The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 25, 1915, Image 6

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J xtotP's Column jJ
I ... .;' -I I." i m iiiSlifllnuM'i ..... 1
"solved once
for nil bv C'uluiiii't.
For ilnflv me In millions f kitrhens has
proved that Clutiict in highest, nut only in
anal it 1 but in leavening poturr ns well un
failing i result s pure to the extreme mid
wonderfully eeonomicul in n:,e. Ask your
gooer. And try Calumet tiext bake day
Received Highest Awards
FaW tape
Ckkafa. II
'aria t ip
tiaa. Franco,
I Yon Jm'I nwn'T v. am f bar Vao of bit-rao I
I tokint rowrior. ! o'l I i.d. Baj t'aluiwai. Il l 1
I aaaro otanamicil --nro wkniuM--cra but raaulta. I
der in the first depree. for Laving
killed, in cold blood. Mobpb Stack
house, and it is the sentence of this
ourt that on the tenth day of Aug
ust the sheriff of Polk county take
you to a place near the county Jail
and there hang you by the neck un
til you are dead, dead, dead! And
may God have mercy on your soul.
Have you anytbln to say for your-
The nearo shifted from one foot
to the other and twisted and untwist
ed the old felt hat he held In hie
hands. All eyes In the courtroom
were upon him. Finally, rolling his
eyes up at the Juupe, lie sain:
Look y'here, Jedpe, you-all don't
mean this comln' AuKUst, does you?"
The Da mm family of world fame
bids f;iir to. lose lis renown by dis
covery of the Hell family In the town
of I'arrell, Ky.. bulll by the I'nlted
Suites Steel Corporation. Members
of the Hell family are not averse to
nsdiiK their name in a business way.
The head of the family, Conrad
Hell, an ice cream manufacturer, has
HiRiis reading ; to iiii ror ice
cream" wintered throughout the
Another sign reads "Ice cream
from IIHI Is guaranteed pure and
Keep On
When the day looks
klnd'er gloomy
And your chances
klnd'er slim,
When the situation's
And your prospect's
awful grim,
And perplexities keep
Till all hope is
nearly gone;
Just grit your teeth and
work and save,
And keep on keepin' on.
The young lady had her head or
(he rail, with a far-away look on liet
face, as If she would give up any
thing Just to get home. A younc
man was sitting by her side and his
"head fell In her In p.
'Madam," asked a steward, "shall
I help your husband up?"
"He Isn't my husband," she saM
wearily. "I don't know who he isl
and I don't care."
A darky who was fishing had a
little boy about two years edd at hiK
side, and hh he threw the line into
the water the little chap fell in also.
The old darky plunged in and
brought out the youngster, squeezed
him out, and stood him up to dry. A
clergyman who. Ciiine along happen
ed to see him, and said:
"My man, you have done nobly
you are a hero. You saved that
boy's life."
"Well," said the darky. "I didn't
do that to sabe his life; he had do
bait in his pocket."
One hears tunny conversations on
shipboard. One man said:
"Say, Hill, who is that homely wo
man on the other side of the deck?"
"That's my wife," he replied.
"Why, you're not looking."
"I don't have to."
An Knglihhma n wag walking aloii'
one oi the principal t horou ithla re;:
of Washington and saw a curly b.tir-
d old negro putting in coal in one if'
the cellars of one of the governuivir
buildings. The negro worked away
"What Is your name?" asked th"
Interested foreigner at length.
The negro bowed in a pleasant
'My name's George Washington,
sail, at your service."
'Washington, Washington," mtit
tered the foreigner musingly. "I
seems to me I have heard that name
'Shouldn't wonder, sab," rejoined
the nearo iti a delighted tone, "l'v
een here doing this sort of thiiii-
for the last ten years.".
The best hiiin;uet of the year will
tx the animal Commercial Club ban
quet to be held on Monday, .Man It
lt. tict your ticket early.,
Under the spreading chestnut tre
a stubborn auto stands, and Smith,
an angry man is lie, with trouble on
hu handei. He cusses softly to him
self and crawis beneath the car, am
wonders why it didn't bu before h
got so fur. The caiburetor seems to
be the cause of all hia woe; hf
tightens half a dozen bolts but htili
it doesn't go. And then he tries th
steering gears but linds no troubl
there, till wet with prespiratlon. then
he quits In sheer despair. He squat
beside the road to give his brain ;
chance to cool, and ponders on hi
training in the correspondence
sthool. md then he starts the job
oiue more, until by chance it's seen
the cause of all the trouble is lie's
out of gasoline.
A Judge in .North Carolina was
sentencing a big, loose-jointed negro
who had been convicted of murder
ing another negro. "George Kar
ley." His Honor said. ' "You have
been found by a jury of twelve men
tried and true, to be guilty of mur
m : to rn.L
do 1 po rno.-
Trni'iol nicti are wanted everywhere; in fact, they ate alway
warned, lor the demand is Lrreatcr than the Kimtilv. tins demand is
not tor the man who is aide to earn only two or three dollars a day at
hard manual labor and who can work only tinder the direction of
some one else, 1ml for the man who Is aide to plan and direct the work
of oth'-rs the man whoso trainin'j; has qualified him to eoiniielnitlv
hold positions of ivsjuviisibility. i '
preai in.Minuioii mat nrs none so mucn in me past and is noiiitf so
much every minute for Nvorkin: men and women, offers von an tasv
way to become n trained man to secure a tfond position in the trade
or protession that best suits your taste and ambition.
The I. C S. plan enables you to help yourself rijrht where you an
without losing- in hour of work or a dollar of pav; without chntiKins?
osiiions until j on are ready to step into the one you desire; without
oiuiganiig- you to pay more than your present salary will attord, no
matter how small it is. Thousands of men have secured life-Inn"
betterment throueh this tree at plan, livery month an averatre of :((
oiinnaruy uui us or such advancement, xou can do the same as
these men have done.
.. -ii ... . .
ii ou reaiiy want n good position, a larger salary, and a success
fill life, find out how you can secure it in the surest and most prac
tioal way in tin world by marking- and mailing- this coupon. This
puts you under no obligation. It is simtilv a request for further in
formation. Clip, mark, and mail it NOW. NATIONAL COItKr.M'ONM'.NtTC SCHOOLS
llok hmh, Sersnton. Pa.
Please txplain. without further obligation on my part,
can qualify frr the portion, trade, or profession before which
marked X.
how I
I have
wsi mmm
became the entire eyttem
becomei permeated with
injurious acids.
To relieve rheumatism Scott's
Emulsion is a double help; ?t is
rich in blood-food; it imparts
strength to the functions and sup- v
plies the very olMood that rheu- t
rnatic conditions always need. I
Scott's Emulsion has (
helped countless thousands '
when other remedies failed. V
No Alcohol ReraM Sulttitntrt. !'
Unmmktti i-r.i.iw :v.
from you In the near future anu see
you whenever you :ray find it con
venient to call at this ollice.
Very truly yours,
Attorney Ceneral.
Married ai Anselino
Charles It. Pool, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Pool of Alliance, was
married February 10 to Miss Helen
Uraves at Anselino. He formerly
lived Here. The Thomas County
Herald, p. Id I flied at Thedford, ha
the following to say about the wed-
d i n n :
Mr. Charles p. tVl. clerk in the
Forest Service othee i,t llalsey, wan
t.iarriel at Ansel mo on February in
to Miss Helen (iraves of Broken ltow.
After a short trip to the eastern part
of the sta'e the newly married coll
ide returned to llalsey, where they
will live in a house re.cently bulit by
the groom. Mr. Pool is a native of
Custer county but had been living at
Alliance until two years ago when he
accepted a position in the govern
ment service. The many friends of
the couple extend heaidfti ov.r r.,.
ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pool.
II. ok to Alii.i::ce Again !
ugust Hamburg, who has bee;::
rncar"i in ousinen-.? on oie river 10, i
oiue ii;ne, returned the last of the
week for a s'ay of n few days in Al
liance. He eypecis io return to his !
work toon.
An erican people have a very high
ipprcchition of the humor of. Eng
lishmen, and have been sperialp
tickled by a story Colonel Cody u:;e !
to tell. He said that some years ago
an Englishman who had ntver b'e .
In the West before was his guest.
They wore riding through a Kocky
Mountain canyon one day, when sud-
lenly a tremendous ,ru-d of win
am- Kvvooping down upon them an
etually carried the EnulUbtnai
lear off the waunti seat. After !!
bad heen nie'ied nn he roniVie.l th-
and and gravel out of hi;- whisker-
ind said:
"I say, I think you overdo ventil
ation in this country!"
A laborer who stuttered badly
rrcMorl for scene miwdemeai or an !
was taken betore the magistrate.
"What is your name, prisoner?"
isked the Judge severely.
The prisoner screwed up hu
mouth and be
"S-s-s-s-s-s-st -sr."
The magistrate broke In:
"I am asking you what your name
Again the prisoner started 1ft:
Whereupon the magistrnte loM .'
patience and turned to the poll, r
man who had brought the prlsoncv
"What Is this prisoner charged
with, oflicer?"
The cop saluted and said:
"Ilegorra, Ol don't know, but oi
hotild think it was sody water."
Automobile Running
Poultry 1 ruling i
Adv- rt;siii Man
Show -Card Writing
Window Trim:: ing !
Comtrercial Illustrating i
Chemist I
Languages: Spanish, French.1, Italian
Civil Service
Textile Manufacturing
Architect ural Draftsman
Fletrical Engineer
Merhanical Draftjiinan
Me hanical Engineer
Telephone Expert
Stationary Engineer
Civil Engineer
Conerete Construction
Plumbing. Steam Fitting
Mine Superintendent
Street and No.
('oiintv At(trney Lee Itae Has l;
I'eivetl Letter from Attorney
(ieucrul Olteriog to Help
County Attorney Lee I'.asye bar
received a copy of the letter sent by
Attorney l.onerul una 11. lieed tc
all county attorneys throughout th
state, ouenng to assist tiiem in
cases wiucn go into t tie supreme
court of the state.
The letter reads as follows:
"Dear Sir:
wane it is natural mat tlie gen
eral public look to the county at'o
uey or eacti county to commence, and
prosecute vigorously tnose wno vio
late the law, and have overlooked
the fact that. cases which are revers
ed in the supreme court as a rule are
not allirmed because of improper
rulings, mistakes and errors of the
trial judge, ami tliat he can at his
pleasure call grand juries to assist
von' in ferreting out those who trans
gross me law, tnat no violator tiure
of may go unpunished, and tuereby
give the people a belter opportunity
of knowing their wider range of
power and exercising a greater re
sponsibility as citizens.
"If there be the slightest desire ot
any of the citizens of vour coimtv
tor investigations ana prosecutious
not yet commenced by you, will you
please ment ion the fact to the dist
net judge of your district, that the
responsibility may rest where
Justly belongs?
"Notwithstanding the statutes of
the state authorize the attorney gen
eral to call upon the county attorney
ior assisiance in an cases arising or
commenced in the county in which
he U elected. 1 believe that the
county attorney should follow sucb
cases into the supreme court and
trke an active part in the prepara
tion of the brief and argument. Such
is my desire and request of you
llence this letter, which I trust will
be most agreeable to you In the per
formanre of your omclal duties.
Try Tbb
fur Your Cotixb
of people keep con:;!.
ing because unatMo to gn :ne icmi
remedy. Coushs are caused by i;
Humiliation of Throat and firotictiir,!
fubes. What you need is o south'
his I nilammat ion Take Dr. King'.
New Discovery, it penetrates the l-t
icate mucous lining, r:tise:s ihe Fill
eni and (lUKKly relieves trie conges
ed membranes. (Jei a Tifto bottP
from your drugcist. "Dr. King .
New Discovery (Uickly and eomplett
ly stopped m ycouch," write; .1. T:
Watts, Kloydale, Texas. Money back
f not satisfied, but it nearly alw.i!-
Lusty P'tigiue for the lliirlingtoii
To build 'an engine with pulling
capacity and yet without a too heal
thy appetite for coal is the problem
of the locomotive designer of today.
The Burlinsitoii system is just now-
boasting some freight-pullers that
seem to have come near solving this
problem. They are tremendous en
gines in the first place, each weigh
ing with its tender and re;'itv r.
service nearly JOu tons r7b,.rjS0
pound, to be exact. The length ov
er all for each of these engines is S;?
feet 9 V?. inches, which brings it
within the limitations of most of the
big 110-foot turn-tables alone the sys
While these engines are not of the
extreme size of some oi 'lie giant i
pushers along the Erie and the San-j
:i Fe. they have begun to make serv
ice records out along the Burling
ton. One of them has already.
drawn a train of 85 cars over a div-
ision 136 miles long and possessing j
maximum and steady grades of I
I hrf- e-t en t hs of ore per cent. This!
"performance was accomplished w hile j
the locon. otive consumed . C, 4 i
pounds of coal to the 100-ton mile at
elghty-tive cents a ton, equal to near-j
ly thirty cents' worth of coal for 10.- t
eon ton-mile?. Put the other way i
nound and reduced to actual figures.
this lusty little boy on the Burling
ton hauled 10.000 gross tons of
freight one mile for 29.70 cents. No
wonder that the "stove committees."
out in the roundhouses along the
Burlington's busy line, those shrewd
idd fellows who on every road know
more about its running than all of
the executive heads put together,
forget to brag about the engines of
yesterday and begin to grant an un-
grudi?in praise to this new-comer
among the motive-power units of the
"Q".- Travel for December.
Dollar Day
Bargain Sale
Continued to
Saturday, Feb. 27
10 yards Toil Du Nord Ginghams, actual value 15c per (f Art
yard for $I.UU
10 yards Highland Zephyre Ginghams, actual value 15c
' Ulll
10 yards Extra Scotch Ginghams, actual value 15c fT ff
per yard, for yloUlr.
12 yards Utopia Gingham, actual value 12', 3 cents T AA
per yard, for )lo0 J
The above bargains are nil the best dress ginghams iuanura( tured,
ami n 1.1c quality.
Your choice of wool sweaters, valued at from $1.75 to T- A A
$3.00, for l.UJ
Your choice of Ladies' White Waists, valued at $1.75,
t r.o o ,,.l ft 1111 f..-
,. ,-".vv, UAH
3 yards "6-inch English Ratine Suiting, in blue, pink,
tan and stripes, valued at from JOc to 60c per yard,
7 yards of Fancy Linen Suiting, vauled at 20c to 25c ft! A A
per yard, for tploUlf
3 yards of Nub Eponge Suiting, valued at 50c to 60c (T f(
per yard, for jltU
5 yards of Raline. Suiting in pink, blue and stripes, (T- A A
valued at 3 0c to 35c per yard, for dlUi
6 yards English Itep Suiting in four colors, valued
6 yards Madras Waist i tigs, choice of figures, valued
cil ift lu ouc ei ;ui u, iui wAO
6 yards Colonial Window- Drapery, valued at 25c to 35c A A
per yard, for tDloUU
Ladies' Mercerized Petticoats, all colors, valued at A A
$1.50 each, for ". tpl.Uu
3 Bleached Turkish Lath Towels, white and colored i A A
borders, size 22x4 4, valued at 40c each, for ylovl
5 Bleached Turkish Hand Towtls, size 20x38, valued
n r v.
ill .11c i-uiu, iui UXo
10 Blenc hed Huck Hand Towels, size 18x36, valued
1 r v.
a I. x,ic t'iu li, IUI
2 dozen Barber towels, red border, valued at 70c fi1 A A
per dozen (jloUlr
6 Pillow Cases, size 42x36, valued at 25c AA
each, for ; OloViJ
1 Fine North Shore Sheet, size 81x90, valued at AA
$1.35 each, for yl,Uu
Men's Hats, all sizes, black, drab, and tan, valued at A A
$2, $2.50 and $3, for tpl.v'U
"The Store of Quality
nrr California ekf
ro 4 ccnt j pvi miner s
ivj.d&' Cbmpaw .CAUTOBH1A I
. Our Svoi- Srvic cost you nothing
..--: . .
Tll iistS dupartmant in yovr bust-
that ! Huong you trouble
ThU will Ob!ivit You in No 'J7y
E2SI3 X"PgI3
Forms, Devices and Indexes
'jf-m ' Thl lin onjoyo n InUrnatlonal reputation far
H;g Ousliiy Aboalulo DapandabllJty
Over 500 Stock Forme in the smIPobd Lin. and many Complete Outfit
Clierk t!ir Drpurtmcnl yow
llniik cab bf I'm
tli tu vour letter htJ and
kiftj same xv ut
W nil. submii a cump'.ett
y'ui, tttr hurdLn ot ttjut
....rurclio Centers
....keicmri Uoods
. :ilt-i Driers
Shii-un(j Orders
.... -rtiltir Lrclcr
Cash and Journal
....thick and Uank
....Mcnlhty State.
....lililii & Charging
.... Ledger Accounts
....l y Hull
City tcti cries
fad la
0Dt 0IIICI umi C.
tm tin, u. s a.
Write or
Cxi II on..
Herald Publishing; Co.
A I'll e. N'.'br kn
"I assure you that I will be pleas
CSO. ::?--'-7r,'T,. Vr l r.r-r's-.-.ta've
'o ro-operito with you at ail
uri!f i
'h ' be- l iniei-Mt i i tin
le:.;J :o