n . - . A aaBSSBBBBsm SBBM SBSBBSBBBSt MMA eaSSSS iB eSBjassaBSsassm MMk. ssBBBaW .aW .aVHW "SaW ral W WINTER SALE ot WINTER GOOJUS Starting Saturday Morning, February 27th Closing Saturday Evening,March 6th This is to be one of our genuine low price sales the kind where the price drops like the mercury on a cold day the kind of a sale that makes the dollar swell above its regular size and go farther i EVERYTHING IN OUR STOCK GOES AT A LOW TIUCE. THERE 18 NOTHING RESERVED AND YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET YOUR CliOTIUNG AT THIS REDUCTION, KNOWING THAT THE GOODS YOU ARE GETTING ARE UP-TO-DATE, STYLISH, AND THAT THEY ARE ALL GENUINE BARGAINS. THIS IS NO SPECIAL SALE OF A FEW ITEMS RUT A BONA FIDE SALE, A SWEEPING REDUCTION THROUGHOUT THE EN TIRE STOCK. IT MEANS DOLLARS TO YOU. GRAB THIS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY .DAY OF THIS SALE. THINK OF BUYING THE BEST WINTER MERCHANDISE RIGHT AT THE TIME WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST. '( f winter SALE OF V WINTER GOODS SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES WE HAVE LEFT IN OUR STOCK A FEW SHEEP-LINED COATS, BOTH SHORT AND FULL LENGTH. SOME MACKINAWS, OVERSHOES, WINTER MITTENS AND GLOVES, AND OTHER THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN TION THAT WILL BE SOLD AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRIC ES. COME IN AND LET US PROVE OUR STATEMENTS BY SHOWING YOU THE GOODS AND THE PRICES. BARGAINS IN DRESS SHIRTS, TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES, MEN'S UNDERWEAR AND TROUSERS AND CLOTH ING AT PRICES THAT TALK LOUD. EVERY CENT COUNTS HERE. IT MEANS MUCH MONEY TO YOU. The time is short. Take advantage of every day. Sale closes Saturday, March 6th E, I A TT (H MODERN CLOTHES FOR 5 I msmB First Showing of New Spring Mil linery on Ilnplu at REGAN'S. E. W. Ray left Tuesday night for Schuyler, where he waa summoned by a telegram stating that a cousin. , day visiting his friends Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDowell. Geo. A. Hollowell, representative of the International Correspondence Schools, waa In the city last week and Nebraska, was in the city Wed nesday. This company is represent ed here by F. E. Reddish. Ftrnt Showing of New Spring Mil linery on Display at REGAN'S. Mrs. Gossner was a passenger to j Alliance from Hemingford Tuesday j noon. . i E. K. Miller, who lives near Be rea. returned from the eastern part of the state Wednesday with a car load of thoroughbred registered i I Shorthorn cattle and Percheron mares. He will place the stock on his farm. C. O. Morrison of Bayard was tak en to Omaha Wednesday by bis wife. Mr. Morrison has been suffering for some time and goes to Omaha for an operation. He has a general store at Bayard. Joe Ray, bad been accidentally kill- calling on prospective students of j The ladles of the Baptist church the schools, lie has a numoer or , will meet next Wednesday afternoon d John Wiker of the Haddorff Music Company returned Tuesday noon from a business trip to Crawford, Marsland and Belmont. Mrs. Parker, of Sheridan, sister of Mrs. McKenna, is spending a week with the latter. Isaac Roc key ot Hemingford was n Alliance visitor Wednesday. 'Hen ry Clayton of Canton was also in town. F. C. Doherty, representing the Whltlng-Charlton Shirt Company of Minneapolis, was In the city the first of the week on business. W. E. Spencer, manager of the Al liance Creamery, went to the North Platte aVUey for a business trip on Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Fulmore, who has been confined to her home on account of a dislocation of her shoulder, is able to be out again. The Ladies of the Christian church will entertain those who helped them so kindly in their old time song serv Ice. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smiley are the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born Tuesday night. Attorney Bruce Wilcox returned Tuesday from Gordon, where be was called on business. Mrs. Ralph Cox departed Sunday for a visit with friends at Broken Bow. Mrs. Cox will also visit rela tives at Deadwood before returning to Alliance. S. J. Smoker and son Henry, of Ellsworth, were In the city Thurs day and Friday of last week on land office business. E. L. Russell, of Douglas, Wyom ing. who hss several aeroplane pat enta that ar n nurked improvement n tl" : r ',- nt rrwfnt in u'e and who "in ri'e rone reputation J as an aviator, was in tue city Tues f nHfinti hAM whfi a r A malitnir phaH t progress. First Showing of New Spring Mil linery on Display at REGAN'S. Misses Hazel Bowman and Fay Cross were over from Mitchell Sat urday, returning Sunday noon. Miss Bowman is an Alliance girl who is teaching school at Mitchell. A fine special program was ren dered at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Rev. Morpby, the pastor. made a talk that was much appreci ated. The attendance was a record breaker. Mrs. Alice A. Anderson left Mon day night for Roanoke, La., where she will visit with relatives until about the first of May. Skinner's Macaroni Products made In Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Adv. Mrs. George A. Mollring spent two days In Denver last week, visiting with friends there. Rev. Gafert of the Evangelical Lu theran Congregational church offici ated Sunday afternoon at the wed ding of Conrad Marker, of Chicago, and Miss Christina Rorhbach. of Al liance. The witnesses were Jacob Rohrbach and Lydia Rohrbach. bro ther and sister of the bride. There were a large number of guests at the wedding celebration. Continued Dollar Day Bargains The George A. Mollring store, as advertised in The Herald, has con tinued its Dollar Day bargains until next Saturday, the 27th. In order to accommodate those who were unable to be at the sale on account of the storm. A list of the many bargains offered by the store is printed else where in The Herald. The ladles of the G. I. A. are meet ing at a kensington this afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. R. Witbam. H. VUi of Omaha, special j ...). iravellnrr Colciaio, Wyoming at the home of Mrs. Thomas Field ing, 603 Box Butte avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Reynolds left Sunday for a week's visit with rela tives and friends in Omaha. FirM Showing of New Spring Mil linery on Display at REGAN'S. Miss Cornell will sing and Canaille Nohe will render a violin obllgato at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Mrs. J. M. Cole of Ellendale, N. D., sister of Mrs. O. S. Baker, who has been visiting relatives in Hay Springs, came over to visit her sis ter Friday and returned to her home Tuesday of this week Mrs. R. T. Watson, of the Watson & Watson grocery, is spending the week at the Munger home. Mrs. Munger is her daughter. Doctor Howell of Hyannis is in Al liance on business, arriving this morning. Mrs. Ely of Angora was operated on at the St. Joseph hospital Wed nesday morning and is getting along nicely. t.dward Benolt of Alliance was operated on Tuesday morning at the hospital. Mrs. Hayward of Hyannis was op erated on at the St. Joseph hospital Thursday morning. Mrs. F. T. Helpbrlnger entertain ed a number of her friends Tuesday afternoon at five hundred. The guests present had a delightful time and were served a delicious five- course luncheon. Mrs. H. J. Young was seriously in jured Monday evening, when she fell through a trap door Into the cellar at their home at 804 Box Butte ave nue. Rev. E. T. Methison, mlssioner, spoke at the High school this morn nr. He is conducting the special services thU wrik 6. the Epiiccpi. church. Seeds for Spring Planting WHEN YOU BUY YOUR SEEDS OF ANY KIND BE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE THEY COME FROM. WE HANDLE ONLY WESTERN GROWN SEEDS. THIS YEAR WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW VA RIETIES OF FORAGE CROPS THAT ARE ES PECIALLY WELL ADAPTED TO WESTERN NE BRASKA AND EASTERN WYOMING. THEY ARE SUDAN GRASS, FETERITA, SWEET CLOVER, TEPARY BEANS, ETC. THEN IN THE GARDEN SEEDS WE HAVE JOHN BAER TOMATO, LEMON CUCUMBER, ETC., ETC. WE WANT YOU TO HAVE OUR NEW 128 PAGE CATALOGUE. IT 1 TELLS YOU JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SEEDS. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HANDLE OUR SEEDS WRITE TO US DIRECT. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE TODAY. MM Griswold Seed Company 1 57 Sou h Tenth Street LINCOLN, NEBRASKA INTERESTING MEETING Alliance Volunteer Fire Department Held Crowded Meeting at Club . Rooms Wednesday Evening Nearly the entire membership of seventy-five of the Alliance Fire De partment attended the regular meet ing held at the club rooms in the city half Wednesday evening. The new ritual, which is adopted under the new constitution and by-laws of the department, was used for the first time and is well liked by the boys. It is the result of much care ful thought and work by the com mittee and will serve to create more interest in the work of the depart ment. In caring for the work required by the ritual it was necessary to elect additional officers bo that the list of officers now stands: Lloyd Thomas, president: P. E. Romig, vice president; Chas. Hill, chief; L. E. Pilktngton, conductor and assist ant chief; F. D. MeCormlck, chap lain; Burton Rowland. outside guard; Ray Trabert, Inside guard; P. Rolf son, secretary; Geo. Keiser, John Liggett and Chas. Hill, trus tee. Cue'j i2.tr Iik-: hi; ?Rrt xu the work of the lodge and takes part in the ceremonies. A number of new members were initiated Wednesday evening. As soon as the snow gets off the ground work will be started on the swim ming pool (natatorium) and it will be rushed to completion. GOOD SUGGESTION TO ALLIANCE PEOPLE It is surprising the amount of old, foul matter the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, drains from the Eystem. This remedy became fam ous by curing appendicitis and acta on BOTH the upper and lower bowel so thoroughly that ONE DOSE re lieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation almost IMMEDIATELY. We are mighty glad we are Alliance agents for Adler-i-ka. H. THIELE. Druggist. SPECIAL MISSION SERVICES Episcopal church by Rev. E. T. Meth ison of Chicago, mlssioner. Services were held Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. There will be services this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, and tonight at 7:30 o'clock, and on Fri day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. A. T. Eller, rector, extends a cordial invitation to all to attend the services. Regular Service Sunday Regular services will be held Sun day at the Methodist church, both morning and evening. Everybody la Invited. REV. O. S. BAKER, Pastor. Is Re. K. T. Methison, MiHtdoner, Holding Services at Episcopal Church Until Friday Special Mission services are being held on Wednesday, Thursday and Fricay of thfs week at S;. Matthews' Sick Headache. Sick headache is nearly slwsys caused by disorder of the stomach. Comet them and the periodic attacks of sick headache will diasppear. Mm. John Bihop of Roseville. Ohio, writ About a year ago I was troiH bled with indigestion and had sick headache that Wed for two or three days at a time. 1 doctored and tried a number of remedie. but nothing helped ni. until during on. of thou, sick spell a friend advised me to take Cb.mberlain'e TabWu. This medicine re lieved me in s short time." For sale by il d alrr. Adverlitttu.nt. ' j. .....