; stock calves, $0.0008.00. About 9.500 hogs arrived yesterday. TtV ws very dull all dsy. prices were generally a little strong er then th rice of last wee'. P'llk sold around $6.5)06.52Vd. and top reached $0.fi0. Sheep and lamb receipts totaled IV COO head. Sharply higher prices wcr paid for anything on sale and th trade was active at the advance. Th Improvement amounted to fully 250 35c on. lambs and yearlings, as com pared with last Frldsy, and l5e on ewes. Freeh tops for the year to date were made all along the line, ther being both fed western and Mexican lambs good enough to sell up to $9.35, Mexican yearlings at $8.65 and fed western ewes at $7.25. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Iambs. Mexlcsn, $9.0009.45; la-nhs, fed westerns, $8.7509.35; lambs, shearing. $7.90ffJ8.30; yearlings. Het. $?.255x8X5; yearlings, heavy. $7 91 8 25: wethers good to choice. $7 23'?? 7fi5; wet' ars, fair to good. $7.nnfP 7.25 : ewes, nood to choice. $7.not 7 25; ewe, fair to good .t 75if?7.00. Cleaning, Dyeing nnd Presi..y for ladies and gentlemen. Cry v nd steam cleaned by the latest ait i btst procetts. Pressing and'g neatly done. Draperies a;i I hotua hold work cared for. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thone 58. ALLIANCE CLEANING WORKS Mrs. Anna ZcL.'U:-!", -. "j. 8-tf-526(j ' i' M:tny Agricultural A?;Mi County agricultural aent woilt. which has been undertaken in eight counties in Nebraska, Is rapidly as suming large proportions 1 -th United States. In the northern ncd western states alone there are about 300 counties employing these agents. or farm demonstrators, in a- tlon with the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, accordftig to a recent Incomplete report. the north central states employing these agents are Illinois with 14; In diana, 28; Iowa, 9; Kansas, 9; Mich igan, 16; Minnesota, 25; Missouri, 14; North Dakota, 21; South Dako ta, 3; and Wisconsin. 11. Massa chusetts employs 17, New York, 27, and Pennsylvania, 14. California, Oregon and Washington have 10 each; Colorado, 9; Utah, 7: Mon tana, 6; New Mexico, 5; and Wyom ing and Idaho, 3 each. Ah! the Invigorating Whiff of tho Pine Forest! How It clears the throat and bead of its mucous ailments. It Is this spirit of Newness and Vigor from the health-giving Pine Forests brot back by Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Antiseptic and healing. Buy a bot tle today. All Druggists, 25c. , Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic. No. 1 Adv 5265